Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - 12 what are the deceptive tricks of the constellation man?

12 what are the deceptive tricks of the constellation man?


Deception: romance, full responsibility, leaving behind

Common lie: "I will make you happy all your life."

Truth: When he said this, he must have been carried away by the happiness in front of him. If you can't keep him happy, or even become a burden to him, he can't wait to get rid of you with a piece of gum stuck in his hand. So, if you accidentally live with him, when you are ashamed and happy, say: Dear, let's get married. Virgo men will definitely refuse: you see, I want a career without a career, and I want money without money. I feel uneasy about letting you marry me like this. I have always wanted to give you a real guarantee after I have a career foundation! Therefore, Virgo men are responsible, but they are certainly unwilling to bear the responsibilities and consequences associated with it. Just like some stars who go to caves, they like to count their appearance fees, but they have no habit of paying taxes on their own initiative.