Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Where does the Dragon Boat Festival look grand?

Where does the Dragon Boat Festival look grand?

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanyang Festival, Noon Festival, May Festival, Ai Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Chung Noon Festival, Noon Festival and Summer Festival. Although the names are different, the customs of people everywhere are the same. Dragon Boat Festival is an old custom in China for more than two thousand years. On this day, every household hangs bells, hangs mugwort leaves and calamus, races dragon boats, eats zongzi, drinks realgar wine, swims in various diseases, wears sachets and prepares sacrifices. This festival began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and is also called the three major festivals in China along with the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. There are different views on the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. The most influential thing is to commemorate Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was born in Lepingli, San Lv, Zigui County, Hubei Province. Because of his profound knowledge, his knowledge of dealing with chaos and his rhetorical skills, he became a leftist in Chu Huaiwang. Internally, it advocates "promoting talents and empowering", and externally, it advocates "uniting Qi and resisting Qin" to finally achieve the goal of unifying China. However, his political views were opposed, excluded and framed by a group of traitors in Chu State, and he was exiled to Hunan and lived in Dongting Lake. Before long, he heard the news that the capital of Chu had been breached by Qin Jun. He could not bear the pain of national subjugation and died in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. In order to save him, people rowed to find it and threw zongzi into the water. This statement has always dominated. Others believe that the Dragon Boat Festival is to ward off evil spirits and avoid drugs. Chronicle of Jing Chu Times said: "On May 5th, intellectuals staged a hundred herbs together, and there was a scene of a hundred herbs war. Ai Ai thought he was a man and hung it on the door to poison him. " "Custom Pass" says: "On May 5th, those who tie their arms with color will send troops and ghosts to prevent people from getting sick." Up to now, the custom of picking mugwort leaves in the wild in the early morning of the Dragon Boat Festival and hanging them by the door and tying colored lines to children's arms is still preserved in the rural areas of Northeast China. Modern scholar Wen Yiduo thinks that Dragon Boat Festival is a dragon festival, that is, a totem festival held by ancient Wuyue people (a dragon totem tribe). Others believe that the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the summer solstice, that is, the summer solstice festival in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Ye Fan's Book of the Later Han Dynasty holds this view.

In the northwest, Dragon Boat Festival is also a lively and interesting festival. As early as half a month ago, aunts and grandmothers who bought flowers, ropes and sachets were everywhere on the street.

Every family attaches great importance to the Dragon Boat Festival in their hometown. Hanging mugwort leaves, eating oil cakes, zongzi, wearing flower ropes and sachets are the most important festivals in my hometown and countryside.

When I was a child, the eve of Dragon Boat Festival was my mother's busiest time, making flower ropes and sachets for children. Little Dragon Boat Festival is not only a simple festival, but also an opportunity for mothers to secretly compete with technology. Let's see whose sachet is made with many patterns and fine workmanship, and smell whose vanilla is put in the right amount.

There are mainly the following styles of sachets: flowers: plum blossom, peach blossom and chrysanthemum are the most commonly used to make sachets. First, the meaning is good, and second, the flower shape is simple and easy to make. The second is animals: the sachet of animals is mainly the zodiac. What is the child's zodiac sign, and what pattern sachet to wear is beautiful and auspicious. The third style of sachet is fruit: pomegranate, peach, watermelon and apple are the most common patterns. The fourth category is vegetables: carrots, cabbages, peppers, pumpkins and gourds are the most likely to be made into sachets.

There are many kinds of sachets on the market now. What giant pandas, various means of transportation and modern accessories are all used to make the shape of sachets.

The practice of hometown sachets is like this. First, choose a variety of fabrics, silk is the most suitable, and the luster and softness of silk are easy to shape. Cut out the basic shape of the sachet to be made, dip the appropriate clean cotton into the vanilla powder bought earlier, wrap the cut cotton cloth with the vanilla powder, and sew the desired shape with a needle and thread. After sewing, a string for wearing is dropped at one end of the sachet, and a sachet is finished.

Some sachets are printed with white cloth, which makes them more elegant and generous. The sachet is always worn with the flower rope. Flower rope is a thin rope made of five-color thread. On the morning of Dragon Boat Festival, mothers always get up early and dress their children with colorful flower ropes and sachets. Children in their hometown should wrap flowers and ropes around their feet, hands and necks and wear sachets. It is said that they can prevent the harm of five poisons.

Hanging mugwort leaves on the lintel is the most necessary and important activity in my hometown during the Dragon Boat Festival. On the morning of Dragon Boat Festival, men and women get up before dawn to collect mugwort leaves in ditches and rivers. There are many places where mugwort grows in my hometown. You can find it whenever you go out. Folium Artemisiae Argyi is very similar to another wild wormwood. That kind of wormwood has thin leaves and green back. Folium Artemisiae Argyi is oval with gray back. Children can't tell the difference. Most of them are mugwort instead of mugwort.

The center of the Dragon Boat Festival custom is to drive away drugs and disasters, keep healthy and seek good luck. Acorus calamus, Artemisia argyi, Acorus calamus and Artemisia argyi have long been considered to have dual values of exorcism and medicine, which has produced a series of customs. Artemisia argyi has always been a worry for Ai Ren and Ai He. Ai Ren first appeared in Liang Zonggu's Chronicle of Jingchu, and the secretary said, "On May 5th, four people joined forces to fight a hundred herbs. Ai Ai thought he was a man and hung it on the door to poison him. "

Chinese medicine believes that Folium Artemisiae Argyi is bitter and warm, and enters the liver, spleen and kidney meridians, which has the functions of warming the meridians to stop bleeding, dispelling cold and relieving pain, regulating menstruation and preventing miscarriage, eliminating dampness and relieving itching, dredging meridians and activating collaterals. Artemisia argyi can be eaten or used for acupuncture. It is said that wild mugwort leaves generally mature during the Dragon Boat Festival, and picking mugwort leaves during the Dragon Boat Festival is the most suitable time.

In your hometown, there are two things you can't eat during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi and oil cake Zongzi can be seen in the north and south. The practice of oil cake is more common in the north. Take the dough that can cover as much as jiaozi, roll it out by hand, put the stuffing mixed with flour and sugar in the middle, knead it into a circle, and fry it in a pot. The oil cake out of the pan is crisp and sweet. Pure white sugar is easy to overflow when filling, and living flour can avoid such a loss.

Now, the Dragon Boat Festival in the city is just as lively and interesting. Hanging mugwort leaves, eating zongzi, wearing a flower rope and wearing a sachet are all the same. It's just that all this doesn't need to be done by yourself like in my hometown. Everything is commercialized. On the Dragon Boat Festival, everything was bought on the street, and the mugwort leaves were also transported to the city early by farmers in nearby villages for two yuan each. Flower rope sachets are also bought on the street. Now these young mothers often have to figure out which one is more cost-effective to make and buy. It's a good deal, but it's not so fun to do.

Last year, during the Dragon Boat Festival, I got up early. Taking the opportunity of running outside, I experienced the fun of picking mugwort leaves with my friends. I turned around for most of the morning and found nothing. I don't know if there are fewer mugwort now, or if there is no suitable environment for mugwort to grow near the city. A total mugwort tree was not found. Perhaps Artemisia argyi originally only liked to grow in the wilderness ditch, and it was born in the bustling and noisy.

All the activities of the Dragon Boat Festival embody a center. Then ward off evil spirits and drive away epidemics. We don't have the habit of drinking realgar wine in northwest China. It is said that after drinking wine, bringing flowers, ropes and sachets, the five poisons can't get close. Xu Xian in The Legend of the White Snake ruined his life because of a glass of realgar wine. Want to white snake also have no vision, and it took one thousand years to repair such a confused and weak officer Xu who is suspicious of her? ...

Dragon Boat Festival is held every year, and people of different ages are different. Next year, whoever smells the sachet will send realgar wine next year. ...

Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown

When eating at noon, my mother took out some zongzi and said it was sent by the neighbors downstairs, only to know that the Dragon Boat Festival was coming.

I have been away from my hometown for several years. I don't know if the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is still as lively as when I was a child, but my memory is still so clear.

Needless to say, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon boat race in the south as usual, and my hometown is in the Central Plains. Of course not, but it's also grand.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, every household should insert several bundles of mugwort leaves at the door, one is to ward off evil spirits, and the other is to release mosquitoes. I also eat zongzi, but I can't wrap it. I have to buy it in the street, so zongzi is not the protagonist of the Dragon Boat Festival. At that time, the countryside was generally poor, so parents cooked some eggs and garlic for their children, which was also a holiday. I remember when I was a child, we put boiled eggs in our schoolbags and touched each other. Whoever breaks them will be eaten by the winner, and we are not allowed to break our word. This is quite a gentleman's wind.

In fact, festivals are for children. At that time, parents loved their children, so it was more serious to prepare holiday things for their children before the Dragon Boat Festival. There are roughly the following items.

Realgar is a traditional Chinese medicine. Parents buy it, mash it with water, and smear it on children's ears, little ass and heels, saying it is evil spirits. In fact, at that time, they were all earthen houses, and there was no mosquito-repellent incense and so on, so they had to be used as insect repellent. What I hated most at that time was this, which smelled terrible. Now I think it's the efforts of my parents.

Multicolored lines are colored lines composed of various colors, which are very beautiful. Wrap these wires around your wrist, ankle and neck like a coil. Moreover, parents also warned that they should not take them off for less than ten days, otherwise these colorful coils would become snakes. Of course, I was afraid of snakes at that time, so I could only watch them carefully and didn't dare to take them off easily.

A sachet is a wallet embroidered with various styles of cloth, which contains a lot of spices. Probably some friends who like to watch classical operas know that there is a play called "The Story of the Sack", which is about this. During the Dragon Boat Festival, nothing is more beautiful and warm than making and wearing sachets, which are also called sachets and incense. Due to the undeveloped medicine, people grind medicinal materials with bactericidal effect such as realgar and wormwood into powder, wrap them in cloth and wear them on their chests, and use their fragrance to prevent the invasion of insects and bacteria in summer. This is the origin of sachets. So before the Dragon Boat Festival, many vendors sold silk thread and spices door to door. When parents buy them, they will make sachets for their children, such as water chestnuts, moon-shaped, animals and dolls. Very beautiful. It is also cut into small pieces with garlic shoots, strung together with silk thread and falling under the sachet. This is simply a beautiful handicraft. The girls also began to embroider carefully and gave them to their lovers to compare who embroidered best. Dress naturally, sweetly and diligently. It can be seen that the sachet is also a token of love for boys and girls in Seeds of Love.

Speaking of sachets, there is also a custom that sachets on girls can be robbed. If you see a girl with a beautiful sachet, go ahead and grab it. Although the girls dodged, they were not angry. If you rob her, she won't take it, let alone scold you. But only if you have a thick skin, the average girl won't let you steal it easily. If a girl gives you a sachet, it means that she likes you. If you wear it, it means that this girl likes her, too.

But unfortunately, at that time, although I often grabbed a lot of sachets and some girls gave them to me, it was just a children's game and I didn't have much thought. It's a pity that I failed the girl.

On the Original Form of Dragon Boat Festival

Wu Binan

Dragon Boat Festival is a major folk festival in China, which is not only celebrated by every household, but also held colorful festivals in some places, including the ancient custom of offering sacrifices to rivers and evoking spirits to commemorate Qu Yuan. In fact, this festival has been handed down to drive away diseases and plagues, avoid soldiers and ghosts, and drive away evil spirits and disasters. In the activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as wrapping zongzi with colored silk, wrapping hands, feet and wrists, wrapping rice zongzi with neem leaves, picking wormwood leaves and calamus, taking toad venom, drinking realgar wine, mixing cinnabar wine, picking various herbs, hanging portraits of Zhong Kui or ward off evil spirits, etc. It has nothing to do with commemorating Qu Yuan. Even in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, some places regard the Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Wu Zixu or Gou Jian, the King of Yue, and his filial daughter Cao Mo, which has nothing to do with the death of Qu Yuan. It can be seen that the Dragon Boat Festival, as a folk festival around the country, has the content of commemorating local historical figures. However, the Dragon Boat Festival, as a national and folk festival, is a large-scale activity to avoid epidemics and drive away drugs before the heat. Of course, in addition to preventing and curing diseases, there were many popular beliefs in ancient times to avoid epidemics. Because of this, the folk color of this festival is even stronger. ?

In ancient times, it was popular to pick and hang mugwort leaves at noon and drink realgar wine, which had obvious meaning of eliminating epidemic and detoxifying. But the exorcism of colored silk is more complicated. ?

Multicolored silk is by no means a colorful silk thread, but a combination of certain red, yellow, blue, white and black silk threads. On the fifth day of May, adults tied it to their shoulders. Or make colorful silk bracelets and wrap them around children's wrists or hang them on mosquito nets and cradles. ?

Multicolored silk, also called multicolored silk. The ancient and popular names are Zhusuo and Zhusuo. Those tied to mosquito nets and cradles are also called wanzhuan ropes and health ropes. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was recorded in Ying Shao's "Custom Righteousness". Tie it to your arm to avoid soldiers and ghosts and prevent diseases and plagues. In the Book of Continued Han Dynasty and the Book of Later Han Dynasty, Zhu Suo and five-color seals were used as door decorations on the day of 3 pm, which was considered as a means to resist evil spirits. The five colors of the five-color silk represent the five elements, and the Han Dynasty believed in the theory of five elements of yin and yang. The five colors also represent five orientations, which promote each other and have the mysterious function of exorcising evil spirits and welcoming good luck. Blue is wood, representing the East, red is fire, representing the South, yellow is earth, representing the Central Committee, white is gold, representing the West, and black is water, representing the North. Animals are symbols, with Qinglong in the east, Suzaku in the south, White Tiger in the west, Xuanwu (tortoise and snake) in the north and Huanglong in the middle, all of which are spiritual objects. The symbolic significance of five-color silk to ward off evil spirits and plagues is far more obvious than the actual function, because there is no specific explanation why these colors can eliminate disasters and diseases. It can be seen that this is a magical and symbolic miracle in faith, which is obviously different from the medicinal functions used by mugwort, calamus and realgar in festivals, and is purely for the needs of folk beliefs.

On the other hand, however, the five-color silk of the festival fully shows the significance of congratulations. Children tie their necks, hands, feet and wrists with colored silk, commonly known as long-life rope, long-life rope, century-old rope and health rope. Women of northern nationalities in Liao Dynasty tied colorful silk on their arms at noon, commonly known as acacia knot. Women in Liao Dynasty tied colorful silk into human hair and braided it into a bun, also known as longevity thread. Emperor Liao and Jin wore five-color silk, also called Shousi. Jiangnan folded the water chestnut square with paper and silk, then wrapped it with colorful silk, and gave each other gifts on holidays. Women wear this holiday ornament called Fangfang on their chests to show their achievements in women's work. These customs have little to do with avoiding soldiers and ghosts, eliminating diseases and epidemics, and more to bless birthdays from the front. This is the positive theme of the Dragon Boat Festival to congratulate and pray for longevity while driving away evil spirits and avoiding epidemics. ?

In addition to drinking realgar wine, the most prominent and representative eating custom of Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi. Zongzi, formerly known as corn millet. This kind of food was very popular as early as the 2nd century AD. At first, rice was boiled in a bamboo tube, and then wrapped with neem leaves, fenugreek leaves, bamboo leaves and reed leaves to form sharp corners, which were cooked and eaten. According to legend, it was first popular in the Yangtze River and Hanshui River basins, in line with the custom of throwing zongzi into the river to sacrifice Qu Yuan or feed dragons during the Dragon Boat Festival, and it was circulated as holiday food. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, Zongzi has become the most popular holiday food and gift in China. Not only do all families work hard, but all kinds of rice dumplings are also sold in the market. To this end, Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty also wrote a poem, "The flowers in the four seasons compete skillfully, and the nine sons compete for novelty." Zongzi is also used to worship gods, buddhas and ancestors during festivals. 1700 years, there are many kinds of zongzi. With the migration of Chinese around the world, Zongzi has also been brought to all parts of the world, becoming a treasure of Chinese food and fast food. Zongzi has long been free from the shackles of vulgar culture such as offering sacrifices to Qu Yuan and feeding dragons, and has become a widely popular traditional food in the world.

As a holiday food, the original meaning of Zongzi is not the need of sacrifice, but mainly the need of the festival. There is a very important sentence about zongzi in Hanshu Customs and Righteousness, but it is often ignored by scholars. It thinks that zongzi is wrapped in leaves with glutinous rice and jujube chestnuts and cooked with gray juice, which is "an image of yin and yang wrapping, so it is also praised". In the Book of Qi Yao Min, I also quoted the notes in the records of local customs: "Sticky millet, a jiaozi, a horn millet; Gai is still wrapped in yin and yang, so it is when it is not scattered. " This is the significance of explaining the symbolic seasonal characteristics of this food with the theory of Yin and Yang. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the solar term from summer to solstice, which happens to be the midsummer season when the cold finally disappears, the hot air reaches saturation, the chill approaches, and the yin and yang reach the phase of force or even harmony. At present, the season is the mildest season in a year, so the Dragon Boat Festival was also called the Mid-Autumn Festival in ancient times. In this season, eat cold food made of glutinous rice, wrap it with water bamboo, reeds and bamboo leaves, cook it with gray juice and let it cool. Its color, fragrance and taste are unique, and the breath of this season is wrapped in yin and detected from it. Otherwise, why don't you cook glutinous rice to save time and trouble as usual and take the trouble to make all kinds of zongzi? Judging from this ancient traditional feature, the invention and custom of eating zongzi have a long history, but it is scientific to adapt to the natural ecological environment and choose the corresponding lifestyle. Li Shizhen in Compendium of Materia Medica? 6? 1 Tanabe No.4 Middle School specially introduced the food Zongzi, which shows that it has considerable health care value as a seasonal food and also as a medicated diet.

Finally, let me talk about the dragon boat race. According to records, dragon boat racing originated from arousing Qu Yuan's soul, which has become a habit in Chu State. But this seems to be just an activity in some areas. Because in wuyue, the dragon boat race has become a sacrifice to Wu Zixu or Cao E, and even the Chu state's sacrifice to Qu Yuan has been transformed into a preparation for the dragon boat race since the eighth day of April, which is far more grand and lively than the sacrifice. The intense description and significance of the game in Wuling Du Jinglu and Jingchu Sui Ji have completely deviated from the original intention of calling Qu Yuan in the legend. Please ask "Teacher Shan" (wizard) to offer sacrifices to the gods before the dragon boat race. The divination of winning or losing has nothing to do with evocation, but only predicts the success or failure of the Olympic bid. From this, we can easily see that the dragon boat race has a strong competitive theme. This is very obvious in Jiangnan water town. ? There has never been the custom of competing in the Dragon Boat Festival in northern China, so there has never been the consciousness and belief of offering sacrifices to the river to evoke souls. But there is a traditional competition in history, in which Duanyang galloped to shoot willow and rode to hit the ball. Both the Khitan soldiers in Liao country and the Jurchen soldiers in Jin country have the competitive tradition of shooting willows and playing polo during the Dragon Boat Festival. ?

In the early morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, a small willow tree was first set up in the school yard, and a section of green skin was cut from the middle and upper part of the willow trunk to make it white and serve as a bull's eye. Then, the racers mounted their horses in turn, drew their bows, and cut the white place with a horizontal arrow without feathers. The ranking of the winners of the competition is: after shooting Necole Liu, if the horse catches the broken willow in his hand, he wins, and the one who can't catch the broken willow wins the second place. In addition, those who hit a white spot or cut a white spot but didn't break the willow will be as negative as those who missed it. This kind of festival competition is actually a good training for military technology, and it didn't develop into a habit until the late Qing Dynasty. As for riding a horse to hit the ball, you immediately hold a bow and stick, and the head of the stick is like a crescent. Soldiers fight in two teams and win by shooting, similar to modern polo. ?

Today, the dragon boat race in southern China has developed into an international competition. In the north, with the demise of the feudal military empire, the equestrian activities originally belonging to the flag soldiers did not spread to the people, and naturally disappeared. The ancient festivals are lost, which makes the Dragon Boat Festival in the north lack the lively atmosphere it deserves. If conditions permit, rescue, excavation and arrangement can be carried out, and the competition of shooting willow and polo can be combined with the traditional riding and shooting folk customs of the northern nationalities, which may hopefully become two large-scale festival competitive activities in the northern Dragon Boat Festival.

Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It may be more than ten years since the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is very grand. In my memory, it is probably the most lively festival, especially for children. Although Chinese New Year is the most grand, it seems selfish. Every family closed the door and hid in the hut to enjoy the laughter of the members. No matter how far they go and how tired they are, they will go home to see their relatives and worship their ancestors on this day. But the Dragon Boat Festival is different. On the contrary, it is necessary to go out, go to distant mountains and gather on the plains at the top of the mountain, which is a bit like climbing mountains on the Double Ninth Festival in other places. On the Double Ninth Festival, dogwood should be inserted before climbing the mountain. My family will put "Artemisia annua" on the door during the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a common grass in our family. Some people still want to drink realgar wine. My mother usually eats a lot of eggs and garlic that day.

Dragon Boat Festival is not a national holiday, but many officials in their hometown still drive people to distant mountainous areas to watch the songs and dances of ethnic minorities. Dancing seems to have always been a weakness of the Han nationality, so you can only watch it. I don't know why I chose to go to a far, far mountain, and maybe no one has ever understood it. The book says it is in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, and now there is a lively dragon boat race in Hubei and Hunan. This must have something to do with Qu Yuan. As far as I know, the Dragon Boat Festival in these two provinces seems quite interesting.

Dragon Boat Festival is more important for children, and of course it seems equally important for adults. If you want to do business, you should make all kinds of snacks and bean jelly in advance, and then rent a car at the agreed meeting place to sell it. If you are poor, you will naturally carry it to that place to earn two pennies. I don't know who designated the meeting place. Some classic places have grand meetings every year, while others depend on the situation. I don't know who sent the notice. Anyway, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and everyone basically knows where to gather. It is usually far away from the famous peaks in this place, and the peaks must be wide enough for everyone to move. It is said that there are minority dances, horse races and basketball competitions. To tell the truth, this day seems to be the most United day for all ethnic groups. Everyone has a good time and appreciates each other. Ethnic minorities put on clothes they seldom wear, singing and dancing.

For many people, such a big party is the best time for blind date. Most Han people look around, young, busy, young, feasting their eyes, old, looking for objects for their children. Besides, it is rare to see intimate friends at ordinary times, which is also a time to be caring and attentive and enhance feelings. To be bold and interesting, you must be a minority. Young people will choose their favorite objects on the same day and take them home on the same day. You can't go back to your parents' house until you have children. I don't know if this is true. It sounded incredible when I was young, but at the same time it was too interesting.

I haven't been to any Dragon Boat Festival rally, because it's too far away and the traffic in those places is not convenient. My family wouldn't let us go for fear that we would get lost and become a burden. At that time, my family was poor, and my father didn't want to give our brother some lunch money. At that time, my brother and I were envious when we saw our neighbors holding the Dragon Boat Festival lucky money given by their parents. A few times, we all cried because we had no money and couldn't go.

After junior high school, I haven't had the opportunity to attend the Dragon Boat Festival rally because of my nervous study. Most people in my hometown don't eat zongzi, but they do eat a lot. I never eat zongzi at home, but I like to smell the fragrance of zongzi leaves. Now I'm far away from home, and work restrictions lock me in most of the time. Perhaps, I will never have a chance to attend such a party again, but I learned to eat zongzi. It's not because it's delicious, it seems to be a yearning. Every year, I unconsciously buy a few zongzi to eat.

I ate two zongzi today, thinking of my family, full of melancholy; I feel a dull pain when I think of her in the distance.

Dragon Boat Festival in Hometown [Harmony in Late Summer]

City life is like a Mercedes-Benz express train, and those folk festivals are like simple stations passing by. Smart merchants seized the opportunity to launch grand holiday gifts early, and turned out the heavy plot of their homeland in my indifferent heart.

People celebrate the Lunar New Year, and festivals are tied to the ankles of the sun. When the red sunset entered the room from the north window, my mother said, "Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon." Every evening, I go to see the sunset, hoping: more, more. My mother, who doesn't talk much, also started cutting and pasting all kinds of paper gourds. After a few cuts, the realistic gourd is in front of you. Since then, this festival has appeared on doors, windows and cabinets. Years are mottled with paper-cuts, but the past remains the same and the joy remains the same.