Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why did Myanmar move its capital to Naypyidaw in history?

Why did Myanmar move its capital to Naypyidaw in history?

/kloc-At the end of 0/9, the British colonists came to Myanmar, defeated the local armed forces, destroyed the feudal government organizations in Myanmar at that time, and turned them into colonies in South Asia. During the British colonial period, in order to dump Myanmar more conveniently, they directly chose Yangon, a coastal port city, as the capital of the Burmese colonial area.

With the passage of time, Yangon gradually replaced Mandalay, the former capital, and became the economic and political center of Myanmar, which surpassed other cities.

Even if it was submerged by the tsunami in the 1930s, it can develop rapidly again with its advantages. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, Myanmar simply did not move its capital after independence in 1948. After all, Yangon's infrastructure is perfect, and if it is the capital, its development will get better and better.

Actually, it is, isn't it? City of peace? Yangon enjoys a high reputation and has developed rapidly since Myanmar's independence. At the beginning of the 20th century, Yangon has become a famous city in Southeast Asia, even among the top 500 cities in the world.

But it is such a city, but in 2005, the Burmese government authorities suddenly announced that they would move the capital to Naypyidaw in the middle, which made the world very puzzled. After all, now is the era of economic globalization, and it is an international habit to make the capital a big city. Why did Myanmar move its capital to Naypyidaw?

After understanding the history and culture of Myanmar, many people seem to have found the answer, that is? Divination? , an ancient and far-reaching superstitious culture in Myanmar. Myanmar moved its capital in 2205. That year, there was no peace in Myanmar. At that time, there were continuous explosions in the capital Yangon, which even caused hundreds of casualties.

Seeing this phenomenon, the Burmese government began to move the capital through divination. After all? Divination moves the capital to avoid disaster? This kind of thing often happens in the history of Myanmar, such as the Kampong dynasty in Myanmar, not to mention that the leaders of Myanmar's military government have always believed in divination.

This makes more people think that Myanmar moved its capital because it was influenced by some feudal superstitions, which is a manifestation of ignorance. But this statement is actually untenable. Let's not talk about how unrealistic it is for modern countries to judge major decisions by superstitious divination.

To say the least, Myanmar actually moved its capital as early as 2003. When it moved its capital in 2005, all the infrastructure was already in the desolate Naypyidaw, which is the best proof. You know, moving the capital has always been a complicated and long-term project. It took several years for South Korea to move from Seoul to Sejong, and Myanmar will naturally not be too easy.

Therefore, it can't stand scrutiny to attribute the relocation of the capital to emergencies and ignorance in Myanmar. Obviously, Myanmar moved its capital in 2005 after years of secret preparation.

So, what made it abandon Yangon and set its capital in Naypyidaw?

In fact, in the final analysis, it is for the long-term stability of our country. Limited by the terrain, Myanmar has not been a strong country since ancient times. The only winner was the former pound dynasty, and there was no sense of existence in world history since then. There is no doubt that Myanmar is a small country, and moving the capital is also a helpless decision made by a small country to better protect itself, full of sorrow.

1, Yangon is located at the mouth of the sea, with obvious advantages and more obvious disadvantages. Its risk coefficient is higher than anywhere else. In case of war, Yangon has no strategic depth at all, and it is easy to be completely destroyed by the enemy? The easy capture by the Japanese army in 1942 is a concrete manifestation.

Therefore, after independence, the Myanmar government has always attached great importance to the coastal defense around Yangon, and the proportion of military expenditure used to protect Yangon has always been extremely high. But even so, Myanmar is constrained by its national strength, and its maritime military prevention and control is still vulnerable compared with big countries.

Although the United States seems to get along well with Myanmar today, it is weak after all. Who knows if it will be the next Iraq? After all, there is a lesson from the past, and Myanmar still needs some sense of urgency. Since coastal defense can't be completely safe, choose to move the capital to avoid disaster! Myanmar is not the only country that does this kind of thing, and it is better than South Korea's move to Sejong, which can avoid the edge of North Korea.

Where is the best place to move? Naypyidaw, of course. Naypyidaw is located in the mountains. If there is a war, the enemy will attack from the coastal areas. There are hundreds of kilometers of strategic depth from the landing point to the capital, and there are many natural war barriers along the way. It is impossible to threaten the security of the capital in a short time, and it can give Myanmar enough buffer time to prepare for the war.

And Naypyidaw is located in the valley, surrounded by mountains. If Naypyidaw is occupied, the Burmese military government can learn from the Vietnamese experience in the war of resistance and move to the mountainous areas for lasting guerrilla resistance. Moreover, the Burmese government and some local armed forces in Myanmar often have exchange of fire experience, and the Burmese army has extremely rich experience in jungle operations.

In other words, from the perspective of national prevention and control, Naypyidaw has always been a strategic city with super defensive nature.

2. Furthermore, although Myanmar is a unified country on the surface, there are actually many armed separatist regimes, especially the Wa, Kachin and Shan States in northern Myanmar.

These separatist regimes fought against the Burmese government by virtue of their natural geographical location in mountainous areas. After decades of efforts since World War II, the Myanmar government has not been able to incorporate or eliminate all these armed forces. Even now, these separatist forces in northern Myanmar are still making noise, which makes Myanmar miserable and greatly hinders its national stability.

So clean up these remnants of World War II? Civil strife? Chaos is the most important thing in Myanmar now.

When Myanmar made Yangon its capital, it was natural to deploy a large number of military forces in the south to protect the security of the capital because of the high risk factor, which led to a relatively weak demand for deploying military forces in the north, so that these separatist forces dared to continue to confront the Central Army and even once gained the upper hand.

However, after the new government of Myanmar moved to Naypyidaw, it was different. After moving the capital, Myanmar can move more military forces to the north, so that more military forces can suppress these separatist forces in the north and realize the real reunification within Myanmar as soon as possible.

After Myanmar moved its capital to the north, the effect of the Myanmar government in cracking down on local armed forces was quite obvious. With the continuous deployment of Myanmar military forces to the north, many small independent armed forces began to accept the establishment of Myanmar government forces.

In 2005, Vice Foreign Minister Wu Maomin of Myanmar announced when he moved the capital. Yangon is the capital decided by the colonists and does not represent the will of the Burmese people; Naypyidaw, located in the central part of the country, has strong radiation capacity and is conducive to government administration. ?

This speech is very informative, and everyone understands the superficial meaning. Not much to say here. The main thing is to dig the deep meaning inside. This sentence is actually addressed to the separatist forces in northern Myanmar.

From this sentence, we can catch a key word? Convenient for government administration? In fact, this policy has two meanings. One is that the soft way and the radiation from the capital can give enough policy support to the northern part of Myanmar; One is the hard way. If you don't obey, it will be convenient to use military means.

This sentence not only benefited North Myanmar, but also shocked North Myanmar. In the final analysis, moving the capital is to better solve the problem of civil strife.

Indeed, from an economic point of view, Naypyidaw is indeed the best choice for Myanmar as the national capital. Because the economic foundation has been built, its internal radiation effect is obviously stronger than that of Naypyidaw, which has a weak foundation. If the capital is always located here, it won't do any harm economically.

But no matter how good a country's economic development is, what's the use if its national defense is not guaranteed? Before moving the capital to Myanmar, there were powerful enemies outside, and the civil strife in northern Myanmar never stopped. As a small country, Myanmar cannot give consideration to both survival and economy, so it can only choose between survival and economy. Obviously, Myanmar has chosen security.

Myanmar's move to the capital was sad and a loss at that time, but it was also a helpless move for a small country to stabilize the country. After all, the economy has declined a little, and it can still come back; But if the country is gone, there is really nothing. Iraq is a typical example.