Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to write a good composition, hand, heart and mouth?

How to write a good composition, hand, heart and mouth?

My hand is touching the deepest whisper of my soul! I am naturally partial to nature, love flowers and trees, love storms, thunder and lightning, love frost, snow and rain ... and love everything carved by the essence of heaven and earth. Every early autumn, my hand is always looking for it inadvertently, looking for the harmony of all spirit and beauty. My hand is glued to the skin of poplar, and I hear it whispering. The vigorous vitality seems to break through the trunk and erupt, burning all the passion like a volcanic eruption. So I quietly recorded the vitality of this pangbo by hand! My hand is soothing the pain of fallen leaves! I am not kind, I like the desolation of fallen leaves. Pieces of golden leaves, with a "sad" attitude, slowly fall on the roots of everything, just like a butterfly with broken wings, mourning for old age, falling one after another, and then dying, blending with the soil. But I know that these fallen leaves are not happy, but sad for their own decline. Because I touched every nerve of the fallen leaves, every nerve was trembling, and every nerve was telling its own sadness. So I quietly recorded this tearful sadness by hand! My hands are feeling the excited heartbeat! Every day I look forward to, I am always full of enthusiasm. Because my long-awaited set of tarot cards finally flew over Qian Shan and came to me. I think you must have heard my call. I didn't burst into tears as expected. I just reached out and put my hand to my heart, listening to my heartbeat and feeling the long-lost passion. So I gently recorded the heartbeat representing life with my hand! At that time, I didn't know that in the future, this set of tarot cards I finally got would accompany me to the back of the world. I think this is the only regret in life! I have ice in my hand! I ran downstairs in a thin coat regardless of the cold outside. The whiteness of the land I touched a handful of snow with my hand, and it was freezing cold, but I also felt the coolness of snow. So I gently recorded the coolness of the snow with my hand! Fingers flying, winding up the loneliness of years, expounding the truth of inspiration, and recording all this with cuneiform characters! I write my heart with my handwriting!