Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who can help me think of an interesting childhood story?

Who can help me think of an interesting childhood story?

There are many interesting things in childhood, but one thing will never be washed away in my mind-planting snow.

It was a snowy day, and I looked out the window at the silvery white world, filled with joy. Avoid mom, hide in a corner, "grab" those beautiful white snow girls. In a short time, I have caught many snow girls in my hands. They have different shapes, one looks like the other. I can't tell you how happy I am. But after a while, they all turned into water and disappeared. I am sad.

Just when I was sad alone, my good friend Feifei came to see me. She saw my sad face and asked me why I was worried. I told her the whole story. She and I thought of a way together. "By the way, by the way, the farmer's uncle planted food in the field and will plant more food next year. Why don't we plant snow in the ground and wait until next spring, won't the snow grow again? " Feifei's idea suddenly reminded me.

At first, I went home and got a small shovel and a plastic bag. Feifei also went home and secretly took her sister's red rope. A fist-sized hole was dug in the southwest corner of my house, and the plastic bag mouth was opened. Each of us put a handful of snow in it. I also said a word to Xue in my mind: I hope you will grow up soon. Then he shut up and buried it in a small pit.

When the seeds of snow are planted, we are very happy. We look forward to seeing those lovely snow girls again for a long time.

Childhood life is like a gurgling stream, an interesting little thing is like a lively little fish jumping out of the water from time to time ... among many interesting things, this one is the one I remember the most.

When I was six years old, I lived in my hometown in Kunshan. There is a big yard next to my house. There is an old man in the yard. He is over seventy years old and superstitious. He always knelt in front of the cupboard and bowed his head in prayer. Because his head is a little bald, I call him "Zhang Bald" behind his back. Once, I let it slip and he heard me. He not only scolded me, but also called me to my house and beat me up. Since then, I have always wanted revenge.

Once, I caught a little hedgehog. I have long heard that hedgehogs can sneeze with salt in their mouths like people. Hey, this is a chance to get back at him. I took out the salt pot, grabbed it with my hand, and wiped it off the hedgehog's mouth without thinking, but instead of wiping it, it stung me. I rolled my eyes and suddenly remembered that my mother said that in winter, when the weather is cold, animals will hibernate. So I put the hedgehog in the refrigerator.

After a while, I took out the "hibernating" hedgehog and proudly put a handful of salt on its face, mouth, left and right, so I excitedly picked up the cage containing the hedgehog and left the house. I happened to see Lao Zhangman's grandson playing at the door, so I whispered to him for a while and asked him to pick up the cage and go into the house. I ran into the yard and found a place to hide.

Soon, Zhang Sunzi's voice rang out in the room: "Grandpa, someone stole the peaches in our yard."

"What? Hum! These are helpful. " Then, Zhang came out angrily and walked to the peach tree in the yard.

I took the opportunity to sneak into the house, and the Zhang family's little grandson scrambled to put the cage in the cupboard and hid behind the door, ready to watch a good show.

After a while, Lao Zhangman came in, still kneeling on the futon in front of the cabinet, praying devoutly.

At this time, the house suddenly rang with several old people's sighs. Lao Zhangman suddenly stood up, looked around in surprise and looked blankly for quite a while. Sighs come again like sneezing. Lao Zhangman listened attentively and soon found that the voice came from the cabinet in front of him. He quickly knelt down, pounded his head like garlic, and shouted "God bless, God bless ..." When we laughed behind the door, the pious Lao Zhangman didn't realize that we were making trouble.

It's been six or seven years, but I still think of it often and am proud of my naughty pranks.

I had a happy childhood. Childhood fun is like pearls in the sea, stars in the sky, countless.

I remember when I was four years old, my aunt came back from America with her three-year-old sister for my birthday. When I was a child, it was inevitable to "bully the small with the big."

One night, adults were chatting in the living room, and my sister and I rode bicycles in the living room. Because there is only one bicycle, we have to implement the "one person, one ride" system. But after playing a few games, I changed to the system of "one ride, one ride". But sister, she can't afford me, and I lose! When I think of my sister riding a bike, I suddenly sit in the back seat of the bike, and my sister can't ride any more!

Just in time, it's time for my sister to ride a bike. I-I suddenly sat in the back seat of my bike, just as I expected. At first, my sister tried to ride again, but I was too heavy for my sister to ride. Shouting: "No! No .................. "Her big eyes were filled with tears of worry. I was thinking about what to do next, when the "enemy situation" appeared! My dad's here! I had to jump out of the back seat. ...

Years pass by like running water, but whenever I think of something I did wrong because I was young and ignorant, I can't help laughing.

One Sunday when I first entered school, my parents went to work. I quickly finished my homework, stayed at home alone and felt lonely, so I went to the yard to bask in the sun. Suddenly, I was fascinated by a beautiful bird song. I looked up and saw a group of lively and lovely birds flying freely in the blue sky. I thought, "Birds can fly in the sky, so why can't we humans fly?" Thinking of this, I immediately ran into the house and found the kite made by my father himself. I tied the kite with a long rope and tied the other end to my shoulder. That's enough. With wings, I can fly. I stood happily on the high stool and shouted, "One, two, three, fly!" " "I kicked and the stool fell down. I wanted to fly in the sky, but I not only didn't fly, but also hurt my ass and didn't get up for a long time. To make matters worse, the kite was broken. What bad luck

Look how ridiculous my idea is!

Childhood is like a string of beautiful pearls, one interesting thing after another, which makes this string of pearls more bright and crystal clear. Just let me choose a big round one to make you laugh! !

I remember when I was 6 years old, I saw my mother's cooking was fragrant and crisp, and I wanted to be a little chef like my mother. Mom knows what I think and readily agrees!

The first dish I cooked that day was "cold cucumber". I patted the cucumber with a kitchen knife first. That guy is really heavy. It's hard for me to pick it up. I carefully put the knife in front of the cucumber. "Pa", when the handle was loosened, the kitchen knife smashed the tender cucumber into pieces. I cut the cucumber into small pieces with a knife, happily put the cucumber on the plate, took out the seasoning and sprinkled it carefully like my mother, for fear that the food would not taste good. After a while, the food was ready. After my mother tasted a piece of cucumber, she said to me, "My son is great. Cold cucumber is delicious! " It's just that the salt is a little less and the taste is a little weak. "After listening to my mother's words, I was both happy and puzzled: What is salt? How to put more, light dishes will be sweet and delicious, is it a magical "essence" ...

So I thought about the answer to this question in front of the little chef. Finally, one day, I woke up from my dream and naively thought that salt was equal to the "essence" of food! With it, food will be sweet and delicious, with little salt and big salt! After reaching this conclusion, I jumped around happily, looking forward to coming to my mother early tomorrow to see how great her son is! But I can't let my mother know the secret. If my mother knew, her cooking would be as delicious as mine.

The next day, I crept into the kitchen and prepared another cold cucumber, which was super delicious! I'm going to wash vegetables, shoot vegetables and put seasonings first, and then show my "cooking tips". I'll look around in case my mother sees me. I was ecstatic after confirming that everything was all right. I immediately took out the salt pot and put seven or eight spoonfuls of salt into the dish with a small spoon. This just contentedly clean up the kitchen and give the dishes to my mother.

My mother's eyes lit up when she saw my cooking. She picked up chopsticks and ate a cucumber. She is too salty. She just wants to drink water. She asked me strangely, "son, how did you prepare food today?" Why is it so salty? Isn't it delicious a few days ago? " After listening to my mother, I panicked. How did this happen? Wouldn't it be better to put more salt? I also picked up chopsticks and took a bite of cucumber. Wow, it's too salty! It's terrible. My tongue is numb. It turns out that if you put too much salt, the food will not taste good. ...

Now, whenever I see cucumbers, my face always turns red involuntarily.

Through cooking, I gradually figured out a truth: no matter what you do, you must have a "degree". Too much or too little is not good. Only when it's just right can you do things well. childhood

Childhood is happy, childhood is beautiful. I had a happy childhood.

It was a Saturday afternoon, sunny, and I just went downstairs to play. I gathered my good friends Zhu Yu, Hu Xiao and Cai Li Ning Jie. I made a gesture of shooting, and they nodded and agreed to play "anti-terrorism". We dressed up as two "thieves" and two "policemen" and changed our guns into sticks.

In the first episode, I will be a strict thief first. First run, my companion Hu Xiao and I ran to a gate building to hide, waiting for the arrival of the "enemy"; But after waiting for a long time, there was no one; I quietly said to Hu Xiao, "This kind of waiting is endless. I'm going out to scout. Don't leave here. " . After that, I walked along the wall, and everywhere I went, I had to observe carefully for fear of showing a little "fox tail" When I came to the corner of a building, suddenly a light step came towards me. I am anxious, afraid that the "police" will jump out and "kill" me. I looked around for a chance to escape, but it was too late. "Police" Zhu Yu suddenly appeared in front of me and shot me. When I went back to the gate to find Hu Xiao, he said to me in dismay: As soon as you left, Cai Li Ning Jie rushed in and killed me. It turns out that the "police" have been staring at our movements. As soon as I left, they used sneak attack tactics.

In the second episode, we switched roles. I shook hands with Hu Xiao and vowed to catch the thief. We saw them hide and start fighting. Just when our victory was in sight, "Lolo, go home for dinner!" " "I heard my mother calling loudly. Everyone stopped fighting, so I ran home helplessly. I don't know how they feel at this moment, but I still think we will win the battle in my heart.

Is the batter out? My childhood was happy. My childhood is like a colorful stream flowing slowly, and the interesting things of my childhood are like waves, which will always be treasured in my memory.

I remember playing with sand when I was 5 years old. As soon as I saw the beach, I quickly took off my little shoes and ran to its embrace. Crawling around on the beach, cheering. In the hands of my friends and I, the beach has become a cave, a hill and a big castle ... very interesting. But I always make myself look like a little eye inflammation. My mother told me not to get my clothes dirty in various ways, but I just wouldn't listen. Sometimes when I hear my mother calling me, I will say "A dangerous building is 100 feet high ...", which makes my mother angry and funny. Sometimes it's getting dark, and my mother tells me to go home, but I turn a deaf ear. My mother had to scare me with a bamboo stick: "Zi Ning, if you don't go home, you will hit little ass!" " "As soon as my mother lifted the bamboo stick, I quickly hugged my mother and said," Stop fighting! Don't fight! Good mother, I'm going home! "After that, I took advantage of my mother's inattention and secretly grabbed two handfuls of sand and stuffed them into my belt. ...

When I was in the second grade, one day in the summer vacation, my parents and I went to my grandmother's house in the country. It's almost noon. I found rhubarb dog panting at the door. I asked my father, "Why does it stick out its tongue?" Dad said, "Dogs have no sweat glands. They stick out their tongues to dissipate heat. " I ate a bowl of noodles at lunch, and I was so hot that I sweated, so I stuck my tongue out. Grandma asked, "Zi Ning, what are you doing?" I said, "I'm cooling down." Made the whole family laugh.

In another composition class, the teacher asked the students to write an article about their favorite food, with special emphasis on the interpretation of the content. I thought for a long time, and finally made an article "Fried Rice with Eggs": Eating fried rice with eggs is my favorite. I eat fried rice with eggs every year, every month, every day, breakfast and dinner. I want to eat fried rice with eggs all the time. The teacher's comment at the back of my composition is: Be careful to burst your belly. ...

There are many interesting things in childhood. How unforgettable! "Childhood dreams, colorful dreams; Childhood songs, happy songs; A string of childhood footprints; The stories of childhood are piled up. " Can this song remind you of a wonderful childhood? In those colorful years, many things happened, not as brilliant as the stars. My childhood was wonderful and there were many things worth remembering. ...

As long as I can remember, my sister's class has kept two chickens. I go to see chickens as soon as I have time. I don't know how long it took. After a long time, hens lay eggs and chicks will hatch in them. 2 1 days later, I heard a cock crow. Seeing this, I heard voices. I feel sorry for the chicken. Help the chicken when neither the hen nor the rooster is at home. The opportunity has finally come. ...

That day, the hen went to find food for the chicken. The naughty cock was not at home and ran out to play. Take advantage of aunt's inattention, pick up an egg, hold it in your hand and gently touch it. She said solemnly, "Don't be afraid of chickens, you will come to the world soon." After that, I never hesitated. I peeled an egg, and a chicken with no eyes was born before the heat disappeared. It looked at me and cried twice, as if to say, "Thank you for letting me come to this world as soon as possible." I was so happy that I peeled the second one, too When I peeled off the fourth one, the hen came back. When she saw me bullying the little snake, she bit me, and suddenly her blood flowed. I went to my aunt in tears. My aunt didn't say anything about me, but said sadly, "Little fool, the chicken won't be born until a certain time!" " If you send them like this, you will die. "Hearing this, I hurried to see the chicken. Sure enough, all the chickens I "delivered" were dying, and all those who didn't "delivered" survived. I regretted it, but it was too late. ...

Although it has been a long time, although I was still young and ignorant there, it has been urging me to forge ahead, never back down.

Childhood is an ocean of joy. On the seashore of memory, there are countless shells, some of which are gloomy and evoke a sad past; There are wonderful and interesting stories that remind people of their childhood. I'm looking for the most beautiful shell on the coast of memory. Ah, I found it. ...

At that time, I was only six years old and had a soft spot for birthdays. I like birthdays, because I will eat big cakes, and that time, an interesting thing happened:

After a busy morning, I can finally eat the long-awaited cake! You see, the cake is big and round, with pure white cream on it and all kinds of cream-colored flowers on it. It seems to be smiling at me, so cute! The cake also says "Happy Birthday" with red jam. By candlelight, the cake really made my mouth water! I can't wait to eat.

Finally, I understand. I have a big cake in my hand. I took a big bite, ah, delicious! My sister suddenly laughed, which puzzled me. I put a cream on my nose when I looked in the mirror, like a clown! I couldn't help laughing myself. My sister doesn't like cream. She is thinking about what to do. Suddenly, when she saw the cream on my nose, her eyes lit up and she smiled and said, "Sister, come here!" " I strode past without thinking. My sister asked me to sit down, but she brought me a plate of my favorite cream. I thought she was going to give it to me, so I quickly spoke. "Pa", a cool thing stuck to my forehead, followed by my face and chin. I knew it was cream, so I stuck out my tongue to lick it, but I heard a burst of laughter. Look in the mirror, ha! A Xiaohua Mall appears in the mirror! A full face of cream, one east and one west. My face is painted like a Peking Opera mask by this "advanced" cosmetic. No, the color of Peking Opera facial makeup is not that single. Pure white cream looks like Xiaohua Mall's hair in the mirror. Why not lick the cream like a greedy cat? I laughed, too, out of breath. I suddenly became a greedy Xiaohua Mall!

The fun of childhood, everything is like a colorful shell, these colorful shells hold up my colorful childhood!

When I was a child, I was very naughty. Let me tell you an interesting story about my childhood.

I remember one time I went home and saw my father sleeping in bed, so a "bad" idea suddenly came to my little head, that is, drawing "Facebook", not on paper, but on my father's face. I first found out the paint, pen and water, and then carefully drew a big "king" on my father's forehead, and then used khaki. This is a majestic tiger. After painting, I was happy for my "masterpiece" and felt sorry for my father's face being painted like this, because it was a pity that my father's beautiful face was painted like this. Just as I was looking at my "masterpiece" happily, my father suddenly woke up and looked at him blankly. I burst out laughing. Father looked at me inexplicably. Seeing the watercolor paint and water all over the floor and looking at my malicious smile, my father rushed to the bathroom to look in the mirror. When he found his face painted by me, he ran away without watercolor paint on his face. But I still remember.

Look! How naughty I was when I was a child! It's interesting to think of it until now!

Everyone's childhood has many interesting things, and I am no exception. Let me tell you an interesting story about my childhood.

It was a hot summer. I am playing at my grandmother's house. My grandmother lives in the country. She keeps a lot of chickens. One day, grandma, uncle and grandpa went out to play and left me alone at home. I was very angry and thought, how can they not take me out? There is nothing to do in the house. I want to go to the henhouse to see what those chickens are doing. Hardly had I entered when I heard a bang. A hen laid an egg. This is very interesting. I touched the egg curiously. Hey, it's hot and wet. Here's an idea. I think chickens can lay eggs, so all the chickens in the henhouse can lay eggs. Why don't you dig out the eggs? Grandma won't praise me when she comes back and sees so many eggs, and maybe she will reward me. Yes, dig out the eggs! After thinking about it, I caught a chicken and pulled it out regardless of the willy-nilly. The chicken seems to know its fate, flapping its wings and trying to escape. For me, I hold the chicken feet tightly to see if it is good or bad. I haven't pulled it out for a long time. What's the matter? Why can't I pull it out and the reward is gone? I don't believe this can't be pulled out. I want to pull out the other one. I threw the chicken casually and went to catch other chickens. When the chickens saw me coming, they jumped up and down one by one, and started to run like mice saw cats. For me, I won't let go and keep catching chickens. No, I'm going to be a feather man in half an hour. I finally caught a chicken, and I began to dig. The chicken I dug out screamed "Wow", but I didn't take it out, and then I caught another chicken ... I dug up the chicken and it was foaming at the mouth. My ... grandma came back. When they saw my mess, they couldn't help laughing and asked why. Grandma not only didn't praise me, but also gave me a lecture. Later, I learned that except for the chicken coop.

This is an interesting thing when I was a child. Not only is it fun, but it also warns me from time to time: stealing chickens and not eating rice, don't do bad things with good intentions.

Childhood is colorful, passionate and lovely. Childhood is so beautiful, but what about the fun of childhood?

I am a girl from the north. When I was young, I liked to play in the ice and snow, have snowball fights and make snowmen. Whenever winter comes, goose feather-like snowflakes fall from the sky, one after another, like silver flowers and white butterflies. Looking forward to the world, I can only see snowflakes fluttering, like petals blowing to the ground, spinning in succession; Like the seven fairies scattered flowers, flying all over the sky. Standing in the snow is like squatting on a cotton gin. You can only see countless cotton flowers blowing towards you and covering you with white flowers.

When I got up in the morning, the wind stopped and the snow stopped. Open the door, a white cold light stung people dazzled. So, my brother and cousin and I picked up shovels and built a snowman in the yard, with a white body, a round head, black eyes made of coal balls and a cotton nose, and it was upturned! My cousin painted the snowman's mouth in red ink again. He is laughing at us! My brother made a beautiful hat for the snowman with a piece of red paper. The snowman suddenly became more arrogant! When the snowman piled up, it was another big fight. My cousin threw a snowball and attacked me when I was not looking. Fortunately, it's not big or medium. When I fought back, he was hit by my brother's snowball. Snowball was painted on my cousin's head, and the yard was full of laughter. Not convinced, my cousin picked up a snowball and hit his brother. After repeated attacks, the laughter in the yard grew louder.

How interesting childhood is! The fun of childhood brought me joy, and childhood was really good.

Childhood fun

Childhood is colorful, just like beautiful seashells by the sea; Childhood is carefree, just like a wave doll playing all day; Childhood is pure and sweet, just like a clear spring in a mountain stream. Speaking of childhood, it reminds me of an interesting thing.

I remember when I was four or five years old. Once, my grandma gave Juju and I each a high-grade toffee that made people drool, which made us two "little greedy cats" really happy.

Neither of us can eat. I said, "Shall we eat?" "Ok, let's eat together!" Juju agreed. I was quick with my hands and feet, and I took it apart once or twice. I took out the sugar and craned my neck to look at the chrysanthemums. I have a look at her sugar, nasty:

"Yours is bigger than mine!"

"Where? I'm a little short here! "

"Hum, mine is dissolved!"

"You have a strong color and a lot of milk!"


We fought for nothing and felt that we were suffering. But when I said I wanted to change, I quickly turned around and no one wanted to. We started eating sugar, "1, 2, 3!" "We eat together. Wow! Too sweet, too fresh, too fragrant! After eating for a while, I said, "take it out and see if it's you or me!" """Good!" Juju said, stick sugar on the tip of your tongue like a pug. I stuck out my tongue like her at first sight. She said I couldn't see clearly, so I had to put the sugar on the tip of my tongue, half of it outside, and try my best to stick out my tongue. At this moment, a puppy just stood in my way, and I couldn't dodge. The candy on the tip of the tongue accidentally fell to the ground. As luck would have it, I rushed forward with my right foot facing the candy. Well, what should I do? It's too late to say now, but it's too soon. Before I came to my senses, my foot was already on the "baby". I am really anxious and angry: "you smelly dog, rotten dog, dead dog!" " "I kicked the dog in the stomach and the dog ran away in fear. I lifted my feet, broke off the sugar stuck to the soles of my shoes with my hands, looked around and couldn't bear to throw it away. " Throw it away. Do you still want to eat? "Zhu Zhu sarcastically said to me. I can't help rubbing my hands full of candy and staring at Juju's mouth, just let me have a look at the butterscotch. I kept swallowing, hoping that she would spit out the sugar and give me half a bite. I couldn't help it any longer, but my nose was sour and tears flowed down like broken beads: "Mom, I want to eat … sugar … I want to eat … sugar …"

Now, the old man of time came and took away his childhood in a hurry. I won't haggle over a candy like before, and I won't cry. Thanks to the old time, because he printed his childhood into the purest, truest and most beautiful book in our hearts.