Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who translates and explains Guiguzi's works best?

Who translates and explains Guiguzi's works best?

Among many modern translations of Guiguzi, The Art of War published by Fang Lizhong 1992 is the first translation of Guiguzi since the lifting of the ban during the Cultural Revolution. Since then, modern versions of Guiguzi have emerged one after another. At present, on the basis of more than 0/00 editions of Guiguzi/KLOC, the number of books is still increasing at the rate of 3-5 books per year.

Among them, Fang Lizhong's New Book of Guiguzi, Chen Puqing's New Interpretation of Guiguzi, Zheng's Wonderful Thoughts of Guiguzi and Xu's Collection of Guiguzi and Notes of Schools have great influence. However, most translated versions of Guiguzi are difficult to understand.

Relatively speaking, Guiguzi, which was published last year and translated and commented by Wang Keping, and Guiguzi Huijie, which was published this year and written by Hongwu Wang, should be regarded as better versions of Guiguzi at present.