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If you are pregnant, will there be menstrual precursors? How to distinguish pregnancy from menstruation?

When a woman reaches a certain age, she needs to consider getting married and having children, and having children is one of the major events that women have to experience. After pregnancy, there will be many changes in all aspects of her body. So, if she is pregnant, will there be menstrual precursors? How to distinguish pregnancy from menstruation?

If you are pregnant, will there be menstrual precursors? If you are pregnant, there will be menstrual precursors. The most obvious precursors are chest pain and increased leucorrhea. Because both menstruation and pregnancy will lead to chest pain discomfort and yogurt-like curd-like leucorrhea due to the stimulation and influence of estrogen and progesterone, it cannot be ruled out that pregnancy is a precursor to menstruation. As long as the menstrual cycle is delayed and there is no menstruation for more than one week, it is necessary to check blood hcg or buy early pregnancy test paper to rule out pregnancy, regardless of whether there is menstrual precursor.

Prepregnancy signs If you are pregnant, there are usually signs. This is to remind pregnant women to pay attention to their health and not to stumble. Let's see if you have the following signs. If most of them win, you may have to go to the hospital to check if you are pregnant.

1. Menstruation stops

After sex, if you find yourself without menstruation in the current month or the second month, you may be pregnant. Observing whether your menstruation is normal is the most obvious sign of pregnancy. Menstruation is more likely to stop and less likely to be normal.

2. Easy to get tired

In the early stage of pregnancy, most women will feel tired, which is not caused by work, but a sense of fatigue from the human body. They don't want to move and want to sleep. This feeling won't last long, but don't ignore it easily.

3. Breast changes

Breasts may be stimulated by hormones in the body and will gradually become larger. The color of nipple and areola will deepen, and there may be swelling and pain.

4. Changes in appetite, nausea and vomiting

I often see on TV programs that when I am pregnant, I will feel sick, vomit, and suddenly like to eat sour food, which is also one of the signs before pregnancy.

5. Frequent urination and urgency

Often go to the toilet, which is caused by the enlargement of the uterus and the oppression of the bladder. When the bladder is squeezed, there is a feeling of wanting to urinate, and some women may have urine overflow when sneezing.