Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The consciousness of scepter

The consciousness of scepter

The attribute of the scepter is fire, which symbolizes the sports center. The tarot card means action. The characteristic of sports center is that the skills of physical exercise are acquired. Such as typing, martial arts, basketball and so on. And this center also has three parts, machinery, emotion and reason. The characteristic of the mechanical part of the sports center is that "sports memory" does not need much attention to maintain, such as riding a bicycle. This belongs to the inertial force of the moving system. The emotional part is "interest-oriented", just like being interested in a sport. I like playing basketball, running, dancing and so on. This interest does not necessarily involve personal participation. Even watching it will attract the attention of the emotional part. The rational part is the part that participates in new action learning and deals with unknown action imitation. This part needs a lot of attention to participate, and then learn new moves bit by bit. And try to make sure that these actions are not too out of line.

In fact, rationality, sensibility and machinery. The simple explanation of these three parts can be active, fluctuating and passive. Just like yin and yang. The contact of these two forces will produce a third force. This kind of power is a kind of active and passive connection, and in people's spiritual world, when too much attention is projected on passively received information, interest will fluctuate. This kind of fluctuation forms emotional feelings. The information of negative matter and the concern of positive matter, positive matter evaporates negative matter, thus producing intermediates and yin and yang matter. The change of qi caused by the behavior pattern of this substance forms an internal emotion. So in the tatar Tower, emotions are often expressed by the water element represented by the Holy Grail. Things that contain more attention are represented by swords that represent rationality. The symbol of movement is represented by the fire element represented by the scepter. The most mechanized and instinctive symbol is expressed in coins. But no matter what kind of element it is, it's just that the ratio of negative matter to positive matter is different. It can also be said that it is the ratio of attention (or consciousness) to mechanized information. Like a candle. According to the vitality of energy, the element of fire is the most dynamic. So the element of fire can transform the coldest earth element into water element. Water element will become a stable gas element through the further transformation of fire element.

The scepter 1 stands for everything. It symbolizes the beginning of movement and action. It also shows the whole process of learning an action. In fact, in the process of learning an action, we can understand the meaning of the scepter through the performance of the stage and psychological activities, and we will see many interesting associations.

The wand 234 represents the rational part, the wand 567 represents the perceptual part, and the wand 89 10 represents the mechanical part.

The rational part, 234, needs more attention to learn new movements, so as to imitate and remember the details of the learned movements.

The second scepter is the rationality of the rational part. The intuitive impression given by this card is "observation". We know that before learning any movements, the initial learning is to observe first. On the front of this card is a man in a cloak standing on the wall, holding dirt in his hand and looking into the distance. This symbolizes attention, purpose and observation. White roses and red roses are painted on the wall. This represents duality, life and death, motion and static respectively. The connection between yin and yang. Read it again and again. Below the city wall is a village where people live, with houses, places and paths. The mountains are in the distance. Two wooden sticks, one fixed on the wall and the other in the man's left hand. This means fixed and mobile. This is like a born tree bud, trying to break through the shackles of the seed shell and hoping to be born. Action always comes from observation.

Staff 3, the sensibility of rational part. 3 symbolizes the connection between yin and yang, and this card expresses this meaning. The man on the card is standing on a hill with three sticks stuck in the soil, which means that he was born, facing the sea and facing away from us, dressed like a captain who is about to travel far away. There are three sailboats sailing on the sea. The whole artistic conception is like a prepared person, about to set sail and look at the unknown sea. It implies a kind of lofty sentiments. Pay attention to action learning.

Mace 4, machinery of rational part. From initial observation to preparation, everything seems to go with the flow. It's finally time to set sail. Although I still have nostalgia for my past life, with parting, I also include the blessings of my loved ones. At this time, we don't need to do anything, just follow the footsteps of the ship quietly. 4 consists of two 2s. One is the past 2 and the other is the future 2. Past lives and afterlife will be separated. On the front of this card is a city in the distance. People in the distance have two women holding flowers waving. There is a bridge not far from the city. Under the bridge is a moat. Not far away, there are four sticks, two of which stand in front, and the other two are connected by hanging curtains made of vines and flowers. This seems to be a farewell scene. Just like in movies, when you are on a boat, you will travel far and your relatives will see the sailors and passengers off. The boat is gone, some people are gone, and some people are still reluctant to go. Memory, action. This symbolizes that the rational process gradually disappears and is replaced by an acquired instinct.

The emotional part, 567, is mainly related to interest and attention.

Staff 5, rationality of perceptual part.

The scepter itself symbolizes action. In the process of this action, there are rational preparations, feelings in the process, and mechanical results in the later stage. Cause, process and result. These three constitute the blueprint of this story. In the course of our travel, we will always encounter many conceptual disputes and inconsistent goals. So, with different choices, there will be different experiences. And this card tells such a situation. There are five people on the card, and all five people are standing on the ground. The earth has different colors, such as green, yellow, purple and blue. Blue These five people have different movements and facial expressions, and everyone is holding a scepter. In fact, the scepter is called the scepter, which also symbolizes power. And power is a force to guide action. Moreover, these five people have different personalities and attitudes, and all want to exercise their power and guide other companions. However, this has caused an impasse. Formed a controversial situation. This symbolizes an emotional struggle and a dilemma. In the process of learning a sport, you will encounter a stage of losing interest, which is contradictory and symbolizes the dispersion of interest.

Staff 6, the sensibility of the emotional part. This symbolizes the concentration of interest. The picture shows a man with an olive branch on his head. He rides a white horse like a leader. He has a scepter in his hand and an olive branch ring on it. Not far away, a group of people also each held a scepter. They are heading in the same direction. This means the unity and parallelism of power. Everyone has his own unique expressive power, and the general direction is led by a wise person. In the process of learning, we need to use attention and interest to lead different parts of our bodies in the same direction, and all these play their own unique attributes. Only in this way can different parts be adjusted to form a resultant force.

Mace 7, machinery of emotional part. This symbolizes the fighting spirit and challenge. After reunification, we need to become stronger in actual combat. A team needs to hone itself, and an action skill needs constant training to become a good one. On the front of this card is a person, and this person is very big. Like a giant. He stepped on the cliff and there was a river below. His feet are on both sides of the river. He skillfully held the scepter in his hand and showed courage and will in the face of the other six people. The cliff symbolizes challenge, and the waving scepter and the six-section scepter symbolize tempering.

The mechanical part, 89 10, symbolizes that the action has formed instinct, so you don't have to think about it. Become skilled.

Mace 8, rationality of mechanical parts. This symbolizes proficiency, and you can break different movements into several parts without paying much attention. The picture of this card shows eight sticks descending obliquely from the sky, just like eight javelins, sailing forward automatically under the traction of gravity. There is a hill in the distance, and there is a small house on the top of it. There is a river under the mountain. The river flows down the hillside. This contains a natural meaning.

Mace 9, the sensibility of mechanical parts. No matter how energetic the machine is, it will be tired, and no matter how full the battery is, it will be almost dead. People's energy is limited, no matter how much they do, they need a chance to rest. Otherwise, you will be exhausted. Although the spirit of persistence is commendable, we should also respect objective laws, otherwise we will become brave. This card gives such an atmosphere. In the picture, a man stood there tired, holding a scepter in his hand, struggling to support his body. The wound is still wrapped in white cloth, and the extremes meet. This card tells us that if we continue to work with tired body and mind, we will be easily injured and travel easily. Instead of this, it is better to save your strength and continue.

Mace 10, mechanical part of machinery. Rest and go home. Tired and full. The picture of this card gives people such an artistic conception. A man walked in the direction of the house with ten wands bent. This symbolizes the meaning of retiring after success. No matter how wonderful the journey is, when we are tired, we finally think of our distant hometown. 10 symbolizes the end and return. Exercise, start to return to peace and recuperate.