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What is the responsibility of community operation?

What is the responsibility of community operation? 1. Content operation

No matter what website it is, e-commerce and communities must rely on the content of the website itself. Therefore, website operators should first fill in some valuable content in the initial stage of community establishment, guide users to create content that meets the requirements of the community and is valuable to the community, so as to gradually shape community culture; After the establishment of the community, it is necessary to screen and review the content created by users and deal with excellent or illegal content; Be good at using hotspots to aggregate community content, make special topics or plan online activities, and enhance the interaction of netizens.

2. User communication

Users are the foundation of the community, and website operators are the bridge between the community team and users and the medium of information transmission; Operators should communicate with users for a long time, collect users' feedback and help improve products, whether in the product development stage or in the operation stage after the official launch. Operators must know users best and be heavy users of the community. Objectively speaking, operation is the mouthpiece of the product team, which allows a lot of user feedback to be filtered and provides the most valuable part to the product development team to avoid behind closed doors.

3. Activity planning

The "activities" mentioned here include online activities and offline activities. It is a trend that the community should "land" as an Internet platform, and almost all community forums have carried out activities to organize offline interaction among netizens. The planning, organization and implementation of "offline activities" should be led by operators and coordinated by other team members. The "online activities" mentioned here are similar to the content operation in the first point, that is, to seize the hot spots that users in the community are most concerned about and plan special topics or interactive content. Internet conference PPT data collection technology conference product manager conference online marketing conference interactive experience conference can improve community activity and stickiness.

Planning and promotion

Promotion is generally the responsibility of operators. Even if you don't do everything yourself, you should be responsible for the whole promotion process: write the promotion plan, lead the promotion team (or individual) to implement it, track the promotion effect, revise and improve the promotion plan, finally achieve the goal and write the promotion summary.

5. Product design

"Product design" means that operators should extract valuable parts from numerous feedback from users and turn them into product suggestions from product managers. In other words, the operation and the product should be closely linked, and the operation has the responsibility of assisting the product manager to plan the product, such as providing suggestions for new functions or adjusting the existing functions according to the needs, such as participating in product internal testing. All the operator's work related to the product is classified here.

What are the responsibilities of Internet community operation? 1. Content operation

2. User communication

3. Activity planning

Planning and promotion

5. Product design

Which is better, community operation or website operation? Community operation and website operation are basically the same, and community forums also belong to websites. Website optimization and operation can pay attention to WeChat micro-school.

What do Vanke's people in charge of community operations mainly do? 1. What is operation?

Broadly speaking, all manual interventions around website products are called operations. So to some extent, I think Internet products companies only have three business departments: products, technology and operation. The concept of product operation is = operation, but maybe your company or product is product-oriented, supplemented by operation, so there is no need to tear down many people to operate at this time, so it is collectively called product operation.

In detail, I divide the operation into market operation, user operation, content operation, community operation and commercial operation.

Market operation: a series of interventions such as publicity, exposure, marketing, etc. are carried out by means of marketing. It is common in products that need to spend money to a certain extent, but spending money is not the same as market behavior, including both market behavior without spending money and other operating means of spending money. This is often the main operation method for some enterprises to get close to capital, because only by getting close to capital can a complete profit model continuously expand the investment in market operation.

User operation: People-centered operation means, which is common in UGC community, with the means of being close to users, uniting users and guiding users. You will find that website operators are very willing to communicate, tease, chat and gossip with users. Sometimes you can't tell whether this is a user or an official. For example, Zhihu is one of them, such as Kelly Y Zhou, Huang Jixin, Chengyuan and ourdearamy…… ... In the early stage of a product, the active use and intervention of operators themselves is very important.

Content operation: There are two ways. One is to process the high-quality content generated by users in UGC community through editing, integration and optimization, and spread it through other means. This is usually done together with the user's operation. For example, if you answer a question in Zhihu and the answer is wonderful, Zhihu students will sort out your answer and others' answers, and then spread it through Weibo, daily newspapers and weekly magazines. This is a content-centric operation.

Another is that some media products, such as newspapers, such as titanium media, 36kr, are also operated with excellent content as the core. Different from the former, many ingredients are edited, sorted and compiled by themselves, not necessarily from users. (Of course, many students who answered questions in Zhihu were very angry that their articles were copied and reproduced without signatures, and so on. But in fact, those students who do content operation, plagiarism is one of their jobs, so don't care. I understand you very well, so this article is welcome to copy and reprint without signature, but it is often updated, please remember to reprint it all)

Community operation: In the early years, I told others about community operation and user operation together. Later, I found that this is actually a bit problematic, because the operation for UGC users and the operation for ordinary community consumers are also two completely different jobs. So I took it out alone. Community operation refers to the intervention activities of community consumers, such as doing an activity at the whole station and drawing a lottery. . Vote and reprint some good articles to the community to trigger discussion. . Everything counts. This extreme work is to constantly fan the flames in the community, causing everyone to spray each other and enliven the whole community. (Interested students can study nga's fighter arena. This model has been quoted by many other forums or communities in recent years, and the effect is quite good. )

Business operation: This method is common in some business B2B products, and it can be divided into BD and sales. Sales is the direct selling of products, while BD is more of a mutually beneficial cooperation. These are all means to acquire users and then retain them. Many enterprise-level products are mainly based on this mode of operation, such as BAT's cloud service products, or pull merchants to settle in and pull enterprise teams to use them.

Around the operation, or the growth of operators, we must first understand what role product technology operation plays in an Internet product.

Product: Think things through.

Technology: Take things out.

Operation: Make the best use of everything.

Strictly speaking, products and operations vary from company to company, and their positioning and boundaries vary from person to person. Different products have different emphases in these three areas. Take BAT as an example, Baidu emphasizes technology, Tencent emphasizes products, and Ali emphasizes operation. These are common concepts in the public mind, which are related to the company's initial business and what its core business is to some extent. Of course, the company is large to a certain extent, and other parts are also strong, so it is impossible to get there. But some small companies still have pre-emphasis.

Second, what should the operation do?

But back to the operation, I think the core psychological quality of all students who do operation is:

Don't insist on products and technology, but have the consciousness and ability to turn flowers over and make people praise them.

Whether you are a junior, an account manager in Weibo, or an operation director, coo, you can only get users little by little from beginning to end, and then keep them. Everything you do should focus on this point, and any work (including the work of your team members) must directly or indirectly point to a part of this purpose and be responsible for the data results.

It seems simple, but it is not. For example, students in operation ask themselves what they have done in the last month, which work has clearly led to this goal and which work has not. If there is too much work without data, you need to reflect on your work. This article, when disassembled, can be broken down into the following four core links.

1. Find out where the user is.

User portraits, surveys, demand analysis, etc., yes, you need to know your product, even if it is a piece of shit)

2. Get users at an acceptable cost and let them use your products.

Marketing, channel expansion, business cooperation, content editing, social media planning activities, etc. , all spend money for this. Sometimes it is better to pay professionals to do things for a week.

3. Let users continue to use your product.

User operation, community operation

4. Keep in touch with users when not using the product.

Recall, Weibo WeChat operation, feedback, business cooperation with other products.

Third, the upward trajectory.

In my opinion, there is no strict watershed between primary operation and advanced operation. To some extent, if you are only responsible for a sub-project of one of the above four links (such as Weibo Operations Commissioner, WeChat Operations Commissioner, content editing, community activity planning, etc.). ), which can be defined as a primary operation. Often the primary operation is 2-3-4, 1, and you only need to understand and implement it, but you haven't reached the point of participating in decision-making. At this time, you are an executor, so just do it in a down-to-earth manner. To tell the truth, your work at this stage is calculated in days, which is very replaceable. I have read the recruitment materials of Lagou, generally ranging from 5k to 8 K, and this job is worth it.

And when you do better and better, understand your own links more and more deeply, and begin to gradually cover your own abilities to the whole link, you are already an intermediate operation. You may not care about the market launch, but only care about retention, even retention, and only care about repeated purchases/sticky users UGC. To put it bluntly, as the manager of a certain link in the whole product business chain, you have formed a certain level that cannot be bypassed, which is also your value. At this time your value is between 8- 15K. Unless you are the core of the enterprise, you can still be replaced. At this time, start thinking about the effect of your work in a few weeks.

Then when you are doing it, your ability is getting bigger and bigger, your vision is getting bigger and bigger, and you begin to wonder how to go upstream and downstream.

For example, if you are a marketing manager, you have begun to consider whether the traffic you pull can stay and actively cooperate with the community operation to do some activities, or if you are a community operation manager, you plan a UGC activity in a community, and then actively coordinate the marketing personnel to spread these wonderful UGC to the outer circle. You are constantly expanding your ability. At this stage, you have advanced to high-level operation, with broader horizons and more resources. The bureaus that need to be deployed start to be counted in months or even longer. Any decision you make will affect the operation for a long time to come. The greater the risk, the greater the responsibility.

The core purpose I mentioned earlier actually has two levels: 1 is innovation and 2 is retention. If you break through from 1 to 2, or from 2 to 1, and both of them are good, you can start to control the field. According to the different needs of products, pay attention to where the whole operation link should break through first at different stages, and fully consider the reasonable proportion of resources. No matter whether you have the initial ability to be an operation director, the next step is the chief operating officer. Some coo companies have to consider investor relations, PR, the deployment of various vender, and large-scale business cooperation, but these have entered the company rather than just product-level operations.

And this layer is also the most difficult to break through. The bottleneck is that if you have been ploughing deeply in one field before, the longer and deeper you plough, the harder it is for you to jump out and understand another field. Because values and ways of thinking are completely different. Because users are completely different, you need n long time to understand how strange users think and how they start to use your product step by step, and you need to spend almost as much time to understand what characteristics your familiar users have and how they will continue to use it.

Let me give you an extreme example, such as Baidu's HIVE BOX system (that is, the background of search promotion). If your purpose is to attract new users, you need to let users know that the advertisements in Baidu are reliable, and you may spend a lot of time instilling in users the points that are simple, easy to operate, have a large flow and help you make money. This is the focus of Racine's operation. At this time, in the eyes of users, your competitors are Tencent Broadcom, Weibo Fantong, Portal Merchants Banner and below-the-line System. And because your users are too stupid to understand these points quickly, you need to sell them to death, go to the door, hold various meetings, and do case promotion. And advertise in various places and paint the walls.

And if your goal is to make people who have already started using HIVE BOX spend more money, you need to make users not only feel good about you, but also feel that he is here. I've seen too many people use the phoenix nest, but they can't get used to it and then abandon it. At this time, your thinking dimension becomes, how can I make users earn more money from HIVE BOX and continue to increase their investment in balbla? Then you need technical guidance, care about the user's account status and provide more and better tools. At this time, your competitors or distractions become internal factors such as sales, customer service, or products and technology.

How does Zhihu recommend the operation strategy+algorithm for community operation?

Let the newcomers' excellent answers be exposed more, including manual review, recommendation to the discovery page and official Weibo dissemination.

1. In the early stage of operation, in order to get the recognition of outstanding newcomers, I was human flesh recognition. I read all the new answers and recommended them to the whole Zhihu team as soon as I saw the good answers. Later, volunteers in various fields were developed to find good answers and outstanding new people.

2. Later, we tried to let machine algorithms help us identify these potential high-quality content.

The users of the community are always mobile, and the core users may also be lost, which is not the fault of the platform. It's just that life is different, and someone will definitely leave. Or will leave at some point. Friends who have held forums and been moderators must understand what I said.

What is the primary, primary and fundamental responsibility of the community secretary? He monitors social trends and maintains community stability. As soon as there is any trouble, he will report it immediately, or eliminate and solve it in time within the scope of his authority.

Second, assist relevant departments at all levels to implement social security policies for some residents who are suitable for the situation.

Third, unusual community service work.

Foundation, grasp the self-construction of organizations and personnel, and bring a good team.

What is the responsibility of the marketing operation department to analyze the market environment, formulate market strategies, take customers as the center, help the sales department to increase revenue with special projects, and reduce the project cost by integrating the resources of the company and customers, so as to improve the company's revenue and realize the company's short-term goals and long-term development plans. Golden Rule: Whoever wins the customer wins the project, the manufacturer and the profit.

Seek adoption

The Difference between Game Community Operation and Game official website Operation Community Operation is actually a part of user operation, similar to community operation.

Official website operation is closer to product operation.

For user operation and product operation, there is a special explanation in Zheng Wenbo's course "Learning Operation 2.0 from scratch". You can find it by searching Baidu.

How to operate the community of game products needs your long-term accumulation. First of all, you should build the forum into a unique forum, so as not to be submerged in the public forum. Secondly, the content of the forum needs to be gradually enriched. No matter how good the forum looks without content, it will not bring popularity. Operating the forum is the longest process, which requires a lot of time and energy. You can promote your forum through some publicity channels. If you have money, find someone to advertise, and the effect is quick.