Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why did the winner of the Turing-Ingmar duel die young?

Why did the winner of the Turing-Ingmar duel die young?

Some people say that the ability of top mathematicians can be used? Scary? So, describe Allen, a mathematical genius? Ma Xisen. Is the duel between Turing and Engelmar such a case? Scary? Process. Engeni password is not a person, but a cipher machine. This cipher machine killed many people in World War II, and Turing was the terminator of this cipher machine.

Now we know that everything in this world can be digitized, especially computers and artificial intelligence? Skills? Because they can connect the symbols of pure mathematics with the physical world. And the first person to open this connection is a great name ~ Allen? Ma Xisen. Turing is known as the father of computer and artificial intelligence, a mathematical wizard and a top master of mathematics.

In World War II, Nazi Germany invented the horrible? Engel cipher machine? .

How powerful is this cipher machine? It inputs a letter and outputs any letter. In this way, even if the allies intercepted this password, they didn't know what to say and saw a bunch of garbled codes. The Germans themselves, as long as they have the corresponding deciphering machine, can decipher it easily.

This cipher machine subverts any previous password setting method, and its random change ability of keys can reach 1.59x10.20 kinds, that is,1.59 trillion possibilities. Engeni code password eliminates the possibility of artificial cracking, because anyone can't count a billion digits in his life, let alone crack it. It has been calculated that if 10 people spend their whole lives trying to verify all the possibilities of this password, it will take at least 20 million years to fully verify it.

Therefore, the British can only watch their warships, planes and soldiers suffer heavy losses and do nothing. British intelligence pinned its hopes on the maverick mathematician Turing. 1939 In September, they found Turing and recruited him to work in the Communication Office of the British Foreign Office. The main task is to decipher the Engney code.

As soon as Turing came into contact with this password, he knew that it was impossible to decipher it by manpower. He remembered that it was designed by 1936? Turing machine? This is a universal machine that can assist mathematical research. In this machine, the symbols of pure mathematics are connected with the outside world in a logical way for the first time, which is the embryonic form of computer and artificial intelligence.

Turing ended the war two years ago.

1940, Turing led his team and developed a password cracker? Bobby. (above), also known as? Bomb? , completely cracked the German thought impregnable password machine Engeney password, thus? Cured? Allied forces? Glaucoma? And then what? Cataracts? The allied forces knew all about the German movement from blindness to ignorance, thus avoiding all kinds of blows from the Germans and giving them a heavy blow. The rules of war changed and the Germans retreated one after another.

Bobby. It was classified as top secret and was completely destroyed after the war. The Allies also used the confusing tactics that it was difficult to distinguish between true and false, so they didn't let the Germans know that their passwords had been cracked, so from time to time they had to pay a small price for greater victories, and many soldiers had to cover up? Bobby. And sacrifice, they don't know why they died. But when the war ended two years ago, how many soldiers and civilians were saved?

Just as the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, although hundreds of thousands of people were killed or injured directly or indirectly, it prompted Japan to surrender unconditionally in advance, which prevented the allied forces from entering Japan and reduced the casualties of millions of soldiers and civilians. If we really want to enter the mainland, China also belongs to the Allies. Of course, we will send troops to enter, and many people will die.

It was in this confusion that the Germans didn't find out that their passwords were cracked until the end of the war, because they were too confident in their Engeni passwords, and the final collapse of the Nazis was largely stifled by Turing's genius.

Turing became a hero, but his life ended in tragedy.

Because of Turing's outstanding contribution, he was awarded the highest hero award by the British government-the Medal of Honor of the British Empire (O. b. e) 1945. After that, Turing ended his work in the British Foreign Office and returned to the theoretical computer research that was going on before the war, trying to develop a specific computer.

From then on, Turing began the research and design of automatic computer. He wrote a 50-page ACE design specification, and the first ACE prototype was made according to this design concept. 1949, turing became the deputy director of the computer laboratory of Manchester university, responsible for the earliest real computer ~? Munster one? With the development of software theory, he became the first scientist in the world to really use computers for mathematical research.

1950, Turing wrote and published the Computer Programmer's Manual in Manchester, and later put forward the famous? Turing test? ; 195 1 year, turing published another paper, "can machines think?" 195 1 year, became a member of the royal society at the age of 39. From 65438 to 0952, he resigned as a researcher at King's College, Cambridge University, and devoted himself to research at the University of Mü nster. He also serves as a consultant for Franti, which manufactures automatic digital computers.

But it didn't last long. Just as Turing devoted himself to research and made a major breakthrough in his career, his genius creation came to an abrupt end because of persecution.

The personality defect incompatible with the secular world ruined Turing's life and career.

1On June 7th, 954, Turing was found dead in his bed with a bitten apple on it. After testing, the apple was soaked in highly toxic cyanide, and the conclusion was suicide. Twenty-two years later, on 1976, an Apple company appeared in the United States, which brought the first personal computer to the market, subverted the way people used computers, and thus set off a computer revolution, especially their mobile phones, leading the century's changes.

Coincidentally, Apple's logo is a bitten apple. Many people think it was designed to commemorate Turing, the father of computers, but others think it is just a coincidence. In any case, this episode also shows that Turing's influence is still in the world.

Turing's death was related to his sexual orientation. Being gay was not allowed by law at that time. Turing was harmed by a same-sex partner and was punished by law. This Turing sexual partner's name is Arnold? Murray, they met in 195 1 and became partners. I didn't expect this to lead the wolf into the house.

Once, Turing found that someone was stealing at home, and he chose to call the police. As a result, the thief became Murray's accomplice. During the trial, the homosexual relationship between Turing and Murray was exposed. In order to reduce the guilt, Murray asked his lawyer to defend Turing's encouragement and temptation to fall. Turing was arrested for homosexuality, which he could have denied? Crime? However, his unyielding personality does not allow him to tell lies. He not only admitted that it happened, but also thought it was his private affair, and wrote a five-page statement to explain it clearly.

Turing's crime was solved and convicted? Obvious obscenity and sexual reversal? Sin. The court gave him two choices, one was imprisonment for two years, and the other was chemical castration. He chose the latter, that is, compulsory injection of estrogen 1 year. So he lived a humiliating life under the side effects of drugs, during which he experienced unspeakable torture such as the continuous development of breasts. In the end, he chose to leave the world he could not tolerate quietly. His life and career came to an abrupt end at the age of 4 1.

Top math masters are not ordinary people, so they are often tolerated by the world.

Turing is no exception. Turing was born in London, England on June 23rd, 2002. In fact, he is also one? Stay? A child, whose father worked in India, accompanied by his mother, rarely saw his parents since childhood and only lived with his brother John. Perhaps it is this environment that makes him different from others since he was a child.

Turing is withdrawn, taciturn, hates trifles, has a tendency to refuse to communicate, and is immersed in his own world all day. His hair is untidy, his shirt hangs down from his trousers, his tie is wrapped around his collar at will, his buttons are often buttoned wrong, and even his shoes are put on backwards. He thinks there is no difference between his left foot and his right foot. His expression of things is straightforward, and his likes and dislikes are completely displayed in front of people. This is the impression that Turing left in people's hearts when he was a teenager.

He is obviously obsessed with mathematics at school, but ignores the study of basic courses, so he is a bully in mathematics and a scum in other disciplines. He hated the school system and thought it bound and deprived him of his leisurely life, so he was almost expelled from school. The evaluation that the school gave him:? He knows nothing about impoliteness, dirty writing and chaotic graphics. ,? He shouldn't stay in this grade like this. Is this ridiculous? Wait a minute.

He is a maverick, he is not an ordinary person, so this secular world dominated by ordinary people can hardly tolerate this? Aliens? His stubbornness, paranoia and pride may be the cause of his tragedy.

But there is no doubt about his genius, which showed up very early.

Turing could understand Einstein's theory of relativity when he was 15 years old. It is said that only 300 people in the world could understand it at that time. In order to help his mother understand the theory of relativity, he wrote a detailed outline of the theory of relativity, which showed a strong mathematical level and scientific understanding. In middle school, Turing's unique mathematical genius earned him the Golden Shield of Mathematics from King Edward VI of England of England.

Later, his mathematical talent was discovered and affirmed all the way. 193 1 year, Turing was admitted to King's College, Cambridge University, and won a mathematics scholarship for his excellent performance. 1935, his first math paper? Almost periodic equivalence between left and right? Published in the Journal of the London Mathematical Society. In the same year, he also wrote? About Gaussian error function? A penny. He is only 23 years old this year. These achievements made him directly elected as a researcher at King's College by a college student, and won the famous Smith Prize in Mathematics in Britain the following year, becoming one of the most outstanding graduates of King's College.

Secularism finally tolerated Turing, who positioned himself as a genius and great man in history.

A generation of superstars fell prematurely, and people regretted not forgetting this pure mathematical genius. In 2009, British computer scientist Kang Ming launched a petition for Turing's rehabilitation online. Soon, the number of signatures supporting the petition exceeded 30 thousand, and then British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a formal apology statement.

20 12, famous scientist Stephen? William? Hawking and Paul? Nass (winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine), Martin? Rees (then president of the Royal Society) and others wrote to David, then British Prime Minister. Cameron, demanding Turing's rehabilitation; 20 13 12.24, British minister of justice Chris? Graylin asked the Queen of England to rehabilitate Turing, and the Queen finally pardoned Turing.

Graylin then announced:? Turing's later life was overshadowed by his homosexual orientation. We think that the judgment at that time was unfair, and now this discrimination has been abolished. To this end, the queen decided to pardon the great man to show her respect. ?

Later, Britain announced that it had pardoned all the past causes in history? Serious indecency law? Convicted homosexuals and bisexuals, and apologize to homosexuals convicted before 1967. This kind of legal change that turns the world upside down is called. Allen? Turing Act? .

In order to commemorate Turing's great contribution to computer science, the American Computer Society established the Turing Award in 1966, which honors scientists who have made outstanding contributions to computer science once a year. This award contains a lot of gold and is known as the Nobel Prize in computer science. 2019 July 15, Bank of England Governor Mark? Carney showed a new 50-pound note with Turing's head on it, and claimed that it was a great honor to enter circulation at the end of 20021.

Turing's achievements in science, especially in mathematical logic and computer science, are well known. He is known as the father of computer and artificial intelligence.

From this, we should get an understanding:

Top outstanding figures must not be secular, and secularity is not necessarily good and progressive. If our world were more tolerant, maybe Turing would not die, and he might make more changes for the progress of mankind.

There are still many scientists in the world who have been treated unfairly in the past and today, and these scientists are just changing the course of human civilization. They may all be a gear related to the future survival of mankind. I hope that such gears will not be damaged too much, which will eventually lead to the collapse of human civilization.

If this article can arouse 1 people's thinking, it is not written in vain; If it can arouse many people's thinking, it is gratifying. Thank you for reading and welcome to discuss.

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