Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Aesthetic characteristics of four-character idioms with the word "Ye"

Aesthetic characteristics of four-character idioms with the word "Ye"

1. Idiom four words with night words, four words with night words Idiom staying up late: singing all night: staying up all night: midnight: there are five classes in one night, and the third night is midnight.

Refers to the night candle: fleas wake up at night: fleas go out at night: dazzling day and night: refers to white plums, which glow during the day or appear at night. Night crying: In ancient times, people thought that night crying was an abnormal phenomenon, indicating war.

Return at starry night: Go out before dawn and come back after dark. Staying up late in public: from morning till night, diligent in official business.

Long night of life and death: life and death: survival and death. It refers to the long and chaotic cycle of life and death, not late at night: it refers to the middle of the night.

Night snow in the mountains: I still say that the mountains are taking advantage. Visiting friends.

Midnight: there are five classes a night, and the third night is midnight. It means late at night.

Pearl night casting: casting: throwing, abandoning. Metaphorically, talented people are not reused and appreciated, or good people go astray.

It is also a metaphor that valuable things fall into the hands of people who don't know the goods and wear them all night: ambush during the day and act at night. Sleep at night: It is better to sleep at night.

Singing at night: describes being addicted to singing and dancing all day and having too much fun. Town day and night: day and night.

Thinking day and night: thinking day and night. Day and night: Jude said day and night; Day and night.

Daydreaming and dreaming at night: ① daydreaming and dreaming at night. (2) refers to the dream day and night, eager to pursue.

Travel day and night: travel day and night. According to China's ancient theory of Yin and Yang, the day belongs to Yang and the night belongs to Yin.

"Cloudy during the day and sunny at night" means that heaven is abnormal and there will be disaster. Walking day and night: and: double.

Walking day and night. Describe the expressway.

Also known as "day and night", the night stops: stops: does.

Silent night. The night is deeper: silent night.

Night and day: connecting the time of night and the time of day. Describe working hard day and night.

On the bed in the rainy night: refers to the reunion of relatives and friends or brothers after a long separation and cordial conversation together. The night is long and the dream is short: it is a metaphor that it is difficult to sleep because of preoccupation.

Night embroidery refers to walking in the dark in gorgeous clothes. Metaphor dignitaries unknown.

Day and night: day and night, day and night. A night trip: clothes: wear.

Embroidery: Brilliance. Walking in the streets at night in beautiful and bright gorgeous clothes.

Metaphor is that people are not known after they get rich. Also known as "night tour with clothes on" and "night tour with clothes on".

Night after night: Jude said day and night. Day and night: connect day, day and night with night time.

Day and night: Jude said day and night. Day and night: Yoda said day and night.

Moonlit flowers: a morning with flowers and a night with bright moon. It refers to beautiful time and scenery.

In ancient times, it also referred to February 15th and August 15th of the lunar calendar. Can't sleep at night: sleepy: asleep.

Describe why I can't sleep at night because I have something on my mind. Dressed up for a night outing: Dressed up for a night outing.

Although metaphor is in an official position, it can't make people see their glory and dignitaries. With "night embroidered clothes".

Clothing embroidery night tour: although the metaphor is in the official position, it can't make people see their own glory and dignitaries. With "night embroidered clothes".

Moving from day to night: refers to day and night. Laughing witch: a metaphor for a person with a smile and a vicious heart.

Travel at night: travel during the day and stay at night. Describe the hardships of traveling.

Ignorance and night: Jude said day and night. Day and night: day and night; Day and night.

Arabian nights: a metaphor for false birthdays and bizarre arguments. All night: refers to all night.

Night show: get up early and go to bed late. Describe diligence.

With Sleepless Night. Don't understand at night: describe working cautiously and diligently day and night.

It's the same as staying up late. Burglary law: describes careful work day and night, hard work.

It's the same as staying up late. Day and night: night and day are connected.

Describe stepping up work or study. Day and night: every day and night.

Describe a long duration. Working day and night: working day and night.

But golden dusk: refers to being an honest official. Cow clothes crying at night: describes that husband and wife live a poor life together.

Cry with "cow clothes." Pregnant with gold at dusk: a metaphor for secretly bribing.

Day and night: Jude said there is no difference between day and night. Leave the door open at night: describe social peace and good atmosphere.

It's not too late: describe social peace and good atmosphere. The door is not closed at night.

Day and night: day and night, day and night. Introduction at dusk: refers to secretly bribing in advance in order to get tolerance.

Ignorance at dusk: no one knows at night. Day and night: refers to day and night.

Even if I stay up all night: I still stay up all night. Describe doing things quickly without delay.

With "a brighter night". Late at night: still all night.

Describe doing things quickly without delay. Starry night: it's still one night.

Describe doing things quickly without delay. With "a brighter night".

All night: all night, from dark to dawn. With "overnight".

Night after night: all night, from dark to dawn. With "overnight".

Even for one night: Jude talked all night. All night, from darkness to dawn.

Day and night: refers to day and night. With "day and night".

Day and night: refers to day and night. Dark midnight: refers to the dead of night.

Late at night: refers to late at night. Clear night: ① A beautiful season.

Good times, good days. Cranes know midnight: cranes sing at midnight.

Metaphors have their own specialties. It is also a metaphor for knowing the root and the bottom.

Moonlit night: the morning before the flowers and under the moon. It refers to beautiful time and scenery.

In ancient times, it also referred to February 15th and August 15th of the lunar calendar. Quiet at night: more: the old night time unit.

There are five classes a night, each class lasts about two hours. The night was deep and there was no sound.

Describe the night in silence. Snowy night: originally refers to the natural scenery often described in old poems.

After metaphor piled up words with poor and empty content. Sleeping in bed: refers to relatives and friends or brothers reunited after a long separation and having a cordial conversation together.

Night talk in bed: two people chat in bed at night. Day becomes night: day and night, day and night.

It's hard to see the light in the long night. Metaphor is a long dark law.

Long night drink: refers to an all-night banquet. Wake up in the morning, sleep at night: wake up.

Get up early and go to bed late. Describe the effort.

Many nights of worry are long: I can't sleep at night because of my depressed mood, and I feel that time is long and difficult to pass away. The night is long: long: endless.

It's a long night Often used to describe the darkness of society.

Bitter day and night: refers to the day and night upside down. Often used for unlimited enjoyment.

Candlelight night outing: an ancient metaphor for eating, drinking and having fun. Day and night: give up: give up.

Do not give up day and night. Metaphor day and night.

Night rain: refers to the lonely scene of wandering in the rain in a strange place every night. Predicting day and night: predicting divination.

Describe a feast day and night. Bu day.

2. What are the beautiful and pleasant four-character idioms with the word "Chen", such as beautiful scenery, Liao Ruoxing Chen, Sun, Moon and Stars, Beichen Star Arch and Frost Dew?

1, beautiful scenery

Pronunciation: [Liáng chén méI jǐng]

Interpretation: good: beautiful; Chen: Time. Good times, good scenery.

Source: "Chen Shu Sun Liuchuan": "Every beautiful day; Liao Bin gathers; Buy wine across the Yangtze River; It is also a temporary victory. "

Make sentences:

The Mid-Autumn Festival in August is really a beautiful scene.

We must arrive at Mount Emei before sunrise, so don't miss the beautiful sunrise.

2. Liao Ruoxing Chen

Pronunciation: [Li à o ru ò x and ng ché n]

Explanation: refers to a very small number.

Source: Southern Dynasties article "Lu Jing Night Travel".

Make sentences:

In the linguistic field at that time, the scholar who was proficient in Sanskrit was Liao Ruoxing Chen.

Among the tens of thousands of students, most of the "cow children" like Liao Ruoxing and Chen suddenly stopped after the preliminary and semi-finals.

3. The Sun, the Moon and Chen Chen

Pronunciation: [rü yuè sh ü nché n]

Interpretation: Chen Shen: Betelgeuse and Antares, which appear in the sky in different ways. Metaphor means disagree, right.

Source: Yuan Xiao Dexiang's "Killing Dogs to Persuade Husbands" is the first discount: "It's not that I hate my brother. He, he, he doesn't consider the flesh and blood of his father and mother, but he and I are the sun and the moon. "

Make sentences:

We are like the sun, the moon and the stars, which can be met but not sought. Time has never brought us closer.

I am my sister, but she treats me like the sun and the moon.

4. Beichen Star Arch


Interpretation: Beichen: Polaris; Arch: Probably. Polaris is high and motionless, surrounded by stars. In the old days, it was a metaphor for governing the country and implementing moral policies, and the world would be United. Later, it was also a metaphor for people who were supported by the audience.

Source: Pre-Qin Confucius "The Analects of Confucius Governing Politics": "If Beichen lives in its place, the stars are * * *."

Make sentences:

Our old headmaster is the North Star Arch of the whole school.

Teacher Li is kind and open-minded, and is regarded as the star arch of Beichen by the students.

5, the morning of frost and dew

Pronunciation: [Shuāng lüzh and ché n]

Definition: refers to the birthdays of parents and ancestors.

Source: Qing Pu Songling's "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" Bai Yuyu: "When the frost is exposed, you need to ask your father's house, and your mother will tell you."

3. What are the four-character idioms with beautiful words?

Fly in the ointment, perfect, beautiful, perfect, beautiful, perfect, inexpensive, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. To be beautiful, to be beautiful as an adult, to be beautiful as a moving person, to admire, to be beautiful as a predator, to praise, to be perfect, to be beautiful as rain, to be perfect, to be beautiful in behavior, to be beautiful in tongue, to be beautiful in wine and food, to be artistic, to be afraid of beauty, to have ample food and clothing, to be beautiful in medicine and stone, to be beautiful in hands, to be beautiful in herbs, to be beautiful in words and to be beautiful in harmony.

4. Beautiful five-character mantra, beautiful words, beautiful and prosperous four-character, winning love, learning from bitter experience, tender feelings like water, falling in the moonlight, dreaming slightly, the residual flowers defeated the willows, the summer flowers are still performing reincarnation, a touch of red dust, drinking all the joys and sorrows, childlike innocence, deviant, two worries, not forgetting peace of mind, joys and sorrows, nowhere to put, and. Waiting for death. Dreams are closely connected with the soul. Half-life, Chen Chong. Treasure your life. Separate isolation. Wandering alone. Can't worry. The past, blowing in the wind. Young and ignorant. Inner world. A vicious smile. Twilight and beautiful city. Feel free to try beauty. The movie is over. Forget romance. Dream back to the old scene. It's not what it used to be. Forget it. Smile in the corner of your eye. Obsessed with absolute. She was at a loss. Looking back. If you dream, it will be warm at night and warm in summer. You were drunk and dreamed of death. Bring up that old story again You live like a dream. The pain of falling. It will only increase your sadness. This is just a fate. Bloody roses Frustrated love. I really love you. That's it. Let it be. Put the cart before the horse. No news. A glimpse. Never leave. Love each other. The years have not changed. Streams break easily. Feelings have faded. There is no smoke on the cloud. If you keep your distance. You are eager to wear them. Customs are varied. Fireworks swamp. Streams in prosperous times. Who remembers being in the clouds? Every grain of dust is pure. Wandering warblers are half-lives. Like love. It is getting dark. Try to see the spring remnant. Understatement. Light of the city. Self-knowledge. That's it. This is not over. This is only the first time. This is sheer nonsense. It's flowing water. It's not years. If time stops. Unconsciously. No pain. A gray sky. Obsession is fragile. It's heartbreaking Don't be crying. False feelings. Short is better than much. Water under the bridge. Time flies. The sunshine is beautiful. The weather is hot and cold. Too careless. No pain. If it's the first time, it's half a song, insincere and insincere. There is no door, and there is no trace. In late autumn, fish sink and geese fall, and the past is like smoke. The years are like songs and dreams. Yesterday, the joys and sorrows are closed, the flowers are ashamed, the idiots say that dreams are useless, and I am drunk on a tropical island. It backfired. Looking back, I completely disappeared. Things have changed. The past is melancholy. I confess loudly. Lost love. The end of the world The last day. My life is as beautiful as a flower. I'm lonely. People have already sung it. I feel sorry for myself. My face is full of troubles. My hair is beautiful. It's like life. Sky, warm wind in summer night, empty corner, clear clouds and light smoke, Toona sinensis jungle, charming countryside, blooming flowers and falling flowers, sealing love and dancing rhyme, returning air, paving forests, playing with wind and rain, copying memories, talking silently in the morning, superficial world, replacing food with cigarettes, smiling at the eyes of the world, losing face, slowing heart, tearing heart and lungs, messy in the wind, and being alone in the grass.