Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to learn Korean by yourself, and how long does it take?

How to learn Korean by yourself, and how long does it take?

One? If you want to learn Korean well, you should bathe your thoughts first. 1. What's with Korean?

For those friends who have never been exposed to Korean, it will be difficult. They are all round, rod-shaped words. In a classic phrase, it is considered that Korean is the language of "the front wheels don't turn, then the wheels turn". Especially for us Han people who have no language foundation, we have to start from scratch if we want to learn Korean. Let's talk about how to get started with my personal experience.

First of all, for learning a foreign language, you need to be interested in it before you can continue learning. I think many friends who study Korean like Korean music and movies. They have the motivation to learn Korean because they like it. Before learning Korean, you should know something about Korean. It was founded by King Sejong of the Korean dynasty in 1492. One of the differences between Korean and Chinese is that it is a phonetic symbol (hehe, you can read the pronunciation of words by knowing its letters). If you want to get started, you must master its letter pronunciation and writing.

Korean is a sticky language in language form, and the sentence structure is subject+object+predicate, which is different from our Chinese. For example, we say "I go to school" and Korean says "I go to school". If you have basic knowledge of Japanese, Korean grammar will be easy to understand.

2. Learn Korean with a positive attitude and don't have poor thinking.

Nowadays, many people hold the theory of "learning is useless", even "university is useless". Give some rare examples, such as celebrities dropping out of school to encourage others to give up their studies and join the work early! Apply a sentence to describe this group of people: "It's either stupid or bad". No matter what the relationship between China and South Korea is, learning Korean is beneficial. Actually, we have already discussed this issue. There is always a way out for countries to oppose each other again. Today, Ben Jun also wants to say that this is also a terrible poor thinking, which will make you fall into an increasingly poor situation ... So which ideas are typical poor thinking?

Do you have such bad thinking?

(1) When encountering problems, I always want to ask for help, not a solution.

(2) old ideas, clinging to the past, unable to accept new things.

(3) In order to avoid risks, give up opportunities for change.

(4) think that the success of others depends on luck and capital.

(5) Satisfy the status quo and don't make progress.

(6) only look at immediate interests and be keen on saving money.

(7) Dreamers have empty ideas and don't put them into action.

And the so-called "learning is useless" was almost shot! China and South Korea may still be in the cold war today and may enter the "honeymoon period" tomorrow; Programmers were not interested yesterday, but today they have become a hot potato; For the sake of safety, you choose to eat with peace of mind, and it may not be long before you are in trouble ... aren't there enough examples like this? Learning and knowledge are your weapons to maintain lasting competitiveness.

Two? If there is no environment for learning Korean, create environmentology. In the introductory stage, it is best to find a Korean student friend with a certain level of Chinese to help you learn, so that you can get started faster, take fewer detours, shorten the introductory time as much as possible, and quickly reach the level of self-study. In the early stage of learning, through communication with Korean friends, we can directly establish the most accurate instinctive reaction to Korean, which is of great benefit to future learning.

The above method of learning Korean from Korean friends is nonsense to most people, because it is difficult for most people to find someone with Korean friends next to them. However, this is not important. The greatest advantage of China people is that we don't have the conditions. We should create the conditions. I made a Korean tutorial on information exchange learning (skirt). The first group number is: 435, the middle group number is: 389, and the tail number is: 065. Just combine the above three groups of numbers in order. There are many video tutorials in Korean, and there are also many Koreans in them. We can learn from each other and maybe find a Korean girlfriend.

Three? South Korea pays attention to self-study, not paying attention to it, and it is easy to make a thankless effort. When we decide to start learning Korean, we can win by methods, even if we can't win by time and quantity. So, how can we get started quickly and be more awesome than our classmates?

1. It's very important to learn pronunciation well, and you can't be careless. Looking for ready-made excellent learning methods.

Many Korean learners will take the way of self-study, download several videos on this website, watch several messages in that place and try to learn together. There is nothing wrong with this, of course, but it is inefficient and has no system.

Take scrambled eggs with tomatoes as an example. Do you want to fry eggs or tomatoes first? You may think, will you search the menu online, consult your parents, or start cooking quietly? The last one conforms to the habit of human long-term evolution and sums up experience in practice; But obviously, the first two methods are simpler and more efficient, and are more likely to effectively prevent you from making dark plans. In fact, 99% of the time, your new field has been left to others. There is absolutely no need to experiment and sum up experience. You can directly use the method summed up by other people's experience.

Among them, the foundation is the most important to get started. For language learning, the most important thing to get started is pronunciation, which is fatal to people who have used it! Because the familiarity of pronunciation determines the speed and difficulty of memorizing words in the future, determines the efficiency of your listening training, determines the efficiency of your oral practice, and determines the development of your sense of language.

When many seniors speak Korean, they always feel that their mouths can't be opened, their pronunciation is not in place, or the local accent is so strong that foreigners can't understand it, and even they have formed a habit that is difficult to correct ... They want to speak pure Korean, but they lack Korean environment. How to solve this situation? There are no Korean friends around, but there are online, as I said above.

2. Build a system framework and connect knowledge points in series:

After learning pronunciation, you will start a formal journey. In our memory, knowledge points are scattered everywhere, so don't worry in the process of learning. What we have to do is to connect the knowledge points in series and draw inferences. Isolated knowledge points are meaningless. Among them, the most important thing is to build the basic framework of the Korean learning system first, rather than piecemeal knowledge points. It is not easy to learn in a muddle, and then give up halfway after the outline is unfolded.

Seeing this, you will definitely ask, what about fragmented learning? As we all know, the foundation of Korean can be roughly divided into seven aspects: listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Fragmented learning most often appears in cars, roads and queues. In this environment, the reality is eye injury+sleep aid+insecurity. Since you will be distracted, reading will definitely have an average effect. If you have a kindle, you can really watch it at any time, but watching Korean is definitely not as simple as watching Chinese. Write, let alone, how to write? Because of the characteristics of fragmentation time, it is basically impossible to practice pronunciation and grammar in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

So there is only one choice left, which is vocabulary. Fragment time can be used to recite words. Here are two kinds of memorizing words. One is memorizing words; The other is to review the words encountered in reading. So spare time can be used to "systematically" learn Korean, which is a lie to you.

In all Korean foundations, pronunciation and grammar are the two most basic ones. As we have said above, grammar determines the difficulty of reading, the efficiency of practicing writing, and whether Korean is really profound. How to learn Korean systematically? The best way is to follow the textbook and the teacher.

3. Repeated practice, from imitation to innovation:

Did you ever have such a situation when you first started studying? At first, you spent three or four hours every day, proudly reading and taking notes, trying to learn by will, but after studying for a few days, you couldn't keep going and finally gave up. It's okay. It's normal.

On the one hand, investing too much time and energy from the beginning is easy to be unsustainable. After all, it is unlikely that you can spare three or four hours to study every day. Once the study time is reduced, it will give us negative psychological hints. Am I giving up gradually? Not conducive to the formation of long-term habits.

On the other hand, studying for a long time will lead to a decline in efficiency and the return on learning will be reduced. Over time, the initial enthusiasm and interest easily faded and began to slack off.

The correct way is to mobilize the positive type of the brain, such as finding the right time, learning methods, and starting with imitation.

Taking the writing in TOPIK as an example, what can be done to imitate it?

1. Choose an article you like, choose an imitation, carefully analyze the framework, style and style of the article, and see how they choose words and sentences and tell stories as examples.

2. Sort out the core ideas, arguments and story outline of this article.

3. Cover up the article and imitate the wonderful paragraphs according to your own impressions according to the sorted core ideas.

Compare the original text with the paragraph you wrote, see what's the difference, and sum it up, so be sure to write it down with a pen.

Of course, the most important point after summing up is to modify and polish. Most non-professional students often have a dilemma, that is, their writing is not good, and even if they finish writing, they can't find anyone to help them revise it. So how can they get rid of this embarrassing dilemma?

Of course, imitation is more than repetition, otherwise you are just a qualified porter. From imitation to innovation, it is a phased change. In this process, self-reflection and practical application of knowledge points are particularly important. Learning is the process of knowledge input, and repetition is the first step of knowledge output. Any new field, before it is awesome, needs a lot of repeated training, even those geniuses are no exception.

For example, when preparing for TOPIK's listening test, some students complained that they had learned so many listening skills and listened to so much audio, but their grades did not improve. But the most effective way to ask those Korean gods is not listening, but dictation. What they finally achieved was that they could write down the articles they heard word for word. To do this, we must repeat, repeat, and repeat until we are completely copied.

4. Repeat and output what you have learned:

If even so, your progress is still minimal, you need to ask more why. At this time, you need to consult a professional or a senior, instead of studying hard alone. Besides, you won't be the only one who has problems. Most of your predecessors have stepped on countless pits.

This is your bottleneck period, and of course it is also a critical period to improve your level. Only when you really master every way to get through these holes will your level be qualitatively improved, otherwise, no matter how much time you spend practicing, you will still get stuck.

Learning this thing, like losing weight, requires mental resources, and it is easy to give up after doing it for a while. Can only super self-disciplined people succeed? Are lazy procrastinators hopeless? I'm not afraid of being laughed at by you. I am also a lazy procrastinator.

However, if you can concentrate, invest enough and use appropriate methods, you can achieve 1+ 1 > through integration. 2, in a shorter period of time, it is possible to be better than most people around you in a certain field.