Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Tortoise shell characteristics of tortoise shell divination

Tortoise shell characteristics of tortoise shell divination

1. chemical composition: mainly composed of keratin, bone and other organic substances.

2. Color and structure: generally black spots on a white background or dark brown spots on a yellow background. The spots are mostly brown, yellow, tan and black. Under the enlarged observation, we can see that many round pigment spots are piled up together to form irregular spots. The denser the pigment spots are, the darker the spots are.

3. Gloss: Waxy to oily luster.

4. Transparency: slightly transparent to translucent.

5. Hardness: 2.5

6. Relative density: 1.29

7. Refractive index: 1.55

8. Fluorescence: The transparent yellow matrix under ultraviolet light often emits blue-white fluorescence, while the black and brown-black patches have no fluorescence.

9. Hot needle test: there is burning smell of burning hair.

10. Others: Tortoise shell is thermoplastic. Tortoise shell will secrete a kind of mucous membrane when it is heated, so under certain temperature and pressure, tortoise shell fragments can be bonded into large substances. Tortoise shell can be cut and easily processed and carved. Tortoise shell will be corroded by nitric acid, but will not react with hydrochloric acid.