Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does metaphysics include? Can science explain it? Science or superstition?

What does metaphysics include? Can science explain it? Science or superstition?

What does metaphysics include? Can science explain it? Science or superstition? The original meaning of science is beyond our understanding. The original meaning refers to "discipline" and "specialty", which we misuse.

Before Copernicus, the sun went around the earth and was called science. Later, the earth went around the sun, which was called science. What do you mean by science?

Metaphysics has a preconceived definition, and any right or wrong should be judged by practice. Without our own practice, we can't talk nonsense about what is science, what is pseudoscience and what is superstition, otherwise we will make subjectivist mistakes and become unscientific.

Don't be influenced by the preconceptions of these labels. Don't be subjective, be objective, and don't follow the trend without verification, otherwise it is unscientific and the biggest superstition.

Whether Taoism is a science or a naive science is a real superstition. Remember! Science is a tool to constantly discover the unknown, and it is by no means an eternal truth. If home is attached to science, then Taoism is also scientific. You got it?

Is science superstition? From "superstition science is the biggest superstition", does it mean that superstition science is superstition, or that science is superstition? Some problems ~ Science is not superstition, but truth.

Whether China's metaphysics is superstitious or really a science is neither superstitious nor scientific. If it must be explained in the name of western scholarship, it is between science and philosophy.

Is geomantic omen superstition or science? One life, two fortunes, three geomantic omen, four virtues and five studies.

Life is the starting line.

Luck is the trajectory of life.

Feng shui is just a catalyst.

Doing good and accumulating virtue is the most rewarding thing.

Reading can change the quality of life.

In ancient times, people who were not good at math could not engage in Feng Shui!

Looking at Feng Shui from the perspective of idealism is superstition;

Looking at Feng Shui from the materialistic point of view, it is a science and a philosophy of harmony between man and nature!

China has a history of at least 5000 years, while science has only 300 years. We can't classify everything that modern science can't explain as superstition!

Is geomantic omen science or superstition? Geomantic omen is a comprehensive subject that integrates geophysics, geomagnetism and blood, hydrogeology, environmental landscape blood, architecture, meteorology, cosmology and human life science.

In the process of survival and development, human beings are always influenced by the above natural factors. Therefore, in order to survive and develop better, human beings must learn to "know, use, transform and conform to nature". It is also the four principles of Feng Shui.

From the topographic map analysis, Feng Shui believes that the Long Mai in the world originated from Kunlun Mountain. Geography holds that Kunlun Mountain is the roof of the world. It extends in all directions, and there are five main roads in all directions, among which three Long Mai are in China.

(3) Long Mai: 1, the root dragon and the vein: it is a vast area north of the Yellow River. 2. Long Mai: South of the Yellow River and north of the Yangtze River. 3. Looking for the dragon and the pulse: it is a vast area south of the Yangtze River. These three dry dragons originated in the northwest and headed southeast. China has formed a terrain that is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, "the sky is smaller than the northwest and the ground is smaller than the southeast".

Therefore, geomantic omen is a comprehensive subject integrating astronomy and geography. Based on natural things, yin and yang and five elements are the rules. It involves natural environmentology, geological geography, hydrology, ecology, landscape, aesthetics, biology, geophysics, architecture and moral theory, and is a comprehensive subject to study the relationship between nature and people.

The natural objects represented by the Eight Diagrams, such as dry sky, Kun land, thunder, wandering wind, water, fire and mountains and rivers, are exactly the elements that Feng Shui must use.

What science cannot explain is superstition. What is science and why should it be explained? It refers to the knowledge that has been discovered, accumulated and recognized, the application of universal truth or theorem, and it has been systematized and formulated. Science is the summary, induction and authentication of the known world through data calculation, text explanation, language explanation and image display that the public can understand; Science is not the only way to know the world, but it is fair and consistent, and it is the most reliable practical method to explore the objective world. Science, which means learning by subject, later refers to gradually forming a complete knowledge system through careful classification (such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.). ). It is the knowledge about the practice of discovery, invention and creation, and it is the general name of the knowledge system for human beings to explore, study and understand the changing laws of everything in the universe.

Science is an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanation and prediction of the form and organization of objective things. In an ancient and closely related sense, "science" also refers to the discipline itself that can reasonably explain and reliably apply knowledge.

Is the constellation science or superstition? Some people think that astrology is just nonsense or childish things; Others regard astrology as a god, regardless of size. Look at the astrological results before making a decision. But obviously these ideas are extreme and bad.

Personally, I think astrology is a kind of statistics, a kind of statistics that classifies human personality characteristics. Through the year, month, day, time and place of birth, a unique star chart can be obtained, and a person's personality characteristics can be known through analysis. [Note: I read some articles recently, citing the difference between astrology and statistics, and denying that astrology is statistics. It seems that astrology is becoming more and more mysterious! 〕

Some people question the accuracy of astrological divination and think that the result of astrological divination is sometimes wrong, so they arbitrarily think that astrological divination is just a deceptive thing. The person who said these words obviously lacked astrological knowledge. True astrology is not just the analysis of a single magazine constellation. Do you think that there are so many people in the world, and all of them add up to only twelve personalities? This is obviously impossible. Those who want to study astrology only by the weekly astrology of a magazine are undoubtedly insulting their wisdom.

I think astrology pays more attention to the analysis of personality characteristics than to predict the future divination. I dare say that 90% of the daily/weekly horoscopes are lies. The same verification method: people all over the world add up to only 12 experiences every day? I believe the answer is useless. Say more!

As far as astrology is concerned, a person has at least 22 representative constellations, namely the first to twelfth houses, the sun, the moon, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Each house and planet have different symbolic meanings, so the more representative constellations a person can provide, the more accurate the analysis of personality characteristics will be. The twelve constellations classified by birth date in magazines and newspapers are actually just the constellations represented by the sun (referred to as the Sun Constellation for short). Only one-twenty-two representative constellations are used to measure a person's personality characteristics, and the accuracy rate is naturally low! This is one of the reasons why people think that the results of astrology are out of date.

On this earth, no living thing can live alone. (biological theorem: all living things are dependents in the food chain. The better the coordination between organisms, the better the way of reproduction and survival of organisms. Back to the real world, we live in an interactive society. If we have a better relationship with the people around us, our life will naturally be more satisfactory. So how can we have good interpersonal relationships? Knowing yourself is a very important part. When you are familiar with the personality characteristics of yourself and the people around you, and then make appropriate adjustments, interpersonal relationships can naturally be properly improved. But as we all know, it is quite difficult to know yourself, and it takes a lot of time and spirit to really know others. In this respect, astrology can help us to some extent. Through each other's date of birth, we can understand each other's personality characteristics, thus shortening the time for us to adapt to a new interpersonal relationship.

For example, you are in an unfamiliar skyscraper, and suddenly the power goes out. You only have a flashlight on you, and no one is around. If it's just a fluke, will it take a long time to get out of the building? But if you hold the building plan, is it relatively easy to get out of the building?

Walking out of a building is like a life course, and astrology is like a building plan.

Of course, this metaphor is simplified, just to say that astrology can really play a certain auxiliary role in our lives, especially in knowing ourselves.

But it should be noted that astrology is not everything. Excessive reliance on astrology (especially those who are not proficient in learning) is bound to backfire. In fact, this is true of any type of divination. We must not blindly believe and avoid dependence. There is no 100% accurate divination in this world. Seriously, nothing is 100%. Can you find something mathematically 100% round? The answer is certainly impossible. Therefore, always remember that the results of divination can only be used as a "reference". Maybe the result of astrology is true in A, but in B, there may be deviation. There are too many variables in this world, so the results of astrology will have some errors in different situations. Therefore, we should understand the result of astrology "good use+analysis+textual research"!

"Before you know the whole thing, any conclusion is unreliable. 』

I hope that friends who are interested in astrology can understand astrology with a correct concept and mentality! : )

Constellation is a philosophical interpretation of life.

not bad

Induction of statistics and probability

Plus some old things.

Some are accurate and some are not.

If you believe it, you have it. If you don't believe it, you don't. I don't believe this thing ~

Science or superstition Science is a bird. Do you know what superstition is?