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How to divide the wizard level?

Race: For some mysterious reason, all the wizards found at present are human beings, and none of them belong to other races. Table: basic attack bonus of wizard level, special ability of strong reflection will1+0+2 witchcraft ability 2+ 1+0+3 spell immunity 3+1+3 witchcraft ability 4+2+ 1+4 single pet 5. Additional Language 7+3+2+2+5 Witchcraft Ability 8+4+2+6 Strengthen the casting materials 9+4+3+3+6 Witchcraft Ability 10+5+3+3+7 Learning knowledge, Additional language 1 1+5+3+3+7 witchcraft ability12+6/+kloc-0/+4+8 silent casting13+6/+kloc-0/+4+8. +5+5+ 10 witchcraft ability 1 8+9/+4+6+11soul connection and horcrux19/+4+6+1 1 5 3 1 1 0 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 1 1 1 1 / kloc-0/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / kloc-0/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / kloc-0/ 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 / kloc-0/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 / kloc-0/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / kloc-0/ 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 / Kloc-0/11111111. Knowledge (all aspects except religion should be selected one by one) (intelligence), specialty (intelligence), spell recognition (intelligence), and domestication of animals (charm). See the Skills section for a description of skills. 1 level character's initial skill point: (2+ intelligence adjustment value) *4 upgrade skill point: 2+ intelligence correction. Professional characteristics The following are the professional characteristics of wizards. Good at weapons and armor: wizards don't get any good weapons and armor, but wearing armor won't affect wizards' spells, because wizards' spells don't need posture, but they can't wear metal gloves, which will isolate their magical power. Spells: (Spells) The sorcerer casts arcane from the sorcerer/sorcerer's spell list. To learn, prepare or cast spells, a wizard must have both intelligence and charm of 10+ spell level. The difficulty level of immunity to wizard spells is 10+ spell level+(wizard intelligence correction+wizard charm correction), and the mantissa is discarded. Like other spellcasters, wizards can only cast a limited number of spells per spell level every day. His basic daily spell distribution scheme is listed in the table: wizard. In addition, if he wants to get the daily bonus spell, his intelligence and charm must meet the reward requirements at the same time. Like wizards, wizards can know any number of spells. He must have a good sleep to gain energy for the new day. Every time a spell is added to the spell book (no matter how it is obtained), it takes the wizard 24 hours/spell level to get familiar with the spell and skillfully cast it. Familiar: Wizards can be as familiar as warlocks and wizards. See the warlock's professional description for details. Spell book: Wizards can only cast familiar spells recorded in the spell book. Every time they get a new spell, it takes 24 hours/spell level to get familiar with it. At the beginning of the game, the mage will bring a magic book, which records all the level 0 spells (except his forbidden spells, if any; See the school specialization in the back), plus the first-level spell selected by three players. Every time the wizard has a little intelligence bonus and a little charm bonus at the same time, he can get an extra first-level spell in the starting spell book. For each new mage level, the mage can get two spells to add to the spell book. These two spells can be any spell level he can cast (based on his new mage level). At any time, wizards can add spells from other wizards or wizard's spell books to their own spell books. School specialization and mage's ability of the same name are the same, and the differences are as follows: a mage can give up prophecy spells to meet school specialization. The caster catalyst mage must use a special wand to inspire their original power. Generally, a special wand costs 50GP, which is considered as a light weapon when used as a melee weapon. Because it is not born for fighting, it will be reduced by -4 when attacked, causing damage and hardness equivalent to a wooden stick one size smaller than itself. The wand itself has no special power, but uses a special processing method to guide the wizard's energy. Wizards without wands lose all the professional characteristics of wizards, including the ability to display arcane and witchcraft, and can't even keep in touch with their familiar, so for low-level wizards, wands are their own lives. The wand can be blessed by any magic and will not lose its meaning as a wand. When a wizard holds a wand, he doesn't need posture components, but he still needs materials. Therefore, when casting spells that require materials, the mage must be empty-handed (holding the materials in one hand and the wand in the other). Once you become a wizard, you can't acquire magic skills for life. If he intervenes by arousing powerful beings with wishes, limited prayers or miracles, he will surely fail, but relatively speaking, you will not be subject to wishes. The currency abolition wizard uses the currency invented by himself, and will charge 10% exchange tax when it is exchanged with the general GP, so as to fund the development of the wizard world. Therefore, the funds that the wizard can use are only 90% of the standard funds, and the remaining 10% funds at the beginning of the game will be deducted after use. * * * Homophony (resonance) A wizard can only carry a wand with him. If there is more than one wand, there will be a * * sound between multiple wands, which will invalidate the guiding ability of wands. Therefore, wizards with multiple wands are exactly the same as wizards without wands. Synchronization obstacle: A wizard can use a wand or wand fragment that does not belong to him (broken or crushed by sound waves, but the wand that has been successfully dissociated will disappear and cannot be used) to cast spells or use witchcraft. At this time, the wizard will have a 50% chance of casting failure, and if the casting fails, there will be a 50% chance that the spell will take effect in the opposite direction (the spell for the enemy will become a spell for himself, and the spell for himself will become a spell for the enemy). Witchcraft) (Su): Wizards can gain natural witchcraft abilities in addition to casting spells. Most of these abilities are similar to magic effects. Wizards can gain some new witchcraft abilities at the level of acquiring new spells. It can be used unlimited times in one day, and its exemption difficulty is DC= 10+ mage intelligence adjustment+mage charm adjustment. Witchcraft is a standard action and requires no materials. But it usually requires sound, and all effects on a single creature become remote contact spells. The specific witchcraft ability is as follows: 1 unstable effect (equivalent to magic stunt effect. ) level 3 accio (equivalent to a mixture of ghost hands and mage hands, but the distance is infinite, the effective power is 4, and every 2 characters have a level of +2. ), ending spell (the same effect as the invisible servant), real armor spell (the same effect as the mage's armor), 5-level disarming spell (short-range ray spell, you need to be exempted from will if you are hit, and you will lose your weapon if you fail to pass the will exemption), blocking spell (the same effect as the force field spell), 7-level immobilizing spell (the same effect as the monster immobilizing spell) and 9-level soul armor spell (equivalent to the mage's armor, but AC+) Full exemption +4, for personal use only) 1 1 petrification spell (the same effect as petrification) 13 raptor spell (the same effect as instigation) 15 gouge out bones (the same effect as the emblem of pain, but only the resurrection spell (and wizards are tired of being frequently turned out of materials) Starting from the second level, wizards can get avoidance materials as reward expertise. In the long school life, a single familiar will often go wrong, so every wizard attaches great importance to the emotional cultivation with the familiar. Starting from level 4, the wizard's effective level when calculating the familiar ability is +2, and after level 7, every level 3 will be+1. When the wizard's familiar dies or is released, it will be punished twice. Witches who delve into knowledge spend a long time in school. In addition to learning their own knowledge, most wizards will choose a knowledge as their specialization. At level 6, wizards can choose a knowledge as their specialty. When this knowledge is verified, the mage level of the mage can be added to the skill verification result as an environmental bonus. 10, the wizard can choose the second knowledge. Bonus language: Wizards can choose a new language at level 6 and 10 respectively. Improved avoidance materials) (Ex) Even if some small materials can be omitted, most large materials are still difficult to be omitted, and wizards are still looking for more convenient methods. Starting from level 8, wizards can dispense with 500 gold coins and materials under 500XP to cast spells. (Spells will still trigger opportunity attacks as usual. If the material required for a spell is more than 500 gold coins, you must hold the casting material in your hand as usual before casting the spell. Silent spell) (Ex) Because of their natural witchcraft ability, wizards have been looking for ways to strengthen their natural abilities all their lives. From 12 level, the mage no longer needs language components when using spells. Wizards have spent their lives overcoming the weakness of their abilities: wands. From 14 level, the mage does not need a wand or posture component to cast spells, but this will cause his spells DC and CL to drop by 5, and the damage spell effect unrelated to CL will be halved. After a long time of practice, the wizard finally mastered the method of casting spells without wands. From level 16, wizards no longer need wands for their spells. Soul connection and horcrux (soul link &; Horcrux (Ex) overcame its own shortcomings, but faced with the end of life, legendary wizards who didn't want to end their lives prematurely invented this method. From the level of 18, evil wizards sealed their souls with the flesh and blood of the people they killed, while good wizards directly split their souls and sealed them into objects. What is sealed in the wizard's soul is called a soul device, which can only be used. Evil wizards can make up to seven horcruxes, while good wizards can make three. Each horcrux is made at the expense of any two attribute points. Whether the horcrux is destroyed or not, these two attribute points will be lost forever. Horcruxes can be attached with all kinds of magic, but the magic effects attached with horcruxes can be removed normally. As long as there is a horcrux, the wizard will have the ability to connect souls. He can feel anything that intrudes within 30 feet of the horcrux. If the wizard's body is killed, the wizard's soul will return to the nearest horcrux, which will create a new body in one day. Wizards resurrected in this way will not be punished, and the effect of horcruxes will not disappear. Spontaneous casting (EX): A wizard of level 20 can combine his arcane energy with witchcraft energy, which enables him to prepare and use spells like a warlock, and these spells are backward compatible. For example, a wizard at level 20 can use his level 7 spell to cast any spell below level 7 he has learned, as long as he still has the spell of the day. Former wizard: part-time.

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