Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Say goodbye (literati in my heart) (all)

Say goodbye (literati in my heart) (all)

My WeChat avatar was changed the year Kobe retired. I am a fan of Kobe. That summer, the man who got up at 4 am for training, the black mamba who never gave in, announced to the world "Mamba, get out" at the home of the Staples Lakers. I was listening to the same song as I am listening to now, Jay Chou's Say Goodbye.

Jay Chou.-Say goodbye.

Besides, all good things must come to an end. As the lyrics say.

Only when it's time to say goodbye will you sigh the passage of time, a moment, even one more minute.

On May 22nd this year, I joined the self-control literacy group. To tell you the truth, I participated in the third battalion of self-control As I expected when I joined, the literacy group was the one I invested the most, the most active and the most favorite.

I like it for many reasons. Although reading and writing is not as calm as meditation, every time I look between the lines of others, I am looking for the meaning of * * *. Comment on your own ideas and discuss with you; Learn to accumulate some popular science knowledge; Seeing other people's attention to me, the super happy positive feedback of praise, and the beauty of soul-to-soul collision are all reasons to support me to persist.

Today, I wrote 66 days in a row and wrote 654.38+ 10,000 words. Although there is no inspiration and time to punch in occasionally, it will be made up afterwards. It can be said that I write every article with my heart and read every comment with my heart. Because I can feel concerned.

Although I learned a lot during my time in the literacy class, today this article just wants to quietly recall the beauty I secretly laughed at.

In fact, I have paid attention to 72 people, 80% of whom are small partners of the literacy family. By reading their articles, I also have my own evaluation and impression on everyone. I want to talk about them in my eyes first.

Xiao Ye

In fact, when I first started reading and writing, my impression of Grandpa Xiao was not good, because I found that she would be everywhere, which would inevitably lead to rejection or jealousy of my quietness. Then my impression of Xiao Ye is that she is a woman with the same wind. As soon as she is finished, she will fly to all parts of the country, with a face and a tour. Then, I found that she was the kind of person who really found her interest, so she was full of energy. She is very careful. I asked her how to buy incense, and the next day she sent me a link. Of course, in my opinion, Xiao ye is indeed a fine point, but he is a lovely fine point.

I prefer grandpa's popular science articles. First, I learn knowledge and broaden my horizons. Secondly, they are full of intentions. For example, Pony, Bullfrog, Spiraea, and a later trip to Taiwan Province Province are all good articles.

Zhu Hui's Physical and Mental Cultivation

Sister Zhu Huijie is a teammate of our team. I'm ashamed to say that as teammates, we seldom communicate. It just so happens that neither of us is active and sultry. Because I am young, I should take the initiative.

Actually, when I took part in reading and writing, I originally wanted to find Xiao Fang's group, but she said she wanted to find an old driver and asked Xiao Shu's sister. Luckily, she recommended Sister Zhu Hui to me. My first impression came from her mouth: doctor, master of Shanghai automatic control, my God, these two titles scared me. I don't even know how brave it was to apply for the first team with Hui Jie and her friends.

My first impression is kindness, but I don't feel as high as I thought. Is it easy to get along with? Once I asked her a question about Chinese medicine, and she answered it for me seriously. As I read more and more articles, I found that she is really a "busy" person, the kind of person who doesn't let herself be idle. In addition to self-control, she also attended training camps related to book opening and English. I also run rice balls, and there are even some things I don't know. Her time management is excellent, and I haven't had time to study.

I like kittens very much. Compared with the well-known bean sprouts, I got to know the kitten from the text earlier. Her paintings are beautiful and have feelings. I'm a huge fan of yours. In my opinion, Zhu Huijie's emotional articles were well written, but later, due to various reasons, the good articles were not updated, and I basically didn't read the Zen series (because I personally think that some Zen writings may be directed at my heart, so I tried not to read them), and I couldn't see the kitten's paintings. Still a little disappointed. In addition, I like Zhu Huijie's meditation punch card very much, because I bring a picture every day, which is very nice.

I don't know if Sister Zhu Hui will continue to participate in the next issue, but I only hope to find a time for Sister Zhu Hui in Doby. I don't know if it's popular.

Keiko is never late.

Keiko's sister impressed me deeply. She's my type from the beginning. Her delicacy, sincerity, optimism and love are all reflected between the lines. Sister Keiko will also give me the impression of elegance, beauty and generosity.

I first paid attention to her because of her article "Dear, I will write everything I missed to you". For me who is unmarried and childless, I am immune to this writing. However, this article, I almost cried. That faint, endless warmth haunted me for a long time. And the description of the environment, scenery and things is just right.

Honey, I'll write you everything I missed.

When I was writing my mother's series, Sister Huizi was my first-stage examiner. From the comments, it is not difficult to see that Sister Huizi read every article carefully. From her comments and encouragement, I gained infinite strength. Later, Keiko's sister wrote about yoga and moxibustion for a period of time. Because I didn't participate in yoga and moxibustion, I felt less, but I also wrote very well. Judging from the quality of literacy update, Sister Huizi is very serious. Although I have a sister, I hope I have a character like Keiko's sister.


The first time I met Brother Hui, I came from the morning reading of literators. At that time, I thought Brother Hui's voice was very nice, especially the first sentence every morning: "Good morning, babies of literate families". I believe everyone will think that Hui Ge's morning reading is quite good, especially the introduction of Teacher Cheng Jia's "Study hard", which personally feels great.

I feel that Huige's articles are all practical things, popular science and emotional, belonging to a more comprehensive type. What impressed me the most was that "after half a year, I finally understood that all efforts without results were hooligans!" ",because after the publication of this article, Huige really upgraded the overall writing quality to a higher level. My previous attitude was: writing? Just write casually at first, don't care too much about typesetting and text. I scoffed at Huige's point of view and thought it would be good to be myself, but this article changed my point of view. It turns out that all fruitless efforts are really hooligans.

After half a year, I finally understand that all fruitless efforts are hooligans!

In addition, among so many people I pay attention to (including those who occasionally visit the official WeChat account randomly), Huige's articles have the clearest structure, and the subheadings and bold sentences in each chapter let me get into the theme at once. This is a very powerful ability, and you need to check your writing as a whole. Also, I prefer Hui Ge's series "Teasing Couples, Pretending to Force Every Day", which is humorous and full of food flavor. I hope to write more later.

Boxing boy m

In fact, I am also very surprised why I put the boxing boy in this position. Because I seldom comment on the articles of punching teenagers, I like them mostly. Although she is very active in the WeChat group, my impression of her is basically zero.

At first, she was added to the famous "Ms. Luo", but Ms. Luo's appearance in this issue became less and less. It was heartbreaking at first, but later I found that the description of the boxing boy was really good, with a sense of picture and mostly humorous language. It is very enjoyable to read. However, I can't always find the right words to evaluate the articles of punching teenagers. Later, I found two very appropriate words in my comments: joy and personality, and the word personality is particularly prominent.

Ps: There seems to be another article "You are only in your own time zone" which is very thought-provoking.

Small trees on the cliff

Actually, I haven't talked much with Sister Xiao Shu. I also look at the writing style of Bean Miao. Sister Xiao Shu's work seems to be similar to my major. What impressed me most was that she was really a good mother. No matter from the education, knowledge learning and life training of bean seedlings, her good intentions are reflected. Bean Miao is also a super cute and sensible child.

What impressed me most about Sister Xiaoshu's article was the article introducing the experience of learning English, which made people feel suddenly enlightened. In addition, I am touched by one thing. A while ago, I read about our lovely bean sprouts. I didn't write because I didn't listen carefully to the reading of bean sprouts, but I found that every article I read about bean sprouts was rewarded by Sister Xiaoshu. As she said in a later article, they received many letters. They read all the letters together, and all the happy front teeth were happy. They will love and cherish the world together. Although I didn't write this week's homework, I also gained a lot of positive energy.

Yi is the same.

She is one of the first people I paid attention to, and she likes her landscape descriptions best, and always has beautiful pictures. She is also one of the most commented people under my article. In fact, most of my favorite articles are concerned about feelings and work, so I didn't pay much attention to the description of the scenery at first, but with her seriousness, I read her articles very seriously. As for personality, I don't know much about it, and I should also be a very emotional nanny. I hope to learn more in future articles.

Bo Yang

We met because we have similar mentality. We are about the same age and have worked for about two years. We are both considering whether to change jobs, but his situation seems to be worse than mine, and so is his state, because the prospect of his industry is not as good as that of the emerging computer industry. Watching him write in his book that his friends who worked hard together walked by one by one, I had a deep understanding of loneliness, anxiety and helplessness. I can only encourage him more under his article or give him some advice.

A while ago, they had a project to go to Tibet. He said he was afraid of altitude sickness, so he kept hesitating. In fact, from his various descriptions, it has been shown that he still wants to go, and I am also in favor of going. There will always be different feelings in a different environment. Maybe the signal in Tibet is not very good, so he hasn't published any articles recently, and he doesn't know his recent situation and status. I just want to say: Brother, how are your days in Tibet? Do you feel sick? Just do your best in everything. In fact, there are some things we don't have to worry too much about, because many times our energy and time are spent on choices. In the end, everything will work out. I hope we can all find our favorite jobs, positions and positions the year after next year. Come along.

I am hahaha.

Originally, I wanted to put hahaha in the back, because when I paid attention to him, the literacy class had exceeded two-thirds, so I didn't read many of his articles. On the contrary, I read more of his comments. But it seems that Xiao Ye is looking forward to my follow-up, so I'll write about him first.

Here is the first serious topic: lovely, dear baby hahaha, can you not always be the first comment at the bottom of the article? What impressed me the most was this. Whenever I want to comment, I always take the lead in seeing hahaha's comments. The comments are so good that I can only praise his comments silently.

Just kidding, but there is no denying that hahaha should be a real "old driver", with writing skills and martial arts, giving people an emotional tone of seeing the world. He likes football very much, probably because of the habit of staying up late to watch the ball, and he basically doesn't sleep before 12 at night. The article that impressed me the most came from a recent article. Why do we end up being people we hate? The article briefly describes his own changes. It seems that he was a cynic when he was young. With the erosion of experience and time, he became the kind of person he once hated and became accustomed to being such a person. The theme of the article is worth discussing with him!

Why do we eventually become people we hate?

In addition, I also want to say, hahaha, have all the baby accounts in the reading and writing camp been added? Very strong, your comments in every issue of Honey Weekly are not bad!

D063_ Yaya _ Beijing

Speaking of hahaha, I can't help but say sister ya. Because I paid attention to them that day, why should I pay attention? It seems that Sister Yaya won the best student (specifically, I forgot the best student award in the middle of the literacy class), so I'm curious. What kind of people and articles will win the prize?

Who knows, after paying attention, Sister Ya gave me a very different feeling from what I expected (not to mention what I expected). Sister Yaya seems to be good friends with Sister Keiko. Keiko's sister said that she was born rich. Sister Yaya is delicate, grateful and easy-going (this is a guess). He keeps a super-spirited Bomei. As for the style of the article, I haven't seen it too much.

One thing that makes me very, very excited is that Sister Yaya may come to Harbin in August, which may be the first literate baby I have ever met. I am looking forward to it.

The smell of jasmine

Xiao Fang is the teammate I want to find at my first reading and writing camp. I contacted her from the early morning camp. Although I don't talk much, I feel that she is trying to meet a better baby. Who knows that Xiao Fang's concentration is in the sports camp? The articles in Xiao Fang's early reading and writing camp are mostly about his own cognition and some thoughts after reading, and later they are basically related to tarot cards.

First of all, I'm glad that I can meet something I like at work. This will generate endless interest-driven power. I also saw her efforts. She always records every tarot analysis article very carefully. However, it is worth noting that combing other people's emotions will more or less contaminate some negative energy, and most of these negative energy will accumulate, which will do great harm to body and mind over time. I hope Xiaofang will clean it up in time.

Xiao Fang is actually great. I hope she can go further and further on the road she likes, listen to her own voice and meet a better self.

PS: I haven't been divined yet!


Sister Tian is my early patriarch. Coincidentally, we are still fellow villagers. So Tian Jie's impression in my heart is naturally good. Before taking part in self-control, I attended an early training camp. My impression is that Sister Tian is full of energy and likes to radiate positive energy.

Tian Jie is an expert in breakfast, and the pictures of breakfast every day are very nice. If you have your own home and cook your own breakfast in the future, you have to ask Tian Jie for advice. Sister Tian is also a person who studies sleep very much. She often writes popular science articles related to sleep, which benefits me a lot. Although I didn't attend the recent morning meeting, Tian Jie's position in my heart has not changed. I hope the early morning group will be better and better!

Transparent orange

My teammate in the early morning group is a virtuous wife and a caring mother. Most of her articles are about my mind, and most of them are about what happens every day. I hope it will be better to pay attention to typesetting when writing in the future. The time of getting up early is unforgettable, and the reason why I can persist is largely because of her persistence.

Like Zhu Huijie, she also participated in many training camps. In this era of knowledge payment, in fact, more does not necessarily mean better, and she feels that she is aware of this. So reduce complexity and keep what is important, and you will become better. Come on, my teammates.

Classic _cj

Before introducing the classics, popularize the most memorable sentence at the opening ceremony of literacy families: "Only classics can live up to it."

Classic is the music officer of our literate family. He shares a piece of classical music with everyone every day. I also slowly began to like classical music from his sharing. Many of his articles introduce music and tell a short story about music, which I like very much. I feel that we may be somewhat similar in character, and he should not be much older than me. My favorite article is one that has nothing to do with music. It's called "Dad, let me take you to the seaside". This passage is emotional, true and tearful. Anyway, I was crying. It's really good.

Without tranquility, there would be no distant Yuan Ning.

How could I forget that I wanted to be her friend at the opening ceremony? There is no special reason, because our jobs and occupations are the same. (I saw it from the data officer of the literator, because the data are all run by the program), but I forgot it after the delay. Later, because of punching in, I added her friend, only to know that she is not doing computer work now, but teaching herself, and my respect arises spontaneously.

I had a brief chat with her on WeChat and found that she is a baby with goals, who has been working hard and has meditation experience. I occasionally give some encouragement and advice under her articles. I also hope that Zhiyuan baby can find a satisfactory job in the future.

Orchids in early May

Her articles are generally related to health, and sometimes she will popularize some knowledge of energy medicine and write some articles related to weight loss. This may have something to do with her occupation. She should be a stronger person. Now she seems to be starting a business. I hope that in the future, as she said, gratitude and suffering will make her grow.

060 Song Dan

I can't remember when I paid attention to him. I only know that his writing theme is relatively fixed and related to Dachuan Buddhism. What impressed me most was an article about Bodhisattva. Make it clear.

085 Muxiaojie

She should be a school teacher, and the topics of the articles are random, practical, post-reading, post-reading and summative. Recently, I have been studying PPT, and it seems that there are many PPT gods among the literate people.

Kiss Caicai

Probably in the middle of the literacy class, I paid attention to her, and most of her articles were of high quality and quantity. In fact, I really care about her because I said a very funny thing.

I forgot the specific week. I only remember that my favorite Westbrook won the mvp in the regular season that week, so I wrote an article of about 7000 words. In addition, the number of words in each article is about 1500. I think I'm number one in this week's word list, and I'm glad I didn't make it to Honey Weekly or the last word list. I was particularly concerned about the night the list was published.

As can be seen from her articles, she is very serious in reading and writing, and serious people are always beautiful. Besides, she recently changed her avatar, and the new avatar is very beautiful!

Meng Shunshun

We are a small team-019 self-control team. There are many great gods in our team, and she is one of them. Her article types are related to her personal growth, such as writing, time management, work and so on. I wrote a good summary of my previous participation in Frank's training camp. She should have put a lot of effort into her writing. Congratulations, she should be able to graduate smoothly in this issue (it seems that she didn't graduate in the previous issues), but I hope that although she graduated, she can keep on writing.


Every article of hers will be accompanied by a very beautiful picture. Visually, she should have a lot of mito resources (partners who want to hurry). Through the article, I feel that she may prefer silence. At the same time, she is also a rapidly growing nanny. Two days ago, the article also took a photo of her baby, who was so old when she was only 6 years old. Really talented. I hope her family will be happy in the future.


It seems that she is also a teacher. She teaches the same subject as the name, music. I don't know if I know MuXiaoPage. She is writing Notes on a Dream of Red Mansions recently. I am ashamed to say that I haven't read this famous book because I am not interested in it myself, so I haven't read most of my reading notes. In fact, the profession of teaching itself makes me respect. I believe that as she grows up, she will also teach excellent students.

Rice noodles er _20 17

I like her head, once Zhao Min, now Alyssa Chia. Nothing impressed her more than Dr. Shao. As long as she mentions Dr. Shao in the article, she can feel that her whole state is different. She was the first person I paid attention to, and I read the article from the first one. I think time flies.

Luomi time honey

It's too late to pay attention to her. It's already the late stage of reading and writing. I saw Gu Ying in the face-to-face photo sent by her teacher that day. I felt that people should be easy-going and calm, and I also like silence. I haven't read her recent morning reading comprehension very carefully, but I have read the mind map and it is still very good. Keep walking.

Actually, there are still a few friends who haven't written, but I decided to stop. This article is divided into three articles, which is beyond my expectation. There's so much to say. At this time, I turned on the music again and listened to Jay Chou's Say Goodbye.

Jay Chou.-Say goodbye.

This song is called "Say Goodbye". In my opinion, it's more like farewell.

However, in life, you often have to face countless choices and differences, and you often have to say countless goodbye. Every goodbye often indicates the beginning of the next one, as long as you gain something from this journey. Anyway, I appreciate the encouragement of so many like-minded literate babies in these 70 days. In these 70 days, I grew up, gained friends, changed my mind and found my attitude.

Every time I see other babies' articles, I am very happy, and I am even happier when I see the comments and praises given by the babies. I also enjoy every moment of writing.

Say goodbye, but don't say goodbye, don't say goodbye. Because we have been in contact by fate, I will think of this time from time to time and smile quietly.

Nice to meet you.