Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Nanchang Bayi Square Management Regulations (revised on 20 17)

Nanchang Bayi Square Management Regulations (revised on 20 17)

Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of Bayi Square and maintain the normal order, city appearance, environment and public facilities of Bayi Square, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and combined with the actual situation of this Municipality. Article 2 Construction, operation, sightseeing and leisure activities in Bayi Square shall abide by these Provisions. Article 3 Bayi Square as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the land line from Guide to Jiangxi Provincial Communications Department, the land line to Wanda Shopping Plaza in the north, the kerbs on the west side of Square North Road and Square South Road in the east, the kerbs on the east side of Bayi Avenue in the west, Ruzi Road in the east and Zhongshan Road in the east. Article 4 The municipal urban management department is responsible for the management of Bayi Square, and its subordinate management institutions of Bayi Square are responsible for specific work.

Donghu district Municipal People's Government and municipal public security, planning, environmental protection, industry and commerce administration, landscaping, municipal utilities, culture, health and other departments shall do a good job in the management of Bayi Square according to their respective responsibilities. Fifth Bayi Square management, involving landscaping, municipal engineering, environmental protection, cultural market and other aspects of administrative examination and approval, supervision and inspection, by the relevant departments entrusted by the municipal urban management department to implement. Article 6 The construction of Bayi Square shall meet the requirements of urban planning and management. New construction, reconstruction and expansion of buildings around Bayi Square, or external decoration and decoration of buildings should be coordinated with Bayi Square in height, color and style. Article 7 The municipal urban management department shall, jointly with the municipal urban planning administrative department, formulate outdoor advertising planning and lighting landscape construction planning around Bayi Square.

Hanging curtains, banners and other outdoor advertisements are prohibited around Bayi Square; The setting of other outdoor advertisements or lighting shall conform to the relevant planning, and the relevant procedures shall be handled according to law. Eighth Bayi Square management agencies can plan a small number of tourist service points in Bayi Square, and may not set up other commercial outlets. Ninth in addition to cleaning, watering, engineering maintenance, ambulances, public security and other special vehicles and baby carriages, wheelchairs, other vehicles are not allowed to drive and park in Bayi Square.

During holidays or major events, the municipal public security organ shall conduct traffic control around Bayi Square. Traffic control measures should be announced to the public two days in advance. Article 10 Commercial exhibitions and promotional activities are prohibited in Bayi Square.

Holding cultural, sports, publicity and other activities in Bayi Square shall go through the relevant examination and approval procedures according to law. Eleventh Bayi Square prohibits the following acts:

(a) spitting, urinating and littering;

(two) mobile selling, without authorization to set up stalls;

(3) catching and injuring pigeons and ornamental fish;

(four) climbing or damaging buildings, structures or reliefs, flags, lamps, fountains and other facilities;

(5) destroying trees, picking flowers and trampling on lawns;

(six) graffiti, posting and hanging on buildings and trees;

(seven) lying, sleeping, begging, fortune telling, divination, massage, busking;

(eight) carrying pets, setting off fireworks, roller skating and ball games;

(nine) washing and playing in the pool, throwing objects into the pool;

(ten) other acts that affect the city appearance and environment and disrupt the order of the square. Twelfth flying kites in Bayi Square should be carried out in the leisure area north of the National Flag Station.

Flying kites must not affect other people's sightseeing activities.

With the approval of the Municipal People's Government, it is not allowed to fly kites during large-scale activities in Bayi Square, but the management institution of Bayi Square shall make an announcement at least 1 day in advance. Thirteenth Bayi Square management agencies should announce the opening hours of landscape lights, music fountains and water curtain movies to the public. In case of strong wind, fog, rainstorm, high temperature and other bad weather or emergency that endangers safety, it should be adjusted in time. Fourteenth Bayi Square management institutions shall formulate management rules and set up signs, warning signs and other signs. The style and color of the sign should be beautiful and coordinated with the scenery of Bayi Square. Fifteenth in violation of the provisions, one of the following acts, persuaded by the management of Bayi Square:

(1) Driving and parking vehicles in Bayi Square;

(2) Holding commercial exhibitions and promotional activities;

(3) Holding cultural, sports and publicity activities in Bayi Square without approval;

(four) set up stalls and mobile hawking;

(five) lying, sleeping, fortune telling, divination, massage, busking;

(6) begging;

(7) Roller skating and playing football;

(eight) washing and playing in the pool, throwing objects into the pool;

(9) Flying kites in violation of regulations.

One of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph, which is invalid after persuasion, belongs to items (5), (7), (8) and (9), and the urban management administrative law enforcement department shall impose a fine of more than 50 yuan 10 yuan.

If there is any act in Item (6) of the first paragraph, the management institution of Bayi Square will persuade him to go to the rescue station for vagrants and beggars in the city. Sixteenth in violation of the provisions of the scope of public security, traffic safety, industrial and commercial administration, the public security organs, industrial and commercial administrative departments shall be punished according to law; Belonging to other regions, the relevant administrative departments shall entrust the management institution of Bayi Square to be punished according to law. Seventeenth violation of the provisions constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; If losses are caused, it shall be liable for compensation according to law.