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Please introduce Greek beer and coffee?

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About Greek beer ~

It is said that the ancient Egyptians taught the ancient Greeks the technology of brewing beer. Some historians speculate that Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology, is actually Dionysus, the ancient god of beer. Saphocles, a famous ancient Greek writer, emphasized the golden mean, and his recommended recipe was "bread, meat, vegetables and beer". Other early Greek writers such as Xenophon and Herodotus also mentioned beer.

About 5000 years ago, in the ancient Egyptian empire under the rule of Pharaoh, beer made of thoroughly baked barley bread was an important food in the daily menu and a sacrifice. In the evening, people gather in the "beer house" to drink. Beer was a common drink in ancient Egypt. From aristocrats to farmers, beer is one of the basic elements in their diet. Beer is not only a drink, but also can be used to make medicine. A medical document in BC 1800 recorded more than 700 prescriptions, of which about 100 articles contained the word "beer".

Later it was introduced to Greece ~

About the introduction of Greek coffee ~

Greek coffee originated in Arabia and has a strong flavor. It is cooked in a small classical copper pot with a long handle called briki. This pot is heavy, but the brewed coffee tastes better. Most people who like this copper pot will say so, and of course there are those with thick cream.

Serve coffee in a small cup, don't drink it to the bottom: there is always a layer of residue at the bottom of the cup. Whether as a foil to a conversation or to help you think deeply, this is the most Greek way to start a day.

In the past thirty years, a kind of Greek coffee has been very popular, especially among young people in summer. This is Xue Fei coffee or instant coffee. Just add sugar, milk and ice cubes to the coffee and stir it up and down in the blender.

Unlike espresso, Greek coffee should not be drunk after a good meal, but at any time!