Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Classroom Record of Li Bai's Dream of Climbing Mount Tianmu

Classroom Record of Li Bai's Dream of Climbing Mount Tianmu

Teacher: The students all had dreams, and they all had their own dreams. Why don't you follow them today? Poet fairy? Li Bai, what kind of dreams do you think he will have? Please tell me first, what was your first feeling when you first saw the poem "Climbing Mount Tianmu in a Dream"?

Health: Li Bai may be talking about something in a dream.

Teacher: What else do you feel?

Health: I think it's something to say goodbye to.

Teacher: How do you know?

Student: Because the title of the poem is? Say goodbye? Poetry about parting means sadness. The reality is cruel.

Teacher: The ideal is full and the reality is skinny. Since it's farewell, who should I say goodbye to?

Health: A friend of Donglu.

Health: From the information book, I saw that after I was dismissed from Chang 'an, I wandered with my own feelings and like-minded friends.

Teacher: I was kicked out of Beijing and stayed on East Road for a while. I said goodbye to my friend and wrote this poem.

Teacher: Just now, this classmate introduced us to the writing background of this article. Some students said that since it was parting, it must be a little sad. Is there a problem?

Health:? Tianmu Mountain? Are you online? Hey? Why not read l m: o

Teacher: Because this is what the old woman meant, I read.

Teacher: Now, please read this poem aloud freely. When reading, ask your own questions in the later reading, and let's communicate.

(Students read the text aloud)

Teacher: The ancients said that knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is also. I want to see who is smart. Ask questions first.

Health: I feel that the second paragraph is a bit like his demotion to Chang 'an, but I don't know from which part his feelings have changed.

Teacher: Who can answer this question for him?

Health: From? God of thunder and lightning, the hills are crumbling? At first, what was written in front of him? Flowers tempt me, stones relax me. The day suddenly ended? It is about dependence and love for the imperial court. Suddenly disappeared? But fell in love with the court. ? Bear runs to Long Yin Yin? And then what? Shen Lilin Xi? , is about the limelight, generally he has sinned against Gao Lishi, offended dignitaries as their agents, from? God of thunder and lightning? I began to write that I fell out of favor, and a series of changes have taken place since then.

Teacher: Does anyone have anything to add to this question?

Health: I think his answer is quite satisfactory, but it would be better to be a little more detailed.

Health: I feel it should be from? A thousand stones, a thousand turns, you're not sure? Start to change, because the first sentence is? My heart and my dream are in Wu Heyue, flying over Jinghu Lake and the moon overnight? Is to write the happy mood of being recruited into the palace, and Xie Lingyun's allusion is to write his successful experience in the palace. Holy space cock? And then what? Thousands of turns, flowers lure me, stones slow me down. The day suddenly ended? It should be his confusion about officialdom.

Student: His answer is a little more detailed than the last one. I still like this classmate's answer.

Teacher: Let's straighten this paragraph out together. From the beginning, where do you think the scenery is still beautiful?

A: The sun is halfway through the ocean, and the sacred rooster dawns in space.

Teacher: What is a turning sentence?

Shengqijia: The stream is pale with fog.

Teacher: Just now, a classmate said that he alluded to his experience as an official in the imperial court. It was relatively calm at first, then gradually transitioned, and finally fell into a confused and even terrible state.

Health:? Bears, dragons and storms on mountains and rivers disturb forests and shake mountains? This? Chestnuts and? Surprised? What does this mean? What is the expressive effect of this sentence?

Health:? Chestnut, is it shaking? Surprised? Is the usage of causative agent causative? Surprise means the effect here is more vivid. Bear cannon Long Yin? , a little elusive feeling.

Teacher: Yes, both words are servitude.

(All students read together)

Health:? Clouds darken with the darkness of rain? Are you online? Rain? How to understand this word?

Health: It's raining.

Health:? Flying over the mirror lake and the moon overnight? Are you online? Degree? Is it a common word?

Health: I don't think so, just? Consumption? The meaning of.

Health: I still have questions, that is, what genre is this poem? I see six words and four words. Is it a quatrain or a metrical poem?

Health: This is a seven-character ancient poem, but Li Bai uses it flexibly.

Teacher: Does he think it's a seven-character ancient poem, all seven words?

Health: No.

Teacher: Can we have a look at this poem? Climb Mount Tianmu in your dreams? This rhyme is a style in itself. This style is relatively free, the length can be combined, and the sentence patterns can be staggered, similar to what we said? Fu? Quote? This style is not as rigorous as the form of metrical poetry, and what effect does it have with such flexible sentence patterns?

Health: I think it is more conducive to expressing my feelings.

Teacher: Yes, it is more free to express your feelings.

Health: I have a question. Why didn't you write about Tianmu Mountain directly at first, but Yingzhou?

Health: Yingzhou is an illusory world, and Tianmu Mountain is a reality. From Yingzhou to Tianmu Mountain, it is from the illusory world to the real world.

Teacher: Yingzhou is an unreal world. Although Li Bai likes wandering, Liu Xizai commented on Li Bai's poems: Taibai's poems are everywhere, but they never leave their original positions. In other words, although he can travel in Wan Ren for thousands of years, he is still a very grounded person. So from the beginning, he used the illusory Yingzhou as a foil and foreshadowing, leading to Tianmu Mountain, which we can pursue.

Health: I have a question. What is the title of this poem? Climb Mount Tianmu in your dreams? It should be a farewell poem, but I didn't feel the sadness of Li Bai's departure when I read it. I only look at the magnificent scenery. I don't know why.

Teacher: I'm curious too. Isn't this a farewell poem? How come there is no such feeling of farewell as Yangliuyiyi? Not that kind? Holding hands and crying? What about the pain?

Health: I feel that Li Bai has something new, completely breaking through the stereotype of farewell poems, and expressing his political attitude of not liking powerful people by farewell.

Teacher: Let's discuss this problem at the same table. I think this question is of great research value.

(Students discuss)

Health: Li Bai has his own opinions and styles. From the description of the scenery, we can see the change of feelings. In the last paragraph, we can see that Li Bai is finally enlightened. This is what Li Bai really thinks. I think we should learn from Li Bai's character.

Teacher: She means that this article was written by Li Bai, so Li Bai can play cards without following the routine, break the routine, and gallop freely, right? In fact, that classmate spoke very well just now, so you can pay attention to the last paragraph of the poem.

Health: At last, he was suddenly enlightened.

Teacher: suddenly enlightened, just yourself suddenly enlightened? I also want to tell my friends in Donglu that although you are far away from Beijing now, we can ride a deer and visit famous mountains and rivers. Is this an exhortation to a friend? Isn't this kind of exhortation like To Wang Lun? Peach Blossom Pond is deeper than thousands of feet, not as good as Wang Lun? But isn't this implicit expression another taste?

Teacher: Just now, you asked few questions about writing. I want to test your question about writing.

(The teacher checks the students' pronunciation and meaning)

Teacher: Find a classmate to read this poem.

(Read the first paragraph all my life)

Teacher: You applaud the most warmly. You are fascinated. Tell me why?

Health: For example, does he study well? The roof is 18000 feet high. At this point, it begins to tilt to the southeast. He read Cadence.

Teacher: Then you should read in cadence.

(lifelong reading)

Teacher: What sentence did he read with great momentum?

Health:? Straight into the sky, its peak into the sky, the top of the five holy peaks, cast a shadow through China? .

Teacher: This sentence is well read. Let's read together.

(All students read this sentence)

(The teacher reads the second paragraph)

Teacher: Let's read the last paragraph together.

(All students read together)

Teacher: I can hear you. When you read the last two sentences, you raised your tone appropriately. I don't think it's enough. Let's try reading the last two sentences again, shall we? Stand up straight and raise your head.

(Repeated reading)

Teacher: I haven't seen enough. Is the batter out? Happy face? Ok, will we laugh after watching it?

(Read it again and laugh)

Teacher: The students laughed happily just now. Why does this poem make you laugh so happily? What impressed you most about this poem?

(group discussion)

Health:? Oh, how can I bow and scrape to those people with high status and important positions? They never want to be seen with a sincere face. This sentence touched me the most. Li Bai had a rough life. This sentence shows his hatred and contempt for decadent reality, and he is determined to go to the free world, so later he shouted this high-pitched swan song. How can I bear the humiliation to please the powerful and make me unhappy? This sentence expressed Li Bai's anger at the ugly reality of the society at that time and his strong resistance to the powerful. It adds positive elements to the tone of this poem and points out the theme.

Health: What moved me most was: This is the consistent way of human happiness, and everything flows to the east forever like water? . Li Bai is very negative here and feels a little escapist.

Health: I think? This is the consistent way of human happiness, and everything flows to the east forever like water? Not just negative. There are still some filthy things in the twists and turns of officialdom that make my heart very tired. The past, like flowing water, is gone forever. The author no longer takes those things that make him breathless to heart. This is a relief, and he can't be said to be negative.

Health: I quite agree with my classmates' views just now and oppose negative views. What's my favorite sentence? But let me raise a white deer on my green hillside and ride to you when I need you, Dashan? , very cheerful, not satisfied with officialdom, just indulge your soul between mountains and rivers, a bit like Zhuangzi's thought, but not exactly the same.

Health: The second paragraph describes the magnificence of Tianmu Mountain. When I first entered the DPRK, I was highly valued and relied on by the court. I have been immersed in the beauty of this appearance, and I can't see some filth and ugliness.

Health: From? Thousands of turns, flowers lure me, stones slow me down. The day suddenly ended? As can be seen from this sentence, Li Bai is like a violet that is not demon, and has no intention of provoking powerful people. The tree is very attractive and talented; ? Bears, dragons and storms on mountains and rivers disturb forests and shake mountains? No matter how talented you are, you can't compare with the slanders of eunuchs and powerful people and the whispers of imperial concubines. His? Poverty alleviation and security? Political ideals remain elusive. As can be seen from the last paragraph, my political ideal is only a dream in the end, and things are unpredictable, so I feel a little negative when reading it. ? Oh, how can I bow and scrape to those people with high status and important positions? They never want to be seen with a sincere face. As soon as I spit out the depressed gas in my heart, I was most moved by this courage to go along with others.

Health: I think Li Bai's quest for immortality is to escape from reality, which is negative, but it also shows Li Bai's cuteness, which impressed me the most. ? My heart and my dream are in Wu Heyue, flying over Jinghu Moon overnight. The moon lit up my shadow and I came to Yanhe. ? Is it suitable? He wrote down his desire to visit; Did Li Bai's shadow really shine in the lake? Not necessarily; ? Go to Yanhe with me? It shows my yearning for the world. So I think Li Bai is very cute.

Student: Just now, some students compared Li Bai with Zhuangzi. I think they are far apart from each other. Imagine if the emperor did it for Li, could he still write it? Oh, how can I bow and scrape to those people with high status and important positions? They never want to be seen with a sincere face. Really?

(Students applaud)

Student: I don't think it's necessary to dwell on this issue. Li Bai chose a life attitude. Do you think he is positive or negative? You should look at the problem dialectically. So we should stand in a modern perspective. You think he's cute. He is really not confined to worldly filth, and does not drift with the tide in officialdom. You think he is negative. He doesn't want to pursue dreams or travel. This is also his attitude towards life.

Teacher: Let me briefly summarize the opinions of the students. First of all, judging from the style of this poem, the imagination is strange and the exaggeration is bold. The dream he created is imagined from his mind, and these are the two signs of romantic poetry: magnificent imagination and bold exaggeration. Both of them are vividly reflected in this poem. Judging from the content and feelings of this poem, several students have different views. Who is right? Finally, the classmate concluded that it is necessary to look at the problem dialectically, and the teacher agrees with this view. This is the difference in personal life values.

Teacher: Now please express your reading feelings in your favorite form.

A group uses a projector to show their poems.

Teacher: You applaud the most warmly. What do you think is good?

Health: When Li Bai was mentioned, everyone praised him, but he said he didn't like him and talked about his true feelings. To learn a poem, you must memorize all the poems written by Li Bai before. What is good about him is that he associates all the poems he has learned before, which is quite good.

Teacher: I think the best thing this classmate wrote is to write Li Bai as an ordinary person. I don't praise him so much, I don't deny him, I'm not far away, I'm hiding, which reminds me of a sentence, a friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

(A small group shows poems with pictures)

Health: Li Bai is a poet who is famous for his heroic romance. Let me explain these two sentences. When Li Bai first arrived in the capital, why did he write a song "Difficult Road to Shu"? He liked it very much, so he took off the scarab and drank wine with Li Bai. I think Li Bai's boldness and freedom are my favorite, so I wrote this down.

(Students applaud)

Teacher: I want to ask, who painted this picture?

Student: This was painted by the students studying art in our group. Do you know that?/You know what? What impressed me most about this painting was his glasses. Can you tell us why you draw like this?

Student: This picture is very small.

Teacher: Why is it so small?

Health: small concentration, gathering power.

(A small group of exhibits)

Student: I had a whim last night because Li Bai called? Poet fairy? Therefore, he is a crane in my heart. The crane in the picture is Li Bai. The river below is the living environment where he lived before-the imperial court, the imperial concubine holding the inkstone, the lux taking off his boots, the corruption of the court affairs, and the jealousy of his colleagues. After he got some disillusionment, he chose to visit the Taoist temple and travel to the Tang Dynasty. This tree is painted with the places where he has traveled. These mountains are some of the places he traveled, and he left some behind. One day, I will ride the wind and waves, sail straight up and cross the deep sea? Wait a minute.

(Students applaud)

A group of singers sang "Our Li Bai", and the lyrics and music were written by themselves.

Teacher: The perfect combination of literature and music.

Health: We wrote a little poem for Li Bai. The cloud is green, dreaming of five mountains and flying to Jinghu; Water flowing, climbing Qingyun, royal gold seal; The heart is holding, and the world is happy. I'm an official. When I return it, I'll give up my name. ?

Student: We gave the prize to Li Bai in private. This is the acceptance speech. You drink with the moon alone, you raise your glass, and you are the third. You sleepwalk in the sky and watch the sunrise by the sea, leaving endless worries. You are going to travel far away to Taohuatan, and you will see that your friends have written famous articles through the ages. You are full of pride, your amazing talent is that you are free and easy, and you are the one who writes all his feelings. Finally, you disappear in the middle of the month, flick your sleeves and leave a whole sky without taking away a cloud. ?

(Students applaud)

Teacher: Students, we had a very happy class together today. If you were Li Bai, would you be so happy? Maybe, maybe not. But all we can feel is Li Bai's unyielding soul! Therefore, in our later life, no matter what setbacks and difficulties we encounter, please remember what Li Bai said, nothing can stop me from moving forward happily! Thank you, class is over!