Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to play 54 tarot cards

How to play 54 tarot cards

I know it's called a card array

Diamond expansion method

Divination order: Take 4 cards from the top and arrange them in the order of ①-④. (The remaining cards are not needed) After being arranged, open them from bottom to top in the order of 23 14.

Card interpretation: ① stands for "the past", indicating the causes and situations of problems and the reasons for their formation.

② ③ stands for "now" and represents the current state. In order to make a more correct judgment, please combine these two cards to explain.

(4) Can we ask for instructions on behalf of the "future"? What will happen in the future? The final result will be seen on this card.

Divine triangle conjecture

Divination sequence: straighten the cards and hold them in your hand. Take out the seventh card from above and put it in position A in the picture. The first six classics that have been counted are piled on one side, no need. The cards in your hand are counted from top to bottom, so take out the seventh card and put it in position B, and put the counted cards aside. Then repeat, count the cards in your hand to the seventh and put them in position C. At this time, ABC three cards form an inverted triangle and open the explanation in turn.

Card interpretation: A stands for the past situation or the cause of the "past" problem.

B stands for the status quo of the "now" problem.

C stands for the future development direction and the final prediction of the result of the "future" problem.

Tarot card cross divination

Divination sequence: the left hand holds the card and spreads out in a fan shape. Remember, the end held by the left hand must be the end facing down after the card is cut. Pick a card at random and put it in the position of A, then repeat it three times and put it in the position of BCD in turn. Put away the rest of the cards, turn them from left to right and put them face up. Don't disturb the original order and use it later. Open four cards, A-D, and add up the numbers on the cards. If the number is less than or equal to 22, find the card corresponding to its number from the remaining pile, and then put it directly in the position of E without changing the original positive and negative positions. If the number exceeds 22, add the single digits and the ten digits to get a new number, and then find the corresponding card according to this new number. If, in the above situation, a number happens to be any one of the four open cards, then don't pick the fifth card, keep the state of four cards, and then start reading.

Card analysis: AB symbol can affect the external cause of the development of the problem, which may be an obstacle or help, depending on the meaning of the card.

C symbolizes the cause of the problem.

D is the main solution to this problem.

E stands for the final result of the problem. If it is the same as any of the first four cards, the final result is the meaning of the card (as well as the positive and negative positions).

Alternative guessing method (also known as V-shape method)

Divination sequence: 1. Before shuffling, the questioner decides the path first. As shown in the figure, the card array is V-shaped, and the left and right sides represent different choices respectively. The questioner needs to decide which side represents which choice and keep it in mind without telling the fortune teller. After the questioner confirms, the cards are generally shuffled and cut. 3. Place the back of the whole stack of cards up and down. When it belongs to the sixth card, put it in the position of (1) in the figure. 4. Put the calculated cards aside and you won't use them any more. Then count the rest again, take out the sixth and seventh cards and put them in positions (2) and (3). 5. Similarly, the counted cards are put aside. Count the remaining cards again, take out the sixth and seventh cards and put them in positions (4) and (5). 6. Open each card in sequence and interpret it.

Card analysis: (1) represents the questioner himself. Symbolizes the status quo of the questioner.

(2) choose the status quo of a.

(3) choose the status quo of B.

(4) When the questioner chooses A, the future will develop.

(5) When the questioner chooses B, it will develop in the future.

Open the key

The expansion method named "key" can easily answer general questions about the future.

Divination sequence: The questioner divided ackner into two groups, and intuitively chose a group of "active" cards and a group of "passive" cards. The dealer will take 3 cards from the active cards (No.1-3) and 4 cards from the passive cards (No.4-7). Reorganize the cards and the questioner takes the eighth card. The interpreter will explain according to intuition, remembering that each position in the arrangement represents some aspect of the answer.

Card analysis: 1: the questioner's situation in his question;

2. A stable environment and situation;

3. People who are willing to help the inquirer;

4: representing the past;

5: Represents recent events;

6: stands for disadvantage;

7: people who will oppose him;

8: This card is the key, the answer and the future.

Sunflower expansion method

Divination sequence: This unfolding method is very simple and is usually suitable for answering an unspecified question. First, the questioner shuffles the cards. When it is confirmed that he has shuffled the cards, let him cut the cards with his left hand (if he is left-handed, use his right hand). Next, take the cards and arrange them according to the diagram.

Card analysis: 1: represents the characteristics of the questioner and is related to the question he wants to answer;

2: Represents the hidden reason;

3: represents opportunities;

4. Represents the challenge that the questioner must accept in order to get the answer;

5. Represent the problems that must be planned in the future;

6. It is the burden that must be borne to find the answer;

7: Represents the task that needs to be invested;

8. Give the problem a new perspective;

9: Represents the solution to the problem.

Tarot cards created cup divination.

Divination sequence: from top to bottom after shuffling: the 7th card is placed in position ①, the 8th card in position ②, the 9th card in position ③, the10th card in position ④, the1/0th card in position ⑤ and the12nd card in position ⑤.

Card analysis: ① Represents the questioner's past experience.

(2) The status quo of the questioner.

③ The future of the questioner.

(4) Symbolizes the actions suggested by this set of cards to the questioner.

(5) the influence of people around and outside.

6. The questioner's expectation.

⑦ represents the final result.

Divination of four elements: wind, fire, water and earth

The four elements of wind, fire, water and earth divination of tarot cards are mainly used for divining love. Questioners often use this game to predict the cause and effect of things.

Divination sequence: from top to bottom after shuffling: the 7th card is placed in position ①, the 8th card in position ②, the 9th card in position ③, the10th card in position ④, the1/0th card in position ⑤ and the12nd card in position ⑤.

Card analysis: ① Wind-the beginning of things.

This card reflects the reason why the third card (fire) appeared. (3) Fire-something in the middle.

This card reflects the reason why the fifth card (water) appeared. (5) water-the end of things.

This card reflects the reason why the seventh card (earth) appeared.

⑦ Soil-the answer to the question.

Today this card reflects the reason why the first card (wind) appeared.

Tarot lucky star divination

Divination sequence: from top to bottom after shuffling: the 7th card is placed in position ①, the 8th card in position ②, the 9th card in position ③, the10th card in position ④, the1/0th card in position ⑤ and the12nd card in position ⑤.

Card analysis:

① stands for the past.

(2) represents the status quo of the problem.

③ represents the future development of the problem.

④ The main solution to the problem.

⑤ The influence of the surrounding environment on the problem.

⑥ The fortune teller's expectation.

⑦ The result of the problem.