Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Harry Potter's Content Settings

Harry Potter's Content Settings

Magic props: light-out device, wand, elder wand, invisibility cloak, resurrection stone, horcrux, sorcerer's stone, Eris mirror, marauder's map, time converter, sorting hat, cloak, cloak, parchment, naysayer, Daily Prophet, Hogwarts Express, knight's car, door key, flying powder, disappearing cabinet. Meditation basin spell name alchemy, Ani maggs, apparition/apparate, dark magic, dark mark, divination, absolute loyalty spell, directional spell, obstacle spell, goblin gold, brain occlusion, snake pit, call of the guardian of God, all fossilization, crushing, armor spell, following apparate, deformation, unbreakable oath, reappearance of bones, unbreakable.

Flying around, the clear water is like a spring, alohomora, coming to my face, Awada claims life, birds, traps enemies, quickly imprisons, confuses the audience, gouges out bones, disappears without a trace, the front teeth are huge, falls apart, spells, separates left and right, recovers quickly, grows rapidly, summons the guards of God, flies sand and stones, and removes you. Rapid imprisonment, fire, landing in Admiralty, grasping the heart, hanging upside down in Admiralty, moving, legs standing still, fluorescent flashing, cloud spell retreating, apparate, Knox, obliviate, orchid blooming, arrangement, Paccpik West pestnomi (invalid spell), petrification, leading the way, Mentos (turning objects into door keys), pre-flash spell, protego. Muggle shielding, grinning, funny, security guard, cleaning, shadowless, Oolong coming out of the hole, silent, loud, faint, Tarantella dancing, whirlwind sweeping, unmodeled, Wadi Wasi, Yoga Dimler Viossa (floating spell), smooth, phantom slate, earplug closing, tongue sealing, ten million. XX flew in (add items before flying in), including magic medicine Fuling, Mandrake restorer, Shengguling, polyjuice potion, truth serum, Stellera chamaejasme, blood tonic, elixir of life, ecstasy, tranquilizer, damn soup, breathing grass, professional title principal, prefect, president of boys' student union, Auror, witnesses and warriors (representing their respective schools in the Triwizard tournament).

Quidditch: the hottest game in the wizarding world

Wizarding chess: The rules are similar to chess, but the pieces can be controlled by language and can be played against each other.

Chamber music: music played in a relatively small place, which Dumbledore likes best.

Ten Commandments: Dumbledore's favorite subjects are astronomy, arithmetic divination, protection of magical creatures, magic, defense against the dark arts, divination, flying lessons, herbalism, magic history, Muggle studies, potions, ancient Runivan studies, metamorphosis, magical creatures, goblins, centaurs, mermaids, phoenixes, unicorns and livestock. Hungarian horned-tailed dragon, Welsh green dragon, Griffin winged beast, fire crab, bijuu with human head and lion body, fried-tailed snail, Flober caterpillar, whomping willow, Mandrake, Veela, ghoul, Irish leprechaun, King's Cross Station in the underworld, Ministry of Magic, Ministry of Prohibition of Abuse of Magic, Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, St. Mungo Magic Injury Hospital, leaky cauldron, Auror Command, Ministry of Mystery, HSS. Gringotts Wizarding Bank, knockturn alley, diagon alley, Madam Malkin Robe Shop, Azkaban Prison, Bass Barton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Demstrom College, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Chamber of Secrets, Hogsmeade Village, Three Brooms Bar, Pig's Head Bar, Honey Duke Candy Shop, Room of Requirement, Screaming Cabin, Common Room, Forbidden Forest, burrow, Godric Valley, 65438 Grimaud Square. Apple cake, Bibi flavor beans, buttered beer, canary biscuits, pot cakes, chocolate crucibles, chocolate frogs, cockroach piles, Baobao super bubble gum, eggnog, sorbet balls, ginger salamander biscuits, licorice sticks, Mars sticks, flame whiskey, owl food, pumpkin pie, rock cakes, sugar feather pens, screaming sugar rats, etc. Later, he won Draco's wand in the battle of Malfoy Manor. I also used the wand elder, the ultimate master of the wand elder.

Hermione: It's made of rattan, and the core of the stick is the heart muscle of a dragon, 12 inch.

Ron (Old): With Charlie's worn-out elder wand, the unicorn hair inside can come out from the end. It was almost broken in whomping willow, and later it had to be repaired with transparent glue, which led to the magic rebound and gilderoy lockhart's amnesia.

Ron (new): fourteen inches, willow, unicorn hair.

James Potter: Eleven inches, mahogany, unknown core.

Lily potter: Ten and a quarter inches, Willow. Tendons of dragon heart

Remus john lupin: Twelve inches, cherry wood, unicorn feathers.

Neville (Old): This is his father's old wand. The material is unknown.

Neville (new): cherry wood, unicorn hair, unknown size. This is one of the last wands sold in Ollivander.

Cho chang: Made of ebony, about 9 inches, with unknown core.

Cedric: Twelve and a quarter inches, yellow cedar, unicorn hair, very elastic.

Hibiscus: Nine and a half inches, rosewood. The core of the stick is a hair of her grandmother. It cannot bend.

Krum: Ten and a quarter inches. Goose ears, dragon heart strings, hard, thicker than most wands.

Hagrid: Sixteen inches, oak, unknown core. Later, it broke down. However, he made a flower umbrella with a broken wand and used it all the time.

Dumbledore: Elder wands, elderberries and tail feathers of thestral, of unknown size. This is an invincible wand and one of the three deathly Hallows. Later, Harry repaired his wand with an elder wand.

Voldemort: thirteen and a half inches, Chinese fir, and the core of the staff is also phoenix hair (fox tail hair)

Bellatrix lestrange: Walnut and dragon nerve, twelve and three-quarters inches, are not easy to bend.

Lucius malfoy: Elm, the nerve of the dragon, of unknown size (later used by Voldemort, with bad fate).

Draco Malfoy: Ten inches, hawthorn wood, unicorn hair, good elasticity. After losing his wand, he used his mother's wand.

Peter pettigrew (new wand): chestnut and dragon nerve, nine and a quarter inches, hard and brittle (Ollivander was forced to make it after being kidnapped)

Snape: Thirteen and a half inches long, birch, unknown core.