Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Albus Dumbledore's family history and personal profile. Details of Voldemort

Albus Dumbledore's family history and personal profile. Details of Voldemort

Full name: Albus percival Wufei Brian Dumbledore. Usually, we call him "Dumbledore".

Title/position: former headmaster of Hogwarts; President of the International Federation of Wizards; Wizengamot is the chief mage of the wizard high court; Sir Merlin (first class); Photos and profiles have long appeared on chocolate frog cards.

Main contribution: 1945 defeated gellert grindelwald, dark wizard; Twelve uses of dragon blood were discovered; With Nicole? Flamel is very effective in alchemy.

Hobbies: chamber music; Ten-pin bowling; Study the patterns in muggle magazines.

Appearance: tall and thin, with outstanding wizard temperament, elegant silvery white (auburn when young) long hair and beard (several feet long, which can be tied into a belt), long hooked nose, interrupted by my brother Aberforth, half-moon glasses, bright blue eyes, very penetrating (like X-rays), slender fingers, often pointing fingers together when talking, and scars on my left knee.

Family member: Father Percival Dumbledore died in Azkaban. Mother Candeira Dumbledore was killed after her daughter lost control. The Aberforth brothers. Dumbledore, the owner of the pig's head bar. Sister arianna. Dumbledore didn't go to Hogwarts because he was stimulated by Muggles, and then he died (in a fight between Dumbledore's Glindwo and Dumbledore's younger brother Aberforth) (Dumbledore felt sorry for this and blamed himself).

Place of Birth: World Mould

Favorite muggle food: lemon ice cream.

Favorite snacks: raspberry jam, sour soda (mentioned in Half-Blood Prince), toffee finger cake, nourishing honey, cockroach pile, iced lemon juice, buttered beer and mead.

Dislike snacks: Bibi taste beans. (Because I used to have bad taste when I was young)

Patron saint: fox

Pet: Fox (with red and gold feathers, extremely loyal, able to carry extremely heavy things, tears have a healing effect).

Dress: a robe, a purple cloak for sweeping the floor, and a pair of high-heeled boots with buttons (chapter 1 in Part I); Long wool dressing gown and nightcap (Chapter II 10); Luxurious dark green robes embroidered with many stars and the moon (chapter 12 of the fourth part); Dark blue robe (part 5, chapter 8); A purple robe full of silver stars (chapter 1 1 in the fifth part); Snow-white pajamas, covered with purple robes inlaid with gold (chapter 22 of the fifth part); Black travel cloak and top hat (Chapter 3 of Part 6); The purple magic robe is dotted with golden stars (chapter 8 of the sixth part); Exquisite purple Red Velvet suit (Chapter 6 13).

Office: Located on the eighth floor of Hogwarts, there is a huge stone beast guarding the entrance to the corridor on the third floor. Behind the behemoth is a movable spiral staircase. At the end of the stairs is a shiny wooden door with a bronze knocker in the shape of a lion's eagle head. The round office wall is plastered with photos of all the principals. There are many delicate silverware on the table with slender legs, spinning and spraying fog. Sorting hat is on the shelf behind the table, and the fox is raised on the high gilded perch behind the door.

[Edit this paragraph] Description in the book

Albus percival Wolfrick Bryan Dumbledore (Chapter 8 of the Order of the Phoenix) is recognized as the greatest wizard of our time. Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His well-known contributions include:/kloc-0 defeated dark wizard Grindelwald in 945, discovered twelve uses of dragon blood, and achieved fruitful results in alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel (Chapter 6 of the Sorcerer's Stone).

Dumbledore is the winner of the first class Merlin Medal; A great magician; Founder and secret guardian of the Order of the Phoenix (Chapter 6 of the Order of the Phoenix); President of the International Sorcerer's Stone Union (Chapter 5 of the Order of the Phoenix); And the chief magician of Wiesenthal Gamo (who was laid off for a while). Chapter 5 of the Order of the Phoenix).

Dumbledore was invited to be the Minister of Magic in 1990 (chapter 5 of the Sorcerer's Stone and chapter 10 of the Order of the Phoenix), but he refused, so Fudge became the Minister of Magic. Fudge sends owls to Dumbledore every day, asking him for more ideas (chapter 5 of the Sorcerer's Stone).

Dumbledore is a wizard who scares Voldemort. Because he was at Hogwarts, the school became the safest place in the 1970s. Voldemort never tried to occupy this school. Dumbledore spared no effort to fight Voldemort in those terrible years and formed an organization called the Order of the Phoenix to compete with the Death Eaters. Now that Voldemort has been resurrected, Dumbledore has summoned members of the Order of the Phoenix to fight against the Dark Lord (Chapter 36 of Goblet of Fire).

"He is tall and thin. His silver hair and beard are long enough to fit into his belt, so it can be concluded that he is very old. He was wearing a robe, a purple cloak dragged to the ground, and a pair of high-heeled boots with buttons. Behind the half-moon glasses, a pair of bright blue eyes sparkled. His nose is long, but it is crooked. It seems to have been broken at least twice. (Philosopher's Stone Chapter 1) "After the summer of 1996, his right hand turned black (Half-Blood Prince Chapter 3).

About the same time that his right hand was injured, Dumbledore wore a ring on his left hand: "The ring is very big, like gold, with a heavy black stone embedded in the middle and a crack on it." Horcruxes (Black gems are deathly Hallows) (Half-Blood Prince Chapter 4)

Biographical summary

Albus percival Woolfrick Brian Dumbledore

Hair: It used to be auburn (chapter 17 of the Chamber of Secrets), but now it is silver and waist-high (chapter 1 7 of the Sorcerer's Stone).

Eyes: blue (SS 1), usually flashing.

Five senses: long and curved aquiline nose, half-moon glasses, long beard and broken nose (chapter 1 of the philosopher's stone).

Body type: tall and thin

Age: 1 16 Age at death (188 1 year of birth).

College: Gryffindor (A.D. 1892- 1899)

Major: Transfiguration (used to be the teacher of Transfiguration in 1940) (Chapter 17 of the Chamber of Secrets). He became president in 197 1 and died in 1997.

Hobbies: chamber music, bowling and bowling.

Family member: Father, percival Dumbledore, went to Azkaban for teaching three Muggle boys who attacked his daughter, and refused to defend himself. It looks good.

Candeira Dumbledore, the mother, died of the magic her daughter used when she lost control.

My brother, aberforth dumbledore, was once accused of using magic inappropriately on a goat. Aberforth also appeared in the original photo of the Order of the Phoenix (OP 9). He owns the pig's head bar in Hogwarts village.

My sister ariana dumbledore was seen by three Muggle boys when she was a child. The three boys did terrible things to her. Since then, magic has been out of control. A year after her brother Albus graduated, she was killed by his brother Albus or Grindelwald or Abufus.

Albus' mother and sister are buried in Godric Valley, and the epitaph says "Where the treasure is, there is the heart".

Wand: Elderberry Wand (also called Elderberry Wand, Elderberry Wand, one of the deathly Hallows).

Language: can speak mermaid language (Goblet of Fire), skills: alchemy, deformation, mind reading (Chapter 38 of the Order of the Phoenix), magic without wands, invisibility without invisibility cloaks (Chapter 12 of the Sorcerer's Stone), and sending messages with the patron saint (Chapter 28 of the Goblet of Fire).

Patron saint: Fox, who was transformed in the Quidditch competition of 1993, but did not specify the specific image. 1995 changed again and was described as a "terrible bird" (chapter 28 of Goblet of Fire).

Prediction: According to Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore predicted the end of Hogwarts (CS 16).

Albus dumbledore was born around 188 1.

He entered Hogwarts around 1892 and was assigned to Gryffindor College.

Hermione said, "I've asked around. I hope I can get into Gryffindor. Sounds like the best at present. " I heard that Dumbledore is from this college, but I think Ravenclaw is also good ... "(Chapter 6 of Sorcerer's Stone).

The examination of N.E.W.T was conducted around 1899, among which the examination of metamorphosis and magic was invigilated by Gersda Machiban.

Marchiban told Umbridge: "When he joined the Northwest Art Institute, I tested his transformation and magic ... He used his wand to do things I had never seen before ..." (OP 31).

/kloc-leave Hogwarts around 0/899.

In the 1940s, he was a professor of deformation at Hogwarts, and his hair was still brown.

[Edit this paragraph] Principal's Office

"This is a spacious and beautiful round room, full of interesting little voices. On the table with slender legs, there are many strange silverware, spewing out thick smoke. The wall is covered with portraits of the old headmaster, men and women, all snoring gently in their respective photo frames. There is also a huge table in the room with claw-shaped legs. On a shelf behind the table, there is a tattered and wrinkled wizard hat-sorting hat. " (Chamber of Secrets Chapter 12)

The password to enter the office is often changed, but there are rules to follow, because Dumbledore often uses his favorite food as the password, such as "cockroach pile" and "lemonade", which also shows Dumbledore's childlike innocence.

[Edit this paragraph] The mystery and mystery about Dumbledore

Where did he go after 1993 and 1996 were dismissed as the headmaster of Hogwarts?

Is he really 1 16 years old? There is no date on his wizard card. Can Dumbledore walk back and forth between his portraits like the former headmaster? Can he shuttle back and forth between chocolate frog cards? After all, when Harry first saw Dumbledore's card, the portrait of the headmaster disappeared in an instant. Moreover, when Dumbledore was rejected by many wizard organizations (such as wiesenthal and the International Wizarding Federation), it was said that he told Bill that he only cared about his image on the chocolate wizard card.

"Idiot! Cry! Residue! Twist! " I've heard these ridiculous explanations about these words, but none of them are credible. Rowling asked Dumbledore to tell such unusual jokes in order to introduce us to his personality. This expression is also reflected in the jokes told by Dumbledore at the opening party of the 1994- 1995 school year, and the potty in a room when chatting with Igor at the Christmas ball. So,

A: "Idiot! Cry! Residue! Twist! " It can't be what secret information Dumbledore tried to give, and the whole story didn't show.

This is a translation problem, the original meaning is just "eat"-there are many different expressions in English.

What do you mean by two twisted snakes spouted by that exquisite silver instrument in his office?

A: One is the fragment of Voldemort's soul in Harry, and the other is Voldemort naturally. ...

Did Dumbledore and nicolas flamel make the Sorcerer's Stone together?

A: Dumbledore didn't make the philosopher's stone from Flamel, or more accurately, he didn't make the philosopher's stone that Flamel used to sustain his life for 600 years (because Dumbledore was not born when the philosopher's stone was made). The wizard card simply said that he was Flamel's alchemy partner, but did not say that Dumbledore had anything to do with the philosopher's stone.

[Edit this paragraph] The meaning of the name

Albus means white in Latin, which is an elegant name of Great Britain in ancient Arthur's time.

Percival means to pierce the veil, and the word veil is mentioned in the death room of the Department of Mysteries. The name percival is defined as "crossing the curtain" or "crossing the valley" in jurisprudence. Percival is the knight of the Round Table who won the Holy Grail.

Dumbledore means bumblebee in old English, and J.K. Rowling imagined him humming in the castle.

[Edit this paragraph] Overview

The following are the important deeds of albus dumbledore:

1945 beat dark wizard Grindelwald.

Discover the use of 12 dragon blood.

The current headmaster of Hogwarts

Merlin first-class medal winner

The chief wizard of the supreme wizard court

President of the International Federation of Magical Arts

He was nominated by the Minister of Magic many times.

Order Harry to defeat Voldemort.

He made the philosopher's stone with Nicolas Flamel. Although the chocolate frog card only says "fruitful alchemy with your partner Nicolas Flamel". But just like a sentence in the information Hermione found about nicolas flamel in the library: "Ancient alchemy involved the making of the philosopher's stone." If Dumbledore and Flamel were successful in alchemy, it is likely that he and Flamel made the philosopher's stone together.

There is no doubt that Professor Dumbledore is a person with unique talent, kindness, gentleness, excellent insight and wisdom, so he naturally became the headmaster of Hogwarts. In times of crisis, he made many problems public, which made him reviled by some people in the position of principal, and all this was based on the fact that Dumbledore was a person, a magician rather than a principal.

Regarding Dumbledore's early life, we know that he may have been born in the 1980s in 18, and he may be a wizard family. He has an eccentric younger brother, Abrams, and they have always had a good relationship. Abufus is also the owner of the Pig's Head Bar, so he has always kept close contact with Dumbledore. Their close relationship made him join the Order of the Phoenix when he was about 85 years old.

When young Albus entered Hogwarts, he was assigned to Gryffindor, the college he always loved. During the period of 1940, he became a deformation teacher in the school, when his hair was auburn. Under the lax control of the incompetent headmaster, armand Dipage, tom riddle opened the secret room-causing the crying Myrtle to die-and framed rubeus hagrid, making everyone believe that Hagrid's pet Aragog was the murderer. Dumbledore was the only one who doubted Tom. He began to try to stop Tom from opening the Chamber of Secrets again. There is no doubt about his keen insight at this point.

He also persisted in fighting against dark magic and defeated dark wizard Grindelwald at 1945.

Professor Dumbledore became the headmaster of Hogwarts around 1970, and has been the headmaster ever since. During that time, he organized the Order of the Phoenix, an organization dedicated to fighting against the newborn Voldemort's power. This organization was dissolved with Voldemort's defeat in 1980, but it was reorganized in the mid-1990s.

Dumbledore has been accused by some pure-blood enthusiasts because he likes Muggles, wizards from Muggles and people who are not recognized by the public. He doesn't discriminate against anyone: The Order of the Phoenix welcomes witches, squibs and werewolves with muggle backgrounds, and he makes an exception and allows remus lupin to teach at Hogwarts, even though he is a werewolf. These are not muggle-like acts of loving extremism, just treating everyone fairly.

Now he is over 1 16 years old, but he still has great magic and can still fight and win, even though he is old. Tom riddle's opening of the Chamber of Secrets on 1942 did not escape Dumbledore's eyes. He is always afraid of Dumbledore, a man who has never lost. In the battle of the Ministry of Magic in 1995, Dumbledore drove him away easily again. Voldemort, an extremely conceited man, is not even equal to him.

Besides these achievements, Dumbledore likes ten bowls and chamber music, and he also works for the International Federation of Magicians. He is a role model for the students in the school-he has won the respect of teachers and students-it is rare for a principal to win the full love of the students. Although the headmaster occasionally makes mistakes, Hogwarts is thriving under his leadership. Albus dumbledore has a younger brother, aberforth dumbledore, who owns Hogsmeade Pig's Head Bar.

[Edit this paragraph] Life introduction

Born in 188 1 year, died in1June, 997, at the age of 1 16 years.

I liked chamber music and bowling before my death.

Rejected the post of British Minister of Magic three times.

With his partner Nicolas Flamel (1327- 1992), he made great achievements in alchemy.

Twelve uses of dragon blood were discovered.

There is a phoenix fox.

He is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an anti-black magic organization.

Albus dumbledore 1892 studied at Hogwarts and was affiliated to Gryffindor College. After finishing his studies, he became a teacher and taught transfiguration.

After graduation, I tried to control the world with Grindelwald, and then I lost my way.

When tom riddle accused Rupert Hagrid of opening the Chamber of Secrets in the1940s, only Dumbledore thought Hagrid was innocent. When Hagrid's wand was broken and he was expelled from school, Dumbledore insisted that he stay at Hogwarts as an employee.

1945 beat dark wizard Grindelwald.

197 1 year, Lubang the werewolf entered Hogwarts. Albus dumbledore planted beating willows to guard the secret passage to the screaming hut in Hogsmeade village. Lubang will transform there at every full moon, so that he can't attack others.

1980, sibyll trelawney applied to be a new divination teacher, and albus dumbledore hired her because Trelawney made a true prediction that only one of Voldemort and Harry would survive.

When lily potter and James Potter were killed by Voldemort, Dumbledore decided to put Harry, now an orphan, in the home of his uncle Vernon Dursley and Petunia Evans, who had menarche. This is because Dumbledore put a spell to make the mother's sacrifice a special protection for her children. As long as Harry calls the place where his mother's relatives live a writer, his mother's lineage will be his protection, and he will safely avoid all attacks.

1995, albus dumbledore met Voldemort.

Dumbledore was dismissed from the post of principal twice (1993; 1996), but the schemer failed twice.

1996, Dumbledore personally directed Harry Potter.

1On June 26th, 997, severus snape fired the Abada death curse at Dumbledore when he was weak, and albus dumbledore died.

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