Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Kang Gong Riding Crown Sword 4-4 Samsung Collection and Mission Completion Raiders

Kang Gong Riding Crown Sword 4-4 Samsung Collection and Mission Completion Raiders

The raiders of the collection and task completion of Kanggong riding Guanjian 4-4 Samsung, the surfing and divination task of Kanggong riding Guanjian 4-4 is a difficult task, and some players don't know the collection and task completion of 4-4 Samsung. Let's introduce it to you in the following small series ~

Kang Gong Riding Crown Sword 4-4 Samsung Collection and Mission Completion Raiders

Figure 4-4 is as follows

1. Surfing hasn't finished collecting Canterbury coins. You can make up later. You can re-enter the map. A businessman NPC will appear in the place where the surfing story was originally triggered, and you can experience surfing after the conversation.

2, brazier This is a game that puzzles players. Don't waste time here, just go ahead and get through.

Less than a second after the torch burned, the brazier went out.

In the task of guessing coins, the fortune teller can crack her scam without guessing that the jar was blown up by a bomb.