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How to arrange the first date?

How to arrange the first date: Try to choose a long time for the first formal date, do a good job in process design, diversified activities and physical contact. , as follows:

1, try to choose a big time for the first formal date.

The first formal date should last between 3 and 7 hours. I suggest meeting in the afternoon and seeing my sister home at night. This time period is good and long enough. The operation space is relatively large, or meet at night, eat first and then play together. A long date left a deeper impression on girls than simply drinking coffee and watching a movie.

If a girl stands up temporarily or has something to do with dating, you can subtract 20 points from her mind. This usually means that you are not interested or there are too many markets. Of course, there is a special situation here, that is, you find that the girl's reaction to you is very poor or the state is very poor, so you make a decision quickly and find an excuse to leave.

2. Process flow design

Remember: Make at least three conversions! In formal dating, we should always remember that people's freshness is limited. If you stay in a scene for too long, the heat will gradually drop. If you just meet, have a cup of coffee or watch a movie, and then leave separately, then this date can be said not to leave a particularly deep impression on girls.

This kind of small date is actually dispensable. If you really want to get off to a good start through the first date, multiple transitions are essential. The safest and simplest way is to choose three places with completely different styles for three routine projects, such as watching movies in ordinary shopping malls.

But don't choose Starbucks in the mall as a place to drink coffee. You can search the local online celebrity shops in Xiaohongshu, then go to another place to eat, and finally choose a distinctive pub for a drink. Every new place is a new experience, so the next date will give girls a good feeling.

3. Diversified activities

It's similar to escaping from the secret room, making pottery, climbing mountains, even climbing indoors, going karting, and eating a local specialty in the next city. The advantage of this kind of project is that it is more interactive with girls, and the participation of both parties is more, and the dating experience is certainly better.

However, because unconventional projects are relatively small, girls are less likely to accept them. Because the investment requirements for both parties are relatively high, girls will only accept them if you are already familiar with them.

4. Chatting is the main thing in dating.

Dating is different from WeChat chatting. Generally speaking, there are three modes: boys dominate the topic, talk big, and girls agree; Girls dominate the topic, brag, and boys agree; Both sides have come and gone, and they are happy. Some people talk a lot, others talk a little, so all three modes can be used. There is no distinction between good and bad. What kind of chat mode doesn't work?

One side talks big, while the other side is silent or absent-minded, playing mobile phones; Or both sides are silent and don't know what to say; Both sides are scrambling to talk to themselves, and the conversation is completely out of touch; If these things happen in your first chat, you need to be vigilant. A bad interaction mode means a bad date.

5. Physical contact

When the atmosphere is harmonious and both sides are familiar with each other, it is time for physical contact. Why are we touching each other? Because physical intimacy will bring psychological intimacy at the same time, physical contact is similar to confession to some extent. When a girl acquiesced in physical contact, she acquiesced in your promotion in her heart, and you changed from ordinary friends to ambiguous friends.

Simply put, hold the girl's hand when the atmosphere is right; Hold her hand, and when the atmosphere is more ambiguous, you can kiss her. How to judge whether a girl will accept your hand is also very simple: the girl's mood is high+the physical distance between the two sides is very close. You can bend over before holding hands, and girls can hold hands without dodging ~