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Sausage Party rapier gets raider.

Sending sausages to opponents Many friends don't know the refreshing point of rapier and how to get it, and they don't know how to play rapier. Today, Bian Xiao will take you to understand the acquisition strategy of the sausage party rapier;

How to get Rapier, the opponent of sausage pie;

There are two refresh points in the no-fly zone, and the map scale is too small. Usually, the rapier will be on the route it can fly.

Personally, I don't recommend that dog parties go to places with place names, because those who dare to go generally have some strength.

If it is a rapier in a wild area, we can go to the nearest wild spot (the kind of only a few families) to search for some materials, and then immediately reach the refreshing point in the rapier to get the rapier. Note: Not 100% can get the rapier, it depends on luck. Go to the scene as soon as you get the sword If there is a vehicle, leave immediately. If there is no vehicle, you can choose the nearest house or bush (the grass on the ground will not be exposed in the distance, so climbing is like a target) to raise a rapier.

If it's multiplayer mode, I suggest going directly. If someone is chasing and feels powerless to resist, you can go to the housing area, find a temporary safe place and stop. Never move out and kill each other when they are at their biggest pace. If many people try to make up for it, it's mixed up.

② For the rapier with a place name, if this place is rich and the rapier is in the city (such as crooked city, warehouse, school, mountainside town), I suggest crouching nearby and waiting for someone to pull out the rapier and kill it. If you are in danger of death, you'd better leave the scene. If it is a thin sword located outside the city (such as forest park, landscape manor, no-fly zone), we can squat in the nearby bushes. There is a very important point here: when flying high, try to make the players who want to go to town think that you are leaving here, so as to ensure that they will not hit you when they find the gun. When the rapier appears, we will quickly go forward and pull it out, then leave the scene, try to find a vehicle to go, and proceed in a planned way. If you are slow, you may be killed by gunmen. After leaving, we will find a wild spot to develop. If the door of the field is open or there is a gunshot, we can sneak up and kill or leave directly. If we choose to touch it.

When you grow up, it depends on your choice. Try to be steady and don't despise people who hit you in the distance. The attack routine is capsule, close combat, and then swing wildly. Be careful that there must be a bunker, otherwise the rapier will not work well. That's it.