Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Stealing stars in September means that October is the best actor in issue 194? Liu xing's best supporting actor?

Stealing stars in September means that October is the best actor in issue 194? Liu xing's best supporting actor?

Liu Xing is the main character,,, Don't worry,, I decided from the beginning,

Evidence 1: kissed Liu Xing's forehead in September; Evidence 2: Ryukyu played on the coast of Malacca in September and did not fight back in September; Evidence 3: On Christmas Eve, in September, the fallen rose that Liu Xing confessed was put in a vase; Evidence 4: Liu Xing personally said to September: I want to confess to Master; Evidence 5: Liu Xing said to protect September, even if it became smaller and disappeared, September was shocked. Evidence 6: The cover of the second volume of Stealing Stars in September is ninety-six, but none of the singles has a cover of ninety. Evidence 7: When Xiaoxue and Father Bazidar were killed, their whereabouts were unknown. When Liu Xing came home, she couldn't help crying when she thought of Xiaoxue's various expressions (including madness). At that time, the relationship with Liu Xing was not good enough.

Evidence 8: I was very sad when I learned that Liu Xing had a girlfriend in September. Evidence 9: When Liu Xing saw Lan Xue again, he couldn't help running forward to hug Lan Xue. When Zizik tried to hug Lan Xue, Lan Xue kicked him angrily. When Qi Baishi said "you are partial", he glared at him. When Liu Xing hugged Lan Xue, Lan Xue blushed! Evidence 10: In September, Liu Xing was said to be his chosen person. Evidence 1 1: She saved Liu Xing and left a card for Liu Xing, which said, "Give you an encouraging kiss!" "And left a lip print. Evidence 12: February said, "Brother May, why does Sister September have a crush on such a fool? "That February thought that September had a crush on Liu Xing. As the saying goes, the eyes of the masses are discerning. Evidence 13: When Tu Milla spoiled Liu Xing and invited him to dance, Liu Xing agreed in a daze. At that time, she was very angry. Qi chic invited her to dance, but she refused, indicating that she was jealous. She said at that time: Damn, it's disgusting! Evidence 14: The bracelet given to Liu Xing in September has special power. Dr. Q said, "That bracelet was extracted from many treasures with great efforts, but you gave it away so easily." "Not just for the sake of ryukyu and star that boy's safety? In May and February, two idiots found out. How could I not know? "That bracelet is very precious, but in September, I gave it to Ryukyu without hesitation, or gave it to Ryukyu, which shows how much Lan Xue cares about Ryukyu. Evidence 15: The title of the 34th comic is: Go on a date! The picture shows Soft Light 96! Evidence 16: Liu xing did not hesitate to help Liu xing fight the masked thieves in September when he was performing the task of VV college. Evidence 17: When I was in new york, I personally bandaged Liu Xing in September, and I said a word with great distress. Evidence 19: When I was in the foggy city, Liu Xing took me to September with cloud control. When she said that we were old acquaintances, Liu Xing blushed and almost ran into the wall. Evidence 20: The conversation between February and March when I was in new york: "Will you spare you if you kill his September sister?" "You don't understand, girls like this kind of stupidity, which will satisfy their sympathy ..." Evidence 21:In September, Liu Xing said against Ajie, "Come on, everyone depends on you. Then Liu Xing thought, "It's the voice of Xiaoxue." ... I still have important people to protect ... "Evidence 22: Liu Xing sent a" cloud of love "in September, which was said in the preview to be the best gift. Evidence 23: Liu Xing fell asleep on his leg in September, and everyone was angry but not in September. Evidence 24: Lan Xue personally made a Shuai Shuai hairstyle for Liu Xing. Evidence 25: When saving people in Fog City, Liu Xing accidentally took the wrong love letter to Lan Xue. Evidence 26: In September, I dreamed that Liu Xing defeated October. In the dream, Liu Xing said that he would be his man after September. Evidence 27: Liu Xing is the hero and Lan Xue (September) is the heroine. Don't trust me. Evidence 28: In September, when Liu Xing faced a crisis, she betrayed Pojun in order to save her. Evidence XXIX: When K was preparing to hurt September, Liu Xing blocked K's attack. September was awake, and the one in September was very sad at that time ~ Evidence XXXX: In September, she dreamed that she had sunk into the bottom of the sea, and Liu Xing appeared at this time. Evidence 3 1: In order to help develop the seventh sense in September, Liu Xing and Pojun reached an agreement. After knowing the truth, he said "anytime" to Liu Xing in September. Evidence 32: Stealing Star 2 19, Liu Xing gave September a hug and thought, "... now he is a person who can protect everyone ..." At that time, September's eyes were bright. Evidence 33: On the cover of Koeman 166, the introduction about stealing stars is: 96 fetters, cp devil! Evidence 34: When Koeman 174 Tanabata Special Edition launched CP, there were nine dragons, but there were no ninety. Evidence 35: When Ryukyu hugs Diana, September is murderous ... Evidence 36: When kissing Ryukyu in September, it is repeated many times: Cinderella ... Evidence 37: Stealing stars, whether it is MK cover or title page, it is October but September. (September has never treated October like this) Evidence 38: Once in September, I hit Liu Xing, and many post-90s people were very happy. Have you ever heard of "beating is kissing and scolding is love"? Evidence 39: In the reply of 2 19, Liu Xing said, "Go and find it, and don't let Pojun die in vain!" September: "What about you? Liu Xing said, "I'll stall them!" "I was worried about September at that time, and" ... "showed that she didn't want Liu Xing to take risks. She used to beat Liu Xing, but she was also worried about him. Evidence 40: I don't want to wake up. The picture of October embracing September (actually Lilith) is not big, but the picture of Ryukyu embracing September is very big! Evidence 4 1: After the agreement, the CP of MK may be: 120%, and it will continue to be 360%! There are many contracts and agreements between Ryukyu and Ryukyu. Evidence 42: Before going to Malacca, Liu Xing said to the "sleeping" September, "I really want to see you dressed as a maid". As a result, although Liu Xing made everyone miserable in September after he came back, he really wore a maid's dress! Evidence 43: I don't know if you bought MK23. The cover reads: Love's rescue action, watch Prince Liu Xing save the trapped princess in September! This shows that Ryukyu is a prince and September is a princess! Evidence 44: Ninety-six wore a pair of shoes, the ones that Ryukyu slept in September. And wearing a couple's costume in October and September is what October wants. Evidence 45: In Conan, a couple Xiaolan kept his second identity secret-Conan, they are lovers. Kuaidou hides his second identity from Qing Zi-Kidd, Kuaidou and Qing Zi are lovers, and Xiaoxue also hides his second identity from Liu Xing-September Day. Evidence 46: Quarrel is the best couple phenomenon. 90% don't bicker much, and they bicker soon after meeting. Evidence 47: Pink blue is a very matching color, far better than pink white. Evidence 48: The title page given by Liu Xing to Clouds of Love in September is very similar to a stable picture of three or four. Evidence 49: If Liu Xing didn't send away the clouds, could the seventh sense be developed in September? Evidence 50: Liu Xing's father said that he would marry the rich woman into the house quickly. Father's adult has spoken, why not do it quickly?