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What is the connection between dota heroes and World of Warcraft heroes?

DOTA's hero

Az Ghost (Iris)-phantom lancer

This character uses a model/icon based on the character Kimahri in Final Fantasy.

Bradwarden-Chief Centaur

The centaur character in the first trilogy of Damon War (The Demon Awakens, The Demon Spirit and The Demon Apostle) is a novel world created by R. A. Salvator.

The legend of centaur is well known, probably starting from ancient Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, the earliest and most famous centaur should be Khyron, who is full of tragedy. There are many versions of legends about his life. According to these legends, he may be a descendant of Ixions Whee, son of Ares and Duoyun, or a descendant of Philyra, a fairy, and kronos, the patron saint of Saturn. But the description of his appearance is basically the same. Most of them say that his upper body is a human trunk, including hands and head, and his lower body is a horse's body, including trunk and legs, which means he has two arms and four legs. Although Centaur's reputation in Greek mythology has not been very good, Khyron is an outsider. He was a wise elder, psychotherapist and prophet, and was given the sacred title of "trauma healer".


This is very famous. The leader of the night elves, Tyrande's husband, Julian's brother, the main force fighting against natural disasters, and Fario, who is currently sleeping in the emerald dream, can refer to the task level of WOW and warcraft 3, and of course, you can also look for novels.

Lena. Inverse (Lina Inverse) —— Magical Mentor

A beautiful girl nursing consultant who "wants to see the outside world" travels everywhere. It is said that one seventh of the red-eyed demon Sha Branny is sealed in her body, and she is good at using dark magic. She is cruel and mercenary. If you are angry all your life, you will use a dragon chop to vent your anger. Although it is an objective fact, she hates people saying that she is stunted and her breasts are too small. Her creed is: "Do the bad guys still want to talk about human rights?" Therefore, thieves who usually rob houses will be miserable (thieves have no human rights). The thief's first adjective to her is: "Lina Inverse, who has no patience at all, loves to use magic indiscriminately, and is the nemesis of thieves …" So, her nickname is "the nemesis of thieves" and "expert in avoiding dragons", and even dragons dare not step on her, which is really amazing. Later, she added several titles: "The illegitimate daughter of destruction, the natural enemy of all things in the world, and wherever she went, only destruction and killing were left ..."

Luna Moonfang-Moon Knight

Luna comes from Latin, which means the falling moon. In Roman mythology, she is also the goddess of the moon, that is, Artemis in ancient Greek mythology: the goddess of the moon, the goddess of hunting, the god of purity, and also known as the protector of virgins. As a three-body goddess, she is Xilong in the air, Artemis on the ground, and Heikati in the underworld and the dark world. She is the twin sister of Apollo, the sun god. Like Apollo, she has the right to control the light. It's just that she doesn't like the scorching sun, but prefers the cold moonlight. During the day, Apollo crossed the sky in a golden chariot and was honored as the sun god. At night, Al themis flew across the night sky with a solemn gesture and was honored as the goddess of the moon. Sitting in an empty carriage with a milky white war horse, the "Queen of the Vast Sky" radiates silver light to the sleeping earth.

Artemis likes hunting, wearing knee-length hunting clothes, with noisy and lovely fairies following her. She is always wandering in the forest with a pearl bow and shining arrows, chasing wild animals, and taking a bath by the spring when she is tired and hot. She is the master of wild animals and the main shooter of the sacred world, carefully guarding the balance of nature. Cypress is her sacred tree, and deer is her favorite pet.

She was loved by Zeus since she was a child. When she was only three years old, she used to sit on Zeus' knee and stroke his beard. Zeus asked her what she wanted. She replied: first, I hope to get eternal purity and be as successful as my brother Apollo; Second, I hope to get a sharp arrow and a hunting suit, as well as 60 sea fairies as companions and 20 river fairies to take care of hunting dogs; Three, in charge of all the mountains, but there is only one city. Zeus was very surprised, very happy and proud. He not only fulfilled her three wishes, but also gave her many cities.

Later, Al themis fell in love with Poseidon's son Orion.

But Apollo didn't like Orion, who was praised by Al themis as the most magnificent man in the world. One night, in the name of trying themis's archery, he tricked her into shooting at the distant Blackstone. As a result, the moon goddess killed her lover Orion by mistake. In great pain, Al themis implored his father Zeus and expressed his willingness to bring Orion back to life with his own life. Zeus was moved by the great love of the moon goddess, so he lifted Orion to the sky and turned it into a beautiful Orion. Artemis also rose to the sky and became a bright moon, waiting for Orion forever.

Artemis, like the bright moon she represents, is unattainable, but it makes people yearn for it forever. ...

Shapeshift elves

Also from the magic game (Magic: the gathering), the shapeshifters of Wizard Coast can change their attributes to adapt to the environment. In fact, generally speaking, Morphling refers to amoeba, which is really like …

Invisible assassin

The ninja Riki in the game is controlled by the player and performs different tasks with another female ninja girl. The essence of the game is stealth and assassination.

Rexxar BM

There was a brave chief named Kisa Horn in the Moknasa tribe. He seized the throne of power with extraordinary brute force and courage, and fell in love with Misa Rema, the daughter of Gu Lei clan elders, an orc in eastern kingdoms. However, the good times did not last long. Misa Germa was infected with swamp disease and his life was dying. Although Kisa Horn tried everything, it made his heart beat and haggard. Misa Rema is pregnant at this time. When the child was born, his mother had already died in tears mixed with pain and happiness. Kisa Horn was very sad. He picked up the boy and held it above his head. In memory of his mother, he named him rexxar remar after the earth.

Lexar, in the language of wild ogres, means "irresistible fate". Misha Rema's death dealt a great blow to Kisa Horn, and he was killed in a leadership challenge soon after. Before he died, he gave rexxar remar to a reclusive ogre hunter for adoption, and gave his mother's double axe engraved with the rune "Misa Rema" to the hermit, telling them to leave South Fielas and never come back.

Lexar showed extraordinary fighting skills and quick thinking talent at an early age, much like his father and mother. Many years later, his adopter died in a battle to catch violent bears. When rexxar remar found his body, half of his body had been torn off by a female violent bear who had just given birth, and the throat of the female violent bear was cut by a hunter's bayonet. Rexxar Rema buried his "father" who raised him for more than ten years with infinite emotion. Just as he was about to leave, a young Xiong Bao appeared in his field of vision. This little guy can't run. He snuggled up to his mother Xiong Bao and refused to leave for a long time. For complicated psychological reasons, or seeing such a life with the same fate as him, he decided to adopt this little violent bear and named it "Misa" in memory of his unmasked mother. We can see him in the battle of the orcs on the frozen throne.

The "Moknasa" at the beginning of the article refers to the ogre tribe in Fielas. It means "a reclusive survivor"

Slithice-Naga siren (little Naga)

In the west, people often use "locker to Davey Jones" to mean "drowning at the bottom of the sea", because Davey Jones's locker is a metaphor of "unfathomable bottom of the sea", while Davey Jones is a humorous name for Poseidon, Sea Monster or Sea Ghost by sailors on a long voyage.

The siren in Greek mythology, with a woman's face and a bird's body, has a beautiful singing voice, and often seduces passers-by with singing, causing ships to hit the rocks and sink. They are the daughters of the river god Ekruz, born from his blood. Because they lost in the music competition with the Muse, the Muse pulled out their wings and made them unable to fly. The muse wove a crown for herself with Sai Ren's beautiful wings as a symbol of victory.

After losing its wings, Sai Ren had to swim near the coastline. They often become beautiful mermaids, playing harps on rocks, singing magical songs, and attracting past sailors with their musical talents. Once young sailors pass by, they will be involuntarily attracted by the beauty of singing and mermaids and become their food. The island where they live is near the Messina Strait, and another siren, Shula and kaleb Dis, are also there, so the area is full of the victims' bones. When the hero Odysseus led the fleet through the Messina Strait, he had already learned the fatal temptation of Sai Ren in advance, so he ordered the sailors to seal their ears with wax and tie themselves to the mast of the ship, so that they could pass safely. Orpheus, the son of Apollo, who was good at playing the harp, also successfully passed through the place where Sai Ren lived. He silenced Sai Ren's singing with the harp. According to other Greek legends, Sai Ren was the companion of Persephone (the daughter of Demeter and Zeus). Persephone was kidnapped and married by the ghost Hades and rescued by her mother. Since then, she has spent six months on earth and six months in hell every year. Sai Ren was punished as the guardian of the dead for failing to stop the ghost Hades.

Squeeze and spleen-goblin engineer

The goblin is a monster in folklore, a goblin and a ghost. It is a humanoid race in the fantasy world, with many different forms and legends. Tolkien linked goblins with orcs, and all fantasy works about goblins were influenced by him.

Gobble in the game can be mainly divided into two categories:

In Tolkien's description of the media, Gobble is a smaller orc. These goblins are inherently evil and insidious. They have different skin colors and usually have tangled and dirty hair. Gobble in D & ampd key appears in this image.

Description from Warhammer, green skin, hairless, short race. They may cheat or use other races, but they are not absolutely evil. In modern games, brother Boolean morality appears in this image, such as Warcraft or magic storm. However, they are timid and will not blow themselves up as bravely as in DOTA. Of course, that was before 9. 1 1.

witch doctor

A famous dark spear tribe troll witch doctor, from warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft.

Jurnello Oscar Pistorius

Blade master, orc, the ultimate skill invincible chop, originated from cloud strife's invincible chop in Final Fantasy.

Jagannth, the Lord of the Hindu world and the king of Vishnu, is regarded as an unstoppable force and will clear everything in his path.

Zeus-King of the Gods

Zeus is one of the twelve gods of Olympus in Greece. He lives in Mount Olympus. He is the king of the gods and the supreme god. He used lightning and a shield called "Horse" to keep order between heaven and earth. The ox and the eagle are his symbols. His brothers Poseidon and Hades were in charge of the ocean and hell respectively, and the goddess Hera was the wife of Zeus. He is charming, compassionate and full of anecdotes. Most stories related to him in Greek mythology describe his love history.

Zeus is the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea, the father of the gods. He went to war with his brothers and sisters and their father. After ten years of war, with the help of Gaia, the grandmother of the earth goddess, she defeated her father and sent her to the bottom of the earth. And put all those who want to seek his position in dungeons and dungeons, so Hades and Neptune condescended to him. Since then, he has become the ruler of the universe.


His name may come from Nordom, a plane torture (ad & amp; D game, exotic requiem). This may also come from Norton, because they are a company that develops anti-virus software, and Silencer is an anti-magic hero.

Rasta-Shadow Shaman

The name comes from a special religious group "Rhastafari". According to Rhasta's accent, it should be in Jamaica.

Sven Rogue Knight

A fitness athlete from Sweden once famously said, "I want to cheer you up and applaud!" " . Sven's skills are tough, and the aura explains the text ("Sven is here to cheer you up!" ) Now Sven is not afraid of anything) And the ultimate skill ("Sven, come on! Add additional damage for 25 seconds. " This is Sven nb, which takes 25 seconds extra damage. "All descriptions come from this.


Syllabear should be the name of the TDA clan member who developed the DotA Allstars series map with Guinsoo (see the personnel information of Series 5).

The word "Druid" is understood as two parts: the first half is largely related to the Greek word "Druid", which means oak tree; The second half is similar to the suffix "-wid" of Indo-European family. Druids take acorns as sacred fruit, which proves that the ancient meaning of their names is people who are familiar with oak trees.

Reverend Druid is a very advanced Celtic priest, mage or prophet. Celtic was a barbarian scattered in Gaul, England, Ireland, Europe, Asia Minor and the Balkans from the 5th century BC to the 1 century AD. Druidic rituals and teachings are very secretive, and they are only taught orally according to convention. Therefore, although it has been studied and explored through the ages, it is still poorly understood. Most of the information about them comes from ancient Greek and Roman literature. In addition, archaeologists can only occasionally find some tiny clues from the remains of forests, shrines and temples, such as pictures and marks. The earliest record of the druid order in history books is mainly found in the works of Julia Caesar and Tacitus, the greatest historians in ancient Rome. In these works, most of them describe the cruelty and terror of druidism! During Caesar's expedition to Gaul, he reported to the Senate: "Druid priests have important status and power in the local area, such as arbitration and priest worship. They are proficient in physics and chemistry; Live in the Woods, cut sacred acorns with golden sickles, and even sacrifice the living! But in most cases, druids are recognized as guardians of ancient wisdom, with lofty moral cultivation and deep attainments in natural science and theology. Druid priests are proficient in divination, meticulous in rituals, good at calendars, medicine, astronomy and literature ... At the same time, they are also synonymous with law enforcers, bards and explorers. Both men and women can become druid priests and enjoy a high status in society. Some historians equate druid priests with Brahmins, Magi, priests and shamans in India. 6T\u00 16^\u0006

During the festival, the priest druid harvested acorns on the sixth day of the full moon, but in the process, acorns could not fall to the ground and were wrapped in pure white cloth. Then sacrifice two white bulls and hold a banquet. They will also sacrifice the living. Usually, these animals are prisoners, but if not, they will choose among civilians. The victim was either burned alive in a wooden cage, stabbed to death by a stake, stabbed to death by a sharp weapon, or shot to death by a random arrow ... or executed the most sacred "triple death" (only those who were elected as druid princes can accept this ceremony, and * * is usually voluntary). The victim was first stunned with an axe, then quickly strangled with a rope made of three animal muscles, and he was cut open at the same time. Finally, the victim of the sacrifice was put face down into four feet of water, which showed that he was finally drowned. The last food he ate before he died was baked barley cake sprinkled with acorns ... It was these cruel human sacrifices that angered the Roman regime and accelerated their demise. Some scholars in later generations excused the Druid priest, but it seems difficult to excuse the senior priest as the chief priest. ...

In the process of prophecy, Druid priests often use crows, eagles and other birds and animals to predict good or bad luck. Sometimes, predictions are made by observing the throat and internal organs of animals. When the festival comes, the druid priest will hold a ceremony to hypnotize people, then exchange souls, and then predict the future with dreams. History books also record the magic used by some Druid priests, such as casting illusions and amulets with herbs and acorns; Magic eggs soaked in the saliva of angry snakes can control others, and so on ... = \ u 00 14 For F3 \ u00 18u9.

Druids also believe in the eternity of the soul, which is a bit like reincarnation. They will burn all the living things after their loved ones die, and even jump into the fire to hold their loved ones' bodies, so that they can share their godsend with their loved ones ... They will also write letters to the deceased and even increase the amount of compensation so that the other party can repay them after death. ...

Around 1 century, the Roman Empire was afraid of the Celts' strength and launched a large-scale campaign against them. Tacitus once recorded that in the battle, the druids dressed in black jumped in the Celtic army, growled the names of the gods and cursed the Roman Empire severely. After the victory of Rome, not only all the Celtic soldiers were slaughtered, but also the druids were bloodbath, and their priests' bodies were abandoned in the druid sacred forest ... This battle made the druids fall apart in the following centuries, and their strength and status were no different from ordinary wizards in the following generations ... Until 16 and 17 centuries, druidism still existed only. eight

/kloc-in the 7th century, the British archaeologist John Oberly pointed out that the druidism in Roman times may contain some older beliefs. According to legend, they built the famous Stonehenge (huge prehistoric stone pillars on the Salisbury Plain in England, just like those in Si Tong Field in Act 1) to worship the sun god! Although his statement was wrong, the revival movement of Druids finally began in the18th century. @\u0005H\u00 1842xYd

In A.D. 17 17, William Stokery and john toland, known as priests of Druidism, rebuilt Druidism, and later Henry Holly restored its ancient dogma, making it a charity similar to the Aid Society. E7\u000 1\u0002T*S y

Interestingly, the druids' order in Mimi was established for a completely different purpose. 1963, the North American Innovative Druid Order was established, but it was only because a group of college students in carleton college, Northfield, Minnesota opposed the school's forcing students to participate in religious services. Later, the organization developed into a Druid cult advocating new pagan beliefs, which has developed to this day.