Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The child caught a cold, and the mother's circle of friends wrote a copy.

The child caught a cold, and the mother's circle of friends wrote a copy.

The child caught a cold in his mother's circle of friends. I finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the baby has not fully recovered, and the mother is also very sad.

Only when the baby is ill does he feel like a peaceful old lady.

The baby recovered from his illness, and finally recovered his former vitality. There are too many sick children recently. We must pay attention to it in the future. When a child is ill, so will his family. The key is that the child is too painful to feed the medicine, and he has to give injections and fluids and cry.

The poor baby suffered from conjunctivitis and cold, and was heartbroken. Now she began to feel that her transformation in the role of mother was not successful, and her illness made me wake up.

The baby finally got over the cold. When the child was ill, the parents' hearts kept pulling. Were our parents like this when we were children? Poverty inherits the wind!

6. Being a mother needs too much psychology! When the child is ill, I really hope I can bear the pain for him. Maternal love is really great. The role of mother taught me to do my best to love a person, to love a person, without asking for anything in return, just hoping that he is healthy, happy and safe!

7. A person's loneliness and a person's hiding; A person's troubles, a person's troubles; One person is sick, one person carries it; A person's heartbreak, a person's fall for it.

8. I heard that you were ill the first time, so I hurried home to see you cough badly. I am very distressed. I hope you are healthy and get well soon. My baby loves you.

9. The baby has a fever and a cold, the child suffers, and the adult is guilty! Tired, I didn't sleep all night, and my hands didn't leave during the day.

10. Today, my baby got sick and had a fever for the first time, which made me feel distressed and blamed myself.

What is the most painful thing about being a mother? It's not pregnancy, it's not giving birth to a child, it's when the child is sick, no matter how intimidating and tempting you are, you refuse to take medicine anyway. Really weak.

12. I did moxibustion for three days and insisted on taking cold medicine. I'm finally better than half, and I can continue to send it to kindergarten tomorrow. There are no old people at home, and sometimes they are really short of hands. The child is ill, so I can only take time off to take care of it at home. Fortunately, my daughter's physique recovered quickly!

13. The baby is very distressed when he is sick. After vomiting in the middle of the night, he changed clothes and washed them. He is distressed but not tired.

14. Every time a child gets sick, he feels like breaking through the fence. She is helpless and anxious. She is relieved when she is well. A new round of challenges is waiting for me as a mother. Even if I have a little problem, I will get through it before. Take the medicine now and get better. I can't feel a little uncomfortable. I'm afraid I can't take care of my children. It's really hard to think about it!

15. Unbelievable, sleepless care, I really want to be sick and heartbroken for him.

16. The child was sick and had a fever for the first time since he was born. He went home to wipe himself and let him sleep until dawn. It is not easy to be a mother, nor is it easy to raise a child.

17. The baby has a fever. I'm sorry to see such a small head with a needle stuck in it. Just now, I buckled myself because of the negligence of my grandmother, which made me feel distressed, uncomfortable and self-blaming.

18. My son was ill for a few days and finally recovered. No longer say: "Mom hugs me, I feel terrible, please help me." With a long-lost smile, he played alone. Every time a child gets sick, it is not only his struggle with germs, but also a test for his parents. Just like the growth of a child, we can't replace it, we can only accompany it.

19. I have children at home, and I am most afraid that my children will get sick! Parents want their children to recover soon and suffer less. Actually, there are many ways for children to see a doctor. These methods can improve the treatment efficiency of doctors and make children suffer less.

20. Is it true that novice mothers will collapse when their babies are sick? This is my baby's first illness. It really hurts to watch her cough badly. My mother is sorry for making you sick.

The child caught a cold, and the mother's circle of friends was in a mood.

2 1. Children are sick, adults are the most annoying! Parents want their children to recover soon and suffer less.

22. High fever in the middle of the night, shivering and gnashing your teeth! Distressed. I had a bad temper during the day, and now my baby is ill. If parents have a harmonious relationship, the baby will not get sick.

23. The first time I experienced my baby's illness, cold and cough, I still insisted on not taking medicine as a teaching material. But seeing the baby, the tearful eyes torment the baby and mother at the same time.

24. The baby has been ill these two days, crying so badly that he can't sleep. Thanks to my mother, she helped me sleep.

25. As soon as my child is ill, I want to practice the Monkey King's separation. One takes care of Dabao, one takes care of Bauer, and the other takes her to work.

26. Xiong Haizi has a fever in the middle of the night and has been hovering between 38.2 and 38.3. Can't take medicine, dare not sleep well.

27. The baby has been sick for more than 10 days. I am really distressed, anxious and have no opinion.

28. A rare weekend, because the baby is sick, still busy. There are many depressing things recently. Think about those trivial things.

29. My baby is sick, the worst time in history. He has had a fever for a week. He is afraid of taking medicine and has suppurative tonsillitis. I hope you get well soon!

30. The child's illness really affected his mood. It can also be said that it is the mood of the whole family.

3 1. The child was ill and had a bad temper after taking care of him for a week. I want to control and decompress, and finally I am fine and happy!

32. The hardest! The baby has a fever, repeatedly! It's pathetic. Get well soon! Mom loves you!

33. When a child is ill, he is doomed to be unable to sleep.

34. On the fourth day of the child's fever, he clocked in at midnight and had a fever. All kinds of troubles made me hardly sleep for nearly three days. It turns out that people don't have to sleep

35. My baby has a fever of more than 38 degrees tonight, which is as hot as a small fireball. It seems that taking medicine and physical cooling are not very effective.

36. When the child is sick and the parents are in the most difficult time, they know that their son needs intravenous drip all day. Father continued to chase and rushed to the hospital to find our poor baby at the first time. It's really painful for mom and dad to come home.

37. The child's illness really tests the mother's physical strength, energy, brain power and psychological endurance. [Please] I have a fever in the middle of the night and don't want to sleep at all.

38. I haven't felt so bad in years. It's probably useless for a child to be ill.

39. The child has a fever for the fourth day. Eating indiscriminately made the fever worse and worse until 38. About 3, the only feeling is sleepy, so tired, and the home is a mess. I hope everything is all right!

How to catch a cold in a circle of friends when you have a cold?

1. I caught a cold, and I feel terrible. Dear friends, please keep warm.

A cold is really hard to bear. Everyone is a friend in autumn.

It's getting cold, please add clothes to your friends, and be careful of catching a cold.

It's hard to be sick, take care of yourself!

I hate colds. It's really a burden to feel uncomfortable and dizzy when you catch a cold.

6. I will give my cold to someone who throws cold water on me.

7. Falling in love with someone is like catching a cold, but there is no cure!

8. Catch a cold at least once a year in winter, which proves that winter is coming.

9. When you catch a cold, the world is in chaos.

10. What you need when you have a cold is not medicine, but a simple greeting from you. You got it?

1 1. Illness has come like a mountain, and I have a headache.

12. Loneliness is a bad cold with no one to pass porridge.

13. Winter is coming, which is not suitable for dating. Hot and cold love is easy to catch a cold.

14. As long as I am with you, it doesn't matter if I catch a cold.

15. I have a little cold. Now who dares to mess with me and throw your nose in your face!

You are a heavy rain. Even if you have a cold, you won't leave.

17. The only advantage of a cold is that no one knows when you cry.

18. When I have a cold and feel sick, I just hope someone can care about me and spend more time with me.

19. A cold is a persistent and tangled feeling.

20. I have a cold and my nose is uncomfortable.

2 1. Who will comfort me when I have a cold and fever?

22. I sneezed and thought you missed me, so I knew I had a cold.

23. Sneeze with a runny nose for comfort.

24. If you catch a cold, you have to change the medicine jar again.

25. I really caught a cold this time. It's hard to say.

26. I feel a little uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and I don't know when it will be better!

27. Drink Coke when you have a cold! This is my spiritual food!

28. Repeated colds still prevent people from going to work and studying hard.

29. The pain of breathing means not only missing, but also catching a cold.

How to write a circle of friends with a cold?

No matter where I go, I will cherish every scenery around me.

I lost everything, so I can't lose face any more.

3, a little uncomfortable, uncomfortable, I don't know when it will be good!

The climate is not normal these days. I have a little cold, and I feel very sick. Who can understand?

5. I have a cold and headache, and my mood is also irritable. I'm asking for trouble. I stuffed a dozen jiaozi into my mouth at once, but I didn't taste it clearly, but it was hot. My mother put up with my bad temper and cooked meat pie soup. My mother gave me light and heat, and gave others everything that could not be given to me. Thank you very much.

The child always kicks the quilt when he sleeps. Fortunately, I broke his leg, otherwise he would catch a cold.

7. Remarks: I have caught a cold once in the past three months, and my health has deteriorated. Go to exercise!

8. The biggest pain in life is that I didn't see the rainbow after the storm, and I caught a cold as a result. .

9, the cold has been repeated, but also people do not go to work, do not study hard.

10, don't be gentle with me, I'm afraid of catching a cold.

1 1, I'm really bored, just because I caught a cold again! ! Why do people catch cold so easily? That's enough. The mood was directly destroyed. I didn't know how annoying it was until my nose was completely blocked. Vent, hold your heart.

12. Did you deliberately fail to recognize my nasal and coughing sounds, or did you not care at all?

13, mother egg, caught a cold again. I have no money to see a doctor, so I have to go and see it myself. I'm going to have an exam tonight, so I'm sad.

14, you will catch a cold without an umbrella; If you are not strong, you will get hurt.

15, smile and worry; Second, laugh and hate; San Xiao is a pity; Laugh four times and get sick; Five smiles are not old; Six laughs and fun. Laugh often, and you will live longer than Nanshan. I wish you a speedy recovery. Sitting here at work, dizzy, listening to the heavy rain outside, I feel inexplicably uncomfortable ... a strong sense of loneliness is struggling in my heart ...

16, what you need when you have a cold is not medicine, but a simple greeting from you. You got it?

17, don't give me the tenderness of hot and cold. I have poor resistance and am afraid of catching a cold.

18, I didn't attend class today, didn't study early, and didn't study late. It doesn't matter. I have a cold and my period is coming.

19, hehe, I want to eat delicious shrimp, hot pot, delicious sandwich, fried chicken and grilled fish. However, I haven't gone out to eat for a long time, and then I caught a cold and needed redemption ~ ~ ~

I caught a cold and asked my classmates to bring me a black and white one. He bought me a pack of Oreos. . .

2 1. This disease made me suffer a lot. From then on, I began to exercise, because I didn't want to lie weak in the hospital bed. Son, you must also pay attention to exercise. It's really hard to feel sick!

22. I have gained weight at home for a week, and I don't seem to have gained a pound. Yesterday, I went to high-speed railway station by my father's motorcycle. I was so sad that I caught a cold in a few minutes.

23. I have a cold and a runny nose, and my spirit is not good ... I have a lot of runny nose, so I have been twisting my nose and my body is short of water, and then it is tragic. He started electrostatic interference again. Static electricity came earlier this year than before. It's no use drinking too much water, there is none left.

24. Every time I feel that my cold is over, I start to be willful. As a result, my condition deteriorated rapidly and I was really annoyed again and again. Forget it, I'm going to drink medicine.

25, to deal with fatigue: sleep. Coping with fear: sleeping. Coping with a cold: sleeping. Fight hunger: sleep. Coping with lovelorn: sleeping. One sleep cures all diseases, and one sleep flattens the world.

26. If you have a cold, you should drink coke! This is my spiritual food!

27. I have caught a cold hundreds of times. You have a persistent high fever.

28. Every time I feel that my cold is over, I start to be willful. As a result, my condition deteriorated rapidly and I was really annoyed again and again. Forget it, I'm going to drink medicine.

At half past six this morning, I had a splitting headache. In a daze, I didn't drink last night? What a hangover. . Later I learned that, alas, I caught a cold.

30, it's rare to catch a cold for a quarter of an hour, and one ear listens to the teacher talk about mountains and rivers, and sincerely receives it. Listen with one ear and eat with the other. If you can't finish it, it's left.

3 1. The weather has changed rapidly recently, and some students cough. Besides, it was cold dew the day before yesterday. The canteen specially boiled some pear water for the students. One is effective for colds and coughs. Drinking pear water this season is also good for your health. Thank you for your careful consideration.

32, the throat is a little itchy, the body feels hot, and the rhythm of catching a cold!

33. The cold has been repeated over and over again, which still prevents people from going to work and studying hard.

34. Overcome the magic with our thoughts, reach for the sky with our true love, and make blessings in our hearts with countless thoughts, silently praying for you, hoping that you will recover soon!

35. I'm fine. I have a good time these days. I'm not affected by your mood. I don't have a cold. I can sleep without your good night.

Don't be gentle with me, I'm afraid of catching a cold.

37. The biggest pain in life is that I experienced a super storm, not only didn't see the rainbow, but also caught a cold. . . .

38. I've gained weight at home for a week, but I don't seem to have gained a pound. Yesterday, I went to high-speed railway station by my father's motorcycle. I was so sad that I caught a cold in a few minutes.

39. Got a bad cold! I have a terrible sore throat, damn it, there will be a vocal competition in a few days, which makes me feel embarrassed! ! ! ! !

40. Something happened all day today, and the seat was forcibly taken away by others. We quarreled and were unhappy. Buy books? This shit is really annoying. I was not in the mood to read, so I read three questions one day. I also caught a cold and lost my voice.

4 1. Youth is a heavy rain. Even if you have a cold, I hope to take another bath later.

42, the throat is itchy, the body feels hot, and the rhythm of catching a cold!

43. Make excuses for future leave. Never say that you are seriously ill, have a stomachache, have a cold and have a fever, because I find it will be effective and I will get back at myself.

44. Don't listen to life, show yourself from now on and be the best you can be.

45, caught a cold, the treatment is really good. Yesterday, the section chief gave me half a day off. After coming today, I ate pears and watched free movies at noon. I am in a good mood.

Youth is a heavy rain. Even if you have a cold, you still hope to take a bath in the future.

47. Unrequited love is a bad cold that can be enjoyed by one person.

48. Why do I often cry? Because I have a cold.

49, caught a cold, the treatment is really good. Yesterday, the section chief gave me half a day off. After coming today, I ate pears and watched free movies at noon. I am in a good mood.

50. It's easy to catch a cold when the weather changes. I don't know how many times the little guy woke up last night, so I followed him and made me listless at work today.

5 1, caught a cold, so uncomfortable. No one cares about me, and I bear everything alone.

52. It's getting cold. Remember to put on more clothes. You are weak and easy to catch a cold. Don't be arrogant and skip meals, it's easy to have a stomachache. Eat less junk food. You get angry easily, and you don't like to drink cold water when you are angry. Don't stay up too late at night, you are in poor health. It's a pity that these words can't be said in person. -To the person I loved the most.

53. I like nostalgia very much, but I am afraid of nostalgia. I'm afraid I'll be more and more disappointed and negative now. Well, actually, it's autumn. I, uh, have a cold. I can't eat a lot of things I want, so I'm ... sad about autumn.

54. Loneliness is a bad cold when no one delivers porridge.

55. Drink hot water when you have a stomachache, add clothes when it is cold, take medicine when you have a cold, cook when you are hungry, take an umbrella when it rains, count sheep when you are insomnia, watch TV shows when you are bored, and no one loves you.

56. A cold is a persistent and tangled feeling.

57. I like nostalgia very much, but I'm afraid of nostalgia. I'm afraid I'll be more and more disappointed and negative now. Well, actually, it's autumn. I, uh, have a cold. I can't eat a lot of things I want, so I'm ... sad about autumn.

58. The child always kicks the quilt while sleeping. Fortunately, I found that I broke my leg in time, otherwise I would have caught a cold.

Loneliness is a bad cold without hot porridge.

60. I coughed and sneezed a little yesterday, and the cold symptoms were not obvious, so I took some cold medicine and wanted to push it back. As a result, I woke up today and found a cold, fever, dizziness and sore throat. Is this a cold medicine or a cold medicine?

6 1, unrequited love is a person's bad cold.

62. A lonely person will have a cold for a long time because she doesn't want to recover.

If you like me, don't be hot and cold to me. I am afraid of catching a cold this season.

You have a cold and ask me why I care about you. I'm sorry you think too much. I'm just afraid you'll infect me.

65. I have a cold and fever today, and nobody cares. I'm going to apply this afternoon.

66. [Loneliness is a bad cold without hot porridge]

67. Hum your nose every time you have a cold and fever, and lie in bed with a splitting headache. Fortunately, I have a favorite book. In fact, I can understand it very well, and I can understand Runye better. But not loving is not loving. After all, you can't force it.

Honey, my cold and hot makes me catch a cold.

69. The child always kicks the quilt when he sleeps. Fortunately, I found out that I broke my leg in time, otherwise I would have caught a cold!

70. The pain of breathing means not only missing, but also catching a cold.

7 1, caught a cold and the world was in chaos.

I thought I was Superman, but Superman caught a cold.

73. If you have a cold and a fever and don't want to take medicine or have an injection, that's fine. Don't say uncomfortable @

74, an autumn wind and a cold, friends, don't flatter yourself, put on more clothes, don't catch a cold, get up early and drink something hot.

75. I am used to being uncomfortable, I am used to missing, I am used to waiting for you, but I have never been used to not seeing you.

76. The child always kicks the quilt while sleeping. Fortunately, I found out that I broke my leg in time, otherwise I would have caught a cold. .

77. I have a little cold. I use 999 brand Ganmaoling. What about you?

78. I really caught a cold this time. It's hard to say.

79. Don't give me the tenderness of hot and cold. I have poor resistance and am afraid of catching a cold.

80. Life becomes uncomfortable without you. I hate that hateful third party for taking you away. Do you have a new relationship with him? I really hope you come back to me ... wallet.

8 1, my colleague thought I had a cold, so I quickly took medicine and pressed it … so I opened the drawer to see if there was any cold medicine … and then I dug out some … It seems that I have encountered a lot of trouble this year …

82. It has been raining in recent days. The weather is hot and cold. It's so unlucky. I caught a cold again. It's too uncomfortable. ....

83. I'm so bored today that I caught a cold all day. My nose and throat are killing me. I'm irritable. I'm not in the mood.

84. Got a bad cold! I have a terrible sore throat, damn it, there will be a vocal competition in a few days, which makes me feel embarrassed! ! ! ! !

85. Hum your nose every time you have a cold and fever, and lie in bed with a splitting headache. Fortunately, I have a favorite book. In fact, I can understand it very well, and I can understand Runye better. But not loving is not loving. After all, you can't force it.

86. I have a cold and my nose is uncomfortable. I can't help sneezing. I want to go to bed early, but I am not sleepy. I'm in a bad mood, annoyed and confused. . .

87. I am depressed, unhappy and inexplicably upset. This is probably because I have a cold in my heart.

If I can get there before dark, I'll take some cold medicine!

89. After the holiday, there is an endless bad cold. . . Is it a holiday sequela or seasonal complication? .

90. Make excuses for future leave. Never say that you are seriously ill, have a stomachache, have a cold and have a fever, because I find it will be effective and I will get back at myself.

9 1, don't be hot and cold to me, okay? I am afraid of catching a cold,

92. When menstruating, drink plenty of water. If you have a cold, drink more water. Water is everything?

93. This invisible and heartless pressure makes me very tired. But at this time, the senior high school entrance examination is coming. I feel even worse in the face of Shuhaishan. This book is like a farewell letter, written to students I know and alumni I don't know, as well as dear teachers. I hate it. I want to throw them hard, but these worthless things put pressure on my fate. Fate begged me not to fall. I held back, but I wanted to vent.

94. She leaned against the hospital bed, clutching the sheets with both hands, and her head was sweating like rain.

95. I work 14 hours a day and catch a cold again, damn it! ! ! ! Hold on!

[mail? Fortunately, I broke my leg in time, otherwise I would have caught a cold.

97. Are there any children who have a cold this afternoon? !

98. Sister, remember to put on more clothes when it's cold. If you catch a cold, I won't let you go @

99, cold, fever, stuffy nose, headache, yawning ... There is no worst, only worse ...

100, don't be gentle with me. I am afraid of catching a cold.

If your girlfriend catches a cold, it warms your heart.

1. Turn countless thoughts into infinite blessings in my heart, silently pray for you and wish you health and happiness!

If you have a cold and fever, drink more boiled water, eat less peppers and three packs of aspirin, and have a good rest!

Honey, you need medicine to get candy, and you need an injection to get toys. If you don't do anything, let me help you with these things!

4. Are you feeling better? I feel sad that you are not feeling well. For my sake, you should get well soon!

5. The weather is changeable today, so beware of catching a cold; Pay attention to your health and eat whatever you like; Add clothes in cold weather and eat less popsicles; Sleep soundly and be in good health!

6. Be happy and eliminate disasters and diseases. Laughter is the brother of strength. Being sick tastes bad. Be sure to take care of yourself!

7. Your health is my greatest happiness and your happiness is my greatest happiness! Send me a message when you are happy, and look at my greetings when you are at a loss!

8. Your recovery is my happiness; Your happiness is my peace. I hope you will really get better!

9. Honey, put on more clothes. It's going to get cold. Be careful of catching cold.

10. Dear, you should remember to prevent the recent flu. Take care and don't catch a cold.

1 1. Dear baby, how have you been recently? Did you miss me? Take good care of yourself, take good care of yourself.

12. Dear, my heart really hurts when you catch a cold. You should get better soon.

13. It's hard to feel sick. Please take care of yourself! Good health and a happy life.

14. I heard that it will rain tomorrow. Baby, you should be prepared for rain. Wear thick clothes and take an umbrella.

15. My dear kitten, don't stay up late at night. Go to bed early. Only when you sleep well will you become more and more beautiful.

16. I like your smile and look at you quietly. My sadness flew away like a cloud.

17. Take care of yourself if you can, or let me take care of you honestly.

18. This damn cold hurts you, but it hurts in my heart. Get well soon. I want to kill myself. I wish my dear a speedy recovery.