Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Xu Yi Technical Department explained word for word?

Xu Yi Technical Department explained word for word?

Xu Yi's technology department can be divided into four words: Xu Yi, technology and department.

1. Xu: In ancient times, Xu was a small and clever official who was usually responsible for books, documents and drafting documents. So the word "Xu" here means those small officials who are bound by technology and can't get away with it.

2. Yi: Yi is usually interpreted as "governance", and some people understand it as an official of divination. The word "yi" in this sentence may refer to a small official who is bound by technology and can't get away from it. In order to handle affairs better, it is necessary to predict the future situation through divination.

3. Technology: Technology refers to skills and technology, and can also be extended to skills and technology. In this sentence, the word "skill" may refer to the skills or skills that small officials have mastered that are very important for handling affairs.

4.Tie: Tie refers to tying and bundling, and can also be extended to association and connection. The word "tie" in this sentence may mean that small officials are bound by technology and skills and cannot handle affairs freely.

Put these four words together, the meaning of Xuyi Technology Department may refer to those small officials who are bound by technology and skills and need to predict the future through divination in order to handle affairs better. This sentence may imply the helplessness and difficulty of ancient officials in dealing with government affairs.