Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Evaluation of Twelve Copper Table Method

Evaluation of Twelve Copper Table Method

Evaluation of twelve bronze tables: Twelve bronze tables are an ancient divination method, which predicts good or bad luck according to the shape and position of bronzes.

Twelve tables method, also known as twelve tables method, is a monument of Roman national legislation and the earliest document of Roman law. In the fifth century BC, Roman law was still customary law, and the power of interpretation was held by aristocratic judges. Judges use this power to seek benefits for nobles, and civilians demand written laws. After a long struggle, in 449 BC, the nobles were forced to set up a Committee of ten people (a group of ten people) to formulate and publish the written law, because the grammar was engraved on twelve brands.

The law of twelve bronze tables is basically formulated in accordance with the old customary law, and it still protects the interests of aristocratic slave owners. However, it stipulated slave owners' private ownership, paternalism, inheritance, debt, criminal law and litigation procedures, and restricted the power of aristocratic judges to interpret the law at will. The Law of Twelve Bronze Tables reflects the development of Roman slavery and the formation of a slave-owner class country.

The Background of Twelve Copper Table Method

The ancient Roman countries were founded on the Apennine Peninsula in the middle of the Mediterranean in Europe, and they continued to expand to Asia, Africa and Europe. Frequent foreign economic and trade exchanges made them form a highly developed slave commodity economy, and civilians and nobles fought for a long time. The Law of Twelve Copper Tables and the Roman Law Department are based on this.

In 454 BC, the Roman Senate was forced to recognize the resolution of the citizens' assembly to make a code, set up a 10 member (a 10-member legislative Committee), and sent people to Greece to inspect the legal system. By 4565,438+0 BC, ten tables of laws had been formulated, and two tables of laws were added the following year. This is the famous "Twelve Copper Table Method". Because each table is made of bronze, it is customarily called "Twelve Copper Watch Method".

Refer to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Twelve Copper Table Method