Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who can have any composition of 500 words?

Who can have any composition of 500 words?

1. dignity

The beginning of the new summer vacation also means that the colorful summer vacation is drifting away. Life in the summer vacation is colorful. Many things have happened, some of which have been forgotten, but that scene remains in my mind forever.

It was a sunny day. My father and uncle and I went to Zhengzhou to visit a long-lost relative. When we arrived at Qixian Railway Station by bus, it was not like I imagined, there were no vendors shouting, only begging, but strangely-

I saw that the square was full of beggars, but even more incredible was that most of the people kneeling in the crowd were young boys. If you are an old man, you can understand that it is inconvenient to move and lose your ability to work. It is understandable to hope that the society will give you some help. But why are those young people kneeling here begging? They are healthy, with arms and legs. Why do they live on others' sympathy for themselves and lose their dignity in order to live a comfortable life?

Uncle, please be kind and give me some money. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound. Following the sound, a ragged man wearing a pair of black and white sneakers is the owner of the sound. Eyes flashing with pleading eyes. While I was thinking, my uncle had started talking to him. 、

"Young man, how old are you? Why are you a beggar here? "

"Uncle, I'm 29 years old, I'm not married, and I don't have any special skills. I'll be a beggar here."

"Then why don't you do some manual work?"

"I tried. It's too tiring to be a beggar here."

"You are not a man, you have no dignity, I would rather throw money to people like you. This sentence is still left. "

After that, I thought a lot. Why do some people indulge in depravity, just for comfort? Will they really be happy?

2. Dwarf's vegetable garden is fragrant with fruits and vegetables all year round, and trees and flowers are in full bloom. This is a concert hall for birds, a dance studio for butterflies, a playground for children and a favorite place for dwarves.

The tender leaves of wheat in the vegetable garden are dripping, like bright pearls, twisting their bodies at will under the breeze; The corn is big and full. Like a shy girl, she wrapped herself up, only a few golden grains of rice and a strand of long golden hair fluttering in the wind. Pomegranate trees bear small red pomegranates, they nod frequently in the breeze, and their full bellies are filled with crystal clear agates; Chinese cabbage stood there neatly, like a watery little girl, shaking her green skirt and holding her head high proudly; The white stems and green leaves of garlic seedlings are clustered together, just like a small bamboo forest; Rabbits happily shuttle between vegetable gardens and occasionally roll in cabbage fields to enjoy this natural food.

One day, the dwarf came back and saw rabbits playing happily in his garden. He was furious: "How can you spoil my garden at will?" Get out of here! "Small animals were shocked and dispersed in a hubbub. The dwarf posted a "No Entry" sign outside the garden door, warning small animals not to play in the garden again! A few days later, the original green body of wheat became dry and flat; Full corn kernels are dry and astringent, and some of them have even rotted, giving off an unpleasant smell; Pomegranate's full belly agate disappeared, and some fell to the ground and broke their stomachs; The green skirt of cabbage disappeared, turned dark yellow and fell to the ground; Garlic seedlings are covered with plant killers-aphids. Where did this lovely vegetable garden go? The giant is puzzled. At this moment, a beautiful young fairy descended from the sky and said to him kindly, "Don't be afraid, I've come to tell you how to restore your garden.". Hearing this, the dwarf was greatly invigorated. The fairy continued, "I will punish you because you won't let the small animals share the garden with you!" "If you can share your garden with others, you can restore your garden!" The voice just fell and the fairy disappeared.

The dwarf listened to the fairy's instructions, smashed the sign, and invited all kinds of small animals to settle in the garden everywhere. Soon, the vegetable garden recovered its former happiness. Since then, in addition to the laughter of small animals, the garden is also full of the laughter of dwarfs, and they spend every day happily together!

Early in the morning, I went to the beautiful and rich Expo Park. As soon as I entered the gate, a beautiful picture appeared in front of me These flowers are colorful and very beautiful. Lavender has blossomed, piece by piece, cluster by cluster, bright purple, more beautiful than one, more lovely than one. Bundles of lavender are gently blown by the wind, like a beautiful little girl dancing happily &; hllip& amphllip

In that century, the costumes of floats were really great. The float was wrapped in colorful flowers to form a boat. The boat was covered with beautiful gauze, and the breeze blew and the boat swayed gently. This painting is really like swaying on the sea, lifelike and beautiful.

Then I went to the vegetable and melon garden, and the green apples were mischievously hidden in the dense leaves, as if they were playing hide-and-seek with us. It was so cute. hllip& amphllip

When we arrived at the bonsai garden, all kinds of bonsai were displayed in front of us. Look at the shapes of these thousands of bonsai. They are really masterpieces made by craftsmen! It makes people feel emotional!

When I came to the tropical botanical garden, the heat wave came on my face as soon as I entered the door. Really feel the feeling of Xishuangbanna, tropical rain forest monsoon climate. Heat waves are floating in the garden. There are vibrant traveler trees, beer bottle trees, towering mimosa, many tropical flowers and beautiful butterflies dancing around it. It's like walking into a fairyland on earth

After visiting the tropical garden, I came to the ultra-low temperature garden. As soon as my feet entered the door, people immediately shuddered. Look at the pine and cypress standing there, like a strong soldier. No matter how cold it is, it is so green and full of vitality.

Finally, I went to the international pavilion with the most special color, where thousands of ancient objects from various countries were displayed, each with its own characteristics. Look at the most impressive chrysanthemum stone, each one embedded in the stone, like a blooming goose feather chrysanthemum-just a really blooming chrysanthemum growing in the middle of the stone, which is very strange & hllip& amphllip.

Beautiful Expo Park, you let me appreciate the culture of China, you let me feel your beauty, you are the most beautiful place I have ever seen.

Thank you for your adoption!