Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Are there any tourists visiting Slender West Lake in rainy days?

Are there any tourists visiting Slender West Lake in rainy days?

The west gate of Songjiacheng is diagonally opposite to the east gate of Slender West Lake. The East Gate was called Wanhuayuan Gate for a period of time, which I think is quite distinctive. At the entrance of the East Gate, there is Qiongyuan, a famous flower world in Yangzhou.

When I entered the door, Qionghua sprouted a lot. Further on, it is Haitang Garden. Among the begonia flowers, there are one or two bauhinia flowers. This year's bauhinia is particularly beautiful, and the purple cloud bauhinia is particularly stealing the limelight of Haitang. A foreign tourist pointed to the sign on the ground and asked strangely, is this bauhinia? It turned out that on the sign, it was a begonia.

I smiled and pointed to the bauhinia tree and said, that's the tree. The man breathed a sigh of relief and said, I look like begonia. Why did I call it Bauhinia, and put it in the wrong place? Next to the brand of Bauhinia tree is a description of Haitang. The placement of the two brands was not carefully checked. Details, sometimes as simple as that, but not simple.

Follow the winding road and walk at will. The rain that hasn't stopped all the time conforms to the elements that I should have in spring. Lilacs are in full bloom This is a white lilac tree. The messenger didn't bring news to the pedestrians far away. The lilacs in the rain reminded me of sadness. This rain should be suitable for this situation. Lilacs are not in full bloom yet. More flowers set off less flowers. Five petals, the word flashed through my mind, but I didn't look for it.

When I was young, I looked for it several times a year, sometimes I found it, sometimes I couldn't find it. How silly it looks now. Looking for five petals, looking for four-leaf clover, divination is generally to peep into the future. But no one can answer, which comes first, tomorrow or the accident. Those lucky signs in the book are just signs after all.

Unlike the cherry blossoms on Jian Zhen Avenue, they bloom in colorful spring. The evening cherry blossoms in Wanyuan Garden have just bloomed. Comparatively speaking, I prefer late cherry blossoms. Every heavy flower is very textured. Even if it is dropped, it will turn around and return to the root. Not frivolous, not frivolous. Late cherry blossoms bloom and fall like early cherry blossoms.

Watch the road and walk to the dining villa. This is a group of independent buildings with many pavilions. Looking at the gray day, it was raining harder and harder. My best friend decided to sit in the gazebo. Near the pavilion, I found koi fish swimming in a pond around the pavilion. The fish in koi fish are very big, with white and yellow colors, and there is a colorful fish with red inside. At first, I mistakenly thought there were only three fish.

Does koi fish only have seven seconds of memory? It doesn't look like two fish swam out in harmony, and turned around and swam behind the pavilion, feeling relaxed. If there is only seven seconds of memory, will there be strange distance and worry? So leisurely cruising, obviously without any sense of danger and fear.

I think there should be water lilies in the pond. It's just the wrong time It hasn't surfaced yet In the hot summer, the fish hide under the dense leaves of water lilies, which is comfortable and comfortable. A pond with water lilies is a bit lucky for fish and a bit lucky for tourists. Fish and people sometimes have something in common. They appreciate each other and are bosom friends.

This is probably the quietest corner of Slender West Lake. When we walked out of the pavilion and returned to the main road, Shi Shiran was shocked when he walked to the bridge in Wu Ting. The bridge is crowded with people, as if it exists in two worlds. Cross the Wu Ting Bridge to the other side. It's closer to the west gate. On the path opposite the bridge, the tourists in line marched in an orderly way under the guidance of the tour guide.

Three years. I haven't seen such a slender West Lake for more than three years. This beautiful spring, like all the famous scenic spots in this country, has completely recovered its vitality. Don't cross the bridge, walk along the north waterfront to the west gate. Walking to the White Pagoda Qingyun Scenic Area, there are many tourists in the small garden. There is a wisteria in each of the two small yards, and there is no upcoming surprise. Some people choose powder, others look at handicrafts.

Let's hurry over there. Make room. The next road is winding and secluded. And high and low design. It's wet and slippery on rainy days, so you can't walk fast. There are waves of tourists coming from the opposite side. Avoid going to the roadside with good friends many times. There are also many yellow and purple magnolia flowers, which have just bloomed.

See the 24th Bridge from General Li Xiao's paintings. The single arch bridge, which is neither long nor wide, is crowded with people. Some people stand at the top of the bridge to see the scenery, and others push up and down on both sides. Go and have a look A flock of ducks that have been waiting for tourists to feed them all the year round may be full and hide, all gone.

Finally, after crossing the 24 th bridge, the bridge on the falling sail plank road is more crowded. A sister about our age screamed that I was afraid and wanted the gentleman in front to give me a hand. The gentleman either didn't hear it or went straight ahead. Let's go to him and tell him his wife called. He stood still without looking back. I don't know how to interpret the subsequent plot.

There is an iron gate near the west gate exit. This is the entrance of the tour group. From the exit, the tourists who entered the door have already been discharged to the Yangtze River. I heard two tour guides chatting with the group and arranged a two-hour tour for the group.

What can I see in the huge Slender West Lake in only two hours? Looking at the mountains? Look at this water? Have you seen Chou-heung? Let's watch Chunxiang.