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College entrance examination composition 600 words

In study, work and even life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a narrative method that expresses a theme through words after people's ideological consideration and language organization. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following are nine 600-word college entrance examination compositions I compiled for you, for reference only. Welcome to reading.

Running away from 1 is a kind of abandonment, but in this abandonment, the smile on my brow shows that I have found myself again.


Among the many choices, some are on the edge of a cliff. Once you make a mistake, you will fall into the abyss and cannot extricate yourself. But if you choose the right one, you will find yourself again and travel around the world freely.

At sunset, Li Bai fled and walked out of the quagmire.

Whenever the sun goes down, the afterglow of the setting sun hits my pupils again, and Bai and Li Bai and I walk out of Chang 'an. He breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he stepped out of Chang 'an. The smile on his brow, the light in his pupils and the breeze returned to his arms, walked out of the city gate and out of the mire. If he didn't choose to run away at that time, would he still be Li Bai in everyone's eyes? Can he still write bold poems? His choice touched the hearts of every scholar.

When the sun went down, he saw the light again.

The heavy scale raced to the village, pushed it away and got out of the cage.

The heavy scales leap as if cheering for Zhuang Zhou's wise choice; The minister of Chu warmly invited Zhuang Zhou to return to Chu to preside over state affairs, but he sent them away with a story about a turtle. He is still fishing by the water; He, out of the state of Chu, out of the cage, out of this land of imprisoning thoughts. If he doesn't choose to escape, will he still be the Zhuangzi who travels around the world? Can he still write free chapters like Dapeng? His choice, sinking scales and jumping, apes and birds singing. Not only touched the hearts of every literati, but also the hearts of rocks, birds and insects; Let the volcano erupt enough, let the water drop through the stone.

He flew to freedom.

Time flies, I ran away and walked out of this world.

Time flies, I watched the TV series from beginning to end for a long time. Under the radiation of the electronic screen, my heartbeat and pulse seem to have stopped. The wind blew through the windows, curtains, books on the coffee table, and wooden notes from the pages jumped into my nose. I was attracted by this book. I can't drag out an ignoble existence I want to climb high, see far and leave this flashy world. Open the book, let the book edify my thoughts, let every reader walk through my world, let me stay in the world of books, travel all over the mountains and rivers, and taste the book.

There is a book that smells good. If you choose a book and read it carefully, you will naturally be influenced by it.

Escape is a kind of giving up, but in this kind of giving up, the smile on my brow shows that I have found myself again. The choice of the soul, the choice that touches everything, my choice.

I like the book My Wild Animal Friends very much. It was written by Tippy, a little French girl born in Africa in 1990. Tippy grew up in the jungle with his parents who filmed wildlife, and lived with African wildlife and local aborigines.

She likes wildlife friends very much. In her own words: "As for me, I love birds very much. It's no exaggeration for me to say that I love them very much, because they are like my brothers and sisters. This is not surprising, because I was born and raised in it. African wild animals are my earliest friends, and I know them very well ... "

Tippy said, "I really don't understand why humans kill wild animals. It's ridiculous ... "Yes, wild animals are not our enemies, but our indispensable good friends. Why should we humans hurt them? It is said that hunters in some places burn forests and kill animals frightened by flames, so that it is easier to kill prey in the forest. In this way, before long, the virgin forest will become a desert; There are also some poachers who hunt pandas, Siberian tigers, Tibetan antelopes and cheetahs protected by the state just to exchange their fur for money ... There are many such cases.

Of course, not everyone has animal protection associations like those mentioned just now, and many caring people often rescue and adopt some animals. In this way, many animals are protected.

Anyway, I hope everyone will protect animals. Animals also have feelings, and they will be sad when they are hurt by humans. Moreover, the earth belongs not only to humans but also to animals. This is our home for humans and animals. We have no right to deprive animals of their freedom and their homes. We should respect every life. Protecting animals means protecting ourselves.

The college entrance examination composition 600 words 3 Xiao Chen:

Please allow me to tell you a story from The Analects:

A young man said to Confucius, "The laws there are very strict. If the father steals a sheep, then his son will report him. " Confucius replied, "In our country, it's just the opposite. If the father steals a sheep, his son will help him hide. "

Perhaps, when you come here, you will question: Isn't this against the law? However, the master's explanation is helpful to maintain the local ethical relationship. The so-called "legal principle is nothing more than human feelings", your report is of course just, but it is too radical.

The word "rules" is indispensable in life. Like the 361 squares of Go, the game is black and white, and the rules have been set; Just like writing lyrics by voice, it is beautiful and melodious, and it is regular up and down; Like an iron-painted silver hook, thousands of miles of ink follow the statutes; Just like the five tones of the palace merchants, it is elegant and elegant, all depending on the scale of the work. Many things in life are bound by rules. As the saying goes, "If you go out of the building, you can't be an unruly Fiona Fang." . Your concern about the rules should be "like". I also hope that you can discipline yourself so strictly in the future. However, reporting the father to the police, although reasonable, ultimately lost. Affection is the mother's thread when wandering away from home, and it is "don't"

The joy of "coming to the sea on business, we talked and talked until midnight" is "the attachment of saying' goodbye', which makes you drift away like flying catkins, but you can still appreciate this yearning that will not grow old with a silent smile. The daughter in How to Know a Land Offender reported her father. Finally, when that crazy age is over, my father will gently say that she has never blamed her daughter. I think your father is the same. He will never blame you, it is the kindness and forgiveness of parents, it is rooted in blood and flesh, can not be reluctant to part. However, how can he not be sad? You can persuade your father more patiently. I can understand your helplessness and worry, but I hope your advice to your father will end in a more gentle and peaceful way from now on.

I hope that from now on, your father will not drive on the highway to answer the phone and ignore the rules; I also hope that there is no gap between you and your father, and the love between father and daughter is as warm as ever. The storm on the internet will eventually subside. I hope your life will not be disturbed, just as the saying goes, "The years are quiet and the world is stable." This matter has come to an end, and my father smiled at each other and made up.

I am here to convey


Around the world, there is always something to attract you. We are always looking for something, and I have been looking for that faint fragrance and confusion.

I can't seem to find my way. I seem to have been deceived. Things are different, and people are ever changing. Sometimes I know where to look, but I accidentally go the wrong way. Life is changeable. We always grow up in the pain of loss. How can you gain without giving? Look, green wicker; Listen, the crisp birdsong; Smell, pungent floral fragrance. Everything looks dull, but the faint fragrance I am looking for is different. ...

The smell you smell is just what I want. This is unique in the world. It is unique to you. You, a friend I care about very much, your attitude can always disturb my thoughts, your expression can always cause my mood to fluctuate, and your every move can always make me change my behavior. Maybe in others' eyes, you will be happy tomorrow, but I know that you just don't want to say anything. I can be moved by your little move for a long time. If you hurt me, you may say it inadvertently, but I will feel very sad. However, in the eyes of some people, what I have done is stupid, but I will stick to what I believe. You are not the best, nor the best, nor the perfect. But you are unique, you have your unique beauty, you have your unique outstanding point, your advantages can cover up some of your shortcomings, which is exactly what I can't do ... it is a faint fragrance, close at hand, but out of reach.

So I can only constantly improve myself, because only if I am good enough can I deserve that faint fragrance. That faint fragrance seems insignificant, but it means a lot to me. It is one of the things I want to find most in my life. It keeps tempering my will, making me grow and making me more aware of what I want. I have worked hard all my life just to find that faint fragrance, and you happen to have this faint fragrance. I hope your heart is fine.

College entrance examination composition 600 words 5 is another year of college entrance examination. I have re-read and experienced the college entrance examination twice.

It's the first time I read a book, and I have no experience at home. I used 2 1 1 to fill in a school in other provinces and applied for a major that only recruited a few people. As a result, that school scored particularly high that year. And my dad insists that if you can't go to a famous university, you will lose most of the meaning of going to college. I listened to his words and reread the third year of high school.

At that time, in our place, repeat classes were not recognized by the system. We can only be in the small building opposite the original school. 200 people are crowded into the classroom where there are only 60 people at ordinary times, and they are stuck in the sea of tactics and answering machines day after day.

I was the monitor of the repeat class that year. My familiarity with the test paper has exceeded my familiarity with myself. Everyone thinks that I will be the undisputed winner of the college entrance examination this year. But the result is that the results are not as good as the first year. Although I can still read one, it is far from the prestigious school that everyone expects.

I cried at home for three days and didn't know how to face it. I don't remember the crazy scenes of losing books and papers. I'm afraid to talk to any classmates on the phone. I don't want to talk to anyone about exams or school. I lost my armor in the face of fate.

My mother, I can't figure out why this is the result. She went to the local temple with the most incense for divination, and the monks in the temple told her that I failed the exam because a younger brother in our family died young and followed me everywhere. She was anxious to ask me if I was dizzy and uncomfortable during the exam. I have to say, a little.

The only and biggest influence of the college entrance examination on me is not that I didn't get into the ideal school, but that it deeply frustrated my belief in fate, and this inferiority complex has existed for a long time.

But many years later, my friends were surprised to say that you have no trace of frustration, and there are not many traces of inarticulate and unconfident. How on earth did you get rid of it?

I confess: it is precisely because I am a failure in the college entrance examination.

Li Qingzhao, a 600-word college entrance examination poet, has the sadness of "seeking", the affection of his children who only frown but take it to heart, and the heroic poem of "being a hero and dying a ghost". (Hebei examinee "Unexpected flowers of reason bloom in the branches")

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong, the prime minister of Qi State, was originally the enemy of Xiao Bai, the son of Qi State. However, he was lucky to be promoted by his old friend Bao Shu Ya, which helped Huan Gong realize his hegemony. Uncle Ya helped Guan Zhong win and won the respect of future generations for himself. (Shandong examinee "Adults are born with each other")

Zheng He, the navigator, led the fleet to set off in a mighty way. With an imperial edict from China, he sent ceramics, silk and tea everywhere he went. What he sent was the culture of an ancient oriental country, and at the same time he gained foreign culture, which was more praise and worship. (Shandong examinee "Win-win, a beauty of human wisdom")

After Lincoln became president, his friends recommended a cabinet member. After seeing this man, Lincoln refused rudely. When a friend asked why, Lincoln said, "His face doesn't fit." The friend smiled and said, "He can't be responsible for his appearance." Lincoln said seriously, "If a person is not responsible for his face after thirty, he can't be a great musical instrument." (Jiangxi examinee "Seeing the World on the Face")

Su Wuzhong is patriotic, refuses to betray his country, and is willing to associate with sheep. The cellar is cold, and he swallows snow and gnaws felt wool; Beihai is far away, and he "digs wild rats to hide grass to eat". He played the eternal swan song with absolute loyalty-poverty cannot move, power cannot bend, and wealth can be forgotten. (Sichuan examinee "Forever Su Wu")

Before the Western Han Dynasty, emperors recuperated in order to protect their own people and realize "the rule of culture and scenery". Emperor Taizong sympathized with the people's feelings and neglected the thin fu, which made the society stable and achieved "the rule of chastity"; In the early years of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, he inherited the past and the future, resettled the people, reused sages, stabilized the world, and achieved "the prosperity of Kaiyuan"; Kang Gan made great efforts to rule the country, pacify the rebellion, maintain unity and maintain social stability and harmony, thus achieving "Kang Gan wins the scenery". ("Beijing examinee" says "Ann")

Genghis Khan, the warrior who bows and shoots sculptures, the ambitious politician, how many innocent souls are behind him. Hitler, the greatest orator in history, boasted about the whole of Europe in a few hours. With a flick of your finger, blood was flying. Behind him are the bones of tens of thousands of people; At the foot, deep red blood is flowing; In front of us is an army that continues to walk. (Shaanxi examinee "The old saying in blood: peace")

Why are there more and more compositions with 600 words and 7 sets of questions in the college entrance examination?

The fundamental purpose and function of college entrance examination composition is to identify, consider, screen and select talents, so it must be absolutely guaranteed to be fair and just. As far as possible, the assigned questions can't be guessed by all candidates, can't be installed, can't be changed or pieced together, and can only be improvised in the examination room, and winning with uncompromising strength is the best choice.

Therefore, there must be strict restrictions on the content and form of college entrance examination composition, and candidates must be allowed to dance well with shackles and fly gracefully in a specific sky, knowing nothing in advance, fully demonstrating their talents and fully proving their level. At present, the lack of this material topic composition is precisely these attributes that the college entrance examination composition should have. The biggest drawback of this composition proposition is that it is easy to guess the topic, and there are no strict restrictions on material selection, conception and style. Recite some different types of ready-made compositions before the exam. When you arrive at the examination room, you can compile a "masterpiece" according to the requirements of the proposition through revision and excavation. Isn't fairness and justice a big discount that leads to such a proposition? If this proposition pattern forms a convention, how can it not arouse the speculative psychology of some candidates? How can we not leave an opportunity for plagiarists to exploit loopholes? In recent years, the rising phenomenon of composition plagiarism in college entrance examination is the direct result of this proposition mode. This year's perfect composition "Confessions of a Crow" was just disclosed on the Internet and was immediately accused of plagiarism. However, according to the regulations, the college entrance examination papers cannot be changed casually; So, didn't this candidate get a big bargain? Shaanxi examinee who wrote a short poem on it was caught cheaply, which seemed to be excusable, so that the plagiarist got full marks. Is this reasonable? You should know that Confessions of a Crow is just a model. In a large number of test papers, using this set, guessing, correcting and copying will cost more than 10 million yuan. Aren't the consequences of college entrance examination composition worth reflecting on? Therefore, this kind of material topic composition which has been followed for several years has exposed more and more insurmountable disadvantages, and it has reached the point where it must be changed.

Solzhenitsyn once said: There are as many centers as there are lives in the universe.

But most people don't realize that the rapid expansion of material and the unprecedented prosperity of the world hide the scarred essence behind this glamorous scene.

Once several people went to explore the cave. Because of the poor light, they lit some candles and leaned against the stone wall. Going back a few days later, the butterfly that used to live on the cave wall has retreated to the depths of the cave. Only then did they realize that the candle, a small object inadvertently placed, actually let the butterfly "escape".

Now, where is the "escape" just a butterfly? I'm afraid that the magnificent primitive world in Ming Che has disappeared, and people's hearts are filled with the whole nature of impetuousness and desire. People regard themselves as the masters of the earth, forgetting that they are only "residents" of the earth, and even forgetting the truth that everything is equal and interdependent.

Maybe I didn't realize that even a small act will have a great impact on nature; Maybe I have, but for my own self-interest, I have forgotten the crying and begging for mercy of nature.

It is predicted that in the future, thunderstorms and rainstorms will no longer be acts of God, but actions of human beings. If Li Taibai crosses into modern times, the lofty sentiments of "See how the Yellow River water moves out of heaven" will also turn into tears and lament, and the bitterness will be one hundred times deeper than that of "Du Lang is more important than surprise". The sorrow of nature is more worrying than the pain of home and country.

Muir once said: Going to the outside world, I found that it is actually going to the heart. Thoreau lived poetically in the Woods with an axe on his back. He pruned the flowers in front of the door, just as he cut through the red tape in daily life, breathing freely and living freely like nature. On the other hand, we are moving towards division.

The broken outside world really found that it was the externalization and reflection of our impetuous heart. When the light of nature no longer illuminates the future, people will wander in the dark.

We should ask ourselves, we should start to reflect: Is it enough to get what we want? When can we let go of impetuousness and live in harmony with nature? The triviality and glitz of civilization push us to the abyss, and also push the beauty left by nature to a dead end. When nature is completely lost, it will also be the end of mankind.

Zhang Xiaofeng murmured: The trees are there, the mountains are there, the earth is there, the years are there, and I am here. How can we have a better world?

Yes, the loss of butterflies is no accident. When can we, like Thoreau, sit in the stream of time, fish the stars in the sky, watch the earth come and go, and see the rise and fall of the four seasons clearly; See the seeds spread faith, set up the sky in ancient times?

The college entrance examination composition 600 words 9 has already passed the off-duty time, and the 30-story office building is empty and silent.

The faint light came through the crack of the door, and he was still sitting at the table, meditating on the thick file, and his frown told the boredom in his heart.

The company's latest plan is to invest in building a large playground in the east of the city. Through the planning of elites from all sides, it will definitely bring rich profits. For several months, the preparatory work has been progressing smoothly, but there was a bottleneck at the last minute, and he had to let the top deacon out.

The problem lies in land acquisition. A piece of land of several hundred square meters located in the center of the planned land has been delayed. No matter how threatened and lured the negotiators, the landlord refused to give up.

He's a little confused. I can't figure out why the price tag that is several times higher than the market price still can't make the other party tempted.

Finally, he closed the file and decided to visit the website.

In the night, a silver Mercedes-Benz passed through the concrete forest. Ten minutes later, he parked his car on the side of the road and stood on this land that gave him a headache.

Stepping on the long-lost soft soil, the refreshing Xia Feng blew a faint fragrance of flowers, fresh and elegant. If it is not attracted by brand-name perfume, it will have a natural charm. Is it gardenia? He thought to himself. Think back to the delicate white flowers on my mother's chest.

The tall and short trees turned into shadows in the night and swayed in the wind. Approaching, it seems that the dark green and colorful neon lights and the noise of cars coming and going are isolated, but the soft moonlight dilutes a little darkness through the dense branches and leaves.

"The thin film is horizontal and shallow, and the fragrance floats at dusk ... I can even recite poems? Really in the mood! " The tone is quite self-deprecating. How can a heart that has long been addicted to fame and fortune have such a literati-like leisure? He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but he didn't light it, for fear that the burning smell of secular tobacco violated this dark sacredness.

Suddenly, a sharp insect sound broke the silence of the night, and then the chirping of "cicada-cicada-cicada" came one after another without stopping. Somehow, a touch of emotion flooded into the eye frame with a wet feeling. How long has it been since I heard it? This song is boring, but I don't know how many happy childhood melodies it is. What's the point of money when cicadas sing like this? I suddenly understood the landlord's insistence. He smiled. Wrinkled eyebrows finally stretched out. I have a new choice in my heart.

Later, the playground was finally not built on this land. Green, but gradually spread in the east of the city, and the singing cicada. ...