Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Tarot cards in the golden triangle of love

Tarot cards in the golden triangle of love

Six years' experience in solving tarot cards

1. Your status: Now, after breaking up, you have actually tried to accept this reality and made plans to give up this relationship. In other words, you actually know deep down that the chances of redemption are slim. Death represents a new beginning. This card tells me that you have someone else in your life now.

2. His status: I don't know how long you have been together, but now his definition of this relationship is "not asking for anything in return." Everyone has a different concept of "giving". Maybe you think it's average, but he will feel that he has paid a lot. But he didn't get what he wanted.

3. Your present situation: You made an impulsive decision, but it may not be good for you.

Your future: You will meet each other's true lover, and you will eventually become friends.

Too bad I didn't play cards for you. Finally, draw a sign. This card is the key. So I can't give you more information. be sorry