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What food is better to eat in early autumn?

Beginning of autumn in the seventh month of the lunar calendar (the seventh day of August in the solar calendar) is a traditional festival with a long history. As early as the Zhou Dynasty, on the day of beginning of autumn, Emperor Tiandi personally led the princes and doctors of the Three Kingdoms and Nine Counties to the western suburbs to welcome autumn and hold a sacrificial ceremony. In the Han Dynasty, this custom was followed, and animals were sacrificed to show Qiu Lai's intention to promote martial arts. People have the custom of predicting whether the weather will be cold or hot when they are in beginning of autumn. Cui Yan's "Four-person Monthly Order" in the Eastern Han Dynasty: "Welcome to beginning of autumn, it is chilly; Autumn night, hot to the end. " Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, drinking autumn water and eating red beans every day has become a custom. Take seven to fourteen small red beans and swallow them with well water, facing west when taking them, so it is said that dysentery can be avoided in autumn. Beginning of autumn weighed people in the morning, and compared with the number of people in summer, we can know whether summer itself is fat or thin. In terms of diet, it is common to eat watermelon, steam eggplant, stir-fry glutinous rice or drink soju in early autumn. In the past, people paid a lot of attention to solar terms, mostly related to diet and disease prevention, which was not unrelated to people's concern for their own health. "Food is the most important thing for the people". Beginning of autumn is a very important solar term, and people certainly can't forget to eat it. Therefore, it is deeply loved by the people in Beijing and Hebei. People have a bad appetite in dog days, so many people will lose weight. In the Qing Dynasty, it was popular to weigh people (mostly children) on a few days, and compare them with the weight of Chang Xia to measure their fatness. Losing weight is called "bitter summer". At that time, people often judged health only by being fat and thin. Of course, if you lose weight, you need to make up. The way to make up for it is to go to beginning of autumn, eat delicious food, and "paste the autumn fat". Of course, meat is the first choice, and "stick fat with meat". On this day, ordinary people eat stewed meat, while cultured people eat boiled meat and braised pork, as well as jiaozi, stewed chicken, stewed duck and braised fish. In addition to beginning of autumn's "sticking autumn fertilizer", Tianjin and other places are also popular with "biting autumn". Just like "biting spring", people believe that eating melons in beginning of autumn can avoid diarrhea in winter and the following spring. There is such a record in Zhang Dao's "Customs of Tianjin Miscellaneous Notes at the Age of Years" in the Qing Dynasty: "beginning of autumn can avoid diarrhea by eating melons and biting autumn." In the Qing Dynasty, people put melons, steamed eggplants and fragrant soup in the yard the day before in beginning of autumn, and ate them in beginning of autumn to remove the heat in summer and avoid dysentery. As early as the Tang and Song Dynasties, people in beginning of autumn would send 7- 14 adzuki beans from well water on the same day, and they should face the West Railway Station to pray for diseases such as diarrhea in autumn. At present, the dietary customs of beginning of autumn vary from place to place in China. Autumn peaches used to be very popular in Hangzhou. In beginning of autumn, adults and children should eat autumn peaches, one for each person, and keep the stone after eating. On New Year's Eve, the peach pit was thrown into the stove and burned to ashes. It is thought that this will save the plague for a year. Autumn water is also popular in the east and west of Sichuan. Immediately in beginning of autumn (beginning of autumn, the specific time is marked on many old calendars), the whole family will have a drink. It is said that it can eliminate the accumulated heat in summer, and Qiu Lai has no stomachache. In Laixi, Shandong Province, beginning of autumn is popular to eat "dregs", which is a kind of small tofu made of tofu and vegetables. There is a saying that "adults and children don't spit or pull after eating beginning of autumn dregs". So many dietary customs are mostly aimed at preventing dysentery, which shows that workers in China are aware of autumn diarrhea. Nantong custom predicts the cold weather after beginning of autumn with the time of beginning of autumn solar terms in the morning or evening. Proverbs "beginning of autumn, chilly; Night beginning of autumn, hot roar "is what it means. According to the calendar, this year is beginning of autumn at 6: 24 am on August 8th, so it should be a cool autumn! Nantong folklore also believes that the weather change on this day has a lot to do with the harvest of farmland in autumn. If beginning of autumn hears thunder on this day, the crops in the field will "look good" (bloom), the millet will not grow full, Gu Duo will wither, and the yield will be greatly reduced. Some people think that if there is heavy fog and Bai Hong penetrates the sky during the rice planting season, this astronomical phenomenon, which is called "white horse-hoofed crab" by the sand people, will have a lot of grain when harvesting, which is commonly known as "heavenly harvest". It can be seen that opposing natural phenomena such as autumn thunder and rainbow is a taboo for people. Nantong, like Jiangnan, has the custom of eating watermelon every day in early autumn. The watermelon market in Nantong and the south of the Yangtze River lies between a little summer and a big summer, and the hot summer is also in this period, while in beginning of autumn, it is usually on August 7th and 8th after the big summer. At this time, watermelons in this area have been listed, and the sweetness and quality of melons have also dropped significantly, and the climate will come to an end. Therefore, it is unreasonable to eat watermelon in early autumn. But why is there a custom of eating watermelon in early autumn? Although watermelon was introduced into the Central Plains from the Song Dynasty, it was not planted in a large area, so the custom of eating watermelon in beginning of autumn did not form at that time. However, in the western region, in the origin of watermelon, the custom of eating watermelon in beginning of autumn is prevalent. Because the Western Regions are located in the northwest of China, and the latitude is high, watermelons have just entered the picking period around beginning of autumn, so it is an early adopter to eat watermelons in beginning of autumn. This custom influenced the south in Qing Dynasty, when watermelons in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai had entered the final market. People gave various explanations for why beginning of autumn ate watermelons. Some people say that eating watermelon in beginning of autumn can eliminate the stagnant air accumulated in summer, while others say that it can accumulate "prestige" for winter. In fact, it is only the influence of northern customs. However, it should be admitted that after beginning of autumn, the weather became colder and the number of watermelons on the market decreased. People eat watermelon again in early autumn, which means saying goodbye. After beginning of autumn, if the weather is dry and rainy, and the sun is scorching, it will produce continuous high temperature weather, which will prolong the dog days, which is the so-called "autumn tiger", which means that it is as hot as a tiger and as hot as a summer heat. At this time, people feel more sultry. Of course, the heat of autumn is like "rabbit's tail-it can't grow" after all. After beginning of autumn, if there is a lot of rain, the next shower will be cool for a while. After the summer heat, the summer heat has subsided, and it is indeed autumn. Beginning of autumn wants to "grab the autumn fat" and eat stew (eating cucumber will make him thinner and fatter, eating eggplant will make him fatter and fatter). Beijingers have had delicious habits since ancient times, paying special attention to what to eat in what season. For example, beginning of spring ate spring cakes that day; Grain Rain cooked noodles that day; Dragon Boat Festival dumplings; Beginning of autumn stew, which means to stick autumn fat. So what is "autumn fertilizer"? In fact, in the hot summer, Beijingers have the saying of "bitter summer". Because it is too hot, people can't eat and feel anorexia. There is nothing to eat except some cold noodles with water every day. This is not only a reflection of seasons, but also a reflection of psychology. Although the weather is still very hot in early autumn, people don't feel wet and sticky. After all, cool autumn is coming. So I began to sprout the idea of making something delicious to make up for the deficit since summer. What should I eat? The most satisfying thing is stew! Eating stew to make up for the fat lost in summer is called "sticking autumn fertilizer" I don't know when this habit began, and it has been passed down to today. Every day in early autumn, you can see that meat is the best-selling commodity in the market. Hui people buy beef and mutton and Han people buy pork. In short, every family regardless of nationality cooks meat on this day. If you don't believe me, you can go to any investigation in Beijing. It must be stew that meets you. Beijingers don't have to pay too much attention to stew on this day, especially Han and Manchu. First of all, the housewife at home will go to the market to buy a large piece of very fresh pig butt tip, go home and wash it, and sit a pot on the stove. In addition to diced meat and water, she will also add onions, ginger, garlic, pepper, aniseed, small packets, soy sauce and salt to simmer. The packaging inside is not simple. It is composed of more than twenty kinds of Chinese herbal medicines such as clove, cinnamon, cinnamon bark, fragrant leaves, radix aucklandiae, cold ginger, angelica dahurica, dried tangerine peel, cardamom, Amomum villosum, longan, fennel and licorice. The stew smells good. It can be said that on this day, the whole city of Beijing was completely immersed in the taste of stew. In fact, people in Beijing eat stew on this day, which is not only a long-standing custom, but also beneficial to health care. Because summer is too hot, people will unconsciously cause partial eclipse, which is very harmful to the ecological balance of human body and often affects the endocrine and biological functions of human body. At this time, people solved this problem by eating stewed meat, which not only supplemented the essential nutrients, fat, protein and various trace elements in the body, but also enhanced the body's resistance. At the same time, the neutralization effect of various Chinese herbal medicines in the package has played a role in eliminating plague and dampness, and relieving diarrhea along with qi. Therefore, beginning of autumn's eating stewed meat can not only satisfy his craving, but also play a role in health care. Why not? In China, beginning of autumn had no special habits that day. Beginning of autumn in the future will be special. Beginning of autumn, from now on, we will gradually enter the season of sunny weather and fragrant grains. When the temperature changes from hot to cold, the consumption of the human body gradually decreases and the appetite begins to increase. Therefore, the elderly can scientifically absorb nutrition and adjust their diet according to the characteristics of autumn season to supplement the consumption in summer and prepare for winter. In autumn, most fruits are ripe, there are many kinds of melon and fruit pods, and fish, meat, poultry and eggs are also rich. People's choice of food has expanded, but we should pay attention to a balanced diet. The climate in autumn is dry. Although it is cool at night, sometimes the temperature is still high during the day. Heat damages body fluid and gas, while dryness consumes body fluid. Therefore, in addition to mastering the aftercare of diet and daily life, according to the principle of "dryness can moisten dryness", foods that nourish yin and clear away heat, moisten dryness and quench thirst, and clear the heart and soothe the nerves are mainly used, and foods with moisturizing effects such as sesame, honey, tremella and dairy products can be selected. In autumn, the humidity in the air is low, the wind is strong, human sweat evaporates quickly, and the skin is easy to dry. Some water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin B 1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C, are lost in sweat. Therefore, we should pay attention to the adequate intake of water and vitamins throughout the autumn. You can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and take vitamin B 1-2 tablets and vitamin C50 mg every day if necessary. This is not only beneficial to the health of the body, but also plays a role in preventing physical degradation in autumn. Autumn is conducive to conditioning vitality, getting rid of the old and replacing the new, which is the most suitable season for human body supplement. Therefore, with a little nourishment, you can get the effect of getting rid of diseases and prolonging life. People who are prone to chronic heart and lung diseases in winter should lay a good nutritional foundation in autumn, enhance their internal adaptability, reduce virus infection and prevent the recurrence of old diseases when winter comes. Autumn tonic, should choose "tonic but not strong", "anti-dry and not greasy" flat tonic products. Foods with this function include water bamboo, pumpkin, lotus seeds, longan, black sesame, red dates, walnuts and so on. Old people with weak spleen and stomach and indigestion can take lotus seeds, yam and lentils. , can strengthen the spleen and stomach. Autumn is prone to dry mouth, burning lips and other "autumn dryness" symptoms. You should choose foods that nourish and moisten dryness, and benefit the middle and qi. This kind of food includes tremella, lily and so on. Tremella contains carbohydrates, fat, protein, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and so on. It has the effects of nourishing yin, moistening lung, nourishing stomach and promoting fluid production, and can be eaten frequently.