Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Did Xu Fu bring Japanese descendants of 3000 boys and girls?

Did Xu Fu bring Japanese descendants of 3000 boys and girls?

Are the boys and girls brought by Xu Fu descendants of the Japanese? In Sima Qian's Historical Records, such a thing was recorded:

Many Qi people recorded that there are three sacred mountains in the sea, named Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou, where immortals live. Please hurry and beg with boys and girls. The record of this incident is more like a legend. It is recorded here that Sima Qian was Xu Fu, a Chinese character, an alchemist of Qin Dynasty, and was once a physician of Qin Shihuang and a native of Qi State. In his later years, Qin Shihuang searched everywhere for elixir of life. Xu Fu wrote to Qin Shihuang, suggesting that there are three fairy mountains on the sea, Penglai, abbot and Yingzhou, where immortals live. If they go by boat, they may get the elixir of life.

You know, Qin Shihuang pursued immortality in his later years and gave alchemist Xu Fu a huge sum of money to find medicine. However, Xu Fu lived a fairy-like life with this huge sum of money.

But as time went on, Xu Fu also knew that it would be hard for him not to give the elixir to Qin Shihuang. The only way to save yourself is to run away. So, he told Qin Shihuang that there were three fairy mountains on the sea, and he got food, farm tools, seeds and things needed for life, and many talents and 3000 boys and girls. Then, put all this on a big ship, anchor eastward and sail into the vast sea.

Then, Xu Fu led many people on the island and told them that if they couldn't find the elixir, they would die if they went back. It is better to reclaim wasteland here and survive. So, with the help of Xu Fu, these people reclaimed land and turned a desolate island into fertile land. Later, when all the boys and girls reached marriageable age, Xu Fu married them, and everyone worked here and thrived.

After Xu Fu died, they buried him on the island. According to textual research, the island Xu Fu arrived at is Kyushu Island in Japan today. Some people suspect that the Japanese are really descendants of three thousand boys and girls brought by Xu Fu?

According to the research of scientists. Modern genetic testing and linguistics have proved that there are great differences between Japanese and China in blood. Japan's Yamato ethnic group is a mixed ethnic group of Japanese mainland+Manchuria, Korean peninsula immigrants+a small number of Han Chinese immigrants+other immigrants. It can be proved that before the arrival of Xu Fu, other islands in Japan had been inhabited and lived, and the Japanese only had their own ethnic origin.

As for whether Xu Fu has the possibility of being an emperor. You know, Xu Fudong's crossing took place around 200 BC, and Japan was in the early Yayoi period. At this point in time when Chui Fu might arrive in Japan, there was no drastic cultural upgrading in Japan, so Chui Fu would not be an emperor.

In Japan, Xu Fu's position is very lofty, and it is a bit unorthodox to say that Xu Fu is not the ancestor of the Japanese. Scholar Mr. Peng has made detailed statistics. The number of Xu Fu remains left by Japan is amazing, including more than 50 tombs, shrines, historical sites and temples, more than 20 landing sites and more than 30 legends and stories. Moreover, Fu is regarded as a god of medicine and agriculture, and there are special sacrificial activities every year, just for the famous warlock Xu Fu.

The writing and Confucianism brought by Xu Fu and his party also had a far-reaching impact on Japanese society. So, the Japanese regard Xu Fufeng as? Saturnalia? Medicine god? God of textiles? There's a reason.