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Excerpts from Turayan's novels and stories

In the background story of official website in World of Warcraft, the assistants are Woother, Lin Dai Dasohan and Turayan. Sir Lothar had only one adjutant, and that was Turayan.

Chapter 7 of Tide of Darkness: A week later, Lothar stood in the command tent in the south of Lordaeron, not far from Nanhai Town where they first landed. They chose to station here because this place is in the center and can quickly reach any corner of the mainland by boat. Some of his troops are training and some are resting outside. He sat at a table with the king of Lordaeron and several adjutants he chose, staring at the map on the table. Lothar chose Wussel as his contact with the silver hand and the church-the paladin made amazing progress in fighting skills and using the holy light. Khadga is his contact with the mage and his most objective adviser. Proudmoore was in charge of the navy, and young Turayan was appointed as the deputy commander. The young man left a deep impression on him and Khadga. Although he still regards Lothar as a legend, his intelligence, loyalty and diligence are all displayed. Lothar is sure that the young man will grow up soon. Besides, he can't think of anyone who is qualified to be his deputy. Turayan is obviously not used to this kind of heavy responsibility, and Lothar has reminded him more than once not to poke the map absently, at least not with a knife. Chapter 5 of Tide of Darkness: "So." He asked. "What do you think of them?"

Khadga frowned. "I doubt that they are of limited use to us." After a while, he said

"oh? Why? "

"They don't have enough time to prepare." The guide explained. "We expect the tribe to come to Lordaeron in a few weeks or even less. And they have never experienced war-as a paladin. Of course, I don't doubt that they can fight, but we have enough soldiers. If the archbishop wants them to perform a miracle, I'm afraid he may be disappointed. "

Lothar nodded. "I agree." He admitted. "But FAO trusts them very much. Maybe we must join them. " He burst out laughing. "We assume that they are ready. What do you think of them? "

"There is no doubt that Uther will be dangerous to the tribe," Khadga replied. "But I don't think he can lead others except paladins. His piety is too firm for many soldiers to bear. " Lothar nodded to his companion to continue. "Saidan and Tirion are almost the same. Saidan is a knight first, while Tirion is a warrior, but they also have faith. This may make them hesitate to implement some strategic plans. "

Lothar said with a smile. "How about Turayan?"

"This is the worst belief among them, but it is also the strongest belief in my eyes." Khadga admitted with a smile. "He was trained as a priest and a loyal church follower, but he was not as dazzling as others. And he is more intelligent. "

"I couldn't agree more." The young man also left a deep impression on Lothar. Turayan didn't speak at first, and it took them a while to understand why. He heard about Lothar and his deeds in Storm Kingdom, and he seemed to be in awe of him. Although this is not the first time Lothar has encountered this situation, he still feels very uncomfortable-many young people in his hometown worship him and ask him to train them or let them be his guards. However, after that initial worship, Turayan proved that he had agile thinking and keen insight, even surpassing other colleagues. Lothar immediately fell in love with him, and Khadga felt it, which strengthened his mind.

"I'll talk to FAW." Lothar finally said. "There is no doubt about the value of the paladin. I will use Uther as our contact with the church. " Something happened to him. "I will also recommend another candidate." He said. "Gavin Rudd, he is one of my knights in Azeroth. He is very loyal to us and a good man. I think he may become an excellent paladin. " He said with a smile. "But Turayan, I will make him one of my adjutants." Chapter 5 of Tide of Darkness: "Please allow me to introduce Wusur, Saidan Dasohan, Tirion Fuding and Turayan." Fao smiled like a proud father. "They will all become members of the Order of the Silver Hand." He also introduced Lothar and Khadga. "This is Sir Anduin Lothar, the general of Stormwind and the commander of the alliance. Then this is his colleague Khadga, the wizard of Dalaran. " The farmer said with a smile. "I won't bother you six."

Turayan was baptized in Wuse and was one of the earliest paladins in the League (the so-called four knights of silver hand). Therefore, Uther can't be Turayan's teacher unless Turayan is the second batch of paladins to be baptized. In fact, Wooser's title of "Light Messenger" came from Turayan's mouth. In the Battle of Blackstone Tower, Sir Lothar fought with the tribal chief Gem, and later his sword was broken by the hammer of destruction and he died.

Suddenly the morale of the league collapsed instantly, but then Turayan decisively picked up Sir Lothar's sword and defeated Graham. Chapter 7 "Tide of Darkness" fragment: They have discussed the same thing for a week-which road the tribe is most likely to come from, where they may attack, and how to move the allies to the area as soon as possible, at least before the fields and crops they jointly protect are trampled. Just as Ashburn emphasized for the tenth time that the allies should be deployed to the border of Gilneas, because he decided that the tribe would appear there first, a sentry broke in.

"Sir, you have to see this, sir." He shouted. He tried to stop and then bowed quickly. "Here they come."

"Who's here, soldier?" Lothar frowned. He tried to read something from the sentry's expression, and the man looked very flustered. Anyway, at least he didn't panic, which made Lothar breathe a sigh of relief and tried to calm his pounding heart. Because not afraid means not a tribe. The sentry's face was a little scared, but it was mixed with feelings of respect and even awe. Lothar doesn't look like that when she sees anything.

"It's an elf, sir." The sentry almost cried. "It's an elf."

"Genie?" Lothar stared at the sentry, trying to understand the meaning, and then he turned and pushed the kings there. While he was guessing, one of the kings coughed and looked guilty.

"We need allies." Terenas explained. "The elves are a powerful race. I think we'd better contact them as soon as possible. "

"Didn't discuss with me?" Lothar looked very angry. "If they sent all the troops, suddenly announced to accept orders? What if we incorporate them into our army and the tribe comes? You shouldn't hide this information from your army commander. This is likely to bring us death, or at least sacrifice most of us. "

Terenas nodded gravely. "You're right." He replied that it reminded Lothar why he admired the king. Most people refuse to accept mistakes, especially those who are powerful. But Terenas is willing to take responsibility for any of his actions, good or bad. "I really should discuss it with you first. I just think time is tight, but that's not the reason. This kind of thing will not happen again. "

Lothar nodded rudely. "Well, then, let's go and see what elves are like." He led the way out of the tent, followed by others.

When Lothar walked out of the tent, the first thing he saw was his own army. His face was crowded with people, and the scenery spread to the distant valley. For an instant, Lothar felt a sense of pride and confidence. How can anyone and anything resist such a powerful army? But then he saw the scene of the tribe's bloody storm kingdom, the irresistible jade ocean, and he got serious again. At least, this alliance army is several times stronger than the previous storm kingdom and should be able to contain the tribal offensive.

Lothar crossed his troops and came to the shore. He stared at the sea before him. Proudmoore's ships moored on the whole coastline, from small fast reconnaissance ships to huge destroyers, sailing on the waves, forming a forest with masts. Destroyer of the Elves, said Proudmoore softly. "Faster and lighter than ours-they carry fewer weapons, but they also give these ships a fairly fast speed. This is an excellent and excellent supplement to our troops. " The admiral frowned. "But why so little? I only see four and eight boats. This is just a combat team. "

"There may be more behind." Turayan suggested from the other side of Losa.

"But Proudmoore shook his head." It's not their habit. "He replied that they should all be here. "

"12 ships also means that our fleet has increased by 12 ships." Khadga proposed. "Anyway, the troops they brought."

Lothar nodded. "We should welcome them." He said. The others agreed, so they began to cross the village. Perez Nord and Ashby were a little overwhelmed and soon began to gasp, while others strode forward refreshed. When they came to the dock, the first elf warship just docked inside.

A soft tall figure jumped down and landed gently on the wooden pier. The long blonde hair reflected the sunlight, and Lothar heard a man's breathing behind him. When the figure approached, Lothar saw that it was a woman, a charming woman who was enough to make people faint. Her slim figure is slender and powerful, just like her slim figure. She is covered with forest green or oak brown, and a light armor is covered with her shirt, shorts and hooded cloak. A pair of leather gloves wrapped her arms around her elbows, just like boots to protect her knees. There is a thin sword hanging on one hip, a small bag and horn hanging on the other, and a long bow and a full quiver hanging behind him. Lothar has seen many women over the years, and some of them are as beautiful as this elf who is approaching them, but he has never seen anyone who can combine strength and elegance. He can understand why many of his assistants are fascinated by her.

"madam." Lothar shouted when she was still a little far away. "Welcome to here. I am Anduin Lothar, commander of the Lordaeron League. "

She nodded, walked the remaining distance, and then stopped not far away. From this distance, Lothar could see her pointed ears sticking out of her hair, and her wild emerald eyes glanced at the next corner. "I'm Oreglia Windrunner, and I bring greetings from Ryan Rishen of Anast and the Parliament of silver moon." Her voice is so beautiful that Lothar suspects that even when people are angry, it will make people feel happy.

"Thank you." He turned around and made a gesture to the group of people behind him. "Please allow me to introduce the king of the League and my adjutant." After the introduction, he began to get to the point. "Forgive me for being slow, Ms. Oreglia." He said, "but I must ask-is this all the assistance your people can provide?"

This sentence made her frown. "I'll tell you at once, Lord Lothar." She replied, look around to make sure no one else is eavesdropping. Other elves, men and women, are obviously waiting for Aurelia's permission to get close to here. "Anast Ryan and others don't care much about the information you sent. This tribe is too far away from us and seems to be trying to conquer human territory, not our forest. Parliamentarians believe that it is best to give this struggle to young races, just by strengthening our border with any possible invasion. " Her eyes narrowed as if she had made up her mind.

"At least you're here." Khadga pointed out. "I think it also represents something."

She nodded. "Letter from King Terenas"-she nodded in his direction-"Tell us, Sir Lothar, that you are the last descendant of Lan's blood. Our ancestors swore to help your king Thoradin and all his relatives forever. Even Anast Ryan cannot deny this obligation. He sent this combat team to thank him for his help. "

"What about you?" Rosa asked, realizing that she was just talking about the fleet.

"I came voluntarily." She proudly announced, shaking her hair, just like a fierce horse before charging. "I am a forest ranger, and I choose to bring my own team and provide our help for free." She glanced behind Lothar, her eyes were moving, and he knew she was observing the army behind him. "I feel that this battle will be far more serious than our leaders imagined, and it may easily destroy all of us. If the tribe is as cruel as you say, our forest will not last long. " She looked at Lothar again, and then he realized that all these beautiful women came from a strong woman who used to fight a lot. "We must stop them."

Lothar nodded. "I agree." He made a bow. "So, you are very popular here, madam, and I thank your king for his help. But I am more grateful for your existence and your ranger. " He said with a smile. "We are discussing the next action plan, and I am honored to listen to your opinion. When your people are settled, I will ask you to send them to explore the road, so that we can know whether the enemy is close to us. "

"We don't need a rest." Oreglia assured him. "I'll send them right away." She made a gesture and all the other elves leaned over. Everyone dresses like her and moves quietly, but in Lothar's view, they lack her elegance. Oreglia is talking to them. Her voice is as smooth as music. Others nodded as they passed by, and hurried out of the dock and across the village. Soon disappeared from sight.

"They will conduct reconnaissance and report the situation." Oreglia explained. "If the tribe comes two days away from here, we will know."

"Very good." Lothar absently patted his bare forehead. "If you don't mind coming back to the command tent with us, then, madam, I'll tell you what we have now, and then we can listen to your views on these things."

She smiled. "Sure, but if you want my advice, you must stop calling me' madam'. I am Oreglia, nothing else. "

Lothar nodded, turned her headscarf and led her out of the dock. Turayan tried not to laugh when he saw his face. Dark Gate Chapter 24

The orcs and death knights who fought in front of the dark temple were blinded by the light and turned around, while the Union soldiers were not affected by the light. The soldiers cheered, and Turayan rode around the crowd and opened a road to the temple for the soldiers with his own hammer.

Until a figure appeared, blocking his progress.

"Your insignificant light doesn't scare me." Teron Gorefiend shouted, holding a scepter inlaid with precious stones. Anyone with eyes can see that the Death Knight is lying. Hunger took off his hood, and his terrible rotten face and his burning red eyes were clearly visible. His face was twisted with pain, but his body was restrained, as if to betray his will. He raised his strange weapon and saw that the scepter was shining with colorful light, which complemented Turayan's shining, as if trying to compare each other.

"The light is you, monster," Turayan's hammer pointed at hunger, emitting missile-like light waves. "If you are not afraid, then open your heart and embrace it."

Light waves hit hunger, but just before hunger was hit, he waved his scepter lightly, defusing the attack and scattering bright white light into several rainbow-like colors. Then, the death knight retaliated with a trick-he raised the scepter to Turayan, and a black shadow shot from the tip of the scepter and swallowed up the general commander of the alliance. Turayan felt that the darkness was oppressing him constantly, and his holy light was suppressed, so he could not breathe at all. He fought against the darkness and tried to be free. The air flowed under him, and he hit the ground heavily and rolled to one side-obviously the attack made him get off the horse, but the darkness still attached to him, pressing him heavily on the ground.

He gasped and tried to breathe some air, but his lungs didn't obey his orders and there was no sign of swelling. He fell down. He couldn't even ride a horse. What kind of general is he? His soldiers will die, too, so he will take all his soldiers to the jaws of death. Lothar will be ashamed of him. ...

Turayan twitched on the ground, hoping to breathe, but those dark tentacles wrapped around his chest and squeezed hard. These tentacles will wrap around him like a snake, put his arm aside, and then enter his mouth, nostrils, eyes … Ah. It started to burn. Tears from the closed eyelids can only add fuel to the fire.

Then, he will die, fail and suffer. All the deaths will be attributed to him. Those innocent people from other worlds, they will feel real fear in this huge green wave. Those soldiers who believe what he said and believe that the light will be with them ... what light-where is it most needed?


She will die, too. After death, she will go to the place where the elf believes after death, reunite with her family and curse him constantly. She never loved him; A toy that doesn't live as long as her, a toy that she will eventually abandon. Khadga ... Kurdistan ... Dahners. ...

The tentacles of darkness began to contract. Turayan opened his eyes and stared blankly at the darkness in front of him.

I'm sorry, Lothar, I let you down. I'm not you. I put them-

He blinked.

He did his best. No, he's not Anduin Lothar, the lion of Azeroth. Only Lothar can be Lothar. If others compare themselves with Lothar, it can only be arrogant. He is Turayan, and the light is always with him; As long as Turayan prayed wholeheartedly, he would not be completely disappointed.

Just asking. All you need to do is ask, with your pure heart. That's why Lothar chose you. Not because he thinks you will be him, but because he knows you will be yourself.

Turayan is still oppressed by tentacles. He took a deep breath and began to pray. He opened his eyes. He knew that his eyes were shining with dazzling white light, although he didn't know how he knew it. He looked down at the tentacles and found that they began to melt and retreat. Before the light, any darkness will retreat.

Taking a deep breath, he stood up, grabbed his hammer and swung it into the rest of the darkness.

The attack lasted only a few seconds, but to him, those seconds seemed eternal. Hunger took this opportunity to get close. When Turayan was able to see things and move again, he realized that the Death Knight was very close to him. Turayan took a step forward. Hungry, his red eyes widened-obviously he didn't expect young Turayan to be free in such a short time. Therefore, hunger is not ready to parry Turayan's heavy hammer. Therefore, his hammer is pointed at the hungry man's chest. Turayan was sure that under his worn armor, he heard the sound of his opponent's bones breaking. The death knight retreated, but did not fall.

"You can't beat me," Hunger gritted his teeth and hissed. "I'm dead-what worse thing can you do for me?" His scepter stabbed forward and hit Turayan's abdomen, making Turayan bend down in pain. Hungry hands brushed Turayan's helmet. Suddenly, Turayan's head began to feel a sharp pain, as if a vise had caught his helmet and kept squeezing inward. Turayan began to see stars and felt that the world around him was spinning wildly.

He waved the hammer in his hand again in despair, and both hands tried their best. He felt as if the hammer had hit something hard. There was a crunch, followed by a gasp, and then the pain in his head disappeared.

Turayan blinked, drove away the stars in front of him, and then took a deep breath to calm himself down. He looked up, just in time to see the hunger stumble back, one arm hanging feebly. Just before the death knight regained his balance, Turayan rushed forward and held the hammer high. He called for his faith again. The light came from his limbs and weapons, too bright for people to look directly at him.

Death knight shout at top of voice, raise your hand to protect your eyes.

"In the name of light," Turayan shouted, and this sentence alone contained praise, prayer and commitment to light. The light shines again, so dazzling. He dropped the hammer, and the light formed an arc, splitting the body and penetrating Tyrone? That hunger, until the end, the body turned into rotten meat with an unpleasant smell.

A sad howl pierced Turayan's ear. He stepped back and watched in horror as the twisted and screaming soul, Teron Gorefiend's soul, rose from his body. The paladin raised the flashing hammer and swung it out again. But he was only one second away, and the soul screaming in pain and depression had fled to the green and black shining sky.