Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Juebing 24

Juebing 24

original text

If you have a headache due to syncope and your face is swollen and uneasy, take it from Yangming and Taiyin. For those with headache due to syncope, headache due to head pulse pain, sadness, sobriety and excessive optic arteries, the blood is removed after acupuncture, and then Jue Yin is adjusted. Headache due to syncope, heavy head pain due to chastity, five elements diarrhea on the head, five elements, take the hand with less yin first, then take the foot with less yin. If you have a headache and a fever, you can't press it. Take the left and right arteries of the head and face, and then take the foot Taiyin. When you have a headache due to syncope, your neck hurts first, and your back should also react. Take Tianzhu first, then take enough sun. Headache due to syncope, severe headache, fever in the front and back veins of the ear (one cloud has arteries), and then bleeding, and then the foot is shaoyang.

I really have a headache. I have a terrible headache, a terrible headache. Cold hands and feet, dead.

Headache is not desirable for people with headaches, but it is a blow, and evil blood is among them; If the flesh is injured and the pain is not over, you can stab it, but you can't take it far. If you have a headache that can't be stabbed, joint pain is evil, and Japanese authors can make it less treatable. When the head is half cold and painful, take the hands of Shaoyang and Yangming first, and then take the feet of Shaoyang and Yangming.

Syncope and heartache, behind the control, good, such as touching the heart from behind, kidney heartbroken. First, take photos of the Valley and Kunlun Mountains, and constantly send needles and take Gu Ran. Syncope, heartburn, abdominal distension, chest fullness, particularly severe heartache and heartburn in the stomach are all too big and too white. Syncope and heartache, the pain is like a cone acupuncture in his heart, the heartache is even worse, and the spleen is also heartbroken, which is taken in the valley and Taixi. Faint heartache, pale as death, breathless all day, heartburn in the liver, leaving the line, too impulsive. Faint heartache, lying in the heartache room; Action pain is very beneficial, the color remains the same, the lungs are heartbroken, it is too deep.

It really hurts, my hands and feet are paralyzed, my heart hurts, and I die at night.

Heartache can't be stabbed, and some are full of gathering, so it is not appropriate to take it. There are worms and jiaozi in the intestine, so it is not advisable to use small needles. Jiaozi is the one with swelling pain, up and down, endless pain, abdominal pain and dry mouth. Stick with your hands, you can move out of order, you can stick with a big needle for a long time, but the bug won't move, it's also a needle. ? Abdominal pain, upper-middle type.

Deaf, deaf, take it from your ear. Tinnitus, taking the anterior auricular artery. Earache can't sting, there is pus in the ear, there is dry earwax, and there is no smell. Deaf, good little finger and claw nails make love with meat, first good, then take feet; Tinnitus is taken from fingernails, from right to left, from left to right, first hand, hind foot.

You can't lift your feet, you have to take them from the side. Use a stick to help the needle in the pivot, and don't stab the big needle. Inject blood into the disease and take Ququan.

People who cannot recover from wind obstacles and diseases are walking on thin ice. When they are drinking soup, their thighs and calves are lustful, and they will feel troubled and have a headache. I feel dizzy when I vomit, and I feel dizzy when I sweat for a long time. They are sad, afraid and unhappy. In less than three years, they will die.


Original syncope and headache, if the face is swollen and upset, take foot Yangming and Taiyin. For those with headache due to syncope, headache due to head pulse pain, sadness, and easy to cry, the blood is removed after acupuncture, and then Jue Yin is adjusted. Headache due to syncope, headache due to severe knots, writing five elements on the head, doing five elements, first taking less yin in the hand, then taking less yin in the foot. If you have a headache and a fever, you can't press it. Take the left and right arteries of the head and face, and then take the foot Taiyin. When you have a headache, your neck hurts first, and your back should react. Take the husband's column first, and then take enough grandchildren. Due to syncope, headache, severe headache, and fever in the front and rear ears (one cloud has arteries), write down its blood, and then take foot shaoyang.

Really headache, very painful, brain pain, cold hands and feet to the joints, dead. Headache is not desirable for people with headaches, but it will decrease to a certain extent, and evil blood is among them. The flesh hurts, and the pain is endless. It can be pricked, but it can't be affected by the tide. If you have a headache that can't be stabbed, joint pain is evil, and Japanese authors can make it less treatable. When the head is half cold and painful, first take the hands of Shaoyang and Yangming, and the feet of Xiaoyang and Yangming.

This paragraph describes the symptoms, characteristics and treatment methods of various syncope headaches and real headaches, and introduces the types of headaches that cannot be treated by acupuncture.

Headache caused by qi obstruction in vernacular Chinese, if manifested as facial edema, upset and other symptoms, can be treated by acupuncture at acupoints such as Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian and Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian. Headache caused by qi, if manifested as swelling and pain of blood collaterals in the head, sad mood and frequent crying, should be examined for patients with obvious pulsation of blood collaterals in the head, and then the blood should be bled by acupuncture, and then the liver meridian of foot Jue Yin should be adjusted.

Headache is caused by the upward movement of meridian qi. If the head is heavy and painful, the pain will not move. Five acupoints should be selected in each row of the five meridians arranged vertically in the head, and the hand and heart meridians with pathogenic purging and yin deficiency should be acupuncture, and then the kidney meridian with yin deficiency should be adjusted.

Headache caused by Qi-adverse is manifested as memory loss. You can press your head with your hand when you have a headache, but you can't find the specific pain position. During the treatment, acupuncture can be performed on the arteries around the head and face to purify its evil spirits, and then acupuncture the spleen meridian of Foot Taiyin for conditioning.

Headache caused by the upward movement of qi in the meridians is first manifested as nape pain, followed by low back pain. In the treatment, firstly, acupuncture at Tianzhu point of Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian by purgation, and then taking other corresponding points of Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian for treatment.

Headache due to excessive qi, manifested as severe headache and fever in the anterior and posterior veins of the ear. During the treatment, the blood should be pricked first, and then the foot shaoyang meridian should be taken for treatment.

Real headache, sharp pain, whole brain pain, cold hands and feet to the elbow and knee joint, is an incurable death syndrome.

The following kinds of headaches are caused by injuries such as blows and falls that cannot be treated by remote acupoints, which lead to blood stasis, so remote acupoints cannot be selected; If it's a muscle injury, ? Pain is not limited, only local acupuncture can be used to relieve pain, not remote acupuncture. The headache that acupuncture can't cure is a headache caused by severe arthralgia. If it happens every day, acupuncture can temporarily relieve symptoms, but it can't cure them. Migraine, accompanied by chills on one side, can be treated by acupuncture at the acupoints of Sanjiao Meridian of Hand Shaoyang and Gastrointestinal Meridian of Hand Yangming, and then at the acupoints of Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang and Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming.

So-called syncope headache is different from real headache in pathogenesis and symptoms. Syncope headache is caused by the disorder of meridians and qi rushing to the head, while the real headache is caused by the evil spirits in the head. The former is lighter and the latter is heavier. "Difficult? It is difficult to "day" for 60 days, and the pulse of Sanyang is cold. Those who stay and don't go will have a headache; It's really a headache to involve the brain. Yu Shu pointed out, "Headache is actually caused by severe brain pain and cold hands and feet to elbows and knees, and this cold is deep. ".

The original syncope and heartache are controlled by the back and are good at it. Touch your heart from behind, and your kidneys will break your bowels. Take Jinggu and Kunlun first, and then take Gu Ran if you are crazy. Syncope, heartburn, abdominal distension, chest fullness, particularly severe heartache and heartburn in the stomach are all too big and too white. Syncope heartache, the pain is like a cone needle pricking his heart, the heartache is even worse, and the spleen heartache is also taken from Taixi, Gu Ran [1]. Faint heartache, pale as death, breathless all day, heartburn in the liver, leaving the line, too impulsive. Faint heartache, lying in the house, heartache, movement, pain, color unchanged, lung heartache, too deep. It really hurts, my hands and feet are clear to my joints, and my heart hurts. I died at dusk, and I died at dusk. Heartache can't be stabbed, and some are full of gathering, so it is not appropriate to take it.

This section introduces the main symptoms, syndrome classification and treatment methods of various syncope and true heartache.

Note [1] Gu Ran, Taixi Gu Ran and Taixi belong to the kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin. According to this paragraph, all kinds of syncope and heartache are acupuncture at the acupoints of the affected zang-fu organs and meridians, but it is difficult to explain why this temper will attack the heartache of the heart and take the acupoints of the kidney meridian. Therefore, Zhang Zhicong thinks that "the natural valley is regarded as a leaky valley, and the Taixi is regarded as a sky flow", which can be used as a reference. In vernacular Chinese, relieving syncope leads to the back, and the patient bends his back painfully as if he had hit the heart from behind. This is a heartache disease caused by pathogenic factors in the kidney meridian, so it is called renal heartache. During treatment, Jinggu and Kunlun points of the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang should be taken first. If the pain still exists after acupuncture, take Gu Ran point of Zushaoyin Kidney Meridian.

Syncope, heartburn, abdominal distension, fullness in the chest and severe heartburn belong to the syndrome of stomach meridian invading the heart, hence the name stomach heartache. Treatment should take Zutaiyin spleen meridian Dadu and Taibai points.

Syncope and heartache, the pain is like an awl stabbing the heart, and the heartache is very serious, which is caused by temper attacking the heart, hence the name spleen heartache. We should acupuncture Guran and Taixi points of the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin.

Syncope and heartache, pale as ash, can not take a deep breath, is caused by liver qi invading the heart, hence the name liver heartache. During treatment, the acupoints between the liver meridian line of Zujueyin and Taichong point were selected.

Syncope and heartache, the pain is not good when resting in bed or relaxing and quiet. Once you do something, the pain will get worse and your face will remain the same. This is caused by lung qi invading your heart, so it is called lung heartache. The thenar and Taiyuan points of Taiyin lung meridian should be selected for treatment.

It really hurts. My hands and feet were cold when I had an attack, and my heart ached badly. Often die in the morning and evening, or die in the evening and in the morning.

The syndrome of heartache that acupuncture can't cure is that there is excess blood stasis in the body, which is a tangible evil, and acupuncture and acupoint regulation can't cure it.

There are worms and ducklings in the intestine, so it is not advisable to use small needles; Heartache, regret? It's jiaozi duckling with pain, bloating, swelling, up and down, endless pain, abdominal fever and dry mouth. Stick with your hands, you can move out of order, you can stick with a big needle for a long time, but the bug won't move, it's also a needle. Solve [1] abdominal pain, upper-middle type.

Deaf and deaf, take it from the ear; Tinnitus, taking the anterior auricular artery; If the earache can't be pricked, there will be pus in the ear and thousands of earwax [2], so you can't hear anything. Deaf and dumb people who have sex with meat with the little finger and the second finger of claw nails, first take their hands and then take their feet; Tinnitus is taken from fingernails, from right to left, from left to right, first hand, hind foot.

You can't lift your feet, you have to take them from the side. Use a stick to help the needle in the pivot, and don't stab the big needle. Inject blood into the disease and take Ququan.

Wind-induced joint pain and debauchery, unable to get rid of illness, walking on thin ice, being in soup, lewd legs and feet [3], trouble, headache, dizziness and sweating, dizziness, sadness and fear for a long time, shortness of breath and unhappiness, and death within three years.

This paragraph discusses the symptoms, treatment and prognosis of diseases such as ascaris lumbricoides, deafness, lower limb movement disorder, lower blood syndrome and wind arthralgia syndrome.

Note [1] is meaningful. [2] Earwax. [3] Prostitution and intonation describe the development of the disease until it becomes a chronic disease.

If there are worms or parasites in the vernacular intestine, you can't treat them with small needles; The pain in the heart caused by ascariasis is manifested as boredom in the heart, or lump accumulation in the abdomen, which can move up and down, sometimes the pain stops, and the abdomen is hot and thirsty, which is caused by parasitic activities in the intestine. During treatment, hold down the lump or painful place with your hands to make it immobile, insert it with a large needle until the worm stops moving, and then pull out the needle. As long as there is a kind of ascariasis with pain all over, depression and abdominal tumor moving up and down, it will be treated like this.

Deaf, unable to hear sound, acupoints are located in the ears; Tinnitus, sharp needles bend against earache caused by earwax packing. To treat deafness, first acupuncture the point above the fingernail, then acupuncture the point on the hand and then acupuncture the point on the foot. Tinnitus should take acupoints above the middle finger (toe) nails of hands and feet, while tinnitus on the left side should take acupoints on the right hand and feet, and tinnitus on the right side should take acupoints on the left hand and feet.

The thigh can't bend and stretch, so that the patient lies on his side. Take the jumping hole at the big rotor and replace the big needle with the sharp needle in the nine needles. If the liver cannot store blood, it is necessary to treat it by acupuncture at Ququan point.

Wind arthralgia has developed to a very serious stage, even to the point where there is no medicine to save it. Sometimes it is as cold as walking on thin ice, and sometimes it is like soaking your feet in hot soup. When the serious lesions of lower limbs develop into total immersion, there will be symptoms of upset, headache, vomiting and fullness, as well as sweating immediately after dizziness, which will be more serious after a long time; Emotional fluctuations, sometimes sadness, sometimes joy, sometimes fear, sometimes shortness of breath, unhappy in my heart. At this rate, you will die in three years.