Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Constellation recruitment expert opinion

Constellation recruitment expert opinion

Experts explained that people often think that a general description of personality reveals their own characteristics very accurately. This tendency is called "Barnum effect" in psychology, also known as "astrological effect". That is to say, when describing a person with some common, vague and broad adjectives, people tend to accept these descriptions easily and think that they are talking about themselves.

The description of human character in astrology covers the vague personality characteristics that all people have. Xing Yuzhou, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Nanjing University, believes that the constellation theory, like Santa Claus, is a meaningful cultural existence, and it can be said that using constellations to explain and guide life is a popular subculture. It has all kinds of fun, and many times people just play by luck. "At present, the uncertainty of this era is too great, and some people are at a loss about the future. They hope to generate positive hints through constellations and tap their talents. This belongs to the psychological' expectation effect' and is beneficial in a certain sense. However, in work and daily communication, we must avoid preconceptions and take people by' seat'. " Xing Yuzhou said: "Respect the sub-culture of the constellation, but don't be possessed."