Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is it true to open your eyes?

Is it true to open your eyes?

Yes, it's normal. I extracted a lot of words and posted them at the back. Take your time:

The third eye (celestial eye)

The argument about the third eye has a long history. In many religious ceremonies in the East, people are used to drawing a third eye between their eyebrows, thinking that they can get a direct communication channel with the universe. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that the third eye was located in the center of the brain and compared it to the door through which cosmic energy entered the human body. Until today, the research on the third eye in modern medicine has never stopped.

The third eye appears in the embryonic development stage of two months, that is, the formation stage of lens, photoreceptor and nerve cells in diencephalon area. Strangely, it began to degenerate as soon as it appeared. The famous haeckel's biological gene law provides the strongest evidence for this. According to this law, an embryo will experience the whole evolutionary history of its species in a very short time. That is to say, human beings can have some morphological characteristics that our ancestors had in the embryonic period. Anthropologists believe that an organ of the human body will degenerate and then cease to exist. From the evolution of ancient amphibians, we can find that they are also accompanied by degradation. The spotted wedge lizard in New Zealand has existed for 200 million years. There is a small eye socket on its skull, and a real eye is hidden under the transparent film. Paleontologists have found that many extinct reptiles have eyes on their heads, which is an important supplement to the visual organs of these animals. It is precisely because of this unique organ that reptiles are very sensitive to natural disasters such as earthquakes, magnetic storms and volcanic eruptions.

The third eye of an animal can really make the best use of it to protect itself, but what does human beings want it to do?

Belov believed that the picture that appeared in front of the prophet was the result of the pineal gland. The brain collects the energy in the universe, while the body oscillates with the ground. Therefore, the pineal gland can gain extraordinary imagination from the universe and transform it into nerve impulses, reaching the hypothalamus. Then, these signals enter the retina with the nerve, and a virtual image appears on the retina. At the same time, images continuously enter the visual cortex of the brain in the form of nerve impulses, resulting in consciousness. The picture of the Oracle usually appears when you close your eyes instead of opening them. The ability to understand the Oracle should appear after our ancestors lost the eyes on the top of their heads as compensation for this missing organ.

Belov believed that the priests made full use of this degenerated organ. In order to play the role of the third eye, they use diamonds as headdresses and wear them in religious ceremonies. Perhaps, the mysterious energy of the universe is gathered to the top of the head in the form of a beam through the transparent structure of gems. Electromagnetic waves reach the pineal gland and act on its tissues. The role of crystal is similar to that of crystal, except that it absorbs cosmic energy instead of ordinary light. In religious ceremonies, the priest can see everything with the help of an artificial third eye.

At the end of the Paleolithic period, followers of some religious teachings were usually craniotomized and holes of different shapes were dug out of their heads. The recipients of circular saws are all candidates for priests. I wonder if this is to reduce the difficulty of the mysterious energy of the universe entering the pineal gland.

Whether the pineal gland is the third eye or not and whether it has a special function is still inconclusive.

Biologists in St. Petersburg studied the pineal gland. They found that this mysterious gland played an important role before sexual maturity, and then its form of action changed. Therefore, the academic community has always considered it as useless as the appendix. However, Russian scholars found that it played an active role in different periods. Its constituent cells are similar to retinal pigment cells, including serotonin, which can stimulate the body's activities, and melatonin, which has a sedative effect, and their secretion is quite constant. When people arrive in another time zone, their work and rest will be out of balance and their body functions will be temporarily disordered. It's the pineal gland that's causing trouble.

There used to be an energy center in ancient times. This center has long been called the third eye because it can receive and reflect concrete images. It seems that the conclusion of the ancients is not unreasonable.

The pineal gland of modern organisms is degraded to a certain extent, among which human beings belong to the more degraded category. Animals in nature can cope with natural disasters in advance, but humans are usually unaware of it. So some people speculate that the pineal gland is in charge of premonition ability, and this ability of human beings has deteriorated; According to the fact that the pineal gland can respond to light waves, it is speculated that the pineal gland can also respond to some rays in a special way. In addition, in ancient times, clergy often put large gems corresponding to the pineal gland in their crowns. When performing divination and other ceremonies, they would let the light shine on Tang Yin or the eyebrows and soul, pointing to the pineal gland; Eyebrows have always been considered as a place of concentration. When people encounter bad luck, they will call "Tang Yin is black"