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Are there any four-character idioms with the word Li?

Debate eloquence: good eloquence, good at debate. Be eloquent and eloquent.

Selfless, dedicated to others, completely regardless of personal interests, dedicated to doing things that benefit others.

Quick success and instant benefit.

See profit and forget righteousness: interests; Righteousness: morality forget all moral principles at the sight of profit

As the name implies, Curie refers to being meticulous in financial issues.

Love people and things, care about the people, and strive to benefit the people.

Be sharp-tongued and articulate.

Sharp teeth are a metaphor for a conversationalist.

An office is a safe and convenient place.

Small profits: thin. Less capital, less profit. Small business, no profit.

Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages: methods and directions. Avoid harmful conditions and approach favorable conditions.

I don't know what is good and what is bad.

Success and failure are blunt: sharp, stretching can be smooth and successful. Seal: not sharp, extension is frustration. Success or failure is at stake. Refers to the possible situation or result of doing something.

Hair blowing blade distributes hair and hair on a knife or blade and can be cut off by blowing hard. Describe the sword as extremely sharp.

Use it: get it from work. Profit: Take the opportunity to seek illegitimate rights. Take advantage of others.

Every inch of profit must be an inch of profit: small profit. Small interests must also be obtained and cannot be given up. Describe haggling over personal gains and losses.

Good luck is very auspicious and smooth. Used for divination and blessing in the old days.

Take advantage: eat, seduce; Weight: large and thick; Benefits: benefits, benefits. Lure or buy off people with rich interests and benefits.

Geographical advantage: geographical advantage; Harmony between people: winning people's hearts. Express superior geographical conditions and mass base.

As long as two people unite, they can exert great power.

Describe neatly without anything superfluous. It's refreshing It also describes skillful, agile and accurate movements.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first, and if he wants to do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first. It is very important to prepare for a good job.

Strong armor, sharp weapons. Describe the elite troops.

Urgent public interest and immediate interest: immediate. Be eager for success and covet immediate achievements and interests.

Seeing goods and wealth in a selfish way, we should think of morality.

Li Yanqiu Hao described financial management as extremely cautious and shrewd.

Clever tongue: smart, flexible and clever. Have a glib tongue.

Gains and losses pros and cons gains and losses.

Lose your mind because of selfish interests and forget everything.

Stakeholders mean that there is a close interest relationship.

The lust for money fascinates you.

The name of the lock is a metaphor for fame and fortune, just like the reins and chains.

Advantages and disadvantages of utilization: make the best use of everything; Thick: rich; Health: people. Give full play to the role of things and make people rich.

Lean on the knife: lean on. The radical of "Li" is the word knife, which means that the pursuit of self-interest is like leaning on the blade. This is a metaphor for greed.

The stakes are high. Have a close interest relationship.

If it is beneficial, it will be beneficial without losing righteousness.

The triple profit of the market describes the huge profit of buying and selling.

There is only one way to reward Li Lu with a hole, and that is to engage in agriculture.

The lock of fame and fortune means that fame and fortune bind people like reins and chains.

Unfavorable fleeting time: fortune tellers used to call it "luck" in a year; Pro: Geely. Refers to a person who has been in an unfortunate state for many years. This is called bad luck.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune.

Cleverness and hypocrisy, cunning and cunning: treachery. False: hypocrisy. Trend: pursuing, approaching and tending. Treacherous and hypocritical, mercenary and obedient.

Ren Bobo: More and more. Say a word to a kind-hearted person and others will get great benefits.

Lust and lust: refers to money; Pro: refers to self-interest. Desire for singing and dancing, women, money and self-interest. Generally refers to the behavior of having fun and asking for money.

Harm others, harm yourself, and benefit others.

Coercion and inducement are both soft and hard in an attempt to make people yield.

Mercenary activities are mercenary: Figure: Plot, pursuit. Anything will do as long as it is profitable.

Threats and inducements use both hard and soft means to try to make people yield.

No mistakes, no mistakes. It means it works everywhere. Well done.

Repair the old and make use of the waste. Repair the old and make use of the waste. Refers to strict economy.

A profit, low cost, big profit.

Promote advantages and eliminate disadvantages: disadvantages, disadvantages. Start a cause that benefits the people of our country and get rid of all kinds of disadvantages.

Hurt the body for profit.

Strive for power and profit by money, and crowd out each other.

Cause and effect: follow. By virtue of the favorable situation.

Small profits are a metaphor for very small profits.

Every coin has its two sides. There are advantages and disadvantages in this respect.

Small profits are a metaphor for very small profits.

Profitable: seeking. There are benefits to be found

Fight for power and profit, fight for power and profit.

Fisherman's Interests Fisherman: Metaphor of the Third Party. Metaphor means that the two sides are deadlocked, both sides lose, and the third party takes advantage.

When the snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gains, which means that the two sides are at loggerheads, both lose, and the third party takes advantage.

Selfishness is very heavy, only for personal interests.

Take advantage of others' contradictions, metaphorically profiting from them.

A glib tongue means being eloquent and good at words.

Snipers compete with mussels, and the fisherman gains. Sniper: long-billed waterfowl; Mytilus: A mollusk with a shell. Metaphor means that the two sides are deadlocked, both sides lose, and the third party takes advantage.

The long-term interests of generations.

Articulation means eloquence, eloquence.

Take advantage of the winning situation to win.

Eliminate pests and promote profits, eradicate things harmful to the people, and set up undertakings beneficial to the people.

Eliminate troubles, promote profits, eliminate evil, and build a favorable career.

Bad teacher: the army. Leon: Smooth. It didn't go well. Describe that at the beginning, things suffered a fiasco.

The ship is strong and the gun is sharp. Of warships strong and cannons fierce. Describe the strength of the navy.

Sharp lips and sharp tongue.

Great achievements and great profits refer to great utility.

Rich and powerful, or fame and fortune.

Floating name, petty profit, floating name: empty name; Small profit: small profit. Describe fame and fortune as insignificant.

False name: false name. Virtual profit: virtual profit. Describing fame and fortune is an empty thing.

Dry Barry is crisp, see "dry and neat"

Simply; refreshing

Crisp, neat, simple and refreshing.

Crisp and neat is the same as "crisp and neat".

Clean, fast, thorough, not sloppily.

Fame, fame, status.

See "Public and Private Interests" for public and private interests.

Making good use of health means making good use of wealth and people's livelihood. Language "Shu Da Mo Yu": "Virtuous, useful, generous and harmonious." Legend of the god of wealth: "users, tools, commercial coins and wealth are used for the benefit of the people." Thick people, clothing and silk eat meat, not hungry or cold, so thick people are born. "

Vested interests refer to some special legal rights and interests that people or groups have obtained.

See "quick success and instant benefit"

Seek profit by counting merits, care about fame and fortune, and seek personal gain.

Helping others is helping others, which is beneficial to the world.

Strong armor and sharp blades see "Strong armor and sharp weapons."

Use capital for profit.

This is still a problem with both advantages and disadvantages.

Trickle: a trickle; Water droplets: water droplets. The benefits of being as small as a drop of water.

It is still good to talk about advantages and eliminate disadvantages.

Strong armor is better than strong armor. Generally refers to excellent weapons.

A glib speech means a clever tongue and beautiful words.

Egoism harms the interests of others in order to gain its own interests. See "benefit others at the expense of others"

Lock the reins: REINS. Lock: chain. Fame and fortune bind people like reins and chains.

Li Lingzhi is eager to see "Li Lingzhi".

Also known as "Li Wan fame and fortune". This is called being seduced by fame and fortune.

The more profits, the faster the disaster will come.

Use time and things to save the world and help others.

Li Wan's fame leads to "fame leads to fame".

Take pleasure in misfortune, but be happy to see others suffer.

Treason for profit, see "Treason for honor"

If you don't check, it means that your words are not true.

Being famous is better than being famous.

It is better to do the least important thing than to do the least important thing. Loyalty and integrity are not pleasant to hear, but they are good for behavior.

The benefit of Suixi means pretending to be profound, bringing forth the old and bringing forth the new, and being independent. "Gouzi is not twelve sons": "Endure love, benefit flow, and the difference in value is high, which is not enough to meet the public and be clear." Wang Xianqian's summary: "Tunxi, I still have deep words, benefit and separation ... I passed away and became independent, so I said separation." Say, Tunxi, heterodox; We should benefit others, and we should benefit others from going astray without taking the right path.

Clever words, sharp arguments.

Seek fame and fortune, pursue fame and gain.

Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages: run towards. Run to the good side and avoid the bad side.

The right to weigh the pros and cons: weigh the pros and cons. Balance: weigh the rod. Weigh: compare, measure. Compare what is beneficial and what is harmful.

Struggle for power or profit.

Benevolence and righteousness see "benevolence and righteousness".

The advantage of killing a hundred is "killing a hundred".

Shoot for profit and seek fame.

Harm others, harm yourself, and benefit others.

See "greedy husband for profit" when he greedy husband for profit.

Greedy husband for profit is the same as "greedy husband for money".

Greedy for fame and gain, good fame and gain. Also known as "greed for fame and profit".

Like-minded death means that if like-minded, you can lay down your life to help each other.

Violation of harm is conducive to avoiding harm and pursuing interests.

Going to fame is against profit, and sarira is seeking fame.

A mercenary life, let's talk about mercenary.

Mercenary activities seek to see "mercenaries"

Mercenary activities seek to see "mercenaries"

Mercenary activities tend to be "mercenaries".

Mercenarism is also called "mercenary" Also known as "mercenary". Focus on profit. It means you only care about profit.

For mercenarism, see "Mercenarism".

Mercenary activities are purely for profit, not anything else.

Induced by violence and intimidation, induced by interests. Describe both hard and soft, in an attempt to make people obey.

Snail name: a tiny reputation like a snail's horn. Small profits in name only. Also known as "snail fly" and "snail fly".

Rural interests are often selfish and contrary to justice. Township, through the "direction." Second, pass "back".

Promote the benefit and eliminate the harm, establish the beneficial thing and eliminate the harmful thing. Also known as "promoting benefits and eliminating disadvantages", "eliminating pests and promoting benefits" and "promoting benefits and eliminating disadvantages".

Invite fame and fortune for fame and fortune.

Benefiting the country and the people means benefiting the country and the people.

Abandoning fame and profit means abandoning fame and profit.

Guide the situation: follow; Potential: potential; Guide: guide. Follow the trend of things and guide things.

Pursuing self-interest is seeking self-interest.

Harmful and useless, only harmful and useless.

There are advantages and disadvantages, good and bad.

Stalemate means that the two sides are at loggerheads, both lose, and the third party takes advantage.

The fisherman benefited from the argument between the two sides.

Fisherman gains, fisherman gains.

The benefit of the fisherman is still the benefit of the fisherman.

Fight for fame and fortune, fight for fame and fortune.

Strive for fame and gain. See "Strive for fame and gain".

Struggle for power and profit, see "Struggle for power and profit"

Sharp tools make good work. Living in a country is also a saint, a doctor and a benevolent friend. "Explain that to do one thing well, you must sharpen your knife first. It is very important to prepare for a good job. Example "~". Now there is nothing, even if Dayu is reborn, it is time to give up. (Back to the 36th "Jing Hua Yuan") Story

It's not good for you to harm others and yourself.

Greedy for profit and forgetting righteousness [explanation] greedy for money and forgetting morality.

The right place at the right time and the right person [explanation] refers to the natural climatic conditions, geographical environment and people's hearts in the battle.

Mercenary camp [explanation] refers to mercenaries.

Pure [explanation] means mercenary.

Understand [explain] with great interest. Let people know what is most important.

The name of a fly is snail's profit. As small as a fly's head and as small as a snail's horn. Metaphor fame and fortune is insignificant.

A clam struggles, and the fisherman gains [explanation] Metaphorically, the two sides struggle and the third party gains from it.

Fight for fame and fortune [explanation] Chao: the imperial court. City: market. Strive for fame in the imperial court and care about profit and loss in the market. Which is fame and fortune.

The advantage of the taper knife is relatively small. This is also a metaphor for the smallest things. Same as "the end of a sharp knife".

Waste utilization

A snobbish attitude

The disadvantages outweigh the advantages.