Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why do people often put forward eight-character fortune telling? So superstitious?

Why do people often put forward eight-character fortune telling? So superstitious?

Because people are dissatisfied with their current social status and life, full of higher desires, and unable to change the status quo, they will pin their hopes on illusory things, which is at least a hope.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in yourself, and there's no need to deprive others of their last hope, right?

Road to the sky, each goes his own way. One has a way of life. As long as he doesn't break the law, everyone can go his way. That's at least interesting, right?

As for superstition, it is correct in reason. However, do you think there are people in this world who are not superstitious?

Now Baidu Encyclopedia defines superstition as: "It refers to a stubborn state of trust in things, as well as a confused belief and blind belief. The meaning of "superstition" tends to be "blindly believing and not understanding". Therefore, theoretically speaking, human beings may have the concept of "superstition" about everything, and even in the field of science, there is "scientific superstition". "

In other words, everyone lives in superstition, doesn't he?

Even great scientists are confused about things that don't belong to their own professional fields. Aren't they all influenced by this "brick clip" when they receive medical treatment, choose food and choose travel routes? Aren't they all fooled by news from various media?

Therefore, people only appear "science" in their own professional fields, but in most non-professional fields, they all rely on "superstition" to survive. So human beings are still moving forward and breaking down superstitions, aren't they?

However, the overall desire and trend of human beings to get rid of superstition and the limited personal energy can only survive by superstition, which are two different things, aren't they?

If the people around you are superstitious, as long as you introduce him some scientific knowledge in his superstitious field and help him establish a correct view of science, his superstition will be shattered. Of course, you should also make sure that the "scientific knowledge" you have is real science, not fake science based on what others say and hearsay. Haha, that is to break another superstition with one superstition. Is that a big joke?