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12 constellation encyclopedia knowledge

Aries constellation

Aries (commonly known as Aries is a wrong name in China, which is the name of Japanese astronomy) is one of the zodiac signs, located between Pisces and Taurus. Its three stars α (Hamal), β and γ are very bright without light pollution. What are astronomical symbols? , Unicode encoding is 2648. King Assamas and his wife Nefeller had an unfortunate marriage, so they married Enoch, the daughter of Cadmus, the emperor of Thebes, but Enoch abused two children of Assamas, Farex (male) and Heller (female), and burned straw in the city. Atamas asked for the Oracle, but enoch got in the way, which made Atamas think that he had to sacrifice his son Fritsos to eliminate bad luck. Atamas took Frissos to the top of Dan Mountain in lafis, ready to dedicate him to Zeus. Sommaro the Golden Goat was sent by his ex-wife Nie Le Fei to save friso. Friso escaped and took his sister Heller to Korcz (present-day Georgia) in the east on a sheep. Unexpectedly, Heller was careless and fell into the river. In Corcas, Frixos gave the Golden Goat to the Emperor Aedes of Kurski, and Aedes reciprocated, giving his daughter Carchio Pei (Charchoppe) to Frixos. Later, friso's nephew pelias succeeded Jason to the throne. After Frixos's death, the ghost returned to Greece to haunt pelias. He had no choice but to stammer that if Jason found golden fleece, he would give in. This led to Jason's adventure aboard Argo Hero. Jason had a hard time getting to Korcz, but he was turned away when he asked where golden fleece was. Fortunately, Ides's daughter Medea has a crush on Jason. In the evening, Medea led away the serpent guarding him, while Jason took the opportunity to steal golden fleece, and then golden fleece was hung in front of the temple of Zeus.

Taurus constellation

Astronomical symbols? , one of the zodiac signs. It is one of the largest and most prominent constellations in the winter night sky in the northern hemisphere. Aries in the west and Gemini in the east; Perseus and auriga are in the north, Orion is in the southwest, and Bojiang and Pisces are in the southeast. Unicode code is 2649. The orange-red Bi Suwu is one of the few first-class stars in the sky. Traditionally, Capella is one of the horns and belongs to Taurus and Auriga. Taurus is the incarnation of Zeus, the god of gods. Legend has it that Zeus coveted the beauty of Europa, the daughter of Phoenician emperor Gunnold. Europa often played with friends on the beach in Tyre, so Zeus asked his son Hermes to herd cattle on a nearby hill. Zeus turned into a cow mixed with cattle and took the opportunity to approach Europa who was playing. Because this cow is unusually white, its horns are shining, and Europa is deeply attracted by this cow. The white cow kissed Europa's hand and motioned for Europa to ride. Europa was young and ignorant, so she was caught. The white cow has been carrying Europa across the ocean, craftily swimming to deeper water, forcing Europa to hug it tightly. Finally, the white cow landed in Crete, revealing its true colors. Zeus won the favor of Europa and so did Europa. Only the upper body of the white cow is shown in the map, because the lower body is submerged in the water and can't be seen. The following is the story of Seven Sisters cluster in Taurus (Pleiades): Seven Sisters is actually the seven daughters of Atlas and Alcyone, namely Alkio, Stroh, Serrano, Electra and Maya. Merope and Taygete, Alkio Nie and Serrano seduced Poseidon, and Maya, the eldest daughter, gave birth to Hermes for Zeus and became Arcaz's stepmother. Elektra gave birth to Dalda, the builder of Troy, and Taylor Tower gave birth to Lacerda, the builder of Sparta. Only six stars can be seen in the Seven Sisters cluster. Some people say that Melope's light is the weakest because she married a commoner. Others say that Elektra covered her eyes with her hand and couldn't bear to see the demise of Troy, but in fact the darkest star is Strope.


(Gemini, twins, astronomical symbols? ) is a constellation of the zodiac. This is a winter constellation. To its west is Taurus, and to its east is relatively dim Cancer. Auriga and the very humble Tmall are located in the north, while unicorns and Canis canis are located in the south. The American Gemini project is named after this. Unicode encoding is 264A. Gemini represents the twins Caster and Cong born to Zeus and Leda, the queen of Sparta, in Greek mythology. Gemini alpha star (Castor) and beta star (Pollux) are named after the brothers. Details: Princess Rita gave birth to many lovely children, including two brothers. They are not only very close, but also almost identical in appearance, which makes people think they are twins. In fact, among the two brothers, the elder brother is the son of Princess Rita and Zeus, and the younger brother is the son of the king of Sparta. They are half-brothers. The elder brother is a "god" and has eternal life. The younger brother is an ordinary person. One day, Greece was attacked by a huge wild boar, and the princes called many warriors to chase the wild boar. When the wild boar was successfully solved, the warriors forged hatred because of their struggle for merit. In a busy market, warriors who look at each other unpleasantly meet unexpectedly, and of course there is a quarrel. In the quarrel, someone started fighting, so the scene got out of control, and many people were injured or even killed in this fight. Unfortunately, the younger brothers of the two princes also died in this chaos. My brother, who has been very good with this brother, can't accept the news of his death. He kept crying with his body in his arms, hoping that his brother would come back to life and let them enjoy the happy days of brotherhood together. So, my brother returned to heaven and asked his father Zeus to save his brother. But Zeus told him that his brother was just an ordinary man and had already died. If he really wants to revive his brother, he must give him the rest of his life. My affectionate brother, of course, agreed immediately without hesitation. From then on, the two brothers can live happily together again.

Cancer constellation

One of the zodiac constellations, astronomical symbol? . It is a dim and tiny constellation, with Gemini in the west, Leo in the east, Tmall in the north, Canis Canis and Ophiuchus in the south. Unicode encoding is 264B. When Hercules confronted Lehrner's hydra (Ophiuchus), Cancer escaped from the swamp and secretly attacked Hercules' foot. Hercules trampled it into pieces in a rage, and Lerner, Hercules' sworn enemy, picked it up and ascended to heaven. In addition, gamma star and delta star mean donkey. It turned out that when kronos and other titans faced Zeus, Dionysus, Vulcan hephaestus and the donkey rider also joined the fight. Because the Titans had never heard the hiss of the donkey, they thought it was a monster's cry and ran away, so Dionysus lifted the donkey to the sky as a souvenir.

Le Signe du Lion

(astronomical symbols? One of the zodiac signs, located between Virgo in the west and Cancer in the east. The brightest star is the alpha star Xuanyuan XIV. Hercules was the illegitimate son of Zeus and mortals. He was born with unparalleled divine power, so Hera was jealous. When Hercules was a baby, he put two giant snakes in the cradle, hoping to kill Hercules. I didn't expect Hercules to hold them with a smile. Hercules was regarded as "the greatest hero of mankind" since he was a child. Hera certainly won't give up killing Hercules because of one failure. She deliberately drove Hercules crazy and killed his wife. After she woke up, Heracles was very regretful and sad, and decided to wash away his sins through asceticism. He came to Mycenae and asked the king to give him a task. Who knows that the king got Hera's instructions, so he gave him twelve arduous tasks, which must be completed within twelve days, one of which was to kill a man-eating lion. This lion usually lives in the forest. Hercules went to the forest to look for him, but the forest was silent. All the animals, birds, deer and squirrels were eaten by lions. Hercules began to doze off when he was tired. At this time, the giant lion came out of a double-hole cave and Hercules opened his eyes. Oh, my God! A man-eating lion is five times as big as an ordinary lion, and its body is covered with animal blood, which adds a bit of horror. Hercules shot him with an arrow first, but the arrow bounced back and hit him with a wooden stick, which was still broken. The lion was invulnerable, and finally Hercules had to hand-to-hand combat with the lion. The process was very tragic, but in the end he strangled the lion with brute force. Although the man-eating lion died, Hera threw the man-eating lion into the air to commemorate his courage in fighting Hercules and became a Leo. This constellation represents the Nemean lion killed by Hercules, a hero in Greek mythology, on his first mission. After the task was completed, Hercules took the lion; Peel off the invulnerable skin and put it on your body as armor.


(commonly known as Virgo), what is the astronomical symbol? , is the largest constellation. Located between Leo in the west and Libra in the east, the celestial equator is the second largest constellation in the whole day (second only to Ophiuchus). Its alpha star is a first-class star. Unicode encoding is 264D. Virgo is the symbol of the Greek goddess of justice, Astoria, and also the goddess of agriculture. In mythology, Virgo is the embodiment of Demeter, the goddess of the earth, and also the embodiment of her daughter Persephone. Demeter, the god of agriculture in charge of the grain of the earth and the mother of the Greek earth, is Zeus' sister and has a beautiful only daughter Persephone. She is the radiant goddess of spring. As long as she steps on it gently, it will be full of charm. One day, she and her companions were picking flowers on the grass in the valley. Suddenly, she saw a silver daffodil with its fragrance in the air. Posephine thought, "It is more beautiful than all my flowers!" " "The beauty was radiant, so she secretly left her companion and reached for the flowers. Suddenly, a hole opened in the ground. A carriage was pulled out of the ground by two dark horses. It turned out to be Hades, the guardian of the underworld. He loved Posephone, the most beautiful spring god, and set a trap to kidnap her. Poseidon's cry for help echoed between the valley and the sea, and of course, it reached his mother Demeter's ear. She was very sad! She left the grain to be harvested and flew over Qian Shan to find her daughter. Without Mother Earth, seeds will no longer germinate, fertile land will not produce a pile of wheat ears, and human beings will starve to death. Zeus saw this situation and had to order Pluto to release Posephone. Pluto had to obey Zeus, but he secretly gave Poseidon a fruit-hell pomegranate. How does Poseidon know that once she eats this fruit, she must return to the dark and stinking hell? Zeus had no choice but to say to Hadas, "You only spend a quarter of the year with Posephina". From then on, as long as the earth is covered with frost and nothing grows, people will know that it is because Insephine has gone to hell again. Virgo symbolizes the beauty and purity of Posephine, the god of spring, and the wheat raised by her mother has become something she holds in her hand. Even so, she is no longer the carefree girl playing on the grass. Although she will come back to life every spring, she is still glamorous and moving, but the stench and terrible smell of hell will always follow her.


This is one of the zodiac signs, an astronomical symbol? , located between Virgo and Scorpio. This constellation has more than a dozen galaxies visible with telescopes of 8 inches (20 cm) or larger. The four brightest stars α, β, γ and σ in the constellation form a quadrilateral. Beta star and spring triangle form a big diamond. The middle name of Libra Beta is zubeneschamali, which is the only green star visible to the naked eye all day. Unicode code is 264E and HTML code is 9806. This is the yardstick used by Astria, the goddess of justice in Greek mythology, in judging good and evil for human beings. Astria has a balance in one hand and a sword in the other. To be fair, I was blindfolded. In the past, God and human beings lived peacefully on the earth. Although God has eternal life, human life is limited. Therefore, the lonely God kept creating human beings. However, at that time, people quarreled endlessly, evil deeds were rampant, and the gods returned to heaven after being disappointed with mankind. Only the goddess Astria did not want to go back and stay on earth to teach people to be good. Nevertheless, mankind continued to fall, so the war began, and fighting and killing began. Finally, even Astria gave up human beings and returned to the sky. Libra, who loves justice, peace and justice, is high above.


Is it an astronomical symbol, one of the zodiac signs? . Located in the southern hemisphere, between Libra in the west and Sagittarius in the east, it is a big constellation near the center of the Milky Way. Unicode encoding is 264F. One of Scorpio myths-the son of Apollo, the sun god-Baeton was born beautiful and sexy, so he felt conceited and his attitude was always arrogant and rude. Too strong personality often makes him unintentionally offend many people. One day, a man told Bayton, "You are not the son of the sun god!" " "After laughing, he walked away. How can the strong Baiteng swallow this tone? So he asked his mother, "am I the son of Apollo?" However, no matter how repeatedly his mother assured him that he was indeed born by Apollo, Bayton still didn't believe his mother, so he said, "The man who made fun of you is Zeus' son. If you still don't believe it, ask Apollo himself! "Apollo listened to his son's question and said with a smile," Don't listen to their nonsense, of course you are my son! " "Bayeton still insists on not believing. In fact, of course he knows that the sun god never lies, but he has another purpose-driving his father's solar car to prove that he is the son of Apollo. "How can this work?" Apollo was frightened. The sun is the master of all things. If you are not careful, it will cause great disaster, but you can't beat Byeton. While Apollo was explaining how to drive a solar-powered car on a certain track, Bayton jumped on the car and galloped away at will. Of course, the result was tragic. People, animals and plants on the ground are either dying of heat or freezing to death, which also delays the time and makes it dark and full of complaints. In order to stop Byeton, the gods released a scorpion by Hera the day after tomorrow and bit Byeton's ankle. Zeus hit Byeton with terrible lightning, only to see him fall to the ground with a scream and die. Peace has been restored to the world. In memory of scorpions killed by lightning, this constellation was named "Scorpio".

The second myth of Scorpio-it is said that Hercules killed the scorpion in the mountain stream. Another story says that Aolaiwen, the hunter, was so arrogant that he boasted that no animal in the world was his opponent. Hera sent a poisonous scorpion to bite his foot and poisoned him. Therefore, when they reach the sky, they are enemies of each other and live on both sides of the sky. Whenever Scorpio rises from the eastern horizon, Orion Aolaiwen leaves the west in a hurry. The third myth of Scorpio-Sheila ordered Scorpio to climb out of the dark underground and attack Orion (Diana's favorite hunter, and later became Orion). On another occasion, Scorpio attacked felton, who was driving the carriage of the Sun God, with poison gas, giving Cupid a chance to shoot lightning and destroy the running solar car.


(commonly known as Sagittarius-translated from Japan, astronomical symbol:? ) is a constellation of the zodiac. It is aiming at Scorpio in its west with a bow, and it is adjacent to Capricorn in its east. Its bright stars are arranged in a unique teapot shape, which is not difficult to identify. Unicode code is 2650 and HTML code is 9808. Kronos, the father of Zeus, gave birth to a child named Chilon. He was a centaur, and he learned a lot of knowledge and skills from Apollo and themis, the goddess of the moon. Chilon was very clever and taught his knowledge and skills to many of his students, including Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, Asclepius, the imperial doctor, and the children of other heroes and gods. His nature is quite kind and full of wisdom, not as cruel as other horses. Chilon is immortal, but he died in the end, because Hercules was fighting with men. Chilon withdrew from this dispute out of his natural love for peace, but when he shot Hydra in chaos, he mistakenly stepped on Hercules' poisoned arrow. Unfortunately, Chilon was poisoned by poison and fell to the ground. Hopeless, but in great pain, Chilon passed on his immortal body to Prometheus, the god who stole skyfire from human beings, and died himself. Zeus was very sad when he learned that, so he promoted Chilon to the starry sky and became Sagittarius.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Capricorn (commonly known as Capricorn, also a constellation term used in Japan) is one of the zodiac signs. What are astronomical symbols? . Unicode encoding is 265 1, and HTML encoding is 9809. In Greek mythology, there was a shepherd named Paine, who could play the horn flute. He is ugly, and has the god of goat horn, sheep hoof and goatee. His father is Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Paine once attended a banquet for the gods by the Nile River and played for them at the banquet. Unexpectedly, during the performance, his flute attracted monsters from ancient times. At this time, the gods fled one after another. Paine jumped into the Nile in a panic because he was playing, trying to escape like a fish, but he was in a hurry and his transformation was not completed. As a result, the lower body was soaked in water and turned into a fish tail, while the upper body remained the original goat appearance. Zeus saw Paine in the sky and thought it was very interesting, so he turned it into a constellation in the sky.

Aquarius constellation

(also known as Aquarius), one of the zodiac signs, astronomical symbol? . Aquarius is a big and dark constellation. Among the 88 constellations in the whole day, the area ranks tenth, but the brightest star in the constellation is the imaginary number of beta star, with a magnitude of only 2.9. Unicode code is 2652 and HTML code is 98 10. There are four kinds of sayings: Aquarius looks like a beautiful teenager, Ganymede, holding a bottle and pouring wine. It is said that he is the Prince of Troy. One day, when he was herding sheep for his father, Zeus fell from the sky. He fell in love with Ganimod as soon as he saw him. Zeus turned into an eagle and took Ganimod to Mount Olympus. Some versions say that Zeus sent an eagle to take Ganimod away. ) This eagle is Aquila, and Ganimod has since become a sober-up device around Zeus. Ganymede is the son of Ios, the goddess of dawn. Zeus stole Ganymede as a wine bottle. Aquarius is Kallion, who is one of the few people who can survive in the flood of the Black Iron Age. Aquarius is Ropes, the founder of Athens, who once offered water to the gods.


Pisces (astronomical symbol:? ; Unicode code is 2653 and HTML code is 98 1 1), which is one of the twelve constellations. The stars that make up this constellation are all very dark. But in areas without light pollution, its shape is still easy to observe. Especially near the Pisces circle to the south of Pegasus, this constellation has a messier objects: M74. In Greek mythology, Pisces represents Cupid and Venus in the water. In order to escape Tifion's pursuit (see the myth of South Fish) and avoid being separated from her son Cupid, she tied their feet together, turned into a fish and jumped into the Euphrates River (Nile).