Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is there a ghost game played by one person?

Is there a ghost game played by one person?

According to the information found, three ghost-inviting games that can never be played in history are as follows:

1, mirror ghost

3 girls and 2 boys, find a room with a big mirror and make sure the distance is where you can see everyone. Boys should separate and form a circle, and remember the position of the mirror. Stand for a while, and start to turn around near midnight. Girls will start blowing on the neck root of the person in front, and don't make too much noise, and so on, keep turning around. When someone feels two breaths on his neck, he should say it, turn his back to the mirror at the same time, and the other four people look in the mirror together. What else? ! ! !

Don't look in the mirror. No matter what you see, don't run. Tell everyone to say "go" and turn around. It is better to have a leader to issue such an order. If the leader has his back to the mirror, life and death depend on everyone.

Some said they saw five people looking in the mirror, some said six people, some said there were people everywhere, and some friends said they were not people. . . . . . People who can't describe what they see correctly still exist.

2, the ghost in the door

6- 10 people, especially girls. Find a room with its back facing the sun and enter it all after dark. Everyone will make up the numbers and draw lots to decide the best one. You can light a lamp or light a lamp outside the house, but there can't be too many people outside. No. 1 opens the door first and then closes it. When facing the door, count 10 and knock on the door three times. Open the door on the 2nd, let 1 in, then go out, and then close the door. And so on. When you open the door for care, people in the house should keep quiet and stay away from the door. Might as well walk five steps.

Finally, when a number opens the door for a number, what is behind a number outside the door?

Avoid: if you see something behind a certain number outside the door, don't close the door, otherwise people outside the door will be in danger; When you see this thing, don't run away, but blast the door together until you can't see it. No one outside the door can turn back, and no one who opens the door can go out.

What you see is the sin owed by outsiders in their previous lives. If it appears, outsiders should pay attention to protecting and taking care of such people or things in this life to make up for the sins of previous lives.

Step 3 eat food

10 people, half male and half female, steam a bowl of white rice, especially the old bowl, kill a rooster, and pour blood into the rice until it is even with the rice. Everyone forms a circle and walks around the rice, saying in their mouths or hearts: past gods, please come and eat; Please help me if you eat my food. The chicken blood in the bowl overflows from time to time, and immediately spread white paper on the ground, turning their backs, asking questions by one person, and anything can be done. I heard that the bowl is broken, so you can look back at the contents of the paper. It's usually written with chicken blood.

Never: turn around after asking questions and the bowl is not broken; After reading the contents of the paper, burn it at the crossroads immediately and dig the bowl and grain waist deep into the shade. Don't let others see the contents of the paper, and don't reveal the contents of the paper; Others are not allowed to peek at the contents of the paper.

It is said that there is an answer on the paper, but there are conditions. The most serious thing is that he will die in a few days. Generally, ghosts don't ask too many conditions for eating your food, but ghosts are also risky, so it's hard to say if you don't implement or meet its conditions.

1, Jingxian county

Two mirrors of the same size that can reflect the whole body, placed face to face, will form infinite mirror images. At midnight, the summoner stood between two mirrors, touched the mirror in front of him with his left hand, and began to summon Jingxian. The summoning room should be quiet. There can only be one summoner. Light two candles on both sides of the mirror, one on each side. (This is the Japanese method)

At 0 o'clock in the middle of the night, that is, 12 o'clock, put a mirror in front of you, light a white candle next to the mirror, and start peeling the apple-the apple skin must not be broken. It is said that if the apple skin is broken, your life will be over. You can see your future after peeling the apple! Rumor has it that inviting Jing Xian once will give you your tenth birthday! (China's)

Step 2 ask the spirits

Two people put their hands together, the pen is in the middle, and the nib touches a piece of paper. They quietly want to ask the spirits to answer your questions, and then think about your questions. Relax your hands and let the pen think naturally. At the end, think about thanking the gods and letting go of your hands. Hardly.

This is a point in the traditional saying that they can't let go of their palms until they thank the gods and ask them to go back. As far as I know, there are no other requirements.

(3):3, disc fairy, there are many ways, choose by yourself.

There are many ways to play the first disc fairy. A popular game is to put a small plate marked with an arrow upside down on a tiled newspaper, and then everyone points to the edge of the plate with their index finger, and solemnly invites the disc fairy to appear and ask him to answer the questions raised by the participants. After everyone has waited for a while, the small plate will suddenly "sense". After moving for a period of time, its arrow will eventually stay on a word or phrase in the newspaper, which can be regarded as the inspiration of the creation of the disc fairy.

The excitement of playing with the disc fairy is that for everyone, the moving force of the small plate is so great that many people think that the immortals are really inspired. In fact, the movement of small plates is only a concentrated expression of the ideas of everyone or most participants. When most people disagree, the plate either doesn't respond or moves aimlessly. When everyone thinks that a word or phrase is an acceptable answer, the "disc fairy" will point the arrow at the answer sooner or later. There is indeed a great opportunity to focus the attention of most participants on a specific answer. However, if the participants are more homogeneous and tacit, it is easier to reach an agreement or take concerted action. In addition, both homogeneity and tacit understanding can be deployed in advance. For example, as long as someone's lazy remarks are spread in advance, when asked about the future of Disc Fairy, Disc Fairy is likely to give a "bleak future" answer. So in a sense, the game of Disc Fairy is not without rules.

4, please disc fairy second method

The second type

1, find a place with heavy yin, such as an abandoned old house or a cemetery.

2. It started when Yin Qi was heavy, such as Shihai.

3. There should not be too many people when playing (10 or less, odd number, more women than men, aggravating yin)

4. Don't write your own answer sheet. It is best to use discarded old newspapers.

5. It is best to use old dishes, so that the old butterfly will have a "fairy" attachment.

6. The arrow on the plate must be drawn with the blood of a virgin, and it should be drawn immediately before playing.


1, practice. All players must swear not to reveal the answers they know, or they will be cursed.

Please live forever. Put the plate upside down on the newspaper (or other word paper), put your finger on the back of the plate, give your name, and respectfully invite the disc fairy to come.

When the plate moves automatically, you can start asking questions. Be careful not to ask questions about disc fairy's life.

4. The food will move, and the word when it stops is the answer.

Please take back your hand after you leave.

4. Unknown Fairy "Unknown Fairy Game"

This fairy-inviting game was handed down from a small town. I don't remember the name of the town, and I don't know the name of the game. However, I still remember the method of the game. This is the method of inviting immortals that I tried in the fifth grade of primary school.

Choose a night without the moon. Or the moonlight was dark that night. Then your playground is the bedroom. Do you have a doll from a friend or cousin? Every girl should have it. Your bedroom should have a balcony, there should be. And your bed. These simple props. First, we walked three times on the balcony. Walk at your usual pace, and soon, three laps will be finished. Then run to your bed and jump three times. Then, hit your doll three times. Sleep with a doll at night. You will hear someone knocking at the door. I don't know if this game is dangerous. At that time, I told my best classmate Yin Fei how to play this game. She tried it with her sister and cousin. All three of them heard a knock at the door that night. If you are interested, you might as well have a try. But I don't know what the shortcomings of this game are. You better be careful.

Bloody Mary

Have you ever been to a bar and had a cocktail called bloody Mary? It turns out that this is the name of a ghost, and it is also a kind of western psychic thing, which is very popular with foreign girls, but the consequences are creepy.

Summon Bloody Mary If you want to turn to the evil spirit of Bloody Mary, you can follow these steps:

1. Go into the bathroom alone, remember, don't bring others in.

Lock the bathroom door and turn off the light.

Face the mirror, light a candle between the mirror and you, or light a candle on each side of the mirror.

Close your eyes, concentrate and say "bloody Mary" slowly for three times.

Fatal game: After completing the above steps, no one will know what will happen to you. Anything can happen. Here are some possible consequences:

1. There is a torn face in the mirror, and the evil spirits will scare you to death.

2. Spirit will drive players crazy.

A pair of evil red eyes will appear in the mirror

4. Mirrors and walls will ooze blood.

5. Evil spirits will pull you into the mirror.

Note: Bloody Mary is considered an evil soul. When you think that the worst situation is nothing more than these, the real consequences may be even worse. Please be careful! Abroad, I heard that many female students who played bloody Mary were found dead in the school bathroom with their eyes gouged out.

The strangest thing about the mirror witch game is that no one knows who bloody Mary is. However, since the 1970s, this kind of game has become popular. It is generally believed that bloody Mary is a mirror witch who was hanged for witchcraft a hundred years ago. There is also a saying that she died in a car accident and was disfigured, so when calling her, she always takes away the beauty of the young girl.

6. Chopsticks Fairy

Those invited are not immortals, but mostly elders and relatives who died at home. It takes two people, especially two elderly women, at least 1 woman.

First, prepare eight chopsticks. These chopsticks must be made of wood and have a rough surface. You can't use those smooth-looking paints. Then, every two chopsticks are a group and should overlap. Tie two groups of chopsticks together like a cross with a rope. One end of the cross should be short and the other end should be long. If a pair of chopsticks is 25 cm long, then one end is only 5 cm long. Chopsticks are divided into two cross-shaped things after being helped Prepare two chairs, two people sit down, then hold the longer end of chopsticks with both hands and adjust the seats until both sides feel comfortable with chopsticks. Then, a man (preferably a woman, who has never succeeded in his work so far) walked to his door with chopsticks in his hand. He read "The deceased is at home (that is, the predecessor of death), please sit down with your relatives and friends". He first read on several stools at the door, then slowly walked to the place where he was going to sit, continued reading all the way, and then another person held the other two ends and watched them together until he felt the chopsticks start to swing. At this time, ask from the dead people closest to his generation. If so, tell him to bend inward, if not, swing back and forth inside and outside, until he asks the two dead people attached to them separately (I haven't tried not to ask them, maybe I can ignore them), and then ask some questions, such as how old I am this year, knocking inward once every ten years and knocking outward once every ten years, and then you will see the chopsticks start to move. If chopsticks are served by family members, the speed will be faster. ), and occasionally there are unspeakable phenomena. In addition, you can ask more details. For example, when were you born, tell him to knock inward (or outward) in the month and outward (or inward) in the day. The question asked is that the success rate in the past is generally 70%. The success rate of questioning about the future is generally around 30%. Of course, more than two people can ask questions, which can be 10 or even more. Before sending it away, ask them if they can send it away. For example, ask them "knock a few times if you can send it away." Then they can walk to the door with tied chopsticks and send them away. When you invite them, remember to open all the doors leading to where you are sitting. Don't open them too wide, just leave a gap. In addition, the rope for tying chopsticks should be strong and the chopsticks should be tied tightly. Once I saw my mother and grandmother break their chopsticks when asking questions, and the rope was transferred, so I prepared extra ropes and chopsticks beside them. I also saw my grandmother's hand broken by the violent rotation of chopsticks. At that time, I asked some questions that are easy to arouse the dead on chopsticks. Be careful. In addition, when I invited my grandmother, I personally experienced the power of chopsticks for a period of time, which is absolutely impossible for an old lady in her sixties to produce alone. Originally, I didn't believe in these superstitious things, but when I felt the power on chopsticks from that moment, I had to believe that something really existed.

7. Please invite Tae-hyun

Prepare equipment: a square table, a stool in each square, two books of the same height (about 15mm), a millet bowl (with half a bowl of water left in it), and four other testers.

Preparation: put the book under the two pairs of feet of the table (so that the table can shake left and right); Do one side for each of the four testers, and then put your right hand on the edge of the table, palm up! ; Put the bowl with half a glass of water in the middle of the square table.

Steps to invite Tai Xian Bodhisattva:

First, one of the candidates read: "Taixian, Taixian, we have something to ask, please come up!" " If you come up, shake the table! "If Tae-hyun comes up, the table will shake from side to side! If not, please wait! Say it again.

Second, Taixian came up! You can ask! You have to ask him how old you are. You said, "Tai Xian Bodhisattva, do you know how old I am? What a coincidence to know! So the legs of the table will be very smart on the ground! And very powerful! I hereby explain that we must respect Taixian!

Note: Taixian can't speak, so it can only be expressed by tapping points! So you can ask what you measure!

Third, finally, when you send Taixian away, you should respect him and say, "Taixian, thank you! Let's call it a day! You can go back! "


1, please be sincere;

2. It is best to ask the Bodhisattva for the first and fifteenth days;

And the most important thing is not to invite Taixian too often, because they can't be as empty as us mortals! There are many invitations, and you may not be invited to Taixian! It may be an evil god! Although they are sometimes right, they may play more with you! Even make you possessed, unable to extricate themselves!

The most important thing is not to believe everything Taixian says! Then do what they want! So you're finished! I can only think that this is just a kind of advice from Tai Xian Bodhisattva! Because fate is not immutable! The most important thing is to struggle on your own (remember that there is no free lunch! )!

8, hand fairy

Many people here play hand fairy at school. Although I have never played it myself, I have seen it many times, and I probably know how to play it: two people hold each other's hands and then invite the fairy out. Remember, two people's hands can't be separated during the whole process. Then you can start asking questions and explain which direction different answers represent. Then, you will find that your hand is moving in the direction of the correct answer. The moving speed is very slow. Please also remember to invite Shouxian back before you finish. Hand fairy is not in danger of disc fairy, so many people choose to play this game but don't indulge, otherwise the consequences will be very serious! Some people did it by themselves, in that case, it must not be allowed, so don't lie to yourself.

It will be more difficult for people with less experience to invite the hand fairy, but they should also talk about fate.

9. Yinxian (popular in Japan)

Silver thread (a kind of coin) is a popular game in Japan, which is very dangerous. Mainly used to predict past, present and future competitions. According to the survey, many people play this game.

How to play: Draw a circle with the same size as a coin on a piece of paper in the center (make a house), and then continue to draw this circle around it, the number is self-determined, (think of a good question and ask the virtuous)

If you want to ask your age, your future husband's last name, your place, you should write a number from 0 to 9, your last name, your place, yes or no, male or female, etc. Circle up and let Yinxian answer.

Yinxian is placed in the middle circle. Then, several people each held the Yinxian with their forefingers and said, Yinxian Yinxian, come out and play with us (be polite). If Yinxian is in a good mood, most of them will come out to play soon, but sometimes no one will come to play with you for half an hour (be patient). Then don't ask him what you want to know from the beginning. Ask him how old he is this year. Male/female? If you have any questions, then ask him what you want to ask. His answer is that the silver fairy in his hand will move into the words you wrote. For example, you ask him, "Yin Xian, are you a man?" He will make the money you are holding move to no, which means he is a man. Just keep asking. Finally, if you want to end the game, say to Yinxian: "Yinxian Yinxian, play next time, please go home." If Yinxian is playful and you don't want to go home (in the center), you should politely and patiently beg him several times until he is willing to go back.

Yinxian is a very dangerous game. It is said that if you accidentally offend the silver thread during playing, it will anger the upper body of the silver thread, and the consequences will be unimaginable. This kind of incident is also reported slightly in the newspaper.

Therefore, when playing the game of Yinxian, remember to be polite and patient with Yinxian, because it is said that some Yinxian are stingy and some Yinxian are naughty. But in the process of playing, don't give up halfway. If anyone wants to quit the game, please ask Yinxian to return to China before stopping the game. It is best to play this game with people who have played this game before.

It is said that some people have played with Yinxian and tried many times to refuse to come out, but what they told me was really accurate.

Many people have been afraid to play because they are afraid of the upper body of Yinxian, because they really can't figure out why Yinxian actually moved to the answer without being pushed.