Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Various inversion routines in famous works

Various inversion routines in famous works

(1) Both parties cheat each other: both parties lie in good faith or malice to hide their true situation, but they are finally exposed at the same time, exposing an embarrassing situation;

A "sacrifice of love": a poor couple studying art are worried about high tuition fees. The wife who studies music says that tutoring can make money, and the husband who studies painting says that selling paintings can make money. But in the end, the husband found out that his wife was a laundryman, and the wife found out that her husband was burning a boiler.

B Thanksgiving gentlemen: There is a rich man who invites a poor man to have a big meal every Thanksgiving. This is the tacit understanding and tradition between them. In order to maintain this tradition, on a Thanksgiving Day, the poor people went to the rich people's party, even though they had had enough to eat first, and finally fainted. Although the rich are bankrupt, they still have to save money to treat the poor to a big meal, which eventually leads to their hunger and dizziness.

C "While Waiting for the Bus": A poor boy in the park accosted a rich girl, who boasted about the life of the upper class to him, while the poor boy said that he worked in a small restaurant next to the park. As a result, the rich girl is the migrant worker in that small restaurant, while the poor boy really lives in the upper class.

(2) Unilateral deception in good faith: one party is deceived by the other's lies, but such lies are often out of good faith, although they may also do bad things out of good faith.

A piece of "The Last Leaf": The seriously ill girl thought that when the last leaf fell on the branch outside the ward, it was the end of her life, but after a storm, the leaf still did not fall, which ignited the girl's hope of living well. However, this leaf was actually painted temporarily by another painter. Unfortunately, he was caught in a rainstorm and died of pneumonia.

B "The Witch's Bread": The baker woman felt sorry for this strange man who came to buy cheap expired bread every day, and even fell in love with him and secretly buttered the bread. I didn't expect the other party to be an excellent designer. I bought expired bread as an eraser, but the butter in the bread completely ruined his drawings for an important game and the possibility between them.

C Twenty Years Later: When the police were patrolling at night, they met a man who said that he had an appointment with his best friend to meet here tonight twenty years ago. After the police left, another man appeared, claiming to be his good friend, but took him to the police station to arrest him. It turned out that the first policeman was the one that the man was waiting for. He went to the appointment, but at the same time he recognized the man as a wanted man. Because I couldn't bear to catch that person myself, I had to let my colleagues at the police station pretend to be myself to catch my former friends.

(3) Double scam: People who think they have the scam are cheated instead, and the final winner always thinks twice.

A "hypnotist Jeff Peters": A swindler selling fake drugs was invited to treat the mayor with abdominal pain, and the swindler took the opportunity to defraud the mayor of a large amount of medical expenses. But at the moment of getting the money, the police appeared, saying that this was a game set by themselves and the mayor, just to catch the liar. The police told the mayor that they would take the swindler and the money back to the city as evidence and return the money after the case was investigated. The mayor believed it, but he didn't know that the policeman was also a fake policeman. He is in cahoots with swindlers.

Princess and Puma: The male hunter was ambushed by a lion by Huntress. The male hunter felt ashamed and lied to Huntress that the lion was his own docile little pet, and he had never hurt anyone. His death made him very sad. Huntress was moved, apologized and comforted again and again, and expressed admiration for the love of the male hunter. The male hunter left triumphantly, and Huntress told his family that the lion that had done evil everywhere and killed his neighbor was finally killed after many days of tracking.

C Marriage actuarial: Good friends A and B hired a widow, packaged her as a rich woman, and posted a fake personals, so as to defraud the marriage applicant of the handling fee. Later, the widow said that she wanted to get married when she met true love in the process of marriage, and asked A to give her all the money mentioned in the fake personals, but A had no choice but to agree. But soon B returned the money to A. It turned out that he was the "true love" in the widow's mouth. The widow thought she cheated A with B, but B lied to her to protect A..

(4) Deception by the third party: Because of the lies of the third party in the story, the information between the protagonists is not smooth, which causes great regret.

A furnished room for rent: The young man rented a house and felt the smell of his missing lover in the room, so he asked the landlord about the previous tenants here. The landlord denied that there was such a girl renting here. In fact, the girl lived here, but she committed suicide here. The landlord was afraid of affecting the rental situation of the house and lied to the young people, resulting in the young people finally not knowing the whereabouts of their loved ones and committing suicide in the room.

A Gift of Maggie: At Christmas, the husband sold his ancestral pocket watch in order to buy a jewel comb for his wife with a beautiful hair, and the wife sold her hair in order to buy her husband a platinum bracelet with an ancestral pocket watch. Both parties sell their precious things to give each other gifts, making the gifts given by the other party useless.

B "Police and Hymns": The tramp decided to commit some minor crimes in order to go to prison to eat and drink for free. But no matter what he does, no police will arrest him. When he was depressed, he heard the hymn and was moved by that divine power. When he decided to turn over a new leaf and cheer up, he was arrested by the police and sent to prison.

C "Red Chief's Ransom": Two kidnappers kidnapped a little boy and demanded ransom from his father, but not only did the ransom not arrive, but the boy was too Xiong Haizi to make the two kidnappers collapse. The last two kidnappers had to give the father a large sum of money before the other party agreed to take the child back.

D Red Rose in tonia: Two cowboys fell in love with the same girl and started a competition to see who could buy the most fashionable hat for the girl first. They arrived at the store at the same time and bought the same hat. On the return trip, cowboy A took the lead, but was shot down by cowboy B. His hat was squashed, and the decorative white rose was dyed red by A's injured blood. However, the hat style brought back by B is long gone, and the flat hat decorated with red roses brought back by A is the latest one that girls want.

E "Swing": Men don't want to go home to accompany their wives every time after work, and find various excuses to go out to play alone. One day, he came home and found that his wife had something to do temporarily, so he went back to her mother's house. Suddenly, he felt empty, lonely and cold, and missed the warmth of home when his wife was around. Just when he stayed at home and missed his wife, she came back, and the man immediately felt that it was more interesting to go out to play alone.

The Road of Destiny: The shepherd who wants to be a poet faces three forks in the road of destiny, pointing to different lives, but all of them are related to the same court mutiny. No matter how the shepherd chooses, he is destined to be a poet, but he died under the same gun in different scenes.

B "the third ingredient": the optimistic aunt wants to make a pot of beef stew, but she only has beef, no potatoes and onions. A young man and a woman miss each other, but they can't find each other. Fortunately, girls have potatoes and young people have onions. In order to make a pot of delicious beef stew, the optimistic aunt will tirelessly find the two of them, get together and settle the marriage.

C "The Road We Choose": Two robbers with deep friendship cooperated to rob a large sum of money. When escaping, the robber A's horse was injured. He offered to ride the rest of the horse with the robber B***, but B refused, killed A and fled alone with the money. Then B woke up from his dream and found himself a financier in reality. He was losing all his money for his own benefit. Whether in reality or in dreams, his nature of betraying his friends for personal gain will not change.

A "God of Wealth and Love": The son of the richest man loves a girl, but the girl is going to travel soon, and there may be no chance to get close again. My son's last chance was on the way to send the girl to the station, so the millionaire hired many vehicles to block the city roads, and bought enough time for his son with unprecedented traffic jams, so that he could impress the girl and propose successfully.

B Romance of a Busy Broker: Busy stockbrokers are frantically dealing with their work, and at the same time they are moved by the female secretary. Finally, he couldn't help asking his secretary to marry him during work. The secretary told him: Honey, you were so involved in your work that you forgot that I married you yesterday.

C "A Scared Neck": The protagonist A was asked what an ear injury was, and he said it was a symbol of friendship. At that time, he and gay friends B fell in love with a woman at the same time. For the sake of fairness and friendship, they agreed that no one could pursue her alone, and only when they appeared in front of her at the same time could they be kind to her and please her. Later, this woman fell in love with A. On their wedding night, the bride asked why A didn't come into the house. A said smoothly that I was waiting for B. This habit won't change for a while, and the bride hit me.

Muppets: The protagonist is both a doctor and a thief, treating a rich man with a heart attack. His intention was to steal money from the rich man's safe, but he found that the rich man not only drank too much, but also gambled back his innocent wife and lost all his money. Finally, the rich man died, and the protagonist put his money in the safe and told the poor wife that it was the living expenses left by the rich man.

B "Turn over a new leaf": In the process of being chased by the police, the gangster decided to turn over a new leaf because he met his beloved girl, but when he was about to start a good life, he exposed his identity in front of the police who came to chase him in order to save a child. The gangster thought he was completely finished, but the policeman who witnessed everything pretended not to know him and brought him back to life.

A "heart and hand": the policeman who escorted the prisoner met his old lover on the train and they had a friendly chat. The truth came out after the separation. It turns out that the police are the real prisoners being escorted. In order to save the prisoner's face in front of his old lover, the real police offered to exchange identities.

B "Shining Lights": Girls A and B are good friends. A looks plain, hardworking and simple, and has rich savings. B beautiful, vain, spendthrift and often poor. A often advises B to live a down-to-earth life, but B just wants to catch a rich husband. Just when A and her ordinary boyfriend C were about to get married, and B was favored by the rich, A dumped her boyfriend C for wealth and eloped with the rich, while B refused the proposal of the rich, and finally married C and lived together in a down-to-earth manner.

A "Tobin's palm": Young people are worried that they can't find their missing lover. The fortune teller told the young man that an uncle with certain characteristics would bring him good luck. Soon, the young man really met an uncle who met all the characteristics, and the two became friends after some tossing. Uncle invited young people to his house for coffee. As for the maid who makes coffee, it happens to be the lover that young people have been looking for.

B "Green Gate": The young man happened to get a leaflet that said "Green Gate", and he happened to meet a green gate. The young man thought it was an instruction from heaven, pushed through the door and rescued the hungry girl, and became lovers with him. But in fact, the leaflet is a drama advertisement called "Green Gate", which was given to the youth by the younger brother who advertised in the dentist's office, and then the marriage was strung together by a wonderful coincidence.

Many other stories summarized above include The Gift of the Maggie, The Witch's Bread, Twenty Years Later, The Police and the Hymn, The Red Rose of tonia, The Third Ingredients, etc. There are different degrees of coincidence, and accidental coincidence is a common way to reverse the plot.

Due to the limitation of space, short stories do not describe perfect and lengthy stories, but tend to focus on one or two key turning points, making them the finishing touch of the whole article.