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Reading notes! urgent

Notes on journey to the west

Growing up, I have read The Journey to the West many times. The first time I saw it, it was purely for its twists and turns and interesting plot. After reading it, I have some opinions on the characters and behaviors in the book. My favorite in The Journey to the West is the Monkey King, who is kind, naughty, smart, powerful, outspoken to immortals, persistent in beating monsters (especially Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon), and friendly to brothers, teachers and monkeys. Among the four Tang Priests, the Monkey King is often the first to find monsters, but his master Tang Priests is always easily deceived by monsters dressed as good people, punishing Wukong for killing monsters, and even driving him away regardless of his explanation. Although Wukong was unwilling, he listened to Master and did not stubbornly follow him. But when Bajie asked him for help again, as soon as he heard that the master was in trouble, he let bygones be bygones and ran to save the master without hesitation, without a complaint. Although he is impulsive, hot-tempered, and sometimes impulsive to kill people, in my opinion, those people all deserve it. They are bandits and tyrants who have killed countless people, but Tang Priest, who believes in Buddhism, doesn't believe him. Anyway, he won't let Wukong kill people, but he doesn't care if those wicked people harm others. I always feel that Wukong is wronged. Tang priest is one of the four of them, which makes it difficult for me to understand. He is always taken away by monsters. Among the four masters and apprentices, he always brings trouble, but he has no skill. He only knows that there is no Amitabha in the south, and sometimes there is trouble. If there is no Wukong, I think he must have gone to another Buddhist paradise. He is a kind and helpful teacher who can't tell whether a person is a demon or not. When he sees monsters hurting people, he always lets Wukong and others catch them. However, when Wukong killed those who had harmed ordinary people, he was shocked. Not only can he say spells, but sometimes he will drive him away. Doesn't he think that if Wukong doesn't kill people, they will harm people again, so isn't it a life for one more life? However, Tang Priest also has extraordinary perseverance. In order to get to the Western Heaven for the benefit of the people, he not only didn't want to get to the Western Heaven quickly without letting Wukong fly to get it himself, but even asked himself to be down-to-earth every step and never asked Wukong to help him fly. Tang Priest met many people on the road who tried their best to keep him, even offered him Jinshan Yinshan, and even the whole country, but he refused. I think this is because he has always insisted on learning from the scriptures. Pig Bajie is a lazy and greedy big fat pig. Sometimes Wukong asked him to find some fruits for his master to eat. He either slept on the road or picked a lot of fruits, but he ate them all on the way back, which often caused the other three people to wait for him in the same place. When he came back, he just found an excuse to tell a lie and tried to perfunctory things, but he was always caught by the clever Wukong, which made a mess. I think Bajie always thinks about this and that on his way to learn the scriptures, instead of hiding a little money here and a little treasure there. He always thinks about Gao Laozhuang's daughter-in-law and Chang 'e, and when his master is arrested, he always says, "Let's pack up and break up" and "I'm going back to Gao Laozhuang". He also has a bad habit of always boasting. Sometimes, when Wukong defeated the monster, he also vividly boasted to others how he defeated the monster. However, he sometimes plays a role. For example, Master was arrested for nothing. He came to Huaguoshan to get the monkey out and finally saved Master. Therefore, I think Bajie is quite cute. Although he uses his brain from time to time, he also has a spark of wisdom. Friar Sand is the most honest of the three disciples. He is loyal to his master and respectful to his two senior brothers. However, it is not soft to fight monsters. Although it is not as powerful as Wukong, it can still protect the master at the critical moment. Moreover, among the four master and apprentice, he is the most alert person except Wukong. You can also remind the master. Although Journey to the West is very old, I believe its charm will last forever, because these four men and women really have their own strong points and are very attractive.

Reflections on the Education of Love

Love, like air, is around us every day. We always ignore it because it is invisible. In fact, his meaning has been integrated into life. Just like the love of parents, not to mention hard work, we just put a new book that children love to read on the shelf. When we cough, the pills are in front of us. Don't forget to take a look at the children before going to bed. That's the deep love we need to embrace with open arms. When we are in trouble, no one supports us, but our parents are still with us. In the evening, we don't forget to say: go to bed early. After reading the story of Amrico, I realized that all parents in the world have deep love for their children. Amrico kept a diary of reading and writing with his parents, and now many students still have a small lock on their diaries. The simplest things are also the most easily overlooked, just like the deep parent-child love in this broad love, many people can't feel it.

If love is a journey, some people may disagree. But love is a long and pleasant journey. Just like life, if life is regarded as a prison sentence, people do heavy work in order to get out of prison one day and be detached; Then such a life is bound to be painful and exhausting. On the contrary, if you look at life as a journey, you will be relaxed and enriched by learning new things every day. So, I just want to keep going, even devote myself to it, no matter how long it will last. At this point, this feeling has been sublimated into a kind of love, a kind of love for life. After reading The Education of Love, I walked into Amrico's life and witnessed how they studied, lived and fell in love. Moved, I found that love contains the pursuit of life.

If love is a kind of rushing blood and jumping heart, then I think it is a noble love for the country. Maybe it sounds like a slogan, but as a person with a conscience, this kind of love should be firmly implanted in our hearts. When reading Amrico's touching scene of Italian people blowing off their legs for their country and being drenched by bullets to defend their homeland, I can't help but think that our motherland was once soaked with the blood of Chinese sons and daughters. It is also for the glory of the motherland, and we can also abandon all struggles. I am deeply impressed by this supreme state of love. I don't need to throw my head for my motherland, but there are still many things that our motherland needs us. Love is great because it is not only for individuals, but also for the dignity and emotion of the whole nation.

In the education of love, love is compared to many things, which is true and not just these. "What is love?" I don't think there will be a clear answer, but I have finished thinking about love-love is vast, infinite and great.

The Education of Love is the work of Italian writer Armitage. The interesting thing about this book is that the author tells short stories in the form of a diary in the name of a primary school student, and then integrates "love education" into these stories to cultivate the thoughts and sentiments of the younger generation.

Innocent in nature and keen in observation, he is an optimistic and enterprising boy. His healthy growth is closely related to the sincere and generous interpersonal love described in the book. Love education has no boring preaching, no grandiloquence, no vigorous heroic deeds. It only describes ordinary kind people, such as charcoal sellers, masons, blacksmiths' sons, teenage drummers, teachers who attend classes in spite of illness … and their ordinary daily lives. It is these seemingly ordinary but authentic narratives that bring readers into a world of love and let us be educated in love.

For example, the teacher-student relationship between our teacher, my father's teacher and my brother's female teacher described in the diary is so kind and natural. In Our Teacher, the author uses very colloquial language to describe the way teachers respond to students' greetings, the hand movements when taking care of children, the tone when criticizing children and so on. , and outlined a kind, emotional, kind and dignified image of a good teacher for us. The scene described in the article "My Brother's Female Teacher" seems to be what I have experienced and am experiencing. How do female teachers teach children who have changed their teeth to learn pinyin, how to deal with what children bring to class, how to deal with unexpected events in class, how to restrain their emotions, how to regret when they are angry, and so on.

The book "Education of Love" also uses a lot of space to describe the lofty and great love for the motherland, including Padua's little patriot, Lombardy's little sentry, Sardinia's little drummer, patriotism, Italy and so on.

Lombardy's Little Sentinel is a story that the teacher reads in class. It tells the story of a wandering boy who works as a sentry in a cavalry class. In order to see the enemy clearly, he bravely climbed to the top of the tree regardless of the danger, and finally gave his life for his motherland. The story preaches the love of ordinary people for the motherland. From the story, I feel brave and loyal, and I feel the childlike innocence of boxing. Patriotism is an article my father wrote to Enrico. After listening to a patriotic story in Enrico, my father used the content of this story to educate and inspire Enrico.

Through this book, I feel Enrico's lofty and great patriotism for the motherland.

The Old Man and the Sea —— Thoughts after Reading.

"A ship crosses the end of the world and sails for the unknown sea. On the bow, there is a flag, which is still gorgeous despite the wind and rain. On the national flag, Yunlong is dancing and shining-beyond the limit! " Author Hemingway commented on his work The Old Man and the Sea.

The Old Man and the Sea created a classic tough guy image. An old fisherman named Santiago in Cuba went fishing alone. After 48 days of nothing, he caught a huge marlin. This is a big fish that the old man has never seen or heard of. It is two feet longer than his boat. The fish was so strong that he dragged the boat for two whole days and nights. During these two days and nights, the old man experienced a difficult test that he had never experienced before, and finally stabbed the big fish to death and tied it to the bow. However, at this time, he met a shark, and the old man fought with the shark to the death. As a result, the marlin was eaten up by sharks, and the old man finally dragged home with only a bare fish skeleton.

Why didn't Hemingway let the old man win in the end? In the words of the old man in the novel, "people are not born to be defeated" and "people can be destroyed, but they cannot be defeated." This is the philosophy that The Old Man and the Sea want to reveal. There is no denying that everyone has defects. When a person admits this defect and tries to overcome it instead of giving in to it, it doesn't matter whether he finally catches a complete marlin or an empty skeleton, because the value of a person's life has been fully reflected in the process of hunting marlin. He once pursued and struggled for his ideal. Isn't he a winner? The old fisherman is a winner who dares to challenge his shortcomings and his courage and confidence. From the perspective of secular victory, the old fisherman is not the final winner, because although he defeated the marlin at first, the marlin was eventually eaten by the shark, and he just returned to the shore with the skeleton of the marlin, which means that the shark is the winner. However, in the eyes of idealists, the old fisherman is the winner, because he never gave in to the sea, marlin and shark. As the music master Beethoven said, "I can be destroyed, but I can't be conquered".

Human nature is tenacious, and human beings have their own limits, but it is precisely because people like the old fisherman have repeatedly challenged and surpassed that this limit has been expanded again and again, and greater challenges have been placed in front of human beings again and again. In this sense, a hero like the old fisherman Santiago deserves our eternal respect no matter whether he succeeds or fails in challenging the limits. Because, what he brings us is the noblest confidence of mankind!

Life is an endless pursuit. Its road is long, difficult and full of bumps, but as long as he bravely meets the challenge with a confident heart, he will always be a real winner!

Every book has its own "soul". When you read a book, you will unconsciously fall into the world envisaged by that book.


This summer vacation, I read Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea. I admire the will of the old fisherman in the novel. He taught me that one must have perseverance to succeed. This novel describes an old fisherman who is nearly sixty years old. He went fishing alone and caught a big fish, which he couldn't pull up. After several days of fighting with the fish, the old fisherman found that it was a marlin several times larger than his fishing boat. Although he knew it was difficult to win, he still didn't give up. Later, because of the fishy smell on the marlin wound, several sharks scrambled for food, but the old man still didn't want to give up like this, and finally broke through and brought the big fish back to the fishing port, which made other fishermen admire him. When I read "The old fisherman thought: It's too close to the coast, maybe there will be bigger fish farther away …", I admired the old fisherman because he had caught some fish at this time, but he was not satisfied with the status quo, but moved towards a bigger goal. Look at us again. We all complained bitterly when we encountered a little difficulty. We are the future of the motherland, and we should be as ambitious as this old man and pursue better and greater goals. When I read that "the big marlin began to swim quickly around the small fishing boat, winding the cable around the mast, the old man held the steel fork in his right hand, and at the moment when it jumped out of the water, he threw it at its heart with all his strength, ending the life of the big fish with a moan, and it floated quietly on the water …", my heart also fell like a big stone. I admire the old man's dauntless and persistent spirit. Although he knew his opponent was strong, he didn't flinch at all, but rose to meet the challenge. It is because of this spirit that the old fisherman won the battle of life and death. We should also learn from the old fisherman's spirit in our life. Only if we are not afraid of difficulties can we succeed. After reading that the fishy smell of big fish was smelled by a group of sharks, they scrambled to swim for food. The old man had a cramp in his left hand, so he had to defend himself with his right hand, using wooden sticks, the mouth of the caught swordfish and other weapons that could be used to attack, and finally drove the shark away. But the big fish has eaten more than half of the meat, and when the old man humorously criticized his left hand for "resting when it is time to work", I was also impressed by the optimism of the old man. In life, some losses are inevitable, so be optimistic and don't haggle over every ounce. Finally, taking a teenager as an example, the novel saw an old fisherman measuring a 18-foot-long marlin, and described this huge fish again, which showed that the old fisherman overcame great difficulties and was unusual. This novel eulogizes the old fisherman's spirit of hard work despite difficulties. Like him, he is not satisfied with the status quo, positive, persevering in everything, and never gives up halfway when encountering difficulties. Only in this way can we achieve greater success and victory.

Every book has its own "soul". When you read a book, you will unconsciously fall into the world envisaged by that book. Because the "soul" of all books is different, so is the world conceived by nature. And by "soul" I mean every book, its own thoughts or wishes to express.

The Old Man and the Sea is an instinct to let people know what real life is, what a strong book is, and what a really good book is. In real life, we will constantly suffer setbacks, failures and many negative emotions, so many people are negative and lose their love for life. The Old Man and the Sea depicts an old fisherman struggling with the sea and struggling to survive in a difficult environment. Everyone should still remember that the worn canvas on the old man's fishing boat is like a failed flag, as if to announce the bad luck that the old man will never catch fish. However, he didn't give up and went fishing. However, in reality, some people can't persist. Faced with setbacks, they choose to give up and escape. Compared with the old fisherman who has been living in distress, the escapee really doesn't know what frustration is. We may lose confidence in ourselves because we fail in the exam. Or give up on yourself because of criticism from others. At that time, think about this strong old fisherman, how he faced life. Your own heart will naturally be relieved.

His hands were covered with calluses and his skin was spotted by the dazzling sunshine. The tattered fishing boat can't withstand any storm, and his shabby hut is also the kind of rain outside. However, he did not give up hope for life, and still went fishing in the first sunshine every morning. No matter whether he gains or not, he will insist on fishing at sea, not only because he makes a living by fishing, but because fishing has become a part of his life and a memory. Last time he went fishing, he caught a big fish. However, on his way back to Hong Kong, he was attacked by a shark. He resolutely picked up the harpoon and defended the fruits of his hard work. Although, in the end, the big fish was eaten up by sharks, leaving only a white skeleton. However, although the old fisherman's spirit of never giving up eventually failed, we should learn from his brave behavior.

Whether compared with the old fisherman in the book or the people who have a hard life in real life, our life is already very good. We should love life more and learn to face all setbacks bravely. We still have a long way to go. In the future, we will encounter more and more serious setbacks and failures than before, but I believe that as long as we think of that old fisherman, he is strong and loves life. We will also learn to be strong and learn to face difficulties ourselves!

This summer vacation, I read Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea. I admire the will of the old fisherman in the novel. He taught me that one must have perseverance to succeed. This novel describes an old fisherman who is nearly sixty years old. He went fishing alone and caught a big fish, which he couldn't pull up. After several days of fighting with the fish, the old fisherman found that it was a marlin several times larger than his fishing boat. Although he knew it was difficult to win, he still didn't give up. Later, because of the fishy smell on the marlin wound, several sharks scrambled for food, but the old man still didn't want to give up like this, and finally broke through and brought the big fish back to the fishing port, which made other fishermen admire him. When I read "The old fisherman thought: It's too close to the coast, maybe there will be bigger fish farther away …", I admired the old fisherman because he had caught some fish at this time, but he was not satisfied with the status quo, but moved towards a bigger goal. Look at us again. We all complained bitterly when we encountered a little difficulty. We are the future of the motherland, and we should be as ambitious as this old man and pursue better and greater goals. When I read that "the big marlin began to swim quickly around the small fishing boat, winding the cable around the mast, the old man held the steel fork in his right hand, and at the moment when it jumped out of the water, he threw it at its heart with all his strength, ending the life of the big fish with a moan, and it floated quietly on the water …", my heart also fell like a big stone. I admire the old man's dauntless and persistent spirit. Although he knew his opponent was strong, he didn't flinch at all, but rose to meet the challenge. It is because of this spirit that the old fisherman won the battle of life and death. We should also learn from the old fisherman's spirit in our life. Only if we are not afraid of difficulties can we succeed. After reading that the fishy smell of big fish was smelled by a group of sharks, they scrambled to swim for food. The old man had a cramp in his left hand, so he had to defend himself with his right hand, using wooden sticks, the mouth of the caught swordfish and other weapons that could be used to attack, and finally drove the shark away. But the big fish has eaten more than half of the meat, and when the old man humorously criticized his left hand for "resting when it is time to work", I was also impressed by the optimism of the old man. In life, some losses are inevitable, so be optimistic and don't haggle over every ounce.

When reading the section "The Old Man and the Sea", I often feel that the old man seems to be a big fish in the sea. Perhaps this description is not accurate, or the old man is a sea, but it is a sea that has experienced vicissitudes. The eyes of the old man mentioned in the article are getting older and older, but they are as blue as sea water, which is pleasant and not depressing.

No matter old people or children, they often use lies to decorate poor and cramped lives. Children's respect for the elderly is even full of worship. His confidence in the elderly is increasing day by day, constantly inspiring and caring for the elderly. I sometimes feel that the old man is like a big fish. Although he is exhausted, he will never give in to the sea and fishermen. The old man's body and strength are gradually shrinking, but the experience and skills accumulated by the old man for many years have prompted him to have confidence and confidence in catching big fish.

The old man always does something different. He does what others dare to think and dare not do. Although many people didn't understand him, he did it anyway. The old man has experienced too many things in the sea. When he caught a big white fish in You Lan, he also shouted excitedly. More than two months passed and he didn't catch any fish. He began to talk to himself. Speaking at sea seems to be a bad thing, which has become the moral character of all fishermen who go to sea. But because of loneliness, there may be other external factors that prompted the old man to shout out his words. The old man is eager to see the lost fish. Because the big fish will definitely be among them, the old man spent eighty-five days using the big blue and white fish as bait. The sun is behind his head and the coast is far away from him. In his eyes, there are only endless seas and green hills.