Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What did I find? 600 words of secret composition.

What did I find? 600 words of secret composition.

I discovered the secret of goldfish.

My family has two lovely little goldfish. Their eyes are bulging, they are dressed in red and their tails are like big fans. They are very beautiful.

I went to see my little goldfish early this morning. I saw them swimming leisurely in the water with their big eyes open. When they saw me coming, they seemed to show off their swimming skills and swam more happily.

After dinner in the evening, I went to the fish tank to see the little goldfish. I was surprised to find them in the corner, eyes wide open and motionless. I patted the fish tanks and they didn't respond at all. I dialed the water angrily, but they still didn't move. I think it's strange. What happened? After thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of any reason, so I checked the information, so I went to find the answer and checked the information of the little goldfish.

I finally discovered the secret. So the goldfish is sleeping. The book says that goldfish have a thin and transparent eyelid in their eyes. They just close their thin eyelids when they sleep, so their eyes look as if they are open and motionless.

I'm so happy. Today I have a new harvest.

Little goldfish is an insignificant little animal in our life, but there are so many problems worth exploring, discussing and thinking about in them. Isn't nature more mysterious?

Then let's explore the mystery now!

There are two little turtles in my family. They are very cute, and their round heads are dangling in the water, like two cute "big-headed dolls". One day, I looked at these two sleeping turtles and suddenly remembered my discovery. ...

It was a day last summer, and the bright sunshine shone on my balcony. I thought: it's time for these two little turtles to move around. Let them out to bask in the sun, and I will put them on the balcony floor. Then I went back to my house to do something else.

After a long time, I quietly came to the balcony to see what the tortoise was doing. I saw the slightly bigger turtle rubbing back and forth on the brick in the corner. Are you sick? I think today looks a bit unusual. I don't know what it is doing. After a while, I saw that the slightly smaller turtle also came to the corner and did the same thing to the bigger turtle. I was curious, so I took a closer look. The bricks that the tortoise just polished are all white powder and feel wet. What is that? I really want to know.

After entering the room, I rummaged through all the information books about turtles in the bookcase, and there was no record of this in the information. Are they really sick? If they are not sick, what are the reasons? How can two turtles make such unusual movements? Just when I was upset, things became clear. I thought: Isn't this similar to people constantly changing clothes? The tortoise wants to grow up, but the thin cuticle on the tortoise shell can't grow up with the tortoise, which will inhibit the growth of the tortoise. Therefore, in order to grow up, the tortoise must wear off the cuticle on its shell for a period of time. Oh! It suddenly dawned on me that it was so simple.

In life, there are many problems that we need to explore and discover. If you are a child who carefully observes things around you, you will find many wonderful and interesting phenomena and see many problems from them, so that you can not only increase your knowledge, but also get happiness.

There are many unknown things in the world, let's find them together!