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Is hypnosis a psychological suggestion? Can it stimulate people's subconscious?

Is hypnosis a psychological suggestion? Can it stimulate people's subconscious?

The answer is yes. Hypnosis is psychological suggestion, which can not only achieve the psychological suggestion of hypnosis, but also stimulate people's subconscious.

The two problems of the problem are interrelated. It is both a psychological theory and a physiological phenomenon.

Hypnosis is a suggestive process.

From the perspective of physiology and psychology, the essence of hypnosis is a means and a process of suggestion. The starting point of this method is to explore and discover some memories left by people in their hearts from the subconscious level. Let it, restore normal physical and psychological state. This is the essence of using hypnosis.

When using hypnosis, we must pay attention to two important links.

First, the application of this hypnotic means is not a panacea for any hypnotist, but there are differences between people. Adapters benefit, but those who don't adapt get twice the result with half the effort.

Secondly, hypnosis has two sides and is a double-edged sword. Good use has obvious effect, and bad use will cause harm to human body.

Therefore, when using hypnosis, we must think twice before you act, and be cautious. Only you can't do it yourself.

There is no doubt that hypnosis can stimulate the human subconscious.

Judging from the relevant data, the application of hypnosis is still relatively strict and scientific. It just requires strict operating procedures. First of all, the requirements for the operator. Nerves enter a relaxed state, and then the operator should give patient and meticulous language guidance and guidance. Third, under the guidance of the manipulator, the manipulated found the inner subconscious.

Therefore, judging from the rigorous operating procedures of hypnosis science, there is no doubt that hypnosis can stimulate people's subconscious. It is both rigorous and scientific. Hypnosis can certainly achieve the purpose of stimulating the human subconscious.

To sum it up.

Hypnosis itself is a science, and hypnosis is practical and rigorous. The essence of hypnosis is suggestion. From the physiological and psychological point of view, it is entirely possible to hint and stimulate people's inner subconscious through hypnosis, a practical means.

There is a scene in a series of movies "Taxi" by French movie master luc besson: a group of tough robbers caught the insider who lost the stolen goods, and the confession was invalid. In desperation, the robbers found a hypnotist who looked old enough to hypnotize, and the hypnotist was hypnotized by an insider. At the beginning of the camera, it seems that mysterious hypnosis becomes absurd and humorous in an instant, just for Bojun to smile. Hypnosis appears in many film and television works, just like this film, which is a means for "good people" to control "bad people" or "bad people" to control "good people's thinking". The hypnotist in the image talks endlessly, like divination, full of spells, and the hypnotized person is unconscious and obedient. Even Jin Yong's Yang Guo was fascinated by hypnosis-he magically hypnotized the apprentice of King Jinlun.

The essence of hypnosis

Hypnosis is dedicated to art in these images and words, and its function is distorted by the exaggeration of montage-filled film art.

After hypnotizing a person, you can't do whatever you want. Some people were cheated in the dark, and it was attributed to hypnosis. Actually, it's a drug hallucinogen. Can spies get information through hypnosis, so that the parties are unaware of it? In fact, it is not feasible. Although a person's mind is not controlled by consciousness when he is hypnotized, he can often recall his hypnotized experience afterwards. Hypnosis can indeed make people dance by hinting, presenting a crazy state in front of everyone. But the premise is that the person who accepts hypnotic suggestion must have the will to vent. The hysterical symptoms hidden in his heart have been suppressed for a long time, and the hypnotist's function is only to let his subconscious mind vent.

What is the subconscious? It refers to the thoughts, motives and impulses that are suppressed in people's minds and are not supervised by people's consciousness. We often accidentally say the wrong thing and write wrong words. It is the subconscious that plays a subtle role. Hypnosis is to blur people's consciousness to stimulate people's subconscious energy.

Hypnosis has been used by magicians since ancient times to stimulate the magical power of human beings. Hypnosis was recorded as early as the fourth dynasty in Egypt. Modern hypnosis originated from a German named Mismel, who called it an "animal magnet" and used it to treat diseases. Until the first world war came, hypnosis opened a new era of development. During this period, due to the war trauma, various psychogenic diseases emerged constantly, and the traditional drug treatment had little effect, so hypnotherapy became popular, and many cases that had not been cured for a long time were cured by hypnotherapy. After more than 200 years of development, hypnosis technology finally has a relatively unified procedure, that is, the hypnotist hints through language, music and behavior, so that the hypnotized person can expose his subconscious. After entering the hypnotic state, people can recall the forgotten experiences in the past, change their personality and habits, and exert their unknown potential under the suggestion of the hypnotist. The most important purpose of hypnosis is to rediscover and adjust yourself by discovering your subconscious. Man's subconscious is his inner voice. We should listen to him and guide him, not suppress and control him.

Three hypnotic States

Hypnosis can be divided into three states: mild hypnosis, moderate hypnosis and severe hypnosis. Under mild hypnosis, people's psychological defense gradually decreases, and they can say things that they usually don't want to disclose. During moderate hypnosis, the hypnotized person relaxes physically and mentally, responds well to the hypnotist's instructions, and is conscious. At this time, hypnosis builds a bridge between consciousness and subconscious, and the subconscious can send information to the conscious level and be perceived. Deep hypnosis means that the hypnotized person is relaxed, unconscious and completely immersed in a very subjective personal world. At this point, the hypnotist can manipulate the hypnotized person through language. But not everyone can reach the level of deep hypnosis. Generally speaking, more than half of the people can only reach the degree of mild hypnosis, 25% can be moderately hypnotized, and less than 20% may experience deep hypnosis.

In fact, in order to be deeply hypnotized, some conditions must be met. First of all, the hypnotized person must trust the hypnotist very much and be willing to accept the suggestion of the hypnotist. Second, the hypnotic environment must be quiet and comfortable, which is conducive to the relaxation of the parties. Third, the hypnotized person must have the so-called "hypnotic constitution". The so-called "hypnotic constitution" refers to people who firmly believe that they can be hypnotized, have low psychological defense and weak willpower, and often daydream on weekdays. Only when all three conditions are met, the conditions of deep hypnosis are mature. At this time, the hypnotist's superb hypnotic skills and years of rich hypnotic experience need to play a role in controlling emergencies. This shows that it is not easy to perform Yang Guo's ecstasy solution in real life, and most of those so-called hypnotic stage plays are performed.

The role of hypnosis

People enter a state of subconscious awakening through hypnosis, just like a shaking cup of water, which gradually stabilizes, impurities precipitate, and subconscious troubles naturally emerge. The application of hypnotherapy in psychological counseling is based on this principle. Psychoanalysis believes that people's psychological conflicts and contradictions should seek answers from the subconscious roots. For example, a person's autism and interpersonal relationship are blocked, which is probably caused by subconscious fear of communication frustration. But usually people have a psychological self-defense mechanism, unconsciously avoiding psychological trauma and hiding the key to the problem in the subconscious. At this time, the role of hypnosis is to let people disarm their consciousness, find their own crux in the subconscious, and explore their potential by re-recognizing their troubles and actively solving problems.

So is the role of hypnosis limited to this? Of course not. Hypnosis has been widely used in medicine, psychology, education, sports, religion, criminal investigation and other fields, and it is no longer the so-called "buffoon in the palace of science". Hypnosis has been proved to be helpful to relax and relieve stress, such as the treatment of some anxiety disorders and the adjustment of upset emotions. Hypnosis can also be used to treat some physical and mental diseases. Sometimes our subconscious desires and thoughts conflict with reality, and they don't show up psychologically. On the contrary, physical problems are warning us, for example, constant tension can lead to ulcer symptoms. At this time, hypnosis can help us find psychological problems, and physical disorders will be cured.

In addition, hypnosis is an effective analgesic method in medicine. /kloc-In the middle of the 0/9th century, a British surgeon in India performed more than 2,000 operations under the condition of hypnotizing patients without pain, which actually diverted our attention from hypnosis and achieved the effect of relieving pain. Nowadays, many dental operations use hypnosis to relieve pain, which is good news for some patients who are allergic to anesthetics.

The great energy of hypnosis in exerting the potential of life has also attracted people's attention. Many people use hypnosis to recall the past many years ago. Or under hypnosis, improve your skills and creativity. Hypnotherapy helps to quit smoking and drinking and build self-confidence. Hypnotists often input some positive information into the client's subconscious through suggestive language, making it the client's belief. For example, tell the client that "you have eaten enough, and then you will vomit", then the client may limit his appetite and not overeat.

Hypnosis research needs further study.

When we are hypnotized, our brain wave frequency is in the range of alpha wave and theta wave. When we are sober, we are in alpha wave state, but when we are in light sleep state, brain waves become theta waves. Scientists have discovered the frequency of hypnotic brain waves, but this does not mean that they have revealed the brain mechanism of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a process of searching for the realm of human subconscious. So, which part of the brain is active under hypnosis? Where is our subconscious content in the brain? These are all things that hypnosis didn't tell us. For the hypnotized person's physical characteristics and psychological state, there is also a lack of an effective measurement tool to determine who and under what circumstances hypnosis is suitable to help him solve problems and exert his potential.

Contemporary hypnosis technology presents the characteristics of letting a hundred flowers blossom. There are not only societies of hypnosis and parapsychology in the world, but also advanced hypnotherapy associations and various hypnotherapy colleges. In the field of hypnosis, a practical psychological communication technology called neurolinguistic programming has emerged. This situation is conducive to all kinds of competitions and learning improvement. However, due to the lack of a unified commander-in-chief's leading role, various technologies are uneven, and many Jianghu gods cheat the world for profit, which makes the field of hypnosis filled with smoke.

This phenomenon is particularly serious in China. Hypnosis is a newly introduced and developed field in modern times. Some principles and methods just graft foreign experience, and immature places abound. Coupled with the social pursuit and boasting, the world loves and hates hypnosis. Some people refuse to accept hypnosis because of their lack of understanding of hypnosis, thinking that hypnosis is witchcraft that controls people's body and mind; Others listen to people's words, exaggerate their understanding of the efficacy of hypnosis, accept hypnosis at will, and often hypnotize themselves at will, resulting in adverse consequences such as sleep disorders and even mental disorders. We should be vigilant.