Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - I would like to ask, "The mulberry has not fallen, and the leaves are luxuriant." Metaphor or symbolic rhetoric? How to understand it?

I would like to ask, "The mulberry has not fallen, and the leaves are luxuriant." Metaphor or symbolic rhetoric? How to understand it?

Mulberry leaves flourish before they fall.

Mulberry Ye Er never fell. It's green, tender and fresh.

Main idea

This is a complaint poem about abandoning his wife, which tells the whole process of her love, marriage, abuse and abandonment with Meng, and expresses pent-up resentment. The unfortunate experience of the heroine reflects the social reality that men are superior to women and the status of husband and wife is unequal in the Spring and Autumn Period, and reflects the tragic fate of women being bullied and damaged under the marriage system at that time.

Artistic feature

The characters have distinct personalities and individual characteristics.

The heroine is a sincere, kind, hardworking and loyal woman. She yearns for and pursues a free and happy love life. Confused by the hypocrisy of self-protection, she gave herself to self-protection in private, which shows her imprudence. It also shows her boldness and decisiveness; After the engagement, she really missed self-protection and worked hard after marriage. Even if self-protection scolded and insulted her, she still kept her original intention, and she loved self-protection as always. It was not until she was abandoned and driven out of the house that she woke up from her dream, resolutely made a clean break with self-protection, and angrily accused and accused the despicable act of self-protection. This is a kind of struggle that she is unwilling to be humiliated and unwilling to be at the mercy of fate, which shows her reason and determination.

Self-protection is a despicable, hypocritical and vicious sad behavior. First, he cheated the heroine's love and property by means of false attentions, wishes and divination. After marriage, they tore off the veil, enslaved, beat and scolded their wives, and drove her out of the house as her age grew.

Contrast and portray characters' personalities.

A. compare the heroine with Meng. The focus of the contrast is the different attitudes of both sides towards each other. It is in this contrast that the truth and falsehood, good and evil, beauty and ugliness of the two characters show a strong contrast.

B. comparison of the thoughts and behaviors of two characters themselves.

Self-protection words and deeds, with marriage as the boundary, are manifested in two completely different situations: "swearing" and "being violently". By comparing and reflecting each other, they reveal their hypocritical and fierce nature.

The heroine is bounded by being abandoned, and there is also an obvious turning point. She changed from simple, naive, enthusiastic and slightly weak to mature, calm, rational and strong. One of the changes not only enriches the characters' images, but also shows the dialectical relationship between the living environment and the characters' personalities.

The Application of Fu, Bi and Xing Techniques

A. Fu-

In this poem, except "the mulberry has not fallen ... no mulberry has been eaten" and "the mulberry has fallen ... it is yellow and degraded." Except for the words "qi has a shore, Ji has a plate", they all use the method of fu, which makes people feel ashamed to listen to her and feel her joys and sorrows.


"Mulberry leaves flourish first and then fall" is a metaphor for women's youth, beauty and short-lived happiness at their first marriage.

"Mulberry has fallen, but it is yellow and gone"-a metaphor for the unfortunate ending of a woman who is old and abandoned.

"There is a shore in harmony, and there is a plate in discipline"-a metaphor for women suffering from a man's change of heart.


In the poem, the words "Mulberry leaves first flourish and then fall" and "Mulberry leaves first fall, yellow and then fall" are both metaphors and euphoria, which are intended to arouse the following, and both are used at the same time. Judging from the narrative of "embracing and trading silk" in the poem, the heroine may be a peasant woman who reeling her silk. There are mulberry trees around her house, so she sings mulberry leaves, which is not only a metaphor for the prosperity and sorrow of love with her familiar natural scenery, but also an association with things, causing her own sadness and sigh.

The chapter is neat and the rhythm is harmonious.

Important and difficult issues

Meng is a narrative poem. What clues does the whole poem follow to tell the story?

Meng consists of six chapters, and the author describes it in the first person "I". The first and second chapters describe the process of abandoned wives from love to marriage, as well as self-protection. The third, fourth and fifth chapters trace back to married life, in which the third chapter regrets falling in love by mistake, the fourth chapter accuses her of self-protection after marriage, and the fifth chapter tells that her parents' brothers laughed coldly at her after she was abandoned. The last chapter expresses her resentment and determination towards The Broken Heart. The author follows the plot clue of "love-marriage-rejection". The story is complete, beginning and ending, and we can see the tragic life of the abandoned wife.

Second, take Meng as an example to talk about the application of Fu, Bi and Xing in The Book of Songs.

Dream is a narrative poem, of course, mainly composed of fu, but it is also swaying in the form of metaphor. The third chapter "Sang is absent.

Autumn, its leaves are fertile "means the happiness of the first marriage and love life;" The fourth chapter describes the decline of love with the metaphor of "the mulberry falls, and its yellow falls".

The bleak after the cold, these two sentences also use Xing's technique, and the author uses natural phenomena to compare the heroine's love life.

The change of life leads to poetry expressing emotional life from the rising poetry, which enhances the vividness and uniqueness of poetry and makes poetry

Songs have more charm and image appeal; The sixth chapter uses "qi has a shore, discipline has a plate" to reject the infinity after.

The pain, while expressing feelings, also produced a good artistic effect.