Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Master card

Master card

The target uses the mage's deck to summon a dark moon soothsayer and give the deck to the soothsayer.

Describe that you have now collected all the cards in the mage's deck, and a new card mysteriously appears in your hand. This card depicts a fortune teller. No matter what angle you turn the card, the fortune teller seems to be staring at you.

In your opinion, you can use this card to contact some people or things.

Task attributes (256)

Starting item mage deck

Target collection items: main card (1)

Reward gain experience: 825

Item selection: Dark Moon Necklace (1)

Item selection: Dark Moon Pendant (1)

Gain prestige: Dark Moon Circus +25

The end of the dark moon, the soothsayer Dalaran < 34, 56 >;

Dark moon necklace

Device post-binding

Pinch someone's neck

+3 intelligence

Need 30 levels

Project level 35

Equipment: spell strength increased by 9 points.

Equipment: Crit rating increased by 5. (0. 1 1% @ L80)

Dark moon pendant

Device post-binding

Pinch someone's neck

+6 Agile

Endurance +5

Need 30 levels

Project level 35

Equipment: attack strength increased by 12 points.